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medieval miniatures

23,323 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 234
Verziertes Initial aus BL Royal 1 B VII, f. 84

Verziertes Initial aus BL Royal 1 B VII, f. 84

Decorated initial 'Q'(uoniam), with a display script, at the beginning of Luke. Image taken from f. 84 of Gospel Book. Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, ... Mehr

Cuthbert und zwei Mönche beten von BL YT 26, ff. 10v-11

Cuthbert und zwei Mönche beten von BL YT 26, ff. 10v-11

Miniature of Cuthbert praying to God to change the winds beside the river Tyne; miniature of two monks at the monastery of Tynemouth praying for the safety of those blown away in a gale, from Chapter 3 of Bede'... Mehr

Hosea von BL Harley 2803, f. 264

Hosea von BL Harley 2803, f. 264

Detail of the face of Hosea, from a historiated initial at the beginning of Hosea. Image taken from f. 264 of Bible (the 'Worms Bible') (index Frankenthal Bible), Genesis to Job. Written in Latin. The "BL Harl... Mehr

Zoomorphes Initial von BL Harley 2799, f. 4v

Zoomorphes Initial von BL Harley 2799, f. 4v

Detail of a zoomorphic initial 'P'(salterium) at the beginning of the preface to the Psalms, with a dragon. Image taken from f. 4v of Bible ('The Arnstein Bible') (Job to Revelation), including the Psalms in th... Mehr

König Boctus und Sydrac von BL Harley 4417, f. 63v

König Boctus und Sydrac von BL Harley 4417, f. 63v

Detail of a miniature of King Boctus and Sydrac, at the beginning of chapter 208. Image taken from f. 63v of Livre de Sydrac (index Book of Sydrac; Book of Sidrac; La Fontaine de toutes sciences; Le Tresor des ... Mehr

Die Himmelsrose aus BL Eg 943, f. 181

Die Himmelsrose aus BL Eg 943, f. 181

Framed miniature of Dante and Beatrice contemplating the Rose of Heaven, worshipped by five angels. Image taken from f. 181 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short ... Mehr

Oiseuse lässt den Liebhaber von BL Royal 19 B XIII, f. 9 zu

Oiseuse lässt den Liebhaber von BL Royal 19 B XIII, f. 9 zu

Detail of a miniature of Oiseuse admitting the Lover (L'Amans) through the gate. Oiseuse is the gatekeeper to the garden, and her name means Idleness, Ease, or Leisure. Image taken from f. 9 of Roman de la Ro... Mehr

Musiker aus BL Add 38117, f. 185

Musiker aus BL Add 38117, f. 185

Detail einer Miniatur von zwei Musikern, die spielen. Bild von f. 185 von Joseph d 'Arimathie (ff. 1-18), Le Livre de Merlin (ff. 18v-74), Suite de Merlin (ff. 74-226), ("das Huth-Manuskript"). Geschrieben auf ... Mehr

Übersetzer liest aus BL Royal 16 F IX, f. 1

Übersetzer liest aus BL Royal 16 F IX, f. 1

Detail of a miniature of the translator reading. Image taken from f. 1 of Historia destructionis Troiae in a French translation. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal C... Mehr

Blinder Bluff von BL Stowe 955, f. 7

Blinder Bluff von BL Stowe 955, f. 7

Miniatur des Bluffs eines Blinden in Pierre Salas Petit Livre d 'Amour. Bild aus f. 7 des Petit Livre d 'Amour. Geschrieben in französischer und italienischer Sprache (f. 7v).

Detail aus BL Sloane 1977, f. 50

Detail aus BL Sloane 1977, f. 50

Detail of the upper 2 registers of a full-page miniature with scenes of various medical consultations, including a physician holding up a urine glass. Image taken from f. 50 of Circa instans (index Herbal). Wri... Mehr

Gott spricht zu Joseph von Arimathäa aus BL Royal 14 E III, f. 14v

Gott spricht zu Joseph von Arimathäa aus BL Royal 14 E III, f. 14v

Detail of a miniature of God speaking to Joseph of Arimathea and his companions. Image taken from f. 14v of Estoire del Saint Graal, La Queste del Saint Graal, Morte Artu. Written in French. The BL Royal Manus... Mehr

Der Riese und die Hure aus BL Eg 943, f. 124

Der Riese und die Hure aus BL Eg 943, f. 124

Detail of a framed miniature of Statius and Dante observing the giant and the harlot in an embrace. Image taken from f. 124 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short ... Mehr

Karl V. aus BL Royal 17 F III, f. 1

Karl V. aus BL Royal 17 F III, f. 1

Detail of a miniature of Charles V, king of France, receiving the book from the translator, Raoul des Presles, at the beginning of the prologue. Image taken from f. 1 of City of God (La cité de Dieu). Written i... Mehr

Moses und die Israeliten aus BL Harley 616, f. 53

Moses und die Israeliten aus BL Harley 616, f. 53

Detail of a miniature of Moses and the Israelites. Image taken from f. 53 of Bible (Genesis-Psalms), imperfect, ending in Psalm 109. Written in French. The Israelites' escape from Egypt is a central event in t... Mehr

Dante und Beatrice aus BL YT 36, f. 143

Dante und Beatrice aus BL YT 36, f. 143

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice hovering before Charles Martel, who stands within the Heaven of Venus, while below, Aeneas is standing before a Sicilian city, as three warriors approach, in illustra... Mehr

Taten von Teufeln aus BL YT 31, f. 44

Taten von Teufeln aus BL YT 31, f. 44

Full-page miniatures of the deeds of devils, divided into three tiers. Upper tier: miniature of the fall of the angels from heaven, with God seated on the left and a gaping hell-mouth below. Central tier (fro... Mehr

Löwe, Jungfrau und Waage aus BL YT 31, f. 47

Löwe, Jungfrau und Waage aus BL YT 31, f. 47

Miniature of Leo, the lion; miniature of Virgo, as a crowned woman near a lily plant; miniature of Libra, as a man holding a set of scales, in Matfré Ermengau of Béziers's Breviari d'Amour. Image taken from f. ... Mehr

Vergil, Dante und Geryon aus BL YT 36, f. 30v

Vergil, Dante und Geryon aus BL YT 36, f. 30v

Detail of a miniature of Virgil speaking to Geryon, and Dante speaking to three souls standing under a shower of flames in the compartment of the usurers, in illustration of Canto XVII. Image taken from f. 30v ... Mehr

Geburt Alexanders des Großen aus BL Royal 20 C III, f. 15

Geburt Alexanders des Großen aus BL Royal 20 C III, f. 15

Miniature of Olympias giving birth to Alexander the Great, with two eagles on the roof of the palace (foretelling Alexander's two empires in Europe and Asia). The temple of Diana at Ephesus burns in the backgro... Mehr

Johannes auf Patmos aus BL Eg 2045, f. 16v

Johannes auf Patmos aus BL Eg 2045, f. 16v

Miniature of John on Patmos, at the beginning of his Gospel. Image taken from f. 16v of Miniatures added to a Book of Hours. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (15... Mehr

Anbetung der Hirten und Verkündigung an die Hirten aus BL Hinzufügen 54246

Anbetung der Hirten und Verkündigung an die Hirten aus BL Hinzufügen 5...

Miniature of the Adoration of the Shepherds with the Holy Family and shepherds in a stable, with three putti bearing a scroll inscribed 'Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax hominibus' above and the Annunciat... Mehr

Zwei Männer bei der Pferdepflege von BL Stowe 955, f. 11

Zwei Männer bei der Pferdepflege von BL Stowe 955, f. 11

Miniatur zweier Männer, die ein Pferd pflegen (Fauveau). Bild aus f. 11 des Petit Livre d 'Amour. Geschrieben in französischer und italienischer Sprache (f. 7v).

Tod Samuel aus BL Royal 2 B VII, f. 53

Tod Samuel aus BL Royal 2 B VII, f. 53

Detail of an upper register miniature of the death of Samuel. Image taken from f. 53 of Psalter ('The Queen Mary Psalter'). Written in Latin, with French image captions. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, als... Mehr

Die Engelsordnungen von BL YT 36, f. 180

Die Engelsordnungen von BL YT 36, f. 180

Detail of a miniature of Beatrice watching as Dante kneels before the orders of angels, who are kneeling before the Trinity; on the right, Dionysius sits, with an open book on his knee, in illustration of Parad... Mehr

Evil Son from BL Add 14762, f. 9

Evil Son from BL Add 14762, f. 9

Detail einer Miniatur des Bösen Sohnes. Bild aus f. 9 der Haggada zum Pessach (der 'Ashkenazi Haggada'), deutscher Ritus mit dem Kommentar Eleasars von Worms. Geschrieben in Hebräisch.

Das Grab des Hermes Trismegistus aus BL Add 24189, f. 7

Das Grab des Hermes Trismegistus aus BL Add 24189, f. 7

Miniatur der Entdeckung des Grabes des Hermes Trismegistus. Bild aus f. 7 der Illustrationen für Mandevilles Reisen (Index Voyage d 'outre mer, Itinerarium).

Belagerung von Capua von BL Harley 4374, f. 88

Belagerung von Capua von BL Harley 4374, f. 88

Detail of a miniature depicting the first use of light-armed soldiers and horsemen at the siege of Capua. Image taken from f. 88 of Les Fais et les Dis des Romains et de autres gens (index Memorabilia, index Fa... Mehr

Himmel des Mondes ab BL YT 36, f. 131

Himmel des Mondes ab BL YT 36, f. 131

Detail of miniature of Dante and Beatrice visiting the inhabitants of the heaven of the moon. Image taken from f. 131 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-19... Mehr

Geburt von Julius Cäsar aus BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Geburt von Julius Cäsar aus BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Detail of a miniature in the top left hand compartment, of the birth of Julius Caesar. Image taken from f. 219 of Les anciennes hystoires rommaines (A compilation of ancient history in two parts, each preceded ... Mehr

Menorah from BL King's 1, f. 3 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Menorah from BL King's 1, f. 3 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ganzseitige Miniatur der Menora als Teil des Tempelgeräts. Bild aus f. 3 der Bibel (der 'Königsbibel'). Geschrieben in Hebräisch.

Geburt Alexanders des Großen aus BL Royal 20 C III, f. 15

Geburt Alexanders des Großen aus BL Royal 20 C III, f. 15

Detail of a miniature of Olympias giving birth to Alexander the Great, with two eagles on the roof of the palace (foretelling Alexander's two empires in Europe and Asia). The temple of Diana at Ephesus burns in... Mehr

Nature schmiedet ein Baby von BL Harley 4425, f. 140

Nature schmiedet ein Baby von BL Harley 4425, f. 140

Detail of a miniature depicting Nature forging a baby. Image taken from f. 140 of Roman de la Rose (index Romance of the Rose). Written in French. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval ... Mehr

Sirene von BL Harley 4751, f. 47v

Sirene von BL Harley 4751, f. 47v

Detail of a miniature of the siren (Syrene) or mermaid who holds a fish, and the prow of a boat with two men in it, one rowing. Image taken from f. 47v of Bestiary, with extracts from Giraldus Cambrensis on Iri... Mehr

Drache und Elefant von BL Harley 4751, f. 58v

Drache und Elefant von BL Harley 4751, f. 58v

Detail of a miniature of a dragon attacking an elephant. Image taken from f. 58v of Bestiary, with extracts from Giraldus Cambrensis on Irish birds. Written in Latin. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a col... Mehr

Detail: Judith und Holofernes aus BL YT 20, f. 215

Detail: Judith und Holofernes aus BL YT 20, f. 215

Miniature of Judith and Holofernes, in the Bible Historiale. Image taken from f. 215 of Bible Historiale, 1st part (Genesis-Maccabees). Written in French. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British collect... Mehr

Christus vor Pilatus aus BL Royal 19 B VI, f. 106v

Christus vor Pilatus aus BL Royal 19 B VI, f. 106v

Detail of a miniature of Christ before Pilate. Image taken from f. 106v of Saint mistere de la glorieuse piteuse et angoisseuse passion de notre seigneur et saulveur Ihesucrist (Treatise on the Passion of Chris... Mehr

Leben Julius Cäsars aus BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Leben Julius Cäsars aus BL Royal 16 G VII, f. 219

Detail of a four-part miniature of the life of Julius Caesar. Image taken from f. 219 of Les anciennes hystoires rommaines (A compilation of ancient history in two parts, each preceded by a table of contents: P... Mehr

Arthur, Guinevere und Lancelot aus BL Royal 14 E III, f. 89

Arthur, Guinevere und Lancelot aus BL Royal 14 E III, f. 89

Detail of a miniature of Arthur and Guinevere at a banquet, while Lancelot kneels before them, requesting permission to leave the court, with a rebec player in the margin. Image taken from f. 89 of Estoire del ... Mehr

Hand in Hand holt Arthur's Schwert aus BL Add 10294, f. 94

Hand in Hand holt Arthur's Schwert aus BL Add 10294, f. 94

Miniatur eines Girflets, das dabei zusieht, wie Arthurs Schwert von einer Hand aus dem See geholt wird. Bild von f. 94 von La Queste del Saint Graal (ff. 2-53); Morte Artu (ff. 53-96). Geschrieben auf Französisch.

Bel Accueil und der Liebhaber von BL Harley 4425, f. 30v

Bel Accueil und der Liebhaber von BL Harley 4425, f. 30v

Detail of a miniature of the Lover and Bel Accueil (Fair Welcome) in the garden; Danger and other allegorical figures are hiding in the bushes. Image taken from f. 30v of Roman de la Rose (index Romance of the ... Mehr

Vipern von BL Harley 4751, f. 60

Vipern von BL Harley 4751, f. 60

Miniature of a viper, birthing its babies through its side. Image taken from f. 60 of Bestiary, with extracts from Giraldus Cambrensis on Irish birds. Written in Latin. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a c... Mehr

Pallas und Arachne am Webstuhl von BL Royal 17 E IV, f. 87v

Pallas und Arachne am Webstuhl von BL Royal 17 E IV, f. 87v

Detail of a miniature of Arachne at her loom, with Pallas close by. Image taken from f. 87v of Metamorphoses, second anonymous French translation (Ovide moralisé). Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Co... Mehr

Englische Schiffe von BL Royal 18 E I, f. 103v

Englische Schiffe von BL Royal 18 E I, f. 103v

Detail of a miniature of ships with the royal arms of England and George, led by Thomas, earl of Buckingham, holding a shield bearing his arms (the royal arms of England differentiated by a label of 5 point and... Mehr

Tiere aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 49

Tiere aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 49

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of geese dragging a fox supported by women, in front of a cock and behind a rabbit, each with a mace. Image taken from f. 49 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the '... Mehr

Ritter, der einen Drachen tötet aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 81

Ritter, der einen Drachen tötet aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 81

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a knight slaying a dragon, while a lion waits nearby. Image taken from f. 81 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. Th... Mehr

Jagdhunde verfolgen ein Kaninchen aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 217

Jagdhunde verfolgen ein Kaninchen aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 217

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of hounds pursuing a rabbit. Image taken from f. 217 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manuscript Colle... Mehr

Zwei Mönche aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 289

Zwei Mönche aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 289

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of two monks, one in the doorway of a church. Image taken from f. 289 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. The BL Royal... Mehr

Bartholemew aus BL Royal 20 D VI, f. 42

Bartholemew aus BL Royal 20 D VI, f. 42

Detail of an historiated initial 'O' of Bartholomew being flayed. Image taken from f. 42 of Lives of the Saints. Written in French. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, consi... Mehr

Frau schlägt Mann mit Stock aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 148

Frau schlägt Mann mit Stock aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 148

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman hitting a man with a stick. Image taken from f. 148 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manusc... Mehr

Frau nähert sich einer Windmühle von BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 70v

Frau nähert sich einer Windmühle von BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 70v

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a woman approaching a windmill with a sack of grain. Image taken from f. 70v of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. Th... Mehr

Zwei Kaninchen von BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 60

Zwei Kaninchen von BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 60

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of two rabbits binding a semi-naked man. Image taken from f. 60 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manus... Mehr

Arkade von BL Harley 7586A, f. 110

Arkade von BL Harley 7586A, f. 110

Initial words framed by an arcade, at the beginning of the third part of the Guide. The arcade is decorated with geometrical, palmette and foliate motifs. Image taken from f. 110 of Guide of the Perplexed (~Mor... Mehr

Prophet Nathan und König David von BL Harley 5535, f. 67v

Prophet Nathan und König David von BL Harley 5535, f. 67v

Miniature of the prophet Nathan before king David. Image taken from f. 67v of Psalms and Odes, imperfect at the end. Written in Greek. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval manuscripts ... Mehr

Cicero wird am Strand von Soldaten des Anthony getötet; Krähen fliegen lautstark auf das Schiff des Cicero zu, als es in Caieta ankommt (Hintergrund)

Cicero wird am Strand von Soldaten des Anthony getötet; Krähen fliegen...

Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, 14ht-15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Briseis von BL Harley 4867, f. 16v

Briseis von BL Harley 4867, f. 16v

Miniature of Briseis at an open window with a letter in her hand, and the illuminated initial 'C'(este lettre que maintenant tu liz). Image taken from f. 16v of Heroides (index Eroidi). Written in French. The ... Mehr

Lust from BL YT 3, f. 172v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Lust from BL YT 3, f. 172v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Miniature of a well-dressed woman riding a white goat, carrying arrows and a mirror, as a personification of Lust (Luxure); behind, David spies upon Bathsheba in her bath, in the Penitential Psalms. Image taken... Mehr

William de la Pole from BL Arundel 119, f. 4

William de la Pole from BL Arundel 119, f. 4

Foliate initial 'S'(irs) including the heraldic arms of William de la Pole, with a full foliate border, at the beginning of part 1 of Lydgate's Siege of Thebes. Image taken from f. 4 of The Siege of Thebes. Wri... Mehr

Levitikus aus BL Add 15282, f. 137

Levitikus aus BL Add 15282, f. 137

Full-page miniature with diamonds inhabited by lions and spread eagles both crowned, and with the initial-word panel ~Wa-yiqra~ (and [the Lord] called) in its centre, at the beginning of Leviticus. Image taken ... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2639, f. 15

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2639, f. 15

Detail of an illuminated initial 'S'(aepe) at the beginning of Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus. Image taken from f. 15 of De grammaticis et rhetoribus (ff. 2-14v); Dialogus de oratoribus (ff. 15-42v). Written i... Mehr

Dekorierte Anfangsworttafeln von BL Or 2737, f. 27v

Dekorierte Anfangsworttafeln von BL Or 2737, f. 27v

Verzierte Eingangsworttafeln, ~ YYY ~ (eine Abkürzung des göttlichen Namens, Psalm 115: 12) und ~ Ahavti ~ (Ich liebe, Psalm 116), im zweiten Teil des Parallels. Bild aus f. 27v der Haggada zum Pessach (der 'hi... Mehr

Detail aus BL Arundel 98, f. 85v

Detail aus BL Arundel 98, f. 85v

Illuminated zoomorphic initial 'S'(equitur) made up of a hybrid creature with a bird or dragon's (?) body and a horned human head, at the beginning of book 10 of Pliny's Historia naturalis. Image taken from f.... Mehr

Mark von BL Harley 2804, f. 188v

Mark von BL Harley 2804, f. 188v

Detail of historiated initial 'I'(nitium) with Mark writing in a book supported by a winged lion, at the beginning of Mark's Gospel. Image taken from f. 188v of Bible (the 'Worms Bible'), Psalms-Acts 16:17, imp... Mehr

Kreuzigung aus BL Stowe 10, ff. 113v-114

Kreuzigung aus BL Stowe 10, ff. 113v-114

Miniatur der Kreuzigung und voller Blattrand, gegenüber dem historischen Anfangsbuchstaben "T" (e) mit den Instrumenten der Passion Christi, zu Beginn des "Te igitur" in einem Messbuch. Bild aus ff. 113v-114 de... Mehr

Dame kniend vor einem Ritter aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 106

Dame kniend vor einem Ritter aus BL Royal 10 E IV, f. 106

Detail of a bas-de-page scene of a lady kneeling before a knight with a hound. Image taken from f. 106 of Decretals of Gregory IX with glossa ordinaria (the 'Smithfield Decretals'). Written in Latin. The BL Ro... Mehr

Krane von BL Royal 12 C XIX, f. 40

Krane von BL Royal 12 C XIX, f. 40

Miniature of cranes. Image taken from f. 40 of Bestiary, and various theological texts, e.g., Isidore of Seville, Imago Mundi. Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Coll... Mehr

Bevis of Hampton aus BL YT 13, f. 11

Bevis of Hampton aus BL YT 13, f. 11

Bas-de-page scene of the knight Bevis of Hampton holding a scarlet shield, which is being attacked by a lion, with a tree to the right; decorated initial 'S' with foliate motifs and a full bar border. Image tak... Mehr

Kartusche aus BL Add 33733, f. 9v

Kartusche aus BL Add 33733, f. 9v

Eine Kartusche mit Edelsteinen, Grotesken und architektonischer Dekoration, die eine vielfältige Bildunterschrift zur Miniatur von F. 10 enthält. Bild aus f. 9v der Triumphe Karls V (Index L 'Aguila Triumphante... Mehr

Martin von Tours aus BL YT 3, f. 270v

Martin von Tours aus BL YT 3, f. 270v

Detail of a miniature of Martin of Tours riding on a horse, cutting his cloak with his sword to share it with a beggar, at the beginning of his suffrage. Image taken from f. 270v of Book of Hours, Use of Rome (... Mehr

Weiße Weinrebe Initial von BL Harley 2616, f. 1

Weiße Weinrebe Initial von BL Harley 2616, f. 1

White vine initial 'I'(ntrali)' with a butterfly and a winged putto aiming at it with bow and arrow at the beginning of the text. Image taken from f. 1 of De beneficiis. Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manu... Mehr

Manuskript-Illumination mit Sankt Laurentius in einem Initial C, aus einem Gradualbuch

Manuskript-Illumination mit Sankt Laurentius in einem Initial C, aus e...

Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Mary and St. John - Public domain medieval manuscript

Mary and St. John - Public domain medieval manuscript

Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Maria Magdalena aus BL Add 18196, ff. 68-70, f. 69

Maria Magdalena aus BL Add 18196, ff. 68-70, f. 69

Historisches anfängliches "U" von Maria Magdalena. Bild von f. 69 von Stecklingen aus einem Chorbuch.

Bischof von BL Stowe 12, f. 329

Bischof von BL Stowe 12, f. 329

Detail eines historischen Anfangsbuchstabens "D" eines Bischofs in Mitra, der einen Bischofsstab hält. Bild aus f. 329 aus Brevier, Verwendung von Sarum mit Norwich-Varianten ("The Stowe Breviary"). Geschrieben... Mehr

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3496, f. 229

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3496, f. 229

Historiated initial 'D'(o) in gold and colours of a triumph, with partial floral borders in gold and colours. Image taken from f. 229 of Trionfi (index Triumphs). Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manuscript"... Mehr

Christussegen aus BL Stowe 5, f. 1

Christussegen aus BL Stowe 5, f. 1

Detail der historischen Initiale des Segens Christi. Bild aus f. 1 der Historia scholastica, Historia actuum apostolorum (ff. 166-191). Geschrieben in lateinischer Sprache.

Christus vertreibt die Geldwechsler aus dem Tempel

Christus vertreibt die Geldwechsler aus dem Tempel

Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hl. Gertrud von Nivelles und Hl. Klara von Assisi

Hl. Gertrud von Nivelles und Hl. Klara von Assisi

Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Frontispiz mit dem Wappen Heinrich VIII. aus BL Royal 12 C VIII, f. 4

Frontispiz mit dem Wappen Heinrich VIII. aus BL Royal 12 C VIII, f. 4

Frontispiece with full border in colours and gold with putti and flowers, an historiated initial with a portrait of Pandolfo Collenuccio, and the arms of Henry VIII. Image taken from f. 4 of Collenuccio's Apolo... Mehr

Bischof weiht Kleriker von BL Royal 11 D IX, f. 155v

Bischof weiht Kleriker von BL Royal 11 D IX, f. 155v

Detail of a miniature of a bishop before an altar and two kneeling clerics, at the beginning of causa 9. Image taken from f. 155v of Decretum, with the glossa ordinaria. Written in Latin. The BL Royal Manuscri... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2797, f. 86

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2797, f. 86

Illuminated initial 'Q'(uoniam) with interlace decoration, at the beginning of the Gospel of Luke. Image taken from f. 86 of Gospels, with capitula (ff. 163-175). Written in Latin. The "BL Harley Manuscript" r... Mehr

Nachtschatten, Orphine und Broad Bean aus BL Eg 747, f. 41

Nachtschatten, Orphine und Broad Bean aus BL Eg 747, f. 41

Miniature of a faba inversa, or nightshade plant; miniature of a faba grassa, or orpine plant; miniature of a faba comunes, or broad bean plant. Image taken from f. 41 of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simpli... Mehr

Jungfrau Maria aus BL YT 13, f. 154v

Jungfrau Maria aus BL YT 13, f. 154v

Bas-de-page scene of the Virgin Mary ridding a demon from a possessed woman, with a caption reading, ‘cy n[ost]re dame deliver une fe[m]me dun malveis spirit.’ Image taken from f. 154v of Book of Hours, Use of ... Mehr

Verziertes Initial von BL Harley 3052, f. 14

Verziertes Initial von BL Harley 3052, f. 14

Detail of a decorated initial 'S'(criptura) with foliate motifs, dragon and profile head, at the beginning of the second book of Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job. Image taken from f. 14 of Moralia in Job, boo... Mehr

König Edward III. von BL YT 48, f. 41

König Edward III. von BL YT 48, f. 41

Historiated initial 'C'(ome) of Edward III, with a full foliate border, at the beginning of his Statutes. Image taken from f. 41 of Nova Statuta (index Statutes of England, Statuta Angliae, Statute book), from ... Mehr

Erste Trompete aus BL Royal 19 B XV, f. 14

Erste Trompete aus BL Royal 19 B XV, f. 14

Detail of a miniature of an angel playing the trumpet and a fire coming from heavens on earth, illustrating the description of the First Trumpet (Revelation 8: 7). Image taken from f. 14 of Apocalypse, with com... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2804, f. 49

Leuchtinitiale von BL Harley 2804, f. 49

Detail of an illuminated initial 'D'(iligite) with clasps and human and animal heads. Image taken from f. 49 of Bible (the 'Worms Bible'), Psalms-Acts 16:17, imperfect. Written in Latin. The "BL Harley Manuscr... Mehr

Beatus-Seite aus BL Lansdowne 420, f. 12v

Beatus-Seite aus BL Lansdowne 420, f. 12v

Ganzseitige illuminierte Anfangsbuchstaben "B" (eatus) mit Laubschmuck, umgeben von Rundungen von Tieren, die Instrumente spielen, und einem Affen an einer Kette, und im Rahmen Halbkreise eines Königs, der Harf... Mehr

Gefalteter Arztalmanach von BL Harley 3812

Gefalteter Arztalmanach von BL Harley 3812

Folded physician's almanac. Image taken from Physician's folding almanac, including a calendar (ff. [1]-[4]). Written in English and Latin. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval manuscr... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 1146, f. 98v

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 1146, f. 98v

Illuminated initial 'S'(ancta Maria) at the beginning of a prayer to the Virgin, with a partial border of strawberry vines, leaves, and fruit. Image taken from f. 98v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elemen... Mehr

Initial aus "[A Guide to St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol... Mit zahlreichen Holzstichen.]"

Initial aus "[A Guide to St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol... Mit zah...

Dieses Bild wurde dem Scan 000054 aus "[A Guide to St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol... With numerous wood gravurs.]" entnommen. Titel und Betreff dieses Bildes wurden aus Tags generiert, die von Benutzern des... Mehr

Letztes Abendmahl aus BL YT 34, f. 116v

Letztes Abendmahl aus BL YT 34, f. 116v

Detail eines historisierten Anfangsbuchstabens "F" (ratres) des Letzten Abendmahls bei der Lesung zu Fronleichnam. Bild aus f. 116v des Briefes der Sainte-Chapelle, Benutzung von Paris. Geschrieben in lateinisc... Mehr

Die Dreifaltigkeit aus BL Eg 2652, f. 169

Die Dreifaltigkeit aus BL Eg 2652, f. 169

Detail of historiated initial of the Trinity. Image taken from f. 169 of Psalter (the 'Suneson Psalter'), for Danish use, with calendar, prayers and litany. Written in Latin. The concept of the Trinity is a ce... Mehr

Kreuzigung aus BL YT 3, f. 142v

Kreuzigung aus BL YT 3, f. 142v

Detail of a miniature of the Crucifixion of Christ between the two thieves, with the Virgin and John the Evangelist at his feet, at the beginning of None of the Passion. Image taken from f. 142v of Book of Hour... Mehr

initial from "De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint-Lucasgilde onder zinspreuk: “Wt Ionsten Versaemt,” afgeschreven en bewerkt door Ph. Rambouts en Th. van Lerius ... Les Liggeren et autres archives historiques, etc"

initial from "De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerps...

This image has been taken from scan 000214 from volume 01 of "De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint-Lucasgilde onder zinspreuk: “Wt Ionsten Versaemt,” afgeschreven en bewerkt door Ph.... Mehr

David spielt Harfe aus BL Royal 2 A XXII, f. 14v

David spielt Harfe aus BL Royal 2 A XXII, f. 14v

Prefatory miniature of David playing the harp. Image taken from f. 14v of Psalter, with litany, prayers and Easter tables (The 'Westminster Psalter') (index Old Testament, Bible). Written in Latin. David was a... Mehr

Der Sündenfall von BL Harley Roll C.9, Membrane 1

Der Sündenfall von BL Harley Roll C.9, Membrane 1

Miniature of the Fall of Man in a roundel, diagrams of Noah's Ark and of the earth, initial and border with foliate and spray decoration, 'champ' initial, and inscribed roundels joined by genealogical lines of ... Mehr

Frau mit Todeskopf aus BL YT 7, f. 174

Frau mit Todeskopf aus BL YT 7, f. 174

Detail of an historiated initial 'D'(ilexi) with a woman (Duchess Dionora?) with a skull for a face admiring herself in a hand mirror, and a partial scatter border with gems and flowers, at the beginning of the... Mehr

Verziertes Initial von BL Harley 3202, f. 55v

Verziertes Initial von BL Harley 3202, f. 55v

Decorated initial 'Q'(uerit[us]) in green ink. Image taken from f. 55v of Various poems including Laurence of Durham's Hypognosticon (ff. 8-113) and the Fall of Troy (ff. 114v-115v). Written in Latin. The "BL ... Mehr

Fool - miniature, medieval manuscript, illuminated manuscript

Fool - miniature, medieval manuscript, illuminated manuscript

Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.


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