Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

old maps

14,215 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 143
A draught of the harbour of BREST and the Trade of Ras Fountaine shewing Islands, Sands, Rocks and Harbours, from Port-sal and Ushent to Pennarks as it was surveyed by the order of the King of France at Brest

A draught of the harbour of BREST and the Trade of Ras Fountaine shewi...

Public domain image of a nautical map, chart, navigation pilot guide, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Karte von Südamerika, die seine politischen Trennlinien zeigt; Karte, die die vorgeschlagenen Atrato-interozeanischen Kanalrouten zur Verbindung des atlantischen und pazifischen Ozeans zeigt [Einblendung].

Karte von Südamerika, die seine politischen Trennlinien zeigt; Karte, ...

Public domain scan of a page from geographical atlas, geography, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ireland, divided into its four provinces; subdivided into counties

Ireland, divided into its four provinces; subdivided into counties

Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... Mehr

A map of Barbary, containing the Kingdoms of Marocco, Fez, Algier, Tunis and Tripoli, with the adjacent countries

A map of Barbary, containing the Kingdoms of Marocco, Fez, Algier, Tun...

Public domain image of the vintage map from NYPL Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division is one of the wo... Mehr

Karte von Fort Anderson, N.C., erobert am 19. Februar 1865 von der 'Armee des Ohio, Maj. Gen'. J. M. Schofield... - NARA - 305784

Karte von Fort Anderson, N.C., erobert am 19. Februar 1865 von der 'Ar...

Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Skizze der Umgebung von Harpers Ferry, (W.) Va., von Wm. Luce, Okt. 1862 - NARA - 305575

Skizze der Umgebung von Harpers Ferry, (W.) Va., von Wm. Luce, Okt. 18...

Public domain image of ferry ship, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kinesisk världskarta - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10451834-thumb

Kinesisk världskarta - Kungliga Biblioteket - 10451834-thumb

Svenska: Världskarta där större delen av landmassan upptas av Kina och resten av världens länder trängs ute i kanterna eller på öarna runtomkring. - Schematisk topografi med uppgifter om berg och öken. - Provin... Mehr

1772 Vaugondy - Diderot Karte von Asien und der Nordostpassage - Geographicus - NordEstAsie-vaugondy-1772

1772 Vaugondy - Diderot Karte von Asien und der Nordostpassage - Geogr...

Eine vergleichende Karte der drei widersprüchlichen Theorien über die Nordostpassage, die Nordostküsten Asiens und den amerikanischen Nordwesten. Die Nordostpassage war, ähnlich wie die Nordwestpassage Amerikas... Mehr

Fotothek df tg 0001840 Architektur ^ Festungsbau

Fotothek df tg 0001840 Architektur ^ Festungsbau

Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekArchitektur & Festungsbau Public domain image of 16th-17th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restri... Mehr

Fotothek df tg 0002910 Architektur ^ Festungsbau

Fotothek df tg 0002910 Architektur ^ Festungsbau

Original image description from the Deutsche FotothekArchitektur & Festungsbau Public domain photograph of architecture design, diagram, drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... Mehr

Atlas de Wit 1698-pl066-Groningen-KB PPN 145205088

Atlas de Wit 1698-pl066-Groningen-KB PPN 145205088

Nederlands: Plaat 'pl066'(Groningen) uit het Stedenboek van Frederick de Wit. English: Plate 'pl066'(Groningen) from the Stedenboek (citybook) by Frederick de Wit.

MARTOS (1827) p159 Karte von Irkutsk

MARTOS (1827) p159 Karte von Irkutsk

Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Joannes-Antonius-Florantin-Dicæomachia-sive-Erotemata MG 0919

Joannes-Antonius-Florantin-Dicæomachia-sive-Erotemata MG 0919

Belagerung von Turin, Italien, 14. Mai-7. September 1706. Angriff durch Kanonen. Flugbahnen der Kanonenkugeln. Kavallerie-Angriff im Vordergrund. "Eugenius victor in Hungary" (Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, Sieger in... Mehr

StaatLibQld 2 150383 Plan der Abschnitte Nr. 1 bis 30, Gemeinde Cairns, Bezirk Cook

StaatLibQld 2 150383 Plan der Abschnitte Nr. 1 bis 30, Gemeinde Cairns...

Plan der Abschnitte Nr. 1 bis 30, Gemeinde Cairns, Bezirk Cook. Zeichnung der Straßen und Baugrundstücke in der Gemeinde Cairns.

Plat & environs of Lagoon Heights, Cottage City, Massachusetts. - showing property owned by the Lagoon Heights Land Co., 53 State St., 610 Exchange B'd'g., Boston, Massachusetts. LOC 2011589046

Plat & environs of Lagoon Heights, Cottage City, Massachusetts. - show...

Vogelperspektive. Teilkatasterkarte mit Losen und Losnummern. Relief bildlich dargestellt. Begleitet von Texten: Lagoon Heights, Cottage City, auf dieser wunderschönen Insel am Meer, Martha's Vineyard, das Arka... Mehr

Geografisk, militarisk och statistisk Karta öfver hela Sverige och Norrige - no-nb krt 00852

Geografisk, militarisk och statistisk Karta öfver hela Sverige och Nor...

Norsk bokmål: Kart fra Nasjonalbibliotekets kartsamling. Kartet er gitt ut i (1820) og viser Sverige, Norge.

Kart over Fridtjof Nansen's Polarexpedition 1893-1896 - no-nb krt 00913

Kart over Fridtjof Nansen's Polarexpedition 1893-1896 - no-nb krt 0091...

Norsk bokmål: Kart fra Nasjonalbibliotekets kartsamling. Kartet er gitt ut i Kristiania (1896) og viser Nordområdene.

Plan Instantané de la Ville de Bruxelles, 1875. 1876. - no-nb krt 00778.corrected

Plan Instantané de la Ville de Bruxelles, 1875. 1876. - no-nb krt 0077...

Nederlands: Kaart van Brussel 1875. 1876. Met bijgewerkte levels en kleuren. In het rood zijn de Brusselse paardentramlijnen van de TB (Les Tramways Bruxellois). De gestippelde rode lijnen zijn die van de CFE (... Mehr

Prospekt Christiansand - no-nb krt 00873

Prospekt Christiansand - no-nb krt 00873

Norsk bokmål: Kart fra Nasjonalbibliotekets kartsamling. Kartet er gitt ut i håndtegnet (1896) og viser Kristiansand.

Fortifikaktionskarta över Riga med Riga slott - Skoklosters slott - 98070

Fortifikaktionskarta över Riga med Riga slott - Skoklosters slott - 98...

Anmerkung: Für dokumentarische Zwecke wurde die ursprüngliche Beschreibung beibehalten. Sachliche Korrekturen und alternative Beschreibungen werden unabhängig von der ursprünglichen Beschreibung empfohlen. Fort... Mehr

Titel: Reliefkarte von Kauai
Schöpfer: Bruder Bertram
Themen: Landkarten; St. Louis College
Insel: Oahu

Ort: Honolulu, HI

Titel: Reliefkarte von Kauai Schöpfer: Bruder Bertram Themen: Landkart...

Reliefkarte von Kauai (b), Foto von Bruder Bertram

Mercator-Karte der vereinten Welt (35048889281)

Mercator-Karte der vereinten Welt (35048889281)

Zoom into search/commonwealth:q524n371p at . Title:Mercator map of the world united : a pictorial history of transport and communications and paths to permanent peace Title (alt.):Map of the world united Copyr... Mehr

Sydney St James - improvement of Sydney Cove (18297459476)

Sydney St James - improvement of Sydney Cove (18297459476)

[Nummer] 23 / 789 vom 28. Dezember [Dezember] 1832 über die Verbesserung der Sydney Cove [Skizzenbuch 7 Folio 85] Datum: 28 / 12 / 1832 Digitale ID: NRS13886 [X767] _ a110 _ 000049 Rechte: http: / / www.records... Mehr

Jerusalem aus der Vogelschau - Entworfen und gezeichnet von Adolf Eltzner. Druck von F.A. Brockhaus in Leipzig

Jerusalem aus der Vogelschau - Entworfen und gezeichnet von Adolf Eltz...

Um alle im Rahmen des Kollaborationsprojekts gespendeten Bilder anzusehen Englisch: Vogelperspektive des biblischen Jerusalems von Eltzner, Leipzig, 1852, 2. Auflage. Diese Karte von Jerusalem wurde Wikime... Mehr

Old map-Galveston-1871 - A map of the city of galveston, texas

Old map-Galveston-1871 - A map of the city of galveston, texas

Galveston, Texas, im Jahr 1871. Blick aus der Vogelperspektive auf die Stadt Galveston Texas, 1871. Getönte Lithographie, 160 x 160 cm Gedruckt von Chicago Lithographing Co. 150-54 S. Clark, Chicago, Ill. Cente... Mehr

Old map-Laredo-1892 - A map of a city with a river running through it

Old map-Laredo-1892 - A map of a city with a river running through it

Laredo, Texas, im Jahr 1892. Perspektivische Karte der Stadt Laredo, Texas. Das Tor nach und von Mexiko, 1892. Getönte Lithographie, 160 x 160 cm Herausgegeben von American Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Amon ... Mehr

1840 Französische Weltkarte mit den Territorien des Britischen, Französischen und Russischen Reiches

1840 Französische Weltkarte mit den Territorien des Britischen, Franzö...

1840 Französische Weltkarte mit den Territorien des Britischen, Französischen und Russischen Reiches

Karte Zürich Löwe - Public domain portrait engraving

Karte Zürich Löwe - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Karte der Stadtrepublik Zürich von 1698. Stich Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cloister gallery of the Museo Diocesano (Genoa) - DSC01633

Cloister gallery of the Museo Diocesano (Genoa) - DSC01633

Cloister gallery in Museo Diocesano, Via Tommaso Reggio, 20 r, Genoa, Italy. All artwork in this museum is old enough so that it is in the public domain. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

Karte - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - OTM- HB-KZL I 2 A 3 (30)

Karte - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - OTM- HB-KZL I 2 A 3 (...

Scale [c. 1:10.000]. 25-sheet wall map of ’t Hooge heemraedschap van Delflant.

Fontaine l'Eveque

Fontaine l'Eveque

Français : carte de la résurgence de Fontaine-l'Evèque (Sorps) extraite de la carte dite des Frontières de l'Est (IGN) 1776

Old Public Domain Mecca Maps 40

Old Public Domain Mecca Maps 40

العربية: خريطة مكة في كتاب الاستخبارات البحرية البريطانية 1366 هـ (1946 م.). English: Great Britain's Naval Intelligence Division Makkah-Arafat Road Map 1946 (1366 H.).

19 of 'Germany and France- a popular history of the Franco-German War. ... Illustrated, etc' (11092167624)

19 of 'Germany and France- a popular history of the Franco-German War....

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Germany and France: a popular history of the Franco-German War. ... Illustrated, etc" Author: RICH, Elihu. Shelfmark: "British Library HM... Mehr

229 of 'Die Landenge von Suês. Zur Beurtheilung des Canalprojects und des Auszugs der Israeliten aus Aegypten, etc' (11054966066)

229 of 'Die Landenge von Suês. Zur Beurtheilung des Canalprojects und ...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Die Landenge von Suês. Zur Beurtheilung des Canalprojects und des Auszugs der Israeliten aus Aegypten, etc" Author: Schleiden, M. J. (Mat... Mehr

257 of 'Origines Dijonnaises dégagées des fables et des erreurs qui les ont enveloppées jusqu'à ce jour, suivies d'une dissertation particulière sur les actes et la mission de S. Bénigne, l'Apôtre de Dijon, etc' (11037174675)

257 of 'Origines Dijonnaises dégagées des fables et des erreurs qui le...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Origines Dijonnaises dégagées des fables et des erreurs qui les ont enveloppées jusqu'à ce jour, suivies d'une dissertation particulière ... Mehr

282 of 'The History of our Country, from its discovery by Columbus ... Illustrated by engravings ... and portraits, etc' (11067002436)

282 of 'The History of our Country, from its discovery by Columbus ......

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "The History of our Country, from its discovery by Columbus ... Illustrated by engravings ... and portraits, etc" Author: RICHARDSON, Abby... Mehr

37 of 'Historical Sketches of Monaghan, from the earliest records to the Fenian movement' (11233251965)

37 of 'Historical Sketches of Monaghan, from the earliest records to t...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Historical Sketches of Monaghan, from the earliest records to the Fenian movement" Author: RUSHE, Denis Carolan. Shelfmark: "British Libr... Mehr

395 of 'La Cure d'altitude ... 29 planches hors texte et 110 figures dans le texte' (11242581694)

395 of 'La Cure d'altitude ... 29 planches hors texte et 110 figures d...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "La Cure d'altitude ... 29 planches hors texte et 110 figures dans le texte" Author: Regnard, Paul Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10195... Mehr

396 of 'Jerusalem und das heilige Land. Pilgerbuch nach Palästina, Syrien und Ægyptien' (11046468334)

396 of 'Jerusalem und das heilige Land. Pilgerbuch nach Palästina, Syr...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Jerusalem und das heilige Land. Pilgerbuch nach Palästina, Syrien und Ægyptien" Author: SEPP, Johann Nepomuk. Shelfmark: "British Library... Mehr

475 of 'The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass- and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family. Written and illustrated ... by Mrs. J. S. Smith' (11244978686)

475 of 'The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass- and the other baronial home...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "The Grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial homes of the Dick-Lauder family. Written and illustrated ... by Mrs. J. S. Smit... Mehr

91 of 'Local Notes and Gleanings. Oldham and neighbourhood in bygone days. Edited by G. Shaw. (Illustrated.) pt. 1-12' (11288218235)

91 of 'Local Notes and Gleanings. Oldham and neighbourhood in bygone d...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Local Notes and Gleanings. Oldham and neighbourhood in bygone days. Edited by G. Shaw. [Illustrated.] pt. 1-12" Author: SHAW, Giles. Shel... Mehr

Карта Ростов и Нахичевань на Дону 1921

Карта Ростов и Нахичевань на Дону 1921

Карта Ростова-на-Дну и Нахичевани-на-Дону, 1921 Public domain scan of settlement or building architecture plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Aerial photography of Gorky - Germany in World War Two

Aerial photography of Gorky - Germany in World War Two

Русский: Аэрофотосъёмка города Горького с указанием целей для бомбардировок: A — Железобетонный (Плашкоутный) мост (5 опор, расстояние между опорами ~120м, длина 740м, ширина 21м); B - Кремль (1 - Дом Советов... Mehr

Chandannagar, 1757 RCIN 732007 - Architectural drawing, public domain image

Chandannagar, 1757 RCIN 732007 - Architectural drawing, public domain ...

top left, under title, a key, a-i:] References … NB. Each Bastion has Five Guns in Face and three in flank, besides which they mounted one Gun in Barbet at the salliant Angles covered with Sand Bags. On the Ea... Mehr

Balkanhalbinsel BV044859947 - Public domain map

Balkanhalbinsel BV044859947 - Public domain map

Deutsch: BalkanhalbinselRussisch-TürkischerKrieg<1877-1878>

Brezno (Slowakei) BV043867001

Brezno (Slowakei) BV043867001

Deutsch: Brezno(Slowakei)

Byzantinisches Reich BV042750863 - Public domain map
Dürnkrut BV035894171 - Public domain vintage map
Kreis Lauenburg-Bütow 1794 - Public domain old map

Kreis Lauenburg-Bütow 1794 - Public domain old map

Deutsch: Ausschnitt aus "Landkarte des Herzogtums Vor- und Hinterpommern aus dem Jahr 1794

Miensk, Zacharaŭskaja, Rytvinski. Менск, Захараўская, Рытвінскі (1898)

Miensk, Zacharaŭskaja, Rytvinski. Менск, Захараўская, Рытвінскі (1898)

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Менск (Miensk), вуліца Захараўская (vulica Zacharaŭskaja). Дом Рытвінскіх (Rytvinski)

Barnaulsilver 1 - A drawing of a map of a town

Barnaulsilver 1 - A drawing of a map of a town

Русский: План Барнаульского сереброплавильного завода. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Panoramic map of Brussel 1730 Probst

Panoramic map of Brussel 1730 Probst

Panoramic view of Brussels Nederlands: Panorama van Brussel

Braun & Hogenberg - Burdigala XIVe - Public domain map
Constantinople 1536 - Public domain vintage map

Constantinople 1536 - Public domain vintage map

Map of Constantinople by Matrakci Nasuh

Figure 4 Kings Map 1756 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Figure 4 Kings Map 1756 - Drawing. Public domain image.

British Kings Map of the Cobequid, Nova Scotia/ Acadia (inset)

Landskapskartor Östersund planritning

Landskapskartor Östersund planritning

Svenska: Planritning för Östersund som grundades 1786 och områdeskartor.

Merian Freiburg im Breisgau

Merian Freiburg im Breisgau

Deutsch: Freiburg im Breisgau im Jahre 1644 Public domain image related to 15th-16th-century architecture, castle, palace, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Miensk, Trajeckaja hara. Менск, Траецкая гара (1888)

Miensk, Trajeckaja hara. Менск, Траецкая гара (1888)

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Менск (Miensk), Траецкая гара (Trajeckaja hara). Плян Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ogilby presenting his Subcription List for Britannia to the King and Queen

Ogilby presenting his Subcription List for Britannia to the King and Q...

Ogilby presenting his Subscription List for Britannia to the King and Queen. Detail from Morgan’s map of London, 1682

Plan de la Cité de Paris - 1862 - Ferdinand Heuzey

Plan de la Cité de Paris - 1862 - Ferdinand Heuzey

Map of « Ile de la Cité » in 1862, extract from Curiosités de la Cité de Paris », from Ferdinand Heuzey Français : Plan de l'île de la Cité en 1862, extrait de « Curiosités de la Cité de Paris », de Ferdinand Heuzey

Plan de Paris en 1572 - Public domain vintage map

Plan de Paris en 1572 - Public domain vintage map

Français : Plan de Braun et Hogenberg vers 1530, publié en 1572.

Plan Place Stan Fortif - A map of a city with a lot of buildings

Plan Place Stan Fortif - A map of a city with a lot of buildings

Français : Plan annexé à la minute de l’arrêt du Conseil royal des Finances du 24 mars 1752. Il indique la partie méridionale des fortifications de la Vieille-Ville et les emplacements des constructions de la ... Mehr

Połacak, Zadźvińnie, Bernardynski. Полацак, Задзьвіньне, Бэрнардынскі (F. Vasilkievič, 1.07.1802)

Połacak, Zadźvińnie, Bernardynski. Полацак, Задзьвіньне, Бэрнардынскі ...

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Полацак (Połacak), Задзьвіньне (Zadźvińnie). Касьцёл Сьвятой Ганны і кляштар бэрнардынаў, плян

K0035082 00001 - A map of the battle of waterloo

K0035082 00001 - A map of the battle of waterloo

Historical poster with a map and schematic depiction of the battle of Poltava Svenska: Historisk plansch med karta och schematisk beskrivning av slaget vid Poltava

Cabo de Santo Agostinho por João Teixeira Albernaz, o Velho

Cabo de Santo Agostinho por João Teixeira Albernaz, o Velho

Português: Mapa do litoral sul de Pernambuco, com destaque para o Cabo de Santo Agostinho.

Harbour of Qui Nhon 1795 Jean-Marie Dayot

Harbour of Qui Nhon 1795 Jean-Marie Dayot

Harbour of_Qui_Nhon_1795_Jean-Marie_Dayot Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Herman Moll New Map of Germany - Public domain map drawing

Herman Moll New Map of Germany - Public domain map drawing

Public domain image of 16th-17th century art, landscape print or drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ieper, Belgium ; Ferraris Map

Ieper, Belgium ; Ferraris Map

Ieper,_Belgium_;_ detail from Ferraris_Map Public domain image of 16th-17th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Leonardo da Vinci - Bird's-eye-view of sea coast - WGA12871

Leonardo da Vinci - Bird's-eye-view of sea coast - WGA12871

Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Choquet De Lindu P11 - Les profil du bagne

Choquet De Lindu P11 - Les profil du bagne

Français : Grande planche incluse dans l'ouvrage d'Antoine Choquet de Lindu : Description du bagne pour loger à terre, les galériens ou forçats de l'Arsenal de Brest - Planche 11 - Les profil du bagne.

The Duke's Plan (New Amsterdam) - Public domain old map

The Duke's Plan (New Amsterdam) - Public domain old map

A plan of New Amsterdam shortly before it became New York, drawn by an unknown member of the Thames school of chartmakers, and probably presented to th colony's proprietor the Duke of York (James II). This ... Mehr

1875 Danbury picture map - Public domain vintage map

1875 Danbury picture map - Public domain vintage map

Picture map of Danbury, CT, USA ca. 1875

B Ordeaux 1661 Zeiller 15215 - Public domain old map

B Ordeaux 1661 Zeiller 15215 - Public domain old map

Français : présenté dans "Topographiae Galliae".

Congo kingdoms - Public domain vintage map

Congo kingdoms - Public domain vintage map

Congo kingdoms around 1890 Public domain scan of a map, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Conquerneau 1657 Zeiller 45090 - Public domain old map

Conquerneau 1657 Zeiller 45090 - Public domain old map

Français : extrait de "geographia galliae".

St Giles 1877 - An old map of a city with a lot of buildings

St Giles 1877 - An old map of a city with a lot of buildings

Plan of St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland in 1877 Public domain scan of church plan, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Geologische Kartenskizze des Obersilurs in Bærum

Geologische Kartenskizze des Obersilurs in Bærum

Norsk bokmål: Geologisk kartskisse over oversiluren i Bærum. Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hanoi quartier administratif petit lac map plan 1886

Hanoi quartier administratif petit lac map plan 1886

Map of the quartier administratif Petit Lac (Little Lake administrative neighbourhood) of colonial Hanoi, 1886. Français : Plan du quartier administratif du Petit Lac, Hanoï colonial, 1886.

La cite le port et le mole d Alger

La cite le port et le mole d Alger

Français : Gravure ancienne hollandaise. "De Stad Haven En Mouillie Van Algiers Neven Desselfs Kasteelen" (la cité, le port et le môle d'Alger)

Les décades de Tite Live 06433 aqueduc

Les décades de Tite Live 06433 aqueduc

Français : extrait du livre "Les décades... de Tite Live". Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Map of Messina 1 - Public domain vintage map
Old map-Austin-1873 - Public domain vintage map

Old map-Austin-1873 - Public domain vintage map

Austin, Texas in 1873. Bird's Eye View of the City of Austin Travis County Texas 1873, 1873. Lithograph (hand-colored), 19.7 x 28.1 in. Published by J. J. Stoner, Madison, Wis. Center for American History, The ... Mehr

Old map-Gatesville-1884 - Public domain vintage map

Old map-Gatesville-1884 - Public domain vintage map

Gatesville, Texas in 1884. Bird's Eye View of Gatesville Coryell County, Texas 1884, 1884. Lithograph, 15 x 23.6 in. Lithographer unknown. Gatesville Public Library.

Proposal for a new boulevard in Amsterdam 1876

Proposal for a new boulevard in Amsterdam 1876

Proposal for a new boulevard with regard to a new train station and stock exchange in the centre of Amsterdam. Nederlands: Voorstel voor een nieuwe boulevard in verband met het Centraal Station en een nieuwe ... Mehr

Slm 1858 - A map of the city of st petersburg

Slm 1858 - A map of the city of st petersburg

Public domain image of a cityscape, city view, streets, 18th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Stantonbury Camp Somerset Map

Stantonbury Camp Somerset Map

Map of earthworks at Stantonbury Camp, Somerset, England. Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The mid 15th-century Catalan centered on Jerusalem

The mid 15th-century Catalan centered on Jerusalem

Catalan-Estense World Map (Mappamundi). A mid–15th-century Catalan map below centered on Jerusalem, includes reasonably accurate information on the African coast and interior as far south as knowledge of the p... Mehr

The siege of Riga 1656 - A drawing of a map of a town

The siege of Riga 1656 - A drawing of a map of a town

Latvia, Riga; Delineatio Regiae urbis Rigae - ca. 1697 Delineatio regiae urbis Rigae et Obli dionis qua a Magno Moschorum Czare ALEXI MICHALOWITZ a die 22 Augusti usque ad 5 Octob Anno 1656 Exercitu 118000 mi... Mehr

Torino's map (1674) - Public domain vintage map

Torino's map (1674) - Public domain vintage map

Italiano: Torino, pianta. Incisione (mm 515x756), anonima su disegno del 1674 di Giovanni Tommaso Borgogno (Dal Theatrum Sabaudiae)

Plan of Timbuctoo 1896 - Public domain vintage map
207 of 'Roma descritta ed illustrata. Seconda edizione' (11000068734)

207 of 'Roma descritta ed illustrata. Seconda edizione' (11000068734)

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Roma descritta ed illustrata. Seconda edizione" Author: GUALTANI, Giuseppe Antonio. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10130.f.12." Page: ... Mehr

341 of 'The Cruise of the “Rosario” amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands. ... With map and illustrations' (11102275796)

341 of 'The Cruise of the “Rosario” amongst the New Hebrides and Santa...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "The Cruise of the “Rosario” amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands. ... With map and illustrations" Author: MARKHAM, Albert Hast... Mehr

A comprehensive history of India, civil, military, and social, from the first landing of the English to the suppression of the Sepoy revolt; including an outline of the early history of Hindoostan (14761597001)

A comprehensive history of India, civil, military, and social, from th...

Identifier: comprehensivehis01beve (find matches) Title: A comprehensive history of India, civil, military, and social, from the first landing of the English to the suppression of the Sepoy revolt; including ... Mehr

A history of the American nation (1919) (14595863848)

A history of the American nation (1919) (14595863848)

Identifier: historyofamerica03mcla (find matches) Title: A history of the American nation Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 1861- (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher: New York, ... Mehr

An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery (1820) (14594118238)

An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the...

A Chart of Spitzbergen Identifier: accountofarcticr02scor (find matches) Title: An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery Year: 1820 (1820s) Authors: Scores... Mehr

An historical, topographical, and statistical view of the United States of America - from the earliest period to the present time (1819) (14597439907)

An historical, topographical, and statistical view of the United State...

Identifier: historicaltopog_a01wint (find matches) Title: An historical, topographical, and statistical view of the United States of America : from the earliest period to the present time Year: 1819 (1810s) A... Mehr

Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (1879) (18434981305)

Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (...

Title: Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Identifier: annualreportofbo1879smit (find matches) Year: 1846 (1840s) Authors: Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents; United St... Mehr

Atlas of the Philippine Islands (1900) (14585692528)

Atlas of the Philippine Islands (1900) (14585692528)

Identifier: AtlasPhilippine00Algu (find matches) Title: Atlas of the Philippine Islands Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Algué, José, 1856- Algue, P. Jose, 1856- U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Subjects: Publishe... Mehr

Elementary physical geography; (1908) (14804390553)

Elementary physical geography; (1908) (14804390553)

Identifier: elementaryphysic01redw (find matches) Title: Elementary physical geography; Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Redway, Jacques Wardlaw, 1849- (from old catalog) Subjects: Physical geography Publisher: ... Mehr


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