Buffalo Courier bringen japanische Kapitulation zum Ausdruck
Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Woman's Journal of March 8, 1913
Front page of the Woman's Journal and Suffrage News from March 8, 1913. Rosalie Gardiner Jones, Inez Milholland on a white horse, floats, and an aerial view of the Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913 are depicted.
Golos Truda, Sept 14 (Sept 1), Russian Empire
Sept 14 (OS Sept 1), 1917, issue of the Russian anarcho-syndicalist newspaper Golos Truda (Голос Труда)
Carigradski Glasnik 13 April 1895
Български: Главата на вестник "Цариградски гласник".
Makedonika Nea
Български: Първа страница на вестник "Македоника Неа".
El Puerto, 5 de febrero de 1908
El Puerto, chilenische Zeitung, Ausgabe 3 vom 5. Februar 1908
The New-York Daily Times first issue
Беларуская: Першая старонка першага нумара «The New York Times» пад назвай «The New-York Daily Times». Front page of the first issue of The New York Times as The New-York Daily Times.
The Mazatlan Times, June 21, 1864, Mexico
Deutsch: The Mazatlan Times, 21. Juni 1864. Eine englischsprachige Wochenzeitung in Mexiko, hrsg. von A. D. Jones. English: The Mazatlan Times, June 21, 1864. A weekly paper in English language in Mexico, edi... Mehr
Le Petit Marocain November 8, 1942
Front page of Le Petit Marocain November 8, 1942 during Operation Torch. Title : Le Petit Marocain Publisher : (Casablanca) Publication date : 1942-11-08 Type : text Type : printed serial Language : frenc... Mehr
Voorpagina "De Volksgazet" (13 Mei 1940)
Nederlands: voorpagina "De Volksgazet" (13 Mei 1940) English: Frontpage of Flemish Newspaper "De Volksgazet" of May 13 1940
1917-11-26, La Mañana, La manifestación pro amnistía a su llegada a la...
Español: La manifestación pro amnistía a su llegada a la estatua de Castelar.—En el óvalo, la presidencia de la manifestación. Fot. Pío.
News. V.E. Day BAnQ P48S1P12270
Der Titel "Deutschland tritt aus" kündigt die deutsche Kapitulation und das bevorstehende Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa an. Français: Deux jeunes femmes, debout sur la rue Sainte-Catherine à Montréal, l... Mehr
Kürschner-Zeitung, front-page of a German furriers journal 1943
Deutsch: Kürschner-Fachzeitschrift aus 1943, dem vorletzten Kriegsjahr des 2. Weltkriegs Kürschner-Zeitung. Mit den amtlichen Bekanntmachungen des Reichsinnungs-Verbandes Verlag Alexander Duncker, Leipzig C.1,... Mehr
Nikkan Sports first issue, front page. It was first published on March 6, 1946 (Showa 21). The top news was the resumption of baseball at Tokyo Big6 Baseball League. 日本語: 創刊の1946年(昭21)3月6日付の日刊スポーツ1面。東京6大学野球 再開... Mehr
Vola narodu 1923̠1
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Першы нумар газэты «Воля народу» 21.10.1923
Cover of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 17 May 1856
cover of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 17 May 1856, published in New York, USA. Including depictions Panamanians fighting Americans in the so-called Watermelon War (or Incidente de la tajada de sandía)... Mehr
Financial Times 1888 front page
Front page of the Financial Times for Monday, 13 February 1888.
Gazeta Wolna Warszawska 1794 - nr 1
The front page of Gazeta Wolna Warszawska. no. 1 - 1794Polski: Pierwsza strona Gazety Wolnej Warszawskiej. nr 1 - 1794
Irish Independent First Issue 1905 01 02
First Issue of the Irish Independent
D Mir 1913 06 05 001-page-001
Front page of The Daily Mirror, 5 June 1913, reporting the injury of Emily Davison at the Derby
NY Times Page 1 11 11 1918
Armistice Day page from the New York Times
LG18301 - An old book with a picture of a cat on it
The front page of 1830's Russian newspaper - "Literary Gazette".Русский: Титульный лист Литературной газеты 1830 года.
קענעדער אדלער, מיטװאך כ״ח תמוז תרע״ד
Front page of the Keneder Adler, Wednesday, July 22, 1914. Français : La une du Keneder Adler, mercredi 22 juillet 1914. ייִדיש: דער קענעדער אדלער, מיטװאך כ״ח תמוז תרע״ד
Português: Primeira página do O Estado de Minas, de número 462, datado de 5 de junho de 1896. Nela narra o conflito ocorrido em Manhuassu (grafia hoje Manhuaçu)
Büffel-Kurier bringen Nazi-Auslieferung zum Ausdruck
Titelseite der Kurier-Express-Zeitung, Nazis kapitulieren. Das berichtet der Buffalo Courier Express. Es gibt keinen Urheberrechtsvermerk darauf und das Papier ist über 50 Jahre alt.
Emancipaçao - An old newspaper with a man holding an umbrella
Revista Ilustrada de 1880. Arte por Angelo Agostini English: 1880 Brazilian cartoon shows slave owner trying to fend off emancipation with an umbrella.
Gazety wilenskie. Nr 9, Vilnius, 1789
Weekly Gazety wilenskie. nr 9, published in Vilnius in 1789. Lietuvių: Savaitraštis „Gazety wilenskie“, išleistas Vilniuje 1789 m.
Annexation Here to Stay (edit)
Annexation announcement in the Pacific Commerical Advertiser, July 14, 1898.
Allegheny Democrat 1834-Sep-30
Front page of Allegheny Democrat newspaper (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States), 30 September 1834.
The first issue of the ‘Chugai Bukka Shimpo’ (Domestic and Foreign Commodity Price Newspaper), 1876. It is the precursor of the Nikkei (The Nihon Keizai Shimbun).
Holas Bielarusa-1-1924 - A newspaper with a black and white image
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Тытульная старонка газэты "Голас беларуса", Вільня, 1924 год
Sjalanskaja prauda 1924-1
Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Першы нумар газэты "Сялянская праўда" Беларуская (тарашкевіца): First issue of Sjalanskaja prauda
Murió el Presidente Ríos
Portada del Diario La Nación de Chile, que informa la muerte del Presidente Juan Antonio Ríos.
Stalin è morto, Italy - A newspaper with a picture of stalin in it
Italiano: Prima pagina del quotidiano L'Unità all'indomani della morte del dittatore sovietico Stalin
Le Petit Marocain November 12, 1942
Front page of Le Petit Marocain November 12, 1942 during Operation Torch. Title : Le Petit Marocain Publisher : (Casablanca) Publication date : 1942-11-12 Type : text Type : printed serial Language : fren... Mehr
Public Domain Images - 026 la times
Old LA Times front page concerning the Azusa Street Revival. Image obtained from http://www.williamjseymour.com/, and is in the Public Domain.
Volya Newspaper 5 Mart 1911
Български: Главата на вестник Воля, брой 1, 5 март 1911.
World War 1 Headlines R01
Headlines of the newspaper Le Soir (Brussels, Belgium) of August 4th, 1914, mentioning the German attack on Belgium Nederlands: Krantenkoppen in het dagblad Le Soir (Brussel, België) van 4 augustus 1914, waar... Mehr
Headline of the New York Times June-29-1914
Headline of the New York Times June-29-1914
The Germans birthday gift to the King of the Belgians! At Dry-Grachten...
Cover of the Illustrated London News Saturday, April 1917, 1915. No. 3965.- Vol CXLVI : The Germans birthday gift to the King of the Belgians! At Dry-Grachten, captured from the enemy, April 8.
Falklandanzeiger n1
Titelseite der ersten Ausgabe des "Falklandanzeigers" vom 1. Januar 1891.
Gonyea also has in his possession an original printing of a news paper when the Marines took Iwo Jima.
Voorpagina "Het Algemeen Nieuws" (6 November 1940)
Nederlands: voorpagina "Het Algemeen Nieuws" (6 November 1940) Met aankondiging van de Jodenvervolging in België: "Vordering van 28 Oktober 1940 betreffende het verwijderen van Joden uit ambten en betrekkingen... Mehr
Voorpagina "Vooruit" (10 Mei 1940)
Nederlands: voorpagina "Vooruit" (10 Mei 1940) met als kop "Duitschland valt België aan." English: Frontpage of Flemish Newspaper "Vooruit" of May 10 1940
Nas niva 6111 - A book with a black and white image on it
Беларуская: Першы нумар газеты Наша Ніва за 1911. English: First issue of Naša Niva.
Jornal O Globo 1942
Português: Capa do jornal O Globo com a manchete do afundamento do navio brasileiro Buarque, em fevereiro de 1942.
Illyrisches Blatt, Slovenia - Public domain engraving
Illyrisches_Blatt newspaper front page of edition 32 Public domain photograph - engraving of a sailing ship, sea battle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Voorpagina "De Gazet" 7 Juni 1944 met hoofdnieuws "de Invasie heeft aa...
Nederlands: Voorpagina "De Gazet" 7 Juni 1944 met hoofdnieuws "de Invasie heeft aanvang genomen' verwijzend naar de geallieerde landing in Normandië
El Mundo 16 May 1024 1 - A newspaper with a bunch of pictures of men
Front page of El Mundo newspaper, 16 May 1929, showing Spain's 4-3 victory over England
Sunday Mercury first edition
Cover of the first edition of the Sunday Mercury newspaper.
Lgz - A newspaper with a picture of a man holding a trophy
The logo of front page at Russian newspaper - "Literary Gazette" (USSR). A photo of Maxim Gorky (1868 -1936).Русский: Небольшой фрагмент титульного листа Литературной газеты с портретом Максима Горького (1868... Mehr
José Bonifácio, por Angelo Agostini
Português: Caricatura de José Bonifácio por Angelo Agostini, com a legenda: "Festejos da Independência. Grande sarilho no Largo de São Francisco na noite de 8 de setembro. O Patriarca Bonifácio, perdendo a pac... Mehr
Ermis Solun 3 May 1875
Български: Главата на вестник Ермис.
Faros Tis Makedonias 29 November 1887
Български: Главата на вестник Фарос тис Македонияс.
Aurora de Chile
La Aurora de Chile fue el primer periódico de Chile. Se publicó entre 1812 y 1813.
2010-03-10 Bonn Bulgarien-Ausstellung Maritza
Deutsch: Titelblatt der bulgarischen Tageszeitung "Mariza" (Schriftweise auch "Maritza"); 1878. Fotografie eines Exponats einer Ausstellung über das Leben des Fürsten von Battenberg im Rathaus von Bonn-Hardtbe... Mehr
Pro Israel 2 July 1926, Israel
Български: Главата на вестник "Про Исраел".
Sie lautet: Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1. EXTRA KRIEG!
(Associated Press by Transpacific Telephone) SAN FRANCISCO, Dezember 7.--Präsident Roosevelt kündigte dies an Morgen, dass japanische Flugzeuge hatten Angriff auf Manila und Pearl Harbor. OAHU BOMBED VON JAPAN... Mehr
Cover of the first issue of Osawatomie, the underground (and clandestine) newspaper published by the Weather Underground. Français : Couverture du numéro 1 d'Osawatomie, le journal publié clandestinement par ... Mehr
Naša Vola no 8 1936
Front page of Belarusian language newspaper "Наша воля" 1936 y. no 8. Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Першая старонка газэты "Наша воля" 1936 г. № 8.
Tree of Liberty 1802-02-13
Front page of The Tree of Liberty newspaper (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States), 13 February 1802.
Macedonia Newspaper with the Sofia Declaration 22 April 1929
Български: Вестник Македония със Софийската декларация.
Naoussa Newspaper 1928 - A black and white photo of a newspaper advert...
Български: Главата на вестник "Науса".
Adelaider Deutsche Zeitung
Adelaider Deutsche Zeitung, 27 July 1860, p. 1
Southern Argus - An old newspaper with a drawing of a steam engine
Titelbild des Südlichen Argus vom 29. September 1866
La Nación, 26 de noviembre de 1941
Español: Diario La Nación comunica el fallecimiento de Pedro Aguirre Cerda.
Periódico Pichilemu - N° 1 - 31 de enero de 1944 - 01
Español: Periódico Pichilemu, editado por Carlos Rojas Pavez, Miguel Larravide Blanco, y José Arraño Acevedo. Edición número 1, del 31 de enero de 1944.
Chōya Journal 1879. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Chōya Journal, say "Official and Unofficial News", was a Japanese political crit journal published from 1874 till 1893. 日本語: 朝野新聞は、明治7年から1893年まで発行された政論新聞。
N° 1 du Moniteur viniole 25 juin 1856
Français : N° 1 du Moniteur viniole 25 juin 1856
Slowo - 1926, nr 282 Organizacja Zachowawcza Pracy Panstwowej - p 1
first page of newspaper "Słowo" (#282, 1926 AD), Poland. Stanisław Mackiewicz (1896-1966)'s article "The programm of the Organization of a Conservative State Work" Русский: первая страница газеты "Słowo" (№28... Mehr
Kainat Newspaper Selanik
Kainat Ottoman Newspaper
Oregon Spectator April 30, 1846
Oregon Spectator newspaper cover from 1846. From: Oregon: Her History, Her Great Men, Her Literature. By John B. Horner, copyright 1919.
La Gaceta PR
Front page of La Gaceta de Puerto Rico
O echo mariense - A couple of newspapers sitting next to each other
Português: Fac-simile de "O Echo Mariense" e de "O Mariense", primeiros periódicos da ilha de Santa Maria (Açores) in CABRAL, Júlio. "A Imprensa em Santa Maria", apud Álbum Açoriano, fascículo nº 37, 1903. pp. 293-295.
Le Matin first issue
Front page of Le Matin first issue, August 1st 1907
Das Fachorgan Der Kürschner in verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten (bis 1923...
Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: Das Fachorgan „Der Kürschner“ in den verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten. Stand 1904: Der Kürschner. - Internationales Organ der Kürschner, Zurichter und Mützenmacher. Redaktion und Verlag... Mehr
Debar 5 June 1905 001
Български: Вестник "Дебър", брой 1, 5 юни 1905.
Epoca 1902 Issue - A black and white photo of a newspaper
Български: Главата на вестник "Епока" (1875 - 1912). English: Page from La Epoca, 1902
Magyar: A Gépészmérnöki Hírharsona előoldala. 1905.
Makedonia 18 August 1932
Български: Вестник Македония със статия за Преслав Ляпчев.
Nezavisima Makedoniya 2 July 1932-02
Български: „Независима Македония“ , брой № 2, 2 юли 1932 година, страница 2.
Romanul de la Pind 8 December 1903
Български: Вестник „Romanul de la Pind“.
Savetnik 1870 page 4
Български: Четвърта страница на вестник "Съветник".
Vardar 1 October 1911 1 Page
Български: Вестник "Вардар", брой 1, 1 октомври 1911.
Diario Nueva Eranro 1 Argentinian newspaper
Español: Titelbild der Zeitung Nueva Era, herausgegeben in Tandil, Buenos Aires.
Clarin 30 07 52, Argentinian newspaper
Titelbild der Zeitung Clarín.
Gazette du commerce et litteraire
Title page of 'La Gazette du commerce et litteraire' by Fleury Mesplet, June 3, 1778
This is the front page of Bintang Merah (red star), an Indonesian Communist (PKI) weekly magazine. This issue is from November 7th 1946.
Tokio Nichinichi Shimbun Erstausgabe
Titelseite der ersten Ausgabe von Mainichi Shimbun als Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun
Virginia Argus and Hampshire Advertiser 1852 10 07 Volume 03 Number 13
Virginia Argus and Hampshire Advertiser Volume III Number XIII published in Romney, Virginia (now West Virginia on Thursday, October 7, 1852. This is a digital image of the newspaper's front page, above the fo... Mehr
First page of Virakesari (06.08.1930)
Front page of the newspaper Virakesari on August 6, 1930
로동신문 1950.06.27
한국어: 김일성 주석의 담화가 실린 로동신문 1950.06.27일자 제1면 정치면English: Kim Il-sung, Rodong Sinmun, June 27, 1950
Pelzmarkt International 01-12, February 2012 (first edition), header o...
Deutsch: Pelzmarkt International, Titelkopf der englischsprachigen Erstausgabe einer bis dahin nur in deutsch erschienenen Pelzfachzeitung. 01/12 February 2012 Herausgeber: Deutscher Pelzverband e. V., Frankfu... Mehr
Primera plana del primer tomo de Excélsior (18-3-1917)
Front page of the first issue of the Mexican newspaper Excélsior, from March 18, 1917, the second oldest running newspaper in Mexico after El Universal. The top headline addresses events of the Russian Revolut... Mehr
Museum of Moscow Aviation Institute Propeller Newspaper No 1
Русский: Первый номер газеты "Пропеллер" Московского авиационного института вышел 26 января 1931 года. Музей МАИ. English: First edition of Propeller Newspaper (front page) (the Moscow Aviation Institute's ne... Mehr
Birmingham Journal 1733
The front page of the only known surviving copy of the Birmingham Journal, the first newspaper knwon to have been published in Birmingham, England.
Español: Publicidad de las primeras ediciones de El Colombiano.
Atlantic Echo 1944 02 10
First page of the Atlantic Echo newspaper, edited by R.A.F. Station, Lagens. Português: Primeira página do periódico Atlantic Echo, editado por R.A.F. Station, Lagens.