Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

peder nielsen horrebow

14 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Horrebow Plate 04 Tab IV b30512451 0255

Horrebow Plate 04 Tab IV b30512451 0255

Plate 4 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 01 Tab I b30512451 0249

Horrebow Plate 01 Tab I b30512451 0249

Plate 1 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow round tower b30512451 0006

Horrebow round tower b30512451 0006

Plate showing the round tower in Copenhagen, formerly the observatory. From Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Acta Eruditorum - IV strumenti, 1736 – BEIC 13456523
Horrebow Plate 02 Tab II b30512451 0251

Horrebow Plate 02 Tab II b30512451 0251

Plate 2 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 08 Tab VIII b30512451 0263

Horrebow Plate 08 Tab VIII b30512451 0263

Plate 8 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 07 Tab VII b30512451 0261

Horrebow Plate 07 Tab VII b30512451 0261

Plate 7 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 03 Tab III b30512451 0253

Horrebow Plate 03 Tab III b30512451 0253

Plate 3 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 09 Tab IX b30512451 0265

Horrebow Plate 09 Tab IX b30512451 0265

Plate 9 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 05 Tab V b30512451 0257

Horrebow Plate 05 Tab V b30512451 0257

Plate 5 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Peder Nielsen Horrebow

Peder Nielsen Horrebow

Deutsch: Peder Nielsen Horrebow (1679–1764)

Horrebow Plate 11 Tab XI b30512451 0269

Horrebow Plate 11 Tab XI b30512451 0269

Plate 11 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 10 Tab X b30512451 0267

Horrebow Plate 10 Tab X b30512451 0267

Plate 10 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

Horrebow Plate 06 Tab VI b30512451 0259

Horrebow Plate 06 Tab VI b30512451 0259

Plate 6 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.

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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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