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old belgrade

51 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Cara Dusana 1930 - A black and white photo of a city street

Cara Dusana 1930 - A black and white photo of a city street

Street in Belgrade Public domain photograph of city center, downtown, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ulice starog Beograda 15

Ulice starog Beograda 15

Српски / srpski: KalemegdanEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets Public domain photograph of castle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ulica cara Dusana 1898 - A black and white photo of a street
Ulice starog Beograda 22

Ulice starog Beograda 22

Српски / srpski: Cvetni trgEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

The Serbian people, their past glory and their destiny (1910) (14785003685)

The Serbian people, their past glory and their destiny (1910) (1478500...

Identifier: serbianpeoplethe02lazauoft (find matches) Title: The Serbian people, their past glory and their destiny Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Stephan Lazar Eugene, Prince, 1864- ... Mehr

Kuća Stanojla i Draginje Petrović 2

Kuća Stanojla i Draginje Petrović 2

Српски / srpski: Kuća Stanojla i Draginje Petrović u Kragujevačkoj ulici 75 (danas ulica Kralja Milana, preko puta Beograđanke) oko 1930

Ulice starog Beograda 01

Ulice starog Beograda 01

Српски / srpski: 1 Ичкова кућа 2 Саборна црква 3 Чесма 4 Возаревићева књижара (читалиште) 5 Хотел код ЈеленаEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Ulice starog Beograda 13

Ulice starog Beograda 13

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog BeogradaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Ulice starog Beograda 16

Ulice starog Beograda 16

Српски / srpski: Kalemegdan - PobednikEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Ulice starog Beograda 21

Ulice starog Beograda 21

Српски / srpski: Цара Николе, Маршала ТолбухинаEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Belgrade Cathedral & Landing Place

Belgrade Cathedral & Landing Place

Cathedral & Landing Place, Belgrade, Serbia - 1890

Jovanova pijaca 3

Jovanova pijaca 3

Green market Jovanova, Belgrade, about 1930. Srpski (latinica): Jovanova pijaca u Beogradu, fotografija oko 1930. godine

Ulice starog Beograda 08

Ulice starog Beograda 08

Српски / srpski: Guslar na Trgu Republike (Pozorišnom trgu)English: Old Belgrade Streets

Belgrade - Old Photograph 3

Belgrade - Old Photograph 3

Old phtograph of the Belgrade, the capital of Serbia

Ulice starog Beograda 06

Ulice starog Beograda 06

Српски / srpski: Ulica Kneza MilošaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

BASA-142K-1-488-10-Slavija-Platz, Belgrad

BASA-142K-1-488-10-Slavija-Platz, Belgrad

Български: Площад "Славия" в Белград, Сърбия Ελληνικά: Σλάβιγια, Βελιγράδι English: Slavija Square, Beograd

Ulice starog Beograda 07

Ulice starog Beograda 07

Српски / srpski: Zgrada Narodnog muzejaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Ulice starog Beograda 14

Ulice starog Beograda 14

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog Beograda - Krsmanovićeva kućaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ulice starog Beograda 18

Ulice starog Beograda 18

Српски / srpski: Снимак је начињен у Топчидерском парку 1936English: Old Belgrade Streets

Cara Dusana 1920 - A black and white photo of an old building

Cara Dusana 1920 - A black and white photo of an old building

Street in Belgrade Public domain photograph of a hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Citaliste beogradsko i Ilirska kasina - Anastas Jovanovic (1865)

Citaliste beogradsko i Ilirska kasina - Anastas Jovanovic (1865)

Српски / srpski: Ulica Kralja Petra, 1865. godine - zgrada prve beogradske osnovne škole, u kojoj se nalazilo Čitalište beogradsko (levo) i hotel "Kod jelena", u kome se nalazila Ilirska kasina English: Kralj... Mehr

Belgrade - Old Photograph 5

Belgrade - Old Photograph 5

Old phtograph of the Belgrade, the capital of Serbia

Ulice starog Beograda 17

Ulice starog Beograda 17

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog Beograda - Knez Miletina ulica (Despota Stefana, 29. novembra)English: Old Belgrade Streets

Churches in Zemun's Gradski Park - old postcard

Churches in Zemun's Gradski Park - old postcard

Српски / srpski: Crkve u zemunskom Gradskom parku na staroj razglednici.English: Churches in Zemun's Gradski Park as seen in an old postcard.

Kuća Stanojla i Draginje Petrović 1

Kuća Stanojla i Draginje Petrović 1

Српски / srpski: Фотографија Милана Јовановића из 1895. Дом Драгиње Петровић је четврта кућа с десна, гледајући од угла Ресавске и Краља Милана

Čukarica-Bg fabrika-Koža

Čukarica-Bg fabrika-Koža

Post card "Čukarica fabrika Kože" from Belgrade in 1920s Post card "Čukarica fabrika Kože" from Belgrade in 1920s

Ulice starog Beograda 05

Ulice starog Beograda 05

Српски / srpski: Pogled s KalemegdanaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Knjižara Velimira Valožića

Knjižara Velimira Valožića

Srpski (latinica): Knjižara Velimira Valožića koja se nalazila na uglu Pop Lukine i Kosančićevog venca, tada Varoš-kapija. Fotografija je sa početka 20. veka.

Belgrade - Old Photograph 7

Belgrade - Old Photograph 7

Old photograph of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia

Ulice starog Beograda 03

Ulice starog Beograda 03

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog BeogradaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Bajlonijeva pijaca 04

Bajlonijeva pijaca 04

Bajloni market place, photo from 1936. Srpski (latinica): Pijaca Bajlonijeva, 1936, Beograd.

Ulice starog Beograda 02

Ulice starog Beograda 02

Српски / srpski: 1 Ичкова кућа 2 Саборна црква 3 Чесма 4 Возаревићева књижара (читалиште) 5 Хотел код ЈеленаEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Cara Dusana 1896 - A black and white photo of people standing in front of a train

Cara Dusana 1896 - A black and white photo of people standing in front...

Street in Belgrade Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ulice starog Beograda 04

Ulice starog Beograda 04

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog BeogradaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Ulice starog Beograda 09

Ulice starog Beograda 09

Српски / srpski: Ulice starog BeogradaEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Beograd-1920 Kalemegdan

Beograd-1920 Kalemegdan

Kalemegdan in Belgrade in 1920s with walkers in park Kalemegdan in Belgrade in 1920s with walkers in park

Belgrade Kalemegdan, winter 1928-29 (colorized)

Belgrade Kalemegdan, winter 1928-29 (colorized)

Kalemegdan at the winter of 1928-29 (colorized) Српски / srpski: Novo šetalište na Kalemegdanu, zima 1928-29 (farban)

Jovanova pijaca 1

Jovanova pijaca 1

Green market Jovanova, Belgrade, about 1930. Srpski (latinica): Jovanova pijaca u Beogradu, fotografija oko 1930. godine

Kunike-Zemun - A drawing of a group of people on a beach

Kunike-Zemun - A drawing of a group of people on a beach

The view of Belgrad from Zemun.label QS:Lsr,"Pogled sa Zemuna na Beograd."

Ulice starog Beograda 19

Ulice starog Beograda 19

Српски / srpski: Ташмајдан, улаз у пећинуEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Stari-Beograd-Brankovina 1920s

Stari-Beograd-Brankovina 1920s

Brankovina - Dečanska ulica (Street of Dečani) in Old Belgrade in 1920s Brankovina - Dečanska ulica (Street of Dečani) in Old Belgrade in 1920s

Belgrade Terazije circa 1930

Belgrade Terazije circa 1930

Old colorized photograph of Belgrade Terazije

Belgrade, Faculty of Philology

Belgrade, Faculty of Philology

The building of the Faculty of Philology of Belgrade was built in 1922 according to the plans of the architect Petr Gačić. On a postcard printed between the two world wars, you can see the old appearance of th... Mehr

Sdk i hodza, World War II photo

Sdk i hodza, World War II photo

A Mulla holds the Khutbah to Serbian State Guard and Serbian Volunteer Corps у Београду Српски (ћирилица): Хоџа држи хутбу СДК и СДС у Београду

Bajlonijeva pijaca 03

Bajlonijeva pijaca 03

Bajloni market place, photo from 1940, publish in Vreme, 29. November 1940. Srpski (latinica): Pijaca Bajlonijeva, publikovano u Vreme, 29. novembar 1940, članak Veliki dovoz kupusa.

Krunska-deo 1920s

Krunska-deo 1920s

Crown-Street (Krunska ulica) in Old Belgrade 1920s Crown-Street (Krunska ulica) in Old Belgrade 1920s

Pijacni dan 1

Pijacni dan 1

Marketplace in Belgrade about 1920. Srpski (latinica): Ponuda lubenica i dinja na beogradskoj obali, fotografisano oko 1920. godine

Belgrade - Old Photograph 1

Belgrade - Old Photograph 1

Painting of the destruction of Belgrade during the second world war

Bajlonijeva pijaca 02

Bajlonijeva pijaca 02

Bajloni market place, photo before 1934, publish in Beogradske opstinske novine, 1. January 1934. Srpski (latinica): Pijaca Bajlonijeva, publikovano u Beogradskim opštinskim novinama, 1. januar 1934.

Ulice starog Beograda 11

Ulice starog Beograda 11

Српски / srpski: HipodromEnglish: Old Belgrade Streets

Krunska-barvana 1920s

Krunska-barvana 1920s

Crown-Street (Krunska ulica) in Belgrade in 1920s Crown-Street (Krunska ulica) in Belgrade in 1920s

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