Byzantine Icon with Christ Pantokrator
Das byzantinische Bild des Christus Pantokrator (Herrscher aller) ist ein frontales, halblanges Porträt eines bärtigen Christus, der ein Evangeliumbuch in der linken Hand hält und mit der rechten ein Zeichen de... Mehr
Medaillon mit Matthäus aus einem Bilderrahmen
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Fac̨ade du St. Sépulchre / Bonfils.
Church, bell tower and courtyard of Church of the Holy Sepulchre. No. 246.
Mosque de Ste. Sophie, Ste. Irene [...] / Sébah & Joaillier.
Exterior view of Ayasofya Mosque, formerly the Church of Hagia Sophia, and St. Irene, Istanbul. No. 517.
Palästina, Jerusalem, armenischer Patriarch
Photo shows the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Harootiun Vehabedian, seated, facing front, wearing hooded vestment, adorned with crosses and other medals on his chest, holding a strand of beads. On Mount: No... Mehr
Bishop Ofiesh Aftimios - Public domain portrait photograph
A black and white photo of a man wearing a crown. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Greek patriarch. - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Public domain image of a priest, member of a church, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Aankomst Patriarch Athenagoras op Schiphol samen met
Aankomst Patriarch Athenagoras op Schiphol samen met Griekse reder Onassis Public domain photograph - 1967 by The Algemeen Nederlandsch Fotobureau (ANeFo), also known as the General Dutch Photo Bureau, a Dutch... Mehr
A painting of a man holding a book. Ayios dimitrianos saint iconograph...
The icon of in the church of the holy sepulchre in the city of thessaloniki, greece / A mosaic of a bearded man holding a book / Public domain stock photo. The icon of in the church of the holy sepulchre in th... Mehr
A painting of a man holding a book. Icon eastern orthodox, religion.
Kostenlose Bilder von Irland. Irland Fotos herunterladen. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Irland-Bilder ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.
Cyprus perivolia ayia eirini, religion. A stone wall with a painting o...
Architecture stock photograph: A mosaic of a woman holding a cross / A stone wall with a painting of a person on it.
Cyprus kiti panagia angeloktisti, religion. A stone building with a do...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / A stone building with a dome on top of it.
A close up of a wall with a clock on it. Chapel painting byzantine, re...
Architecture stock photograph: The ancient egyptian art of the tomb of / A close up of a wall with a clock on it.
Tourist Attraction - Church orthodox religion, religion. A small stone...
Architecture stock photograph: A small stone church with a small dome / A small stone building with a clock tower.
Cyprus kato lefkara archangel michael, religion. A stone building with...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / A stone building with a steep hill in the background.
Cyprus paralimni ayios georgios, religion. A large building with a clo...
Architecture stock photograph: A dome with a cross on top of it / A large building with a clock on top of it.
Church orthodox religion, religion. A church with a cross on top of it
Architecture stock photograph: A small round white church with a cross on top / A church with a cross on top of it.
Tourist Attraction - Cyprus dromolaxia church, religion. A large white...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / A large white building with a red roof.
Cyprus ayia napa ayios epifanios, religion. A fountain in front of a b...
Architecture stock photograph: A fountain in front of a church with a statue of a woman on top of it / A fountain in front of a building with a cross on top.
Cyprus kelia ayios antonios, religion. A close up of a painting of a m...
Architecture stock photograph: A painting of a man in a mosque / A close up of a painting of a man with a beard.
A mosaic of a man holding a book. Mosaic ayios therapon cyprus, religi...
The icon of in the church of the holy sepulchre in the city of jerusalem / A mosaic of a man with a book in his hands / Public domain stock photo.
A large building with a clock tower in front of it. Greece volos cathe...
Griechische Architektur. Kostenlose Bilder von Griechenland. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos des Griechenland-Tourismus ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.
Tourist Attraction - Monastery church religion, religion. A building w...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy cross / A building with a dome on top of it.
A small church with a cross on top of it. Tourist Attraction - Cyprus ...
A small church with a dome and a cross on top / A small church with a red roof and a white cross on top public domain stock photo.
Tourist Attraction - Church dome architecture, religion. A black and w...
Architecture stock photograph: A large building with a large dome and a cross on top / A black and white photo of the top of a building.
Lake sevan monastery church, religion. An old church on a hill overloo...
Architecture stock photograph: A church on a hill overlooking a lake / An old church on a hill overlooking a lake.
A painting of an angel sitting on top of a casket. Myroforai resurrect...
Auferstehungsbilder: Kostenlose Auferstehungsbilder zur kommerziellen Nutzung und zum kostenlosen Download. Urheberrechtsfrei, keine Nennung erforderlich.
Lintel jesus christ mosaic building. A painting of a man holding a boo...
Architecture stock photograph: The mosaic of in the church of the holy sepulchre / A painting of a man holding a book.
A painting of jesus holding a cross in his hands. Mosaic jesus christ ...
/ A painting of the lord in the church of the holy sepulchre / Public domain art photo.
Bischof Irinej, Bischof der ostamerikanischen Diözese
Bischof Irinej, Bischof der ostamerikanischen Diözese der Serbisch-Orthodoxen Kirche, segnet die Gemeinde am 6. April 2019 in der Serbisch-Orthodoxen Kathedrale St. Sava in Parma, Ohio. Die drei Kerzen oben lin... Mehr
Kalender der Heiligen und Feste
Public domain photo of a golden object, Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mol[i]tvʹnikʹ o gospodě Bozě pochina︠i︡emʺ ... Slūzhba s[via]togo Īoan...
Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mol[i]tvʹnikʹ o gospodě Bozě pochina︠i︡emʺ ... Slūzhba s[via]togo Īoan...
Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mol[i]tvʹnikʹ o gospodě Bozě pochina︠i︡emʺ ... Slūzhba s[via]togo Īoan...
Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mol[i]tvʹnikʹ o gospodě Bozě pochina︠i︡emʺ ... Slūzhba s[via]togo Īoan...
Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mol[i]tvʹnikʹ o gospodě Bozě pochina︠i︡emʺ ... Slūzhba s[via]togo Īoan...
Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bula Benton Edmunson / Edmundson Croker
This is the wife (or widow depending on when it was taken) of Richard "Boss" Croker of Tammany Hall in New York fame outside Glencairn, their house in Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. I know there's a story here, and ho... Mehr
Mönch, Valaam-Kloster, Karelien, Russland
Monk, Valaam (Valamo) Monastery, Karelia, Russia Public domain photograph of Russian Orthodox priest, clergy, church, religion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Das Christus-Pantokrator-Daphni-Kloster
العربية: أيقونة المسيح ضابط الكل في دير دافني في اليونان. English: Christ Pantocrator in Daphni Monastery
Jesusbaum in armenischer Miniatur
العربية: شجرة عائلة يسوع، منمنمة أرمنية. English: Tree of Jesse. Armenian manuscript.
Krönungsalbum zum Gedenken an die heilige Krönung ihrer kaiserlichen M...
Coronation album in memory of the sacred crowning of their imperial majesties on May 14, 1896. - Коронационный альбом в память священного коронования их императорских величеств 14 мая 1896 года.
Studie über König David, von Julia Margaret Cameron
Study of King David. Depicts Sir Henry Taylor. Albumen print, 272 x 225mm (10 3/4 x 8 7/8"). Julia Margaret Cameron (11 June 1815 – 26 January 1879) began her photography career later in life, at the age of 48... Mehr
Lambardos Emmanuel - Die Jungfrau Hodegetria - Google Art Project (719...
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Erzengel Michael - Google Art Project
Public domain image of a beautiful creature, angel, wings, mythological scene, medieval, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Jungfrau mit Kind und den Heiligen Nikolaus und Georg - Google Art Pro...
Public domain image of medieval art, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Meister von Gracanica (II) 001 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nicephorus III. und Chrysostom BnF Coislin79 fol2v
The Byzantine emperor Nicephorus III receives a book of sermons from John Chrysostom, the archangel Michael on his left. Français : L'empereur Nicéphore III reçoit un livre de sermons de Jean Chrysostome, l'arc... Mehr
Icon Богоматерь, public domain photograph
Русский: Богоматерь Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Icon Великомученица Варвара, public domain photograph
Русский: Великомученица Варвара Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kirillo-Belozersky iconostasis 04. Daniel, David, Solomon
Русский: Успенский собор Кирилло-Белозерского монастыря. Пророческий чин 1497 года
12. Флавиан (Городецкий), Russian Empire
Flavian (Gorodetsky) [1841-1915]ქართული: მთავარეპისკოპოსი ფლაბიანეРусский: Архиепископ Флавиан (Городецкий)
Gemälde in der St.-Demetrius-Kirche (Markova Sušica) 0343
Македонски: Фрески во Црквата „Св. Димитриј“ во Марковиот манастир, Маркова Сушица, скопско English: Frescos in St. Demetrius Church in Markova Sušica, Macedonia Русский: Марков монастырь «Св. Димитрий», сел... Mehr
Die Inquisition des Heiligen Georg durch Kaiser Diokletian - Google Ar...
Dies ist eine Szene aus dem Lebenszyklus des Heiligen. George ist ein erfolgreicher Hofkommandeur. Er wurde nach der Christenverfolgung enttäuscht und verteilte sein Hab und Gut unter den Armen. In Anwesenheit ... Mehr
Die Mission der Apostel - Google Art Project
Picryl description: Public domain image of a mural painting, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Icon Pherapont and Martinian icon, public domain photograph
Русский: Прпп Ферапонт и Мартиниан. Вологодская икона. КБИАХМЗ Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Propheten aus Ferapontov01 (Kirillo-Belozersk)
Пророческий ряд. Около 1502 года. Из Собора Рождества Богородицы в Ферапонтовом монастыре. Музей Кирилло-Белозерского Монастыря. 1. Пророки Софония, Аввакум, Иона, Моисей. 2. Пророки Даниил, Иеремия, Исайя 3. Б... Mehr
Heiliger Nikolaus von Dionisius (Kirillo-Belozersk)
Русский: Икона работы Дионисия из иконостаса Ферапонтова монастыря. 1502 год. Фрагмент. Кирилло-Белозерский музей.
Sankt Nikolaus (1420, Sergijew Possad)
Русский: Троицкий собор Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Деисусный чин Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Икона «Святитель Николай Чудотворец, с 16 клеймами жития». Первая трет...
Русский: Из собрания музея "Дом Иконы и Живописи имени С.П. Рябушинского".
Alexanders I dimensionale Ikone (1629, Kreml)
СВЯТОЙ АЛЕКСИЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК БОЖИЙ 1629 год. Запись – XVIII–XIX век. Оклад – середина XVII века Москва Дерево; темпера; оклад – ткань, золото, сапфиры, изумруды, жемчуг, стекло; чеканка, канфарение, чернь 48,3 х 14,5... Mehr
Johannes der Wüstenengel (17. Jahrhundert, Kreml)
Архангельский собор Московского Кремля Фотокопия мерной иконы с изображением Св. Иоанна Предтечи – принадлежала царевичу Ивану Алексеевичу (брату Петра I), (17 в.).
Jüngstes Gericht (Uspenskiy sobor)
Страшный суд // Успенский cобор Московского Кремля, Москва, Россия Инв. 3225 соб.; Ж-277
Icon Angel and saint Theodor, public domain photograph
Русский: "Спасение святого Феодора Стратилата ангелом". Серебряная пластина от оклада иконы "Феодор Стратилат". Серебро, чеканка, гравировка, чернь, золочение. 16,4 х 11,9 см. Москва, мастерские Кремля, около 1584 года
Heiliger Mandylion (Jaroslawl, 13. Jh., GTG)
Русский: Спас Нерукотворный Школа или худ. центр: Ярославль Первая половина XIII в. 104 × 74 см Государственная Третьяковская Галерея, Москва, Россия Инв. 048138
Höllenqualen vom Kinn Wassiljewskis (1408, Tretjakow-Galerie)
Сошествие во ад. 1408-1410. ГТГ НЕ Андрей Рублёв. Сошествие во ад Школа или худ. центр: Москва 1408 г. 124 × 94 см Государственная Третьяковская галерея, Москва, Россия Инв. 22953 Происходит из праздничного ч... Mehr
Icon Rublev Arhangel Mikhail, public domain photograph
Икона Андрея Рублёва - Архангел Михаил Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Icon Ascension (1410-20s, GTG), public domain photograph
Вознесение Из праздничного чина Школа Рублева 10–20-е годы XV в.
Icon Sophia the Martyr, public domain photograph
Sophia the Martyr with three daughters: Faith, Hope and Charity. Russian icon. Русский: Вера, Надежда, Любовь и матерь их София. Православная икона, Государственная Третьяковская галерея
Jerusalimskaja (Wologda, 16. Jh., GTG)
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Unbekannte Maler des 16. Jahrhunderts - Ikone der Verklärung - WGA2350...
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Die Schöpfung der Ikone (19. Jh., S-Peterburg)
Сотворение мира ХIХ Государственный музей истории религии, Санкт-Петербург Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Engel mit goldenem Haar (crop) 2
"Златые власы" Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Оплакивание - положение во гроб
Русский: Икона "ОПЛАКИВАНИЕ — ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ВО ГРОБ". Псков (?) Из старообрядческой церкви Богоматери Знамение, Санкт-Петербург Русский Музей, ДРЖ-2083 English: Icon THE ENTOBMENT, First half— mid-16th Century. ... Mehr
Icon St Mina the Martyr, public domain photograph
St_Mina_the_Martyr. Мученик святой Мина Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fotograf: Brendan Keogh Sammlung: Keogh Photographic Collection Datier...
National Library of Ireland Collection - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a table, A man with a beard sitting in a chair, A man with a beard and glasses sits at a table, A man sitting in a chair talk... Mehr
Icon Alexander of Votcha, public domain photograph
Saint Alexander of VotchaРусский: Преподобный Александр, игумен Вочский. Оборотная сторона двусторонней иконы. Вторая половина XVIII века. Солигалич. (кат. № 249)
Amvrosiy - A painting of a man with a white beard
Public domain photograph of bishop, priest, clergy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Antony Medvedev - Public domain portrait painting
Русский: Прп. Антоний (Медведев). Портрет. Неизв. худож. Сер. XIX в. (Патриаршие покои ТСЛ)
Archangel with mandylion (18-19 c., priv. coll)
Archange présentant le Saint suaire, icône à la tempera sur panneau, bordure dorée à décor d'arabesques estampées, XVIII-XIXe s., 31x25 cm
Icon Arseniy of Tver, public domain photograph
Saint Arseniy of TverРусский: Святитель Арсений Тверской Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bogojavlenie - Public domain dedication image
Baptism of Jesus or Bogojavlenie (an icon of Orthodox Christianity) Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brass Icon - Russia Turn of the century
ICON Oil on wood panel, OKLAD, brass, Russia, the turn of the 19th and 20th century. St Nicholas the Wonderworker. Measurements 22x18 cm. More information Икона "Святой Николай Чудотворец" Дерево, масло. Окла... Mehr
Calendar Icon Sinai 11th century
Deutsch: Heiligenkalender, die Monate Januar und Februar, zweite Häfte des 11. Jahrhunderts. 26,9x28,2cm, eine von vier Tafeln English: Saints of January and February feasts from a calendar icon (one of four)... Mehr
Constantin Ipsilanti - A painting of a man with a long beard
Painture at Historical and Ethnological Society Museum from Athens
Icon Coptic anthony and paul, public domain photograph
Coptic icon of St. Anthony the Great and Paul of Thebes. Свв Антоний Великий и Павел Фивейский. Коптская икона
Coronation of Virgin icon (Russian North, c. 1860)
КОРОНОВАНИЕ БОГОРОДИЦЫ Русский Север, ок. 1860. Дерево, левкас, темпера 35 x 31 см. Частное cобрание
Crucifixion (Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow)
Распятие Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
E obretenie glavy Ioanna Predtechi. Konec XIX v. Rossiya
Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Icon Entombment Orthodox Icon, public domain photograph
Public domain photograph of Russian icon, Orthodox, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Feodorovskaya with saints in icing frame
Русский: Феодоровская икона Божией Матери в окладе с полеосными свв. Тихоном, пророком Наумом, Аксентием и Евстратием Россия, XVII в. Москва. 31 x 27,8 x 3,5 cм. Частное собрание
Icon Feodosij Pecherskij, public domain photograph
Feodosij Pecherskij (icon) Русский: Преподобный Феодосий Печерский с житием в 14 клеймах. w:ru:Государственный Русский музей
Icon Florus and Laurus, public domain photograph
Русский: Икона Чудо о Флоре и Лавре. Третьяковская галерея, Москва. Public domain photograph of Byzantine style Orthodox icon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gerasim of Vologda, XVII century icon
Gerasim of Vologda, XVII century icon from VSHAAMR Русский: Димитрий Прилуцкий, Иоанн Милостивый, Герасим Вологодский, икона XVII века из ВГИАХМЗ
Icon 03061 Ioann Krestitel s zhitiem
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Icon Nativity Kargopol, public domain photograph
Русский: Икона Рождества Христова из Христорождественского собора города Каргополя. English: Kargopol (Russia), cathedral of Nativity, icon Nativity.
Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, Yaroslavl)
Русский: Спас в силах Из деисусного чина Школа или худ. центр: Ярославль Первая половина — середина XVI в. 173 × 141 см Ярославский историко-архитектурный и художественный музей заповедник, Ярославль, Росси... Mehr
Icon Iona of Perm, public domain photograph
Русский: Свт. Иона, еп. Пермский. Икона. Сер. XIX в. (Соликамский краеведческий музей)
Icon Kikilia, public domain photograph
Deutsch: Hl. Cäcilia, russische Ikone Русский: икона святой мученицы Кикилии (Чечилии, Цецилии) Римской (III век)
Lazarus Miracle Icon Sinai 13th century
Deutsch: Die Erweckung des Lazarus: Szene aus einem Ikonostasebalken. Frühes 12. Jahrhundert. 39 x 18,5 cm English: Lazarus' resurrection: scene from an iconostasis. Early 13th century. 39 x 18.5 cm Français ... Mehr
Lazarus, Russian icon - Public domain dedication image
Russian Icon. The Raising of Lazarus. 15th century. Novgorod school. 71,5 x 58 cm. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia Svenska: Lasaros. Grekisk-ortodox ikon. Русский: "Воскрешение Лазаря". Икона из п... Mehr