Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

paintings in the bayerische staatsgemaldesammlungen

2,690 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 27
Franz-Edouard Marie Courtens - Kanal im Herbst - 8088 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ludwig Kandler - Bauersfrau mit Kopftuch - 12215 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Anders Andersen-Lundby - Klarer Wintertag - 7848 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Anders Andersen-Lundby - Klarer Wintertag - 7848 - Bavarian State Pain...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a canal, barge, historic place, water reflection, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Franz von Defregger - Der Kriegsrat Andreas Hofers im Jahr 1809 - 8035 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Jean-François Raffaëlli - Straßenbild - 8762 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jean-François Raffaëlli - Straßenbild - 8762 - Bavarian State Painting...

Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Mathias Schmid - Zwischen zwei Feuern - 9194 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Mathias Schmid - Zwischen zwei Feuern - 9194 - Bavarian State Painting...

Public domain photograph of office, auditorium, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Robert Völcker - Der Raucher - 10198 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Bäuerin mit Kind - 14527 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Bäuerin mit Kind - 14527 - Bavarian State Pain...

Public domain photograph of people in conversation, meeting, argument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Otto Hierl-Deronco - Tänzerin mit Zwerg (Auf dem Theater) - 8179 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Otto Hierl-Deronco - Tänzerin mit Zwerg (Auf dem Theater) - 8179 - Bav...

Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Theodor Alt - Mittelfränkische Dorfszene ("Gänseliesl") - 15103 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Theodor Alt - Mittelfränkische Dorfszene ("Gänseliesl") - 15103 - Bava...

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Abraham Bloemaert (Kopie nach) - Goldenes Zeitalter - 13832 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Abraham Bloemaert (Kopie nach) - Goldenes Zeitalter - 13832 - Bavarian...

Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alois Gabl - Spinner in einer Stube - 8756 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Alois Gabl - Spinner in einer Stube - 8756 - Bavarian State Painting C...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a living room, salon, office, late 19th-century interior, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Arthur Langhammer - Zwei Mädchen - 8207 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Arthur Langhammer - Zwei Mädchen - 8207 - Bavarian State Painting Coll...

Public domain image of coupe, engagement, family, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

August Franz Schelver - Pferdehandel - 8492 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

August Franz Schelver - Pferdehandel - 8492 - Bavarian State Painting ...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Balthasar van den Bossche - Maleratelier - 2220 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Balthasar van den Bossche - Maleratelier - 2220 - Bavarian State Paint...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (Nachfolger) - Fruchtbarkeit (Fünf Sinne) - 11154 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (Nachfolger) - Fruchtbarkeit (Fünf Si...

Public domain image of a renaissance painting, masterpiece, 16th-17th century artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Carl Conjola - Blick auf einen Gebirgssee - 1174 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Carl Rottmann - Naxos - WAF 856 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Carl Rottmann - Naxos - WAF 856 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Public domain photograph related to Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel, Jewish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Carl Steffeck - Stute mit Fohlen - 12576 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Carl Steffeck - Stute mit Fohlen - 12576 - Bavarian State Painting Col...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a horse, animal husbandry, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Carl Theodor von Piloty - Tod Alexanders des Großen - 13049 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Carl Theodor von Piloty - Tod Alexanders des Großen - 13049 - Bavarian...

Picryl description: Public domain image related to death, funeral, burial, monument, cemetery, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Christian Georg Schütz d. Ä. - Blick von den nördlichen Bastionen der Stadt Mainz auf Bieberich - 6432 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Christian Georg Schütz d. Ä. - Blick von den nördlichen Bastionen der ...

Public domain image of painting, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Christian Ludwig von Löwenstern - Gefechtsstück - 7432 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Christian Ludwig von Löwenstern - Gefechtsstück - 7432 - Bavarian Stat...

Public domain photograph of 18th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Christoph Paudiß (^) - Lautenschläger - 748 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Christoph Paudiß (^) - Lautenschläger - 748 - Bavarian State Painting ...

Public domain photograph of 17th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Christoph Paudiß (Art des) - Frau mit Kopftuch - 7044 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Christoph Paudiß (Art des) - Frau mit Kopftuch - 7044 - Bavarian State...

Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

David Teniers d. J. - Burg am Meer - 1952 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

David Teniers d. J. - Burg am Meer - 1952 - Bavarian State Painting Co...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a ruined building, desolated landscape with ruins and stones, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

David Vinckboons - Der Hauptmann von Kapernaum - 5983 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

David Vinckboons - Der Hauptmann von Kapernaum - 5983 - Bavarian State...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Eduard Schleich d. Ä. - Bei Brannenburg - 8023 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Eduard Schleich d. Ä. - Bei Brannenburg - 8023 - Bavarian State Painti...

Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Eduard Schleich d. Ä. - Eine Strandpartie - 7686 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Eduard Schleich d. Ä. - Eine Strandpartie - 7686 - Bavarian State Pain...

Public domain scan of print depicting a sailboat or small ship, seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Eustache Le Sueur (angeblich) - Ludwig IX. der Heilige - WAF 491 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Eustache Le Sueur (angeblich) - Ludwig IX. der Heilige - WAF 491 - Bav...

Public domain photograph of 17th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Francesco Guardi - Canal Grande bei San Geremia - HUW 8 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Francesco Guardi - Canal Grande bei San Geremia - HUW 8 - Bavarian Sta...

Public domain image of a harbor, sailing ship, boat, city building, 19th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Franz Adam - Szene aus dem österreichisch-italienischen Krieg - 8948 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Franz Adam - Szene aus dem österreichisch-italienischen Krieg - 8948 -...

Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Franz Marc - Heidekraut - 14962 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Franz Marc - Heidekraut - 14962 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Public domain photograph of window, architectural element, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Franz sen. Reinhardt - Der verlorene Sohn - 10086 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Friedrich Otto Gebler - Stier vor dem Stall - 14184 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Friedrich Otto Gebler - Stier vor dem Stall - 14184 - Bavarian State P...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Fritz von Uhde - Mittagssonne - 8586 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Fritz von Uhde - Mittagssonne - 8586 - Bavarian State Painting Collect...

Public domain image of coupe, engagement, family, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Georg Friedrich Meyer - Hundestück - 5910 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Georg Friedrich Meyer - Hundestück - 5910 - Bavarian State Painting Co...

Picryl description: Public domain image of dog, animal, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Gillis Mostaert - Bethlehemitischer Kindermord - 5602 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Gillis Mostaert - Bethlehemitischer Kindermord - 5602 - Bavarian State...

massacre of the Innocents  Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gillis van Tillborch - Der Brief - 2048 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Gillis van Tillborch - Der Brief - 2048 - Bavarian State Painting Coll...

Public domain photograph of 17th-century Dutch painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Battista Curlando - Geometrie - 3649 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Giovanni Battista Curlando - Geometrie - 3649 - Bavarian State Paintin...

Public domain reproduction of art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini - Narzissus - 2267 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini - Narzissus - 2267 - Bavarian State Painting ...

Public domain image of print or drawing, symbolism or allegory, depicting saint, winged creature, Icarus, flying angel, religious figure, flight, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Giovanni Migliara - San Ambrogio in Mailand - WAF 675 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Giovanni Migliara - San Ambrogio in Mailand - WAF 675 - Bavarian State...

Public domain image of a renaissance painting, masterpiece, 16th-17th century artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Giovanni Paolo Pannini - Architekturbild - 2289 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Giovanni Paolo Pannini - Architekturbild - 2289 - Bavarian State Paint...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historic place, world heritage building, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Hans Burgkmair d. Ä. - Historienzyklus, Die Niederlage der Römer durch die Karthager in der Schlacht bei Cannae - 5328 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hans Burgkmair d. Ä. - Historienzyklus, Die Niederlage der Römer durch...

Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hans von Marées - Sechs nackte Männer - 7864 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Heinrich Bürkel - Die Kneipe Mezza Via Albano in der Campagna - WAF 132 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Heinrich Bürkel - Die Kneipe Mezza Via Albano in der Campagna - WAF 13...

Public domain image of a 17th-18th century fashion, costume design, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Hendrik Martensz. Sorgh - Holländische Wirtsstube - 247 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hendrik Martensz. Sorgh - Holländische Wirtsstube - 247 - Bavarian Sta...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a tavern, pub, or small restaurant, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Hermann Baisch - Holländische Viehweide - 7830 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hermann Baisch - Holländische Viehweide - 7830 - Bavarian State Painti...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Hermann Wislicenus - Die Phantasie, von Träumen getragen - 11647 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hermann Wislicenus - Die Phantasie, von Träumen getragen - 11647 - Bav...

Public domain image of print or drawing, symbolism or allegory, depicting saint, winged creature, Icarus, flying angel, religious figure, flight, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Jan Abrahamsz. Beerstraaten - Marine bei Vlissingen - 2879 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jan Abrahamsz. Beerstraaten - Marine bei Vlissingen - 2879 - Bavarian ...

Public domain photograph of a 17th-century seascape painting, ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jan Brueghel d. Ä. (Werkstatt) - Waldstraße mit Reisenden - 1895 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jan Brueghel d. Ä. (Werkstatt) - Waldstraße mit Reisenden - 1895 - Bav...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jan Fyt - Reiher von Falken verfolgt - 7424 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jan Fyt - Reiher von Falken verfolgt - 7424 - Bavarian State Painting ...

Public domain scan of drawing of animal, zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jan van Huchtenburgh - Reitergefecht - 5974 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jan van Huchtenburgh - Reitergefecht - 5974 - Bavarian State Painting ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of armed forces, cavalry, infantry, 18th-19th century war, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Jean-Pierre Saint-Ours - Gericht über die Neugeborenen Spartas - 2358 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jean-Pierre Saint-Ours - Gericht über die Neugeborenen Spartas - 2358 ...

Public domain image of classical or neoclassical art inspired by classical Greece, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Johann Christian von Mannlich - Toter Marder - 5923 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Johann de Cordua - Kupplerpaar - 1932 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Johann de Cordua - Kupplerpaar - 1932 - Bavarian State Painting Collec...

Public domain image of painting, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Johann Georg Trautmann - Zigeuner beim Nachtmahl - 5736 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Johann Georg Trautmann - Zigeuner beim Nachtmahl - 5736 - Bavarian Sta...

Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Johann Georg von Dillis - Wald bei Wallgau - 3817 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Johann Jakob Hartmann - Rast am Waldrand - 5424 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Johann Jakob Hartmann - Rast am Waldrand - 5424 - Bavarian State Paint...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Joseph Anton Rhomberg - Bruder Graurock und die Pilgerin - 2629 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Joseph Anton Rhomberg - Bruder Graurock und die Pilgerin - 2629 - Bava...

Public domain photograph of priest, clergy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld - Hagen verweigert Kriemhild den Gruß - WAF 968 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Karl Kuntz - Hirt, von einem Stier angegriffen - WAF 471 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Karl Kuntz - Hirt, von einem Stier angegriffen - WAF 471 - Bavarian St...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Karl Schorn - Die Sintflut - WAF 973 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Karl Schorn - Die Sintflut - WAF 973 - Bavarian State Painting Collect...

Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Karl von Enhuber - Die Goldene Hochzeit - 7672 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Karl von Enhuber - Die Goldene Hochzeit - 7672 - Bavarian State Painti...

Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Leo Putz - Frau Geheimrat Hochhaus - 11390 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Leo Samberger - Studienkopf - 10193 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Lucas Cranach d. Ä. (Anonymer Meister seiner Werkstatt) - Selbstmord der Lucretia - WAF 1148 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Lucas Cranach d. Ä. (Anonymer Meister seiner Werkstatt) - Selbstmord d...

suicide of Lucretia  Public domain photograph of 16th-century German painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ludwig Hans Fischer - Der Garten des Generalife bei Granada - 11629 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ludwig Hans Fischer - Der Garten des Generalife bei Granada - 11629 - ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historic park, open terrace, world heritage landmark, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Ludwig Thiersch - Sitzende Italienerin - 15157 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ludwig Thiersch - Sitzende Italienerin - 15157 - Bavarian State Painti...

Public domain reproduction of portrait print, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Max Feldbauer - Bauernmädchen - 10879 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Paul de Vos - Eberjagd - 4811 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Paul de Vos - Eberjagd - 4811 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Picryl description: Public domain image of famine, hunger, powerty, refugees, people suffering, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Paul von Tiesenhausen - Mole in der Brandung - 11803 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Peter von Hess - Walachischer Pferdefang - WAF 358 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Peter von Hess - Walachischer Pferdefang - WAF 358 - Bavarian State Pa...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a rural landscape, horses, horse riding, farm animals, farmers, livestock, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Peter von Hess - Kapelle bei San Marino - WAF 356 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Peter von Hess - Kapelle bei San Marino - WAF 356 - Bavarian State Pai...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton - Murmeltier - 6171 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton - Murmeltier - 6171 - Bavarian State Pai...

Public domain photograph of 17th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton - Jagdbeute - 6160 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton - Jagdbeute - 6160 - Bavarian State Pain...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Pieter Snayers - Gefecht im Walde - 5754 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Pieter Snayers - Gefecht im Walde - 5754 - Bavarian State Painting Col...

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Pieter Snayers - Reitergefechtsaufstand - 6697 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Pieter Snayers - Reitergefechtsaufstand - 6697 - Bavarian State Painti...

Public domain image of military forces, cavalry, horses, horseriding, 18th-19th century war, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Pieter van Bloemen - Viehtränke - 6044 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Pieter van Bloemen - Viehtränke - 6044 - Bavarian State Painting Colle...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Pietro Graziani - Schlachtenbild - 5732 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Salvador Viniegra y Lasso - Vor dem Stierkampf - 8086 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Theodor Her - Loreley - 11015 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Tina Blau-Lang - Aus Fischau bei Wiener Neustadt - 7793 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Tina Blau-Lang - Aus Fischau bei Wiener Neustadt - 7793 - Bavarian Sta...

Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Esaias van de Velde (Umkreis) - Feldschlacht - 5684 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Esaias van de Velde (Umkreis) - Feldschlacht - 5684 - Bavarian State P...

Public domain photograph of 16th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Wassily Kandinsky - Träumerische Improvisation - 14091 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Wassily Kandinsky - Träumerische Improvisation - 14091 - Bavarian Stat...

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian-born painter and art theorist, a pioneer of abstract art. Kandinsky and moved to Munich in 1896. Kandinsky's early work was influenced by the Impressionists and Post-... Mehr

Wilhelm von Diez - Aus der guten alten Zeit - 8068 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Hendrick van Steenwyck d. Ä. - Inneres des Aachener Domes - 10362 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hendrick van Steenwyck d. Ä. - Inneres des Aachener Domes - 10362 - Ba...

Public domain photograph of 16th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Französisch 19. Jahrhundert - Die Einnahme von Ulm (nach Wilhelm von Kobell) - 10670 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Deutsch 19. Jahrhundert - Mönch Bernhard - 15424 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Jacobus (Jacomo) Victors - Hahn, Henne und Tauben - 1635 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jacobus (Jacomo) Victors - Hahn, Henne und Tauben - 1635 - Bavarian St...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of chicken, poultry, agriculture, farm animals, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Meister von Narni - Taufe des hl. Augustinus - 639 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Meister von Narni - Taufe des hl. Augustinus - 639 - Bavarian State Pa...

Public domain image of painting, 15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Deutsch 19. Jahrhundert - Die Fähre - 8488 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Deutsch 19. Jahrhundert - Die Fähre - 8488 - Bavarian State Painting C...

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Ulmer Meister (Zeitblom-Werkstatt) - Altarflügel, Die hll. Barbara und Katharina - 4560 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ulmer Meister (Zeitblom-Werkstatt) - Altarflügel, Die hll. Barbara und...

Public domain photograph of 15th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ludwig von Zumbusch - Peter - 8280 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Franz Marc - Das arme Land Tirol - 1913
Karl Johann Becker-Gundahl - Elternglück - 8409 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Franz Hochmann - Wintersonne - 7960 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Friedrich Stahl - Schluss der Saison - 12672 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Friedrich Stahl - Schluss der Saison - 12672 - Bavarian State Painting...

Picryl description: Public domain image of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Hans Richard von Volkmann - Haferfeld - 7917 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Julius Widnmann - Am Seeufer bei Chieming - 11078 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Eisenbahn im Taunus - 14524 - Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Eisenbahn im Taunus - 14524 - Bavarian State P...

Public domain photograph of a mountain pass, mountains, nature, mountain range, view, landscape, rocks, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description


of 27

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