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maps by edward stanford

108 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 2
Stanford's map of India based on the surveys, executed - by order of the honourable the East India Company... showing the latest territorial acquisitions of the British Empire and the independent and... - btv1b53102831w (1 of 2)

Stanford's map of India based on the surveys, executed - by order of t...

Français : Sujet : Divisions politiques et administratives Inde britannique Échelle(s) : Scales English milles... 200 [=Om. 146 ; 1: 2 200 000 ca] Couverture : Monde Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

План Николаева 1855 - Public domain vintage map

План Николаева 1855 - Public domain vintage map

Map of Mykolaiv (Nikolaief) from the “Stanford's map of the roads &c. between Odessa, Nikolaief, Perekop, Simferopol and Sebastopol”Русский: План Николаева 1855 года

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (J)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (J)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

La Prusse s'arrêtant ou La ligne exacte de Démarcation de l'Armistice - btv1b53230712n

La Prusse s'arrêtant ou La ligne exacte de Démarcation de l'Armistice ...

Français : Sujet : Satire politique Caricatures et dessins humoristiques France Couverture : France Langue : français Éditeur : [Edward Stanford] (Londres)

Geological map of Ireland founded on the maps of the Geological Survey of Sir Richard Griffith and of Profr. J. Beete Jukes - by Edward Hull... - btv1b53102506r

Geological map of Ireland founded on the maps of the Geological Survey...

Français : Sujet : Géologie Irlande, Île d' Échelle(s) : Scale British Statute Miles 25 [=Om. 080 ; 1:500 000 ca] Couverture : Irlande Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Edward Stanford 1904 (detail)

Edward Stanford 1904 (detail)

From Edward Stamford's "New Map of London", 1905

Stanfords Karte von Westasien (beschnitten-Hasa)
Edward Stanford, L'EUROPE EN 1860, 245551 original

Edward Stanford, L'EUROPE EN 1860, 245551 original

A map by Edward Stanford showing Europe in 1860.

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (B)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (B)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford`s General map of The World, 1922

Stanford`s General map of The World, 1922

Русский: Stanford`s General map of The World, 1922

Walls of Rome 6th century

Walls of Rome 6th century

The Walls and Gates of Rome in the 6th century, incl. the Gothic camps from the Siege of Rome 537-538

Bahamas 1901 Edward Stanford Atlas map

Bahamas 1901 Edward Stanford Atlas map

Deutsch: Atlaskarte der Bahamas

Stanford's Map of the British Metropolis and Suburbs - btv1b530996799

Stanford's Map of the British Metropolis and Suburbs - btv1b530996799

Français : Sujet : Plans de ville Londres Échelle(s) : Scale 2 Miles [=Om. 152 ; 1:21 170 environ] Couverture : Royaume-Uni – Angleterre – Grand Londres Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford, May 1st (London)

Geological map of Great Britain

Geological map of Great Britain

A geological map of Great Britain and neighbouring islands (excluding Ireland).

Legal Quays map 1862 - An old map of the city of boston

Legal Quays map 1862 - An old map of the city of boston

Location of the quays from Fresh Wharf to Tower Dock Stairs, as indicated in the 1862 Edward Stanford map of London

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (R)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (R)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

1877 - Stanford’s popular map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78

1877 - Stanford’s popular map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War of ...

Stanford’s popular map of the seat of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78

1880 Stanford's Map of Afghanisgan during the Second Anglo-Afghan War

1880 Stanford's Map of Afghanisgan during the Second Anglo-Afghan War

1880 Stanford's Map of Afghanistan during the Second Anglo-Afghan War

Portsmouth, Portsea, Landport and Southsea - btv1b8445012x

Portsmouth, Portsea, Landport and Southsea - btv1b8445012x

Français : Sujet : Portsmouth Couverture : Royaume-Uni – Angleterre – Hampshire Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Reynold's new chart of the Thames estuary... soundings in fathoms et low water spring lides - btv1b530621184

Reynold's new chart of the Thames estuary... soundings in fathoms et l...

Français : Sujet : Tamise, Estuaire de la Couverture : Royaume-Uni Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Map of Szechwan showing stations of CIM, CMS and BCMS

Map of Szechwan showing stations of CIM, CMS and BCMS

Map of Szechwan showing mission stations of China Inland Mission (C.I.M.), Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) and Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society (B.C.M.S.), in the West China Diocese. It is based on the ... Mehr

West China (Szechwan) Diocese map

West China (Szechwan) Diocese map

Right: Sketch map of China showing position of the Province of Szechwan. Left: Map of Szechwan showing mission stations of China Inland Mission (C.I.M.), Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.) and Bible Churchmen'... Mehr

1880 Stanford's Map of Afghanisgan (crop)
Stanford 1891 Chelsea bridges - Public domain old map
Stanford's map of India based on the surveys, executed - by order of the honourable the East India Company... showing the latest territorial acquisitions of the British Empire and the independent and... - btv1b53102831w (2 of 2)

Stanford's map of India based on the surveys, executed - by order of t...

Français : Sujet : Divisions politiques et administratives Inde britannique Échelle(s) : Scales English milles... 200 [=Om. 146 ; 1: 2 200 000 ca] Couverture : Monde Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Tourist's map of South Wales - btv1b530619448

Tourist's map of South Wales - btv1b530619448

Français : Sujet : Tourisme Pays de Galles -- Sud Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Depressione del Kuma-Manyč - localizzazione

Depressione del Kuma-Manyč - localizzazione

Italiano: Localizzazione della depressione del Kuma-Manyc

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (N)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (N)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (V)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (V)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Edward Stanford 1904

Edward Stanford 1904

Edward Stamford's "New Map of London" 1905 (extract).

Kuram Valley (1880)

Kuram Valley (1880)

Kuram Valley in 1880.

Stanford Map, 1901, Outer London Map

Stanford Map, 1901, Outer London Map

"Outer London" map showing the area around London with the boundaries of the Metropolitan Police District, the County of London and the City of London highlighted

Westminster Hospital location - Stanford map of London 1862

Westminster Hospital location - Stanford map of London 1862

Location of Westminster Hospital, as indicated in the 1862 Edward Stanford map of London

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (C)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (C)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Chaman-Kandahar - Public domain vintage map

Chaman-Kandahar - Public domain vintage map

Road from Chaman to Kandahar in 1880

Map by Edward Stanford

Map by Edward Stanford

He considered Iran and Persia as one فارسی: پرشیا را همان ایران دانسته‌است

Cartes de sondages dans l'Océan Atlantique Nord pour la pose des cables télégraphiques - souding taken by Siemens Brothers - btv1b53158273s

Cartes de sondages dans l'Océan Atlantique Nord pour la pose des cable...

Français : Sujet : Télégraphe Atlantique Nord, Océan Échelle(s) : [Echelle à calculer] Couverture : Océan Atlantique Nord Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (Londres)

The Russo-Afghan Frontier. 1 - 6 589 440 . Garrison Towns. Fortified posts - btv1b8443791b

The Russo-Afghan Frontier. 1 - 6 589 440 . Garrison Towns. Fortified p...

Français : Sujet : Frontières Cartes militaires Fortifications Turkestan Russe -- Frontières Couverture : Monde Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford, Edward. Kleinasien, Kaukasus, Schwarzes Meer. 1901

Stanford, Edward. Kleinasien, Kaukasus, Schwarzes Meer. 1901

Kleinasien, der Kaukasus und das Schwarze Meer. London-Atlas. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London: Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

1859 map of Italy - Edward Stanford - Public domain map

1859 map of Italy - Edward Stanford - Public domain map

1859 map of Italy, by Edward Stanford

Walls of Rome 6th century (cropped)

Walls of Rome 6th century (cropped)

The Walls and Gates of Rome in the 6th century, incl. the Gothic camps from the Siege of Rome 537-538

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (W)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (W)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British South Africa company territory South of the Zambesi - Stanford's Geog.l Estab.t - btv1b530290468

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British So...

Français : Sujet : Mashonaland (province) Matabeleland Khama, États de Afrique Australe Anglaise Zambézie Échelle(s) : 1:1 000 000 Couverture : Afrique australe E 25° - E 37° / S 15° - S 23°30' Langue : anglai... Mehr

Northern Abyssinia and adjoining territories. Compiled on the Intelligence Branch, War Office, October 1887 - btv1b53029069f

Northern Abyssinia and adjoining territories. Compiled on the Intellig...

Français : Sujet : Éthiopie -- Nord Couverture : Monde Langue : anglais Éditeur : War Office, Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford's new map of Australia Embracing Discoveries of A.F. Gregory, Burke & Wolls, Stuart, Landsborough, Walker & Mc Kinlay - btv1b53233120x

Stanford's new map of Australia Embracing Discoveries of A.F. Gregory,...

Français : Sujet : Divisions politiques et administratives Australie Échelle(s) : Engl. Statute Miles 150[=Om. 058 ; 1:4 115 000 environ] Couverture : Australie Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

The North sea. Close's fishermen's charts of the British isles... - btv1b53169956m

The North sea. Close's fishermen's charts of the British isles... - bt...

Français : Sujet : Mer du Nord Échelle(s) : [Echelle non mentionnée] Couverture : Mer du Nord Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Southwold, cropped from Admiralty Chart No 102 England East coast Pakefield Gatway to Orfordness by Staff Commander E.K. Calver R.N. 1867 RMG L1210, Published 1868 (cropped)

Southwold, cropped from Admiralty Chart No 102 England East coast Pake...

Nautical chart of Pakefield Gatway to Orfordness. Not current - not to be used for navigation!

Zoom Ahanta Gold Coast 1873

Zoom Ahanta Gold Coast 1873

Zoom Ahanta Gold Coast 1873

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (L)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (L)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

France. 1-3.801.600 60 english miles to 1 inch - btv1b8445014r

France. 1-3.801.600 60 english miles to 1 inch - btv1b8445014r

Français : Sujet : France Échelle(s) : 1:3 801 600 Couverture : France Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford's map of Cyprus showing the administrative divisions and the identified ancient sites - btv1b525022017 (1 of 2)

Stanford's map of Cyprus showing the administrative divisions and the ...

Français : Sujet : Chypre Kyrenia Lemesos Larnaca Famagouste Salamine (ville ancienne) Échelle(s) : 20 nautical miles ; 20 english statute miles [1:400.000 ca] Couverture : Chypre Langue : anglais Éditeur : P... Mehr

1892 Karte des Südwestirans mit Isabelle Bird Bishop's Route im Bakhtiari-Land

1892 Karte des Südwestirans mit Isabelle Bird Bishop's Route im Bakhti...

1892 Karte des Südwestirans mit Isabelle Bird Bishop's Route im Bakhtiari-Land

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (T)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (T)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (Y)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (Y)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Emanuel Hospital, Westminster, on Stanford's Library Map of London and Its Suburbs 1886

Emanuel Hospital, Westminster, on Stanford's Library Map of London and...

Emanuel Hospital, Westminster, centred in an excerpt from Edward Stanford's Library Map of London and Its Suburbs, 1886

Edward Stanford 1877 - Public domain vintage map

Edward Stanford 1877 - Public domain vintage map

Ethnological map of Balkans in 1877.

Edward Stanford 1877 - mistakes - Public domain map
Central Africa (Edward Stanford, 1887)

Central Africa (Edward Stanford, 1887)

Sheet 53 from Stanford's London atlas of universal geography exhibiting the physical and political divisions of the various countries of the world. London: Edward Stanford, 1887

Stanford's railway & county Map of the United States and Territories - btv1b53233197z

Stanford's railway & county Map of the United States and Territories -...

Français : Sujet : Divisions politiques et administratives États-Unis Échelle(s) : Scale of English Miles 100 [=Om. 045 ; 1:3 580 000 environ] Couverture : États-Unis Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Persia with part of the Ottoman Empire, 1872

Persia with part of the Ottoman Empire, 1872

Persia with part of the Ottoman Empire, published in 1872 by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain).

Wimbledon map - Public domain vintage map

Wimbledon map - Public domain vintage map

Wimbledon section of Edward Stanford's map of London, 1862 - 1871

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (G)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (G)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (A)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (A)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Westminster map 1862 - Public domain geographic map

Westminster map 1862 - Public domain geographic map

Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Ca. 1895 Karte - Stanfords Karte der Reiche China und Japan mit den angrenzenden Teilen des Russischen Reiches, Indien, Burma & Co.

Ca. 1895 Karte - Stanfords Karte der Reiche China und Japan mit den an...

Stanfords Landkarte der Reiche China und Japan mit den angrenzenden Teilen des Russischen Reiches, Indien, Burma & c. / Stanfords Geogl. Estabt

Madrid. Scales... 1000 Mètres (=Om. 082 ; 1 - 12 200 env) - Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; Drawn by W.B. Clarke... ; Engraved by J.Henshall - btv1b53075633z

Madrid. Scales... 1000 Mètres (=Om. 082 ; 1 - 12 200 env) - Published ...

Français : Sujet : Madrid Couverture : Espagne – Communauté de Madrid Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

The Suleiman mountains of Afghan Frontier of British India (1879), by Major Wilson

The Suleiman mountains of Afghan Frontier of British India (1879), by ...

The Suleiman mountains of Afghan Frontier of British India (1879), by Major Wilson.

Stanford's Map of Western Asia - Public domain old map
Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, and British Honduras - Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography

Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, and British Honduras - Stanford's London ...

Map of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and British Honduras (now Belize)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (P)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (P)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (K)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (K)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (O)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (O)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (M)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (M)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Das Euphrattal - Syrien, Kurdistan usw. von Edward Stanford Ltd. - WDL

Das Euphrattal - Syrien, Kurdistan usw. von Edward Stanford Ltd. - WDL

Das Euphrattal: Syrien, Kurdistan usw. von Edward Stanford Ltd., 1907-1920

Admiralty Chart No 102 England East coast Pakefield Gatway to Orfordness by Staff Commander E.K. Calver R.N. 1867 RMG L1210, Published 1868

Admiralty Chart No 102 England East coast Pakefield Gatway to Orfordne...

Nautical chart of Pakefield Gatway to Orfordness. Not current - not to be used for navigation!

A map of part of Tibet 1904 50601846

A map of part of Tibet 1904 50601846

map of Tibet Autonomous Region (China) by Edward Stanford Ltd, produced in 1904

A map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission 1894

A map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission 1894

A Map of China Prepared for the China Inland Mission. London: Published by the China Inland Mission, 4 Pyrland Road, N., 1894 中文(臺灣):1894年中國內地會出版的中國地圖

European territorial claims on the coasts of the Red Sea 1885

European territorial claims on the coasts of the Red Sea 1885

European territorial claims on the coasts of the Red Sea, 1885 Author: Sir William Rawson (1812-1899) Lithographer: Edward Weller (d. 1884) Publisher: Edward Stanford Ltd. Includes inset maps Gulf of Tajura [... Mehr

Balkan states 1899 - Public domain vintage map

Balkan states 1899 - Public domain vintage map

Balkan States 1899 (304K) Map from "Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel: Europe" Volume 1, 1899.

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (S)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (S)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (Q)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (Q)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (X)

Stanford, Edward. Asia Minor, Caucasus, Black Sea. 1901 (X)

Asia Minor, the Caucasus & the Black Sea. London atlas series. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London : Edward Stanford, 26 & 27, Cockspur St., Charing Cross, S.W. (1901)

Kelat-Gazni - Public domain vintage map

Kelat-Gazni - Public domain vintage map

Road from Kelat to Gazni in 1880

New Providence Island inset - cropped from Bahamas 1901 Edward Stanford Atlas map
Egyptian campaign, 1882. Map no. 4, Reduction of new Egyptian survey, showing country between Ismailia and Tel el-Kebir position for movements of campaign in general

Egyptian campaign, 1882. Map no. 4, Reduction of new Egyptian survey, ...

Egyptian campaign, 1882. Map no. 4, Reduction of new Egyptian survey, showing country between Ismailia and Tel el-Kebir position for movements of campaign in general [cartographic material] / surveyed Dec 1883... Mehr

Stanford's large scale map of Zululand with adjoining parts of Natal, Transvaal & Portuguese Africa - btv1b531005117

Stanford's large scale map of Zululand with adjoining parts of Natal, ...

Français : Sujet : Relief (géographie) Zoulouland Échelle(s) : Scale 10 English Statute Miles to 1 inch [1:633 600 ca] Couverture : Monde Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford's map of the english lake district. 1 inch to 1 statute mile - btv1b53062113w

Stanford's map of the english lake district. 1 inch to 1 statute mile ...

Français : Sujet : Lake District national Park (parc national) Couverture : Royaume-Uni Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford's tourist's map of the isle of Wight, with popular references to fossiliferous localities, antiquities, landing places for boats, etc. and an appendix shewing the island. Southampton water and the adjacent... - btv1b530066228

Stanford's tourist's map of the isle of Wight, with popular references...

Français : Sujet : Wight, Île de Southampton Water -- Environs Couverture : Royaume-Uni – Angleterre – Île de Wight Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Stanford's library map of the world on Mercator's projection (14719827052)

Stanford's library map of the world on Mercator's projection (14719827...

Zoom into http://maps.bpl.org/id/17089 at http://maps.bpl.org. Author: Stanford, Edward Publisher: Stanford, Edward Date: 1898 Location: World Dimensions: 92 x 167 cm. Scale: [ca. 1:31,000,000] at equator Cal... Mehr

Map of Szechwan for the China Inland Mission

Map of Szechwan for the China Inland Mission

Szechwan. Stanford's Geog.l. Estab.t., London. (to accompany) Atlas of the Chinese Empire. Specially prepared by Mr. Edward Stanford for the China Inland Mission. See also a specially tailored version based on... Mehr

Stanford 1891 Chelsea bridges - Public domain old map
Africa (Edward Stanford, 1887)

Africa (Edward Stanford, 1887)

Sheet 63 from Stanford's London atlas of universal geography exhibiting the physical and political divisions of the various countries of the world. London: Edward Stanford, 1887

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British South Africa company territory South of the Zambesi - Stanford's Geog.l Estab.t - btv1b53060447c (2 of 2)

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British So...

Français : Sujet : Mashonaland (province) Matabeleland Khama, États de Afrique Australe Anglaise Zambézie Échelle(s) : 1:1 000 000 Couverture : Afrique australe E 25° - E 37° / S 15° - S 23°30' Langue : anglai... Mehr

Africa south of the Equator, showing existing boundary treaties - by George Cawston - btv1b84404721

Africa south of the Equator, showing existing boundary treaties - by G...

Français : Sujet : Afrique -- Sud Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

France. 1-1.900.800 30 english miles to 1 inch - btv1b53061918t

France. 1-1.900.800 30 english miles to 1 inch - btv1b53061918t

Français : Sujet : France Échelle(s) : 1:190 080 030 Couverture : France Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Map of British Columbia to the 56th Parallel, North Latitude. Compiled and drawn at the Lands and Works Office, Victoria, B.C., under the direction of The Honb.le. J.W. Trutch,M. Inst. C.E.F.R.G.S.... - btv1b530987313

Map of British Columbia to the 56th Parallel, North Latitude. Compiled...

Français : Sujet : Chorographie Colombie-Britannique, Province de Échelle(s) : Scale, 1:1 584 000 Couverture : Canada – Colombie britannique Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Map of the Klerksdorp gold fields situated in the district of Potchefstroom s. a. r. - btv1b530280854

Map of the Klerksdorp gold fields situated in the district of Potchefs...

Français : Sujet : Klerksdorp -- Gisements minéraux Klerksdorp -- Mines et ressources minières Couverture : Afrique du Sud Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

Tourist's map of North Wales - btv1b53062126n

Tourist's map of North Wales - btv1b53062126n

Français : Sujet : Tourisme Pays de Galles -- Nord Menai Bridge Couverture : Royaume-Uni – Pays de Galles – Gwynedd Langue : anglais Éditeur : Edward Stanford (London)

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British South Africa company territory South of the Zambesi - Stanford's Geog.l Estab.t - btv1b53060447c (1 of 2)

A map of Mashonaland, Matabeliland, Khama's country &c. the British So...

Français : Sujet : Mashonaland (province) Matabeleland Khama, États de Afrique Australe Anglaise Zambézie Échelle(s) : 1:1 000 000 Couverture : Afrique australe E 25° - E 37° / S 15° - S 23°30' Langue : anglai... Mehr

Persien und seine Verbindungen zum Schwarzen Meer, zum Mittelmeer und zum Roten Meer

Persien und seine Verbindungen zum Schwarzen Meer, zum Mittelmeer und ...

Persien und seine Verbindungen zum Schwarzen Meer, zum Mittelmeer und zum Roten Meer


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