Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

people associated with radio

23 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Stoopnagle budd 1932

Stoopnagle budd 1932

Publicity photo of Wilbur Budd Hulick (Budd) and Frederick Chase Taylor (Stoopnagle) of the comedy team Stoopnagle & Budd.

Gang Busters sound effects 1937

Gang Busters sound effects 1937

Publicity photo from the radio program Gang Busters showing how some sound effects were created for the program and also the use of a parabolic microphone to transmit them. The parabolic microphone was able to ... Mehr

Myrt and Marge Vinton Hayworth Donna Damerel 1935

Myrt and Marge Vinton Hayworth Donna Damerel 1935

Publicity photo of Donna Damerel and Vinton Hayworth from the radio program Myrt and Marge.

Minerva Pious Charlie Cantor 1941

Minerva Pious Charlie Cantor 1941

1941 Photo of radio performers Minerva Pious and Charlie Cantor. Pious became well known for her character of Mrs. Nussbaum on Fred Allen's radio show.

Pekkatiilikainen, Finnish journalist

Pekkatiilikainen, Finnish journalist

Pekka Tiilikainen Suomi: Pekka Tiilikainen suomalainen radioselostaja

Gene Autry Pinafores radio show 1948

Gene Autry Pinafores radio show 1948

Publicity photo of Gene Autry and the vocal group, the Pinafores, who appeared with him on his weekly radio program The Gene Autry Show.

Jane ace publicity 1935 1a

Jane ace publicity 1935 1a

Publicity portrait of Jane Ace. "An Ace of the Air: Jane Ace is a real air ace despite the fact that she has never piloted an airplane. Jane and her husband, Goodman Ace, have risen to the heights of radio fam... Mehr

Virginia payne ma perkins - Public domain portrait print

Virginia payne ma perkins - Public domain portrait print

Publicity photo of actress Virginia Payne for the radio program Ma Perkins.

Sauvo-Puhtila-1965, Finnish composer, musician

Sauvo-Puhtila-1965, Finnish composer, musician

Fotografie des finnischen Musikers Sauvo Puhtila alias Saukki (1928-2014).

Margaret Cuthbert, 1936

Margaret Cuthbert, 1936

Margaret Cuthbert, 1936

Sauvopuhtila, Finnish writer, Finnish composer, musician

Sauvopuhtila, Finnish writer, Finnish composer, musician

Sauvo Puhtila finnish text writer Suomi: Sauvo Puhtila suomalainen sanoittaja

Norman Evans (comedian)

Norman Evans (comedian)

The radio comedian Norman Evans in 1939

Marlene Dietrich NBC Radio Monitor

Marlene Dietrich NBC Radio Monitor

Photo of Marlene Dietrich from the NBC Radio network program Monitor. Dietrich was one of the regular contributors to the weekend radio program. She is not seen here in Monitor's "Radio Central", but in one o... Mehr

Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy 1947

Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy 1947

Photo of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy from NBC Radio. They are reading an NBC-produced comic book, On the Air, which told the story of what happens behind the scenes in radio broadcasts in a children's format.

Fred Allen Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy 1946

Fred Allen Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy 1946

Publicity photo of Edgar Bergen with Charlie McCarthy and Fred Allen from the radio program Allen's Alley.

Jean rouverol 1943 NBC photo

Jean rouverol 1943 NBC photo

Publicity photo of actress Jean Rouverol.

Skelton card 1948

Skelton card 1948

Photo from promotional postcard for Red Skelton's Raleigh Cigarettes radio show. Standing: Pat McGeehan, The Four Knights, David Rose (orchestra leader). Seated:Verna Felton ("Grandma" to Skelton's "Junior" ch... Mehr

Fred Allen 1937

Fred Allen 1937

Photo of Fred Allen.

Little Somali girl

Little Somali girl

Nimo, an 4 year old Somali schoolgirl in the Hodan District in Mogadishu, Somalia. Nimo, an 4 year old Somali schoolgirl in the Hodan District in Mogadishu, Somalia.

970414 ian for wiki

970414 ian for wiki

The opening of NRK Alltid Nyheter in Oslo, Norway, on April 14th, 1997: From the left Tor Fuglevik (Radio Director General of NRK), Frode Rekve (Head of Project), Ian Wolfe (the new channel’s Australian “Godfa... Mehr

Nené Cascallar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nené Cascallar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Español: Nené Cascallar Public domain photograph, 20th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Block and Sully - A man and a woman holding a microphone

Block and Sully - A man and a woman holding a microphone

Publicity photo of Jesse Block and Eve Sully, who were husband and wife as well as a performing team.

John Stone Stone 1910

John Stone Stone 1910

The National cyclopedia of American biography picture Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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