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official portrait photographs of the united states marine corps

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Jacob M. Reiff (3)

Jacob M. Reiff (3)

Sergeant Major Jacob M. Reiff, Manpower and Reserve Affairs Sergeant Major



SgtMaj Sanchez

Charles F. Ziervogel (2) (cropped)

Charles F. Ziervogel (2) (cropped)

Command Master Chief Charles F. Ziervogel is currently serving as the Command Master Chief for I Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton, California.

Charles F. Ziervogel (2)

Charles F. Ziervogel (2)

Command Master Chief Charles F. Ziervogel is currently serving as the Command Master Chief for I Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton, California.



Warrant Officer James Hatcher originally planned to do only one tour in the Marine Corps but through his personal drive turned it into a career.



Change of command bio photo.

United States Marines - USMC-12378
SMMC John L. Estrada, USMC


Sgt. Maj. Ricky W. Stroud, sergeant major of 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division.

Justin Reagan-Southwest Region (10706633405)

Justin Reagan-Southwest Region (10706633405)

Marine veteran Justin Reagan works at Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico.

Donald O. Leppert (2) (cropped)

Donald O. Leppert (2) (cropped)

Command Master Chief Donald O. Leppert, III Marine Expeditionary Force

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (3)

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (3)

In November 2021, Sergeant Major David A. Wilson was assigned as the Sergeant Major of 1st Marine Division, where he currently serves.

John Liles (8161783137)

John Liles (8161783137)

John Liles served on an Expeditionary Unit in the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines. He is currently an Engineering Equipment Operator working for the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program at Willapa National Wildlife Refuge.

Ronald L. Green (1)

Ronald L. Green (1)

Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. announced the selection of Sgt. Maj. Ronald L. Green as the next Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Jan. 20, 2015.

United States Marines - USMC-16977



United States Marines - USMC-16979
United States Marines - USMC-18706
Fenton 1

Fenton 1

Sergeant Matthew Fenton's official Marine Corps photo. Source: www.mfr.usmc.mil/4thmardiv/25thMar/1stBn/kia.html

Stephen A. Griffin (3)

Stephen A. Griffin (3)

Sergeant Major Stephen Griffin assumed the duties as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of Marine Corps Training and Education Command in May 2022.

United States Marines - USMC-04020
United States Marines - USMC-12358
Richard Garfield Weede

Richard Garfield Weede

Richard Garfield Weede (September 26, 1911 - October 22, 1985) was a highly decorated officer of the United States Marine Corps with the rank of Lieutenant General. He served in World War II, Korea and during ... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-12328
Charles F. Ziervogel (3)

Charles F. Ziervogel (3)

Charles F. Ziervogel, Command Master Chief, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC)



Vernon G. Linnabary Jr. 1963-1971

Kurt C. Lee

Kurt C. Lee

中文:吕超然,美国海军陆战队军官,韩战老兵。 English: Major Kurt Chew-Een Lee, a Korean War veteran and Navy Cross recepient, in his LT years.

17th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett

17th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett

Official Photo of Micheal P. Barrett, the 17th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

Edwin A. Mota (2)

Edwin A. Mota (2)

Sergeant Major Edwin A. Mota, Command Senior Enlisted Leader, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South

Anthony J. Loftus (3)

Anthony J. Loftus (3)

SgtMaj Anthony J. Loftus, Sergeant Major, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC) and Sergeant Major, Combat Development and Integration (CD&I)



Sgt Guthart -NCOY

United States Marines - USMC-120817-M-OU625-001

United States Marines - USMC-120817-M-OU625-001

Lance Cp. Collin Shears recieved orders to the West Coast and will depart Marine Barracks Washington Sept. 7.

United States Marines - USMC-18814


Daniel L. Linnabary II. 2009 - present

United States Marines - USMC-03962
Aaron G. McDonald (5)

Aaron G. McDonald (5)

In August of 2023 Sergeant Major McDonald assumed his current position as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, and Marine Forces North.

United States Marines - USMC-16944

United States Marines - USMC-16944

CO LtCol James P Edmunds

United States Marines - USMC-17521
Stephen A. Griffin (1)

Stephen A. Griffin (1)

Sergeant Major Stephen A. Griffin, MAG-29 Sergeant Major

United States Marines - USMC-01131
United States Marines - USMC-16010
United States Marines - USMC-13694
CMDCM John C. Beck

CMDCM John C. Beck

CMDCM John C. Beck, Command Master Chief, 2d Marine Logistics Group

United States Marines - USMC-12309

United States Marines - USMC-12309

Command Master Chief, 2nd Marine Logistics Group

United States Marines - USMC-02589
Charles F. Ziervogel (1)

Charles F. Ziervogel (1)

Command Master Chief Charles F. Ziervogel is currently serving as the Command Master Chief for 3D Marine Logistics Group in Okinawa, Japan.



SgtMaj Goss

United States Marines - USMC-13713
United States Marines - USMC-15900
United States Marines - USMC-00117
United States Marines - USMC-13724
David Kitts (6329982702)

David Kitts (6329982702)

David Kitts, at the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina, served in the U. S. Marine Corps from 1970 to 1974 was a Sergeant E-5 when he got out. He served in Vietnam just before the end of the war.

United States Marines - USMC-15781
United States Marines - USMC-01550

United States Marines - USMC-01550

Sgt. Maj. Eric C. Seward

Aaron G. McDonald (4)

Aaron G. McDonald (4)

In August of 2023 Sergeant Major McDonald assumed his current position as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, and Marine Forces North.

CMDCM Loren D. Rucker (2) (cropped)

CMDCM Loren D. Rucker (2) (cropped)

Command Master Chief Loren D. Rucker, Command Master Chief, I Marine Expeditionary Force



SgtMaj Macias

Chase Savage (6329127031)

Chase Savage (6329127031)

After graduating from a rural high school in Mississippi, Chase Savage enlisted in the U.S. Marines Corps in 2003 at the age of 18. Growing up, Savage was active in sports and an avid outdoorsman. He felt tha... Mehr

Mike Picha (8169467829)

Mike Picha (8169467829)

Branch: U.S. Marines, 1999-2003 Rank: Lance Cpl. Current Position: R3 Land Surveyor, Division of Realty

United States Marines - USMC-12332
Ronald L. Green (3)

Ronald L. Green (3)

U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Ronald L. Green poses for his official portrait as Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps at the Pentagon, Arlington Va., Jan. 26, 2015. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Michael C. Guinto/Released)

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (1)

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (1)

U.S. Marine Sgt. Maj. David A. Wilson, current Senior Enlisted Advisor of Marine Attack Squadron 311 aboard Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Ariz., Aug. 27, 2012. (U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Cpl. Ken Kalemkarian/released)

United States Marines - USMC-12347
United States Marines - USMC-12320

United States Marines - USMC-12320

Sgt. Maj. Joel A. Collins

United States Marines - USMC-17528
United States Marines - USMC-17550

United States Marines - USMC-17550

Commanding Offier CLB-26

Frank B. Kammer Jr. (1)

Frank B. Kammer Jr. (1)

In August 2020, Sergeant Major Kammer transferred to Marine Aircraft Group-26 where he is currently serving as the MAG Sergeant Major.

Donald O. Leppert (2)

Donald O. Leppert (2)

Command Master Chief Donald O. Leppert, III Marine Expeditionary Force

Joy M. Kitashima (4) (cropped)

Joy M. Kitashima (4) (cropped)

Sergeant Major Joy M. Kitashima, Sergeant Major, III Marine Expeditionary Force

United States Marines - USMC-19590
Aaron G. McDonald (3)

Aaron G. McDonald (3)

In August of 2023 Sergeant Major McDonald assumed his current position as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, and Marine Forces North.



Capt Pollard



LCpl Wheeler - MOY




Conrad Chavez-Southwest Region (10706634455)

Conrad Chavez-Southwest Region (10706634455)

Marine veteran Conrad Chavez is currently a Maintenance Worker at Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

United States Marines - USMC-17637
United States Marines - USMC-12224
Anthony J. Loftus (1)

Anthony J. Loftus (1)

Sergeant Major General Anthony J. Loftus

Aaron G. McDonald (2)

Aaron G. McDonald (2)

Sergeant Major Aaron G. McDonald, Sergeant Major, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (2)

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (2)

Training Command Bio photo for SgtMaj David A. Wilson

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (3) (cropped)

Sgt Maj David A. Wilson (3) (cropped)

In November 2021, Sergeant Major David A. Wilson was assigned as the Sergeant Major of 1st Marine Division, where he currently serves.

United States Marines - USMC-13697

United States Marines - USMC-13697

Command Photo of SgtMaj Todd for 2d Supply Bn

United States Marines - USMC-05557
United States Marines - USMC-01874

United States Marines - USMC-01874

SGTMAJ Smith W_O border

Jacob M. Reiff (3) (cropped)

Jacob M. Reiff (3) (cropped)

Sergeant Major Jacob M. Reiff, Manpower and Reserve Affairs Sergeant Major



1stSgt Darden

CMDCM Loren D. Rucker (2)

CMDCM Loren D. Rucker (2)

Command Master Chief Loren D. Rucker, Command Master Chief, I Marine Expeditionary Force



First Sergeant

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