Chen Yuqi, China, people of the Qing dynasty
任启运, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:任启运,清代学者。Ren Qiyun
吳歷, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吴历(1632年-1718年),本名启历,号渔山,桃溪居士,又号墨井道人。江苏常熟人,清代画家English: Wu Li, painter of the Qing Dynasty.
康有为, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:康有为(1858年3月19日-1927年3月31日),又名祖诒,字广厦,号长素,又号明夷、更甡、西樵山人、游存叟、天游化人,广东省南海县丹灶苏村人,人称康南海,中国政治家、思想家、教育家,光绪廿一年(1895年)进士,曾与弟子梁启超合作戊戌变法,后事败,出逃。他信奉孔子的儒家学说,并致力于将儒家学说改造为可以适应现代社会的国教,曾担任孔教会会长。English: KANG Youwei, politician... Mehr
李澄中, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李澄中,清代學者English: LI Chengzhong
梁鼎芬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:梁鼎芬(1859年-1919年),字星海,号节庵,中国广东番禺人。清末民初官员、学者。English: LIANG Dingfen, politician and scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
毕沅, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:毕沅(1730年-1797年),字纕蘅,号秋帆。江苏镇洋县(今太仓市)人。自号灵岩山人。清朝状元、学者、政治人物。English: BI Yuan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
潘奕雋, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:潘奕隽,字守愚,号榕皋,一号水云漫士。江苏吴县人。清朝官员、学者、书法家。English: PAN Yijun, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
瞿中溶, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:瞿中溶,清朝學者。Qu Zhongrong
萬斯同, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:万斯同,清代学者。Wan Sitong
譚獻, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yinti, Prince Xun and Consort, Qing Dynasty, China, people of the Qing...
Portrait of Yinti, Prince Xun (1688-1755), and Wife Public domain photograph of a 17th-century Chinese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tcitp d561 zee way zung - his sons - and business premises
zee way zung - his sons - and business premises
Bílý ďábel v Pekingu 41
Čeština: Fotografie E. S. Vráze z knihy Bílý ďábel v Pekingu - Čínský tkadlec
Foot binding- wealthy Chinese women
In Beijing in 1900 in the courtyard of a wealthy home. Photographed by James Ricalton in 1900 while he was in China covering the Boxer Rebellion for the American stereoview publisher Underwood & Underwood. :... Mehr
陆光熙 - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Lu Guangxi, official of the Qing Dynasty.中文:陆光熙(1878年-1911年),本名惠熙,字亮臣,顺天宛平人,本籍浙江萧山。清末翰林、官员。
Gendun, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Gendun, one of the leaders of the Mongolian Tribe Dorbet中文:杜尔伯特扎萨克固山贝子根敦
周星詒, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Zhou Xingyi Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
姚振宗, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:姚振宗,字海槎、金生,清代会稽(绍兴陶家堰)人。 藏书家姚仰云之子。其先世出自吴兴。道光二十二年(1842年)生于会稽,自幼好学,终生隐居著述,对历代正史《艺文志》和《经籍志》加以补撰、补注。光绪三十二年七月六日卒。著有《汉书艺文志拾补》、《汉书艺文志条理》、《后汉艺文志》等。English: Yao Zhenzong, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
曾燠, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:曾燠(1760年-1831年),字庶蕃,一字宾谷,南城(今属江西)人。清代官员,学者。English: ZENG Ao, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
桂文燿, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:桂文燿,清代學者。Gui Wenyao
鄂輝, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文(台灣): 《御筆平定臺灣二十功臣像贊》中的鄂輝畫像,2014年由紐約iGavel拍賣行拍賣。
陳沆, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:陳沆,清朝學者。Chen Hang Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
顧貞觀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:顾贞观(1637年-1714年),原名华文,字远平、华峰,号梁汾,无锡人,东林党人顾宪成曾孙。English: Gu Zhenguan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
吳信中, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Hongzhou - A painting of a man and two women in a garden
Hongzhou (1733-1765) was the 5th son of Emperor Yongzheng. Public domain photograph of 18th-century Chinese painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
張曾敭, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文: 张曾扬(1852年-1920年),字小帆,又字润生、抑仲,号静渊。直隶南皮(今属河北)人。清末政治人物。
Ge Yunfei, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:葛云飞(1789年-1841年),字鹏起[1],一字雨田[2],浙江省绍兴府山阴县人。清朝将领。第一次鸦片战争期间在定海与英军作战,壮烈殉国。English: Ge Yunfei(simplified Chinese: 葛云飞; traditional Chinese: 葛雲飛, 1789-1841) was a Chinese general of the Qing Dynasty. He served i... Mehr
Yinxi, the 21st son of Kangxi Emperor, China, people of the Qing dynas...
Yinxi, the 21st son of Kangxi Emperor中文:允禧,康熙帝第二十一子
周永年, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:周永年(1730年-1791年),字书昌,山东历城(今属济南市)人。 生而好学,“竭数十年博采旁搜之力,弃产营书”,筑贷书园,积书十万卷,供人阅读抄写,并倡“儒藏说”,成立“儒藏”,“俾古人著述之可传者,自今日永无散失,以与天下万世共读之。”[1]。有“林汲山房”,藏书达五万卷,绘“林汲山房图”。 乾隆三十六年进士,后因入馆编纂《四库全书》,钦赐翰林院庶吉士,散馆授编修,任“校勘永乐大典纂修兼分校官”,负责《... Mehr
張塤, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:张埙,清代学者。Zhang Xun Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
張貞, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:张贞,清代学者。Zhang Zhen Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
柳興恩, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:柳兴恩(1795—1880),原名兴宗,字宾叔,江苏丹徒人。晚清学者、诗文家。English: Liu Xingen, poet and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
梁章鉅, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:梁章钜(1775年-1849年),字闳中,又字茞林,号茞邻,晚号退庵。祖籍福建长乐县,清初徒居福州,自称福州人。清朝官員、學者。English: LIANG Zhangju, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
江聲, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:江声,清代学者。Jiang Sheng Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
湯斌, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:汤斌(1627年-1687年),字孔伯,别号荆岘,晚又号潜庵,卒谥文正。河南睢州(今睢县)人。清初文人。English: Tang Bin, scholar and politician of the Qing Dynasty.
秦松齡, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:秦松龄(1637年-1714年),字留仙,或字留仙、汉石、次椒,号对岩,晚号苍岘山人,室名微云堂。江南省常州府无锡县(今属江苏省无锡市)人,女词人王朗之子,清朝政治人物、经学家、诗人、词人。English: Qin Songling, politician and poet of the Qing Dynasty.
葉方藹, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:叶方蔼,清代学者。Ye Fang'ai
金錫齡, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
陸世儀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:陆世仪,清朝学者。Lu Shiyi
馮桂芬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:馮桂芬,清朝學者。Feng Guifen
魏裔介, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Wei Yijie, politician of the Qing Dynasty.中文:魏裔介(1616年-1686年),字石生,号贞庵,又号昆林。北直隶柏乡(今属河北省)人。清初政治人物。官至保和殿大學士。
Mukedenga (穆克登阿), Qing Dynasty, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:乾隆帝《御制平定台湾二十功臣像赞》: 四川松潘镇总兵奋图礼巴图鲁穆克登阿
Portrait of a Qing Courtier in a Winter Costume (possibly DoDo)
Tiếng Việt: Tranh chân dung một quan viên nhà Thanh mặc triều phục mùa Đông, được cho là Đa Đạc
Xu Jingcheng - A black and white photo of a man in a turban
Xu Jingcheng (1845-1900), chinese embassador
Li Lianying, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Li Lianying (1848 - 1911), a famous imperial eunuch of Qing Dynasty, China. 中文(台灣): 李連英,清朝著名宦官。
爱新觉罗·恒馥, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Aixin-Gioro Hengfu Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Huang Yi portrait
Portrait of Huang Yi(1744-1801)
Huang Yue, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:黄岳,清朝官员。字怀芳,号箭南,浙江绍兴府余姚县(今余姚市)人。 乾隆十九年(1754年)甲戌科三甲进士。官至湖南慈利县知县。
周福清, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:周福清(1838年1月22日-1904年7月13日),原名致福,字震生,号介孚,浙江会稽县(今属绍兴市)人。清末政治人物。中国现代著名作家鲁迅(周树人)、周作人和周建人的祖父。English: Zhou Fuqing(1838-1904), official of the late Qing Dynasty. Grandfather of Lu Xun.
張鳴珂, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Zhang Mingke Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
徐繼畬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:徐继畬(1795年-1873年),字松龛,又字健男,号牧田、松龛先生,室名退密斋,山西代州五台县人。生于乾隆六十年,卒于同治十二年,中国清朝学者,是中国近代开眼看世界的先驱之一。English: Xu Jiyu, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
方成珪, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:方成珪(1785—1850年)名一作成圭,字国宪,号雪斋,又号宝斋,清代学者。浙江瑞安人。English: FANG Chenggui, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
李文田像傳, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李文田,清朝學者。Li Wentian
林紓, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:林纾(1852年11月8日-1924年10月9日),原名群玉,字琴南,号畏庐,别署冷红生,福建闽县(福州)人,古文家,翻译家。English: LIN Shu, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
楊芳燦, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:杨芳灿(1753年-1815年),字才叔,号蓉裳,常州江苏金匮人,清文学家。English: YANG Fangcan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
汪琬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:汪琬(1624年-1691年),字苕文,号钝翁,江南长洲(今江苏省苏州市)人,曾结庐居于太湖尧峰,学者称尧峰先生。明末清初散文家。康熙时举博学鸿词科,授翰林编修。与侯方域、魏禧合称“清初三大家”,亦能诗,唯成就不及其文。English: Wang Wan, writer of the Qing Dynasty.
郭尚先, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:郭尚先(1785—1832)字元闻,又字兰石,福建莆田人。清朝书法家。English: GUO Shangxian, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
黄爵滋, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Huang Juezi, politician of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:黄爵滋(1793年-1853年),字德成,号树斋,江西宜黄人。清朝政治人物,进士出身。
Tcitp d570 compradore tao mai sen and his family
compradore tao mai sen and his family
Tcitp d552 yen shiu fong
yen shiu fong
宋德宜, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:宋德宜(1626年-1687年),清初政治人物。字右之,江南长洲人。English: Song Deyi, politician of the Qing Dynasty.
Cao He, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:曹禾(1637年-1699年),清朝官员、学者。字颂嘉,号峨嵋,江苏省江阴县(今江阴市)人。 English: Cao He, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
Gu Taiqing, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Gu Taiqing (1799-1877)中文:顾太清(1799年-1877年)
Qing.wangfen, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文(中国大陆): 王棻先生画像,清·佚名
Zhu Yizun portrait, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Zhu Yizun (1629-1709)by Zhu Henian (1760-1834 ) painter This drawing was burnt off in WWII bombing.
丁敬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:丁敬(1695年-1765年),字敬身,一号钝丁[1],清代篆刻家,清代浙派篆刻的开山鼻祖,浙江钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。丁敬同时也是画家和书法家。English: Ding Jing, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
周濟, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:周濟,清朝學者。Zhou Ji Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
惠棟, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:惠栋,清代学者。HUI Dong Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
李塨, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Li Gong Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
李文藻, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李文藻,清代学者。li Wenzao
莊存與, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:庄存与,清代学者。Zhuang Cunyu
莊有恭, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:庄有恭(1713年-1767年),字容可,号淳夫、滋圃,祖籍福建省晋江,后落籍广东广州府番禺县(今属广州市黄埔区文冲)。清朝状元、政治人物。Français : Zhuang Yougong
錢載, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:钱载(1708年-1793年),清朝诗人、文学家。字坤一,号滓石,浙江嘉兴人。English: Qian Zai, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
魯一同, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:鲁一同(1805~1863年)字兰岑,一字通甫,安东(今江苏涟水)人。清代道光、咸丰年间古文家、诗人。English: Lu Yitong, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
黄鼎, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Huang Ding, official of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:黄鼎,字玉宰,号一泓,江苏无锡人。清朝官员。順治十二年進士。
吴锡麒, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吴锡麒(1746年-1818年),字圣征,号谷人。钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。清代文学家。English: Wu Qilin
沈起元, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:沈起元(1685年-1763年),字子大,为中国清朝官员,江苏太仓州人。English: Shen Qiyuan
郭棻, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Guo Fen, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.中文:郭棻(1622年-1690年),字芝仙,号快庵、快圃,直隶清苑县人。清朝官员、学者、书法家。
李赓芸, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Li Gengyun 中文:李赓芸(1754年-1817年),字鄦斋,江苏嘉定县(今上海市嘉定区)人。清朝著名廉吏。官至福建布政使。因受到诬告,自缢以证清白。身后获得平反。
嵇曾筠, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:嵇曾筠(1670年-1738年),字松友,號禮齋。江南無錫城內學前街人。清朝政治人物。 English: Ji Zengjun, politician of the Qing Dynasty.
Pu Yi 1909
The three-year old ruler of 430 Million souls. Pu-Yi, Emperor of China (standing); his father, Prince Chun, regent and controller of the nation, and his younger brother.
Gao Fenghan Portrait - Public domain portrait print
Gao Fenghan (1683-1749 painter) Portrait, Woodblock Print,
Foreign nations in Japan, China, people of the Qing dynasty
An Ukiyo-e of the Utagawa school depicting foreigners in Japan, including Russians, Dutch, British, Americans, French and Chinese. A closeup of the Dutch, Americans and Chinese in the center of the picture
Gui Hong, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Princess He Xiao Ku Lun, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Princess He Xiao Ku Lun, daughter of Qianlong Emperor中文:固伦和孝公主,乾隆帝之女。甘肃省张掖市山丹艾黎捐赠文物陈列馆藏。
Yin'e, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Yin'e, the 10th son of Kangxi Emperor中文:允䄉,康熙帝第十子
Zhang Xuecheng, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Zhang Xuecheng (1738-1801)中文:章学诚(1738年-1801年)
劉喜海, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:刘喜海(1793年-1852年),字燕庭,一作燕亭,又字吉甫,山东诸城人。清朝官员。English: Liu Xihai, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
孫星衍, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:孙星衍(1753年-1818年),字伯渊,一字渊如。号季述。阳湖(今江苏省常州)人。 清代经史学家,考据学者,金石学家。清乾隆五十二年(1787年) 榜眼。曾任翰林院编修、刑部郎中、山东督粮道、钟山书院主讲等。English: SUN Xingyan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
张鹏翀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Zhang Pengchong, politician and painter of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:张鹏翀(1688年-1745年),字天飞,又字天扉,一字抑斋,号南华散仙。江苏嘉定(今属上海市)人。清朝官員,書畫家。
張履祥, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:张履祥,清朝学者。Zhang Lvxiang
李葆恂, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李葆恂(1859年—1915年),原名恂,字宝卿,号文石,辛亥革命后还名理,字寒石,号凫翁,清代学者。直隶易县(今属河北)人。官至江苏候补道。精于鉴别,能诗,工书画。English: LI Baoxun, poet and scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
江湜, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
海蘭察, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文(台灣): 《御筆平定臺灣二十功臣像贊》中的海蘭察畫像,2014年由紐約iGavel拍賣行拍賣。畫像右側為清朝乾隆皇帝御筆的題贊:「領隊侍衛內大臣超勇公海蘭察 勇弗知書謀勝智士匹馬彎弓賊不敢視欲致活口射勿令死進爵錫服言難盡美」。
Wang Yuanqi - 王原祁, China, people of the Qing dynasty
王頌蔚, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:王颂蔚,字芾卿,号蒿隐。晚清进士,政治人物。江苏长洲县(今苏州市)人。English: Wang Songwei, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
钱坫, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:钱坫,字献之,号十兰。嘉定(原属江苏)人,清代书法家。English: QIAN Zhan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
阮元, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:阮元(1764年-1849年),字伯元,号芸台,江苏仪征人。清朝政治人物,经学家。English: RUAN Yuan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
Tcitp d544 soo pao sun and sons
soo pao sun and sons