Ludwig Richter - Das Tännengebirge bei Salzburg (The Tännengebirge nea...
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Geschichte vom Kaiser Octavianus Indem sie so schrie, gingen ihr die A...
Illustration for a story showing King Octavian holding a sword in the queen's bedchamber, with his mother at his side accusingly pointing at the queen, her daughter-in-law, who is leaping out of a bed where a n... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Wie Isegrim der Wolf wider Reineken klagt
Illustration for a story showing "Isegrim" the Wolf sitting on the ground complaining to Reynard the Fox who is sitting on a small mound in the background. Illus. from: Volksbücher. 15, 16, 17 / Heransgegeben ... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Das Käuzchen Flegel sc
Illustration for a book of fables shows a young boy nestled in bed with an oil lamp burning in a niche next to a window in the wall in the background; an owl is looking in through the window and has apparently ... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Dresdner album Ludw. Richter ; J.C. Flegel sc
Print shows an allegorical female figure seated on a cloud, feeding three small children, a fourth child, on the right, holds a cornucopia; a banner labeled "Charitas" hangs from trees behind them. In a scene b... Mehr
Picryl description: Public domain image of a mountains, highland lands...
Picryl description: Public domain view of a mountain range, mountainous landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Ludwig Richter - Osteria - Public domain dedication, National Gallery ...
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Gezicht op Olevano Romano
Public domain scan - 18th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Malerische Ansichten aus den Umgebungen von Rom
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Wie Isegrim krank darnieder liegt
Illustration for a story showing "Isegrim" the Wolf lying in bed, with his wife "Dame Gieremund" attending to the wounds he sustained during his defeat in the wrestling match with Reynard the Fox. Illus. from:... Mehr
Brunnen bei Ariccia nach der Originalzeichnung von Ludwig Richter ; ph...
Photograph shows several women, one on horseback, a man, a child, and two dogs at a water fountain on the roadway through a wooded area in Ariccia, Italy; the man is at the fountain filling a jug with water for... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Exlibris Otto Jahn
INTER FOLIA FRUCTUS Otto Jahn's Ex libris Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Dresden und die Sächsische Schweiz 135a
Deutsch: Der Kleinstein. Nach einem älteren kolorierten Kupferstich von L. A. Richter
Ludwig Richter - Wald bei Olevano (Serpentara) - 15166-ESK 4 - Bavaria...
Public domain image of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Witthöft Abendandacht-gross
Deutsch: Abendandacht: Lithografie (Stahlstich) von 1842; Erstmals erschienen beim Verlag Mayer & Wigand; Skizzenzeichnung: Ludwig Richter; Stahlstecher: Wilhelm Witthöft. Der Stich wurde nicht nach dem Origin... Mehr
Ludwig Richter 003 - Der Kampf mit dem Drachen
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter – Der Kampf mit dem Drachen English: Ludwig Richter – Fight with the Dragon Italiano: Ludwig Richter – Lotta con il drago
Ludwig Richter, Castel Gandalfo, c. 1831, NGA 206663
Public domain image of 18th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Luthers lindeboom in Ringethal
Public domain photo of art print, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Des Morgens legten die Schneidergesellen den Laden auf die Pfosten, se...
Illustration for a story showing scaffolding crashing to the ground after a pig has bumped one of the support posts, causing three tailors who had been working on the scaffolding to come crashing to the ground ... Mehr
Adrian Ludwig Richter 020 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Paintin...
Public domain photo of German painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Adrian Ludwig Richter 013
Deutsch: Genoveva in der Waldeinsamkeit English: Genoveva in the Wood Public domain photograph of family portrait, mother and child, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter Durch die Furt, Italy
Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Select Popular Tales from the German of Musaeus (illustration, page 1)
Illustration from page 1 of Select Popular Tales from the German of Musaeus by Ludwig Richter, of Mela (original German: Meta) at a window, watering a plant, from the short story "Dumb Love".
1854 August Gaber Xylographie nach Ludwig Richter Frontispiz Märchenmü...
Deutsch: Xylographie"Märchenmütterchen" von August Gaber nach einer Zeichnung von Ludwig Richter als Frontispiz für die von Carl und Theodor Colshorn herausgegebene und bei Carl Rümpler in Hannover erschienene... Mehr
Aufruhr Die Glocke Ludwig Richter
illustration of Friedrich Schiller's "Song of the Bell" (German: "Das Lied von der Glocke")
Ludwig Richter 001 - Mannesleben
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter – Mannesleben English: Ludwig Richter – Life of Man Italiano: Ludwig Richter – La vita dell’uomo
Ludwig Richter - Gezicht op een ruïne van een klooster met koeien
Public domain scan of an art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Raimund und Melusina hatten das hochzeitliche Lager bestiegen und mit ...
Illustration for a story showing a triptych with, on the center panel, the nobleman Raymond embracing Melusine on a bed labeled "RM" on the day of their wedding; on the left panel people are listening to a musi... Mehr
Hoch in der Luft umfuhr sie das Schloss dreimal und stiess jedesmal ei...
Illustration for a story showing Melusine with a serpent or dragon-like tail soaring above the castle where she lived with the nobleman Raymond. Illus. from: Volksbücher. 3 / Heransgegeben von G.O. Marbach. Le... Mehr
Wie sie aber gegen einander ritten, da nahm Peter seine Lanze hoch und...
Illustration for a story showing Peter participating in a jousting tournament where he faces Sir James, his uncle; Peter directs his lance away from his opponent and is struck by his uncle's lance, which breaks... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Der Wolf und der Schiffer
Illustration for a book of fables shows a man rowing a wolf dressed as a traveler across a river; a small bird is perched on the bow of the rowboat. Inscribed in red ink on verso: 44751. Inscribed in pencil on... Mehr
Die Christnacht gez. u. rad. v. L. Richter
Print shows angels carrying a pine tree illuminated with candles and many cherubs clustered around the baby Jesus on a cloud above city buildings, with cherubs offering baskets of fruit and small toys. Printed... Mehr
Carl Gottlieb Peschel - Ludwig Richter, 1827
Public domain image of a male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Dresden und die Sächsische Schweiz 148a
Deutsch: Das Felsentor auf dem Neurathen. Stich von Ludwig Richter
Ludwig Richter Auguste Civitella
Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Richter Genevieve of Brabant
Genevieve of Brabant. Dresden: Verlag von Meyer & Richter
Ludwig Richter, Osteria, c. 1831, NGA 206658
Public domain image of 18th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
DBP 1984 1213 Ludwig Richter - public domain postal stamp scan
100th day of death of Ludwig Richter (1803—1184) Deutsch: 100. Todestag von Ludwig Richter (1803—1184) Graphics by Langer-Rosa und Langer Ausgabepreis: 60 Pfennig First Day of Issue / Erstausgabetag: 8. Mai 1... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Der Lattenberg bei Salzburg (The Lattenberg near Salz...
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Geschichte von Griseldis und dem Markgrafen Walther Freudig rief der G...
Illustration for a story showing, at top, Walther, a German nobleman, standing with Griselda, a peasant girl, outside the door to her father's farmhouse; Walther is introducing her as his wife-to-be to friends ... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Die Vorzüge der Gans
Illustration for a book of fables shows a left profile view of a goose standing in front of a wall on which hangs a poster of a dancer labeled "zum allerletzten Male". Inscribed in red ink on verso: 44751. Ins... Mehr
Aehrenleserinnen L. Richter 1865 ; nach der Originalzeichnung von Ludw...
Photograph shows a mother with several children, including an infant in a portable bassinet, and a dog, gleaning a field following harvest; another woman and child are visible in the background. Drawing signed... Mehr
Ludwig Richter Aktstudie - Drawing. Public domain image.
Deutsch: Aktstudie (Beschreibung lt. Quelle) Public domain photograph of erotic art, sexuality, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Sommer
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter – Sommer English: Ludwig Richter – Summer Français : Ludwig Richter – Été Italiano: Ludwig Richter – Estate Português: Ludwig Richter – Verão Español: Ludwig Richter – Verano
Wie der Kampf beginnt und welcher Lift sich Reineke bedient
Illustration for a story showing Reynard the Fox and "Isegrim" the Wolf wrestling in a fight-to-the-death before the Royal Court to solve the differences between them. Reynard brushes his vinegar soaked tail ac... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Rübezahl - Engraving, Public domain image
Public domain photo of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Abendandacht nach der Originalzeichnung von Ludwig Richter ; photogr. ...
Photograph shows an extended family gathered on the left, before a large tree on the right, where there appears to be a niche, to which a young girl is offering a bouquet of flowers. Printed at bottom center o... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Spring Has Arrived
Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval or Renaissance sculpture, statue, artwork, painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Ludwig Richter (Deutsch - Der Frühling ist da - Google Art Project
Picryl description: Public domain image of a medieval or Renaissance sculpture, statue, artwork, painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Kotzsch, Carl Friedrich August - Ludwig Richter vor dem Kotzsch-Haus (...
Deutsch: August Kotzsch: Ludwig Richter vor dem Kotzsch-Haus
Adrian Ludwig Richter - Kostel svaté Anny u Krupky (filtered)
st. Anna's church in Krupka, Czech Republic. Čeština: kostel svaté Anny v Krupce. Deutsch: St.-Annen-Kirche zu Graupen in Böhmen.
Ludwig Richter - Ansicht Nachod um 1850
Náchod marketplace Čeština: Na náchodském náměstí – Ludvík Richter, ocelorytina, 1839. Východní část náměstí se zámkem. Na východní straně náměstí jsou zachyceny patrové domy s podsíněmi a dřevěnými štíty do ... Mehr
Ludwig Richter (August Kotzsch)
Portrait photograph of Ludwig Richter by August Kotzsch.
Wilhelm von Kügelgen - Bildnis Ludwig Richter, 1836
Bildnis Ludwig Richters Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Gezicht op Leisnig
Public domain scan of artwork in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Rocca di Mezzo
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Geschichte von der schöenen Magelone und dem Ritter Peter Der Bater sp...
Illustration for a story showing a king and queen with their son kneeling before them asking permission to go out into the world in search of adventure and to gain experience that would make him better equiped ... Mehr
Als sie nun so um die Pfanne herum sassen und sich die gerösteten Spät...
Illustration for a story showing the seven adventurous Swabians sitting around a large pot from which they are about to eat, though appear to be pondering some larger issues, particularly, at the moment, about ... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Der Orangutang und der Mensch
Illustration for a book of fables shows a man talking with an orangutan at the edge of a stream. Inscribed in red ink on verso: 44751. Inscribed in pencil on verso: Hoff 1109. Stamped on verso: L.C. Division o... Mehr
Gute Nacht gez. v. Ludw. Richter
Print shows an interior scene with a family gathered around a table where a man is sitting, kissing an infant daughter or granddaughter on the cheek; a woman stands on the left, possibly the mother of the infan... Mehr
Adrian Ludwig Richter 010 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Paintin...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Ludwig Richter - 1844 Richter Sommerlust anagoria
Summer scene Deutsch: Sommerlust Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Richter Italian landscape, Italy
Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Illustration for Alemannische Gedichte; A. L. Richter; wood engraving
Eesti: Illustratrsioon teosele Alemannische Gedichte (Johann Peter Hebel) (puugravüür)
Ludwig Richter Grusliche Geschichten
Deutsch: Grusliche Geschichten.
Heilge Ordnung Friede Ludwig Richter
illustration of Friedrich Schiller's "Song of the Bell" (German: "Das Lied von der Glocke")
Ludwig Richter - Winter
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter – Winter English: Ludwig Richter – Winter Français : Ludwig Richter – Hiver Italiano: Ludwig Richter – Inverno Português: Ludwig Richter – Inverno Español: Ludwig Richter – Invierno
Ludwig Richter, Gegend bei Aichen bei Salzburg (The Region near Aichen...
Public domain image of 18th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gegend bei Aichen bei Salzburg (The Region near Aichen near Salzburg)
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Raimund behielt nur einen Priester und einen Schüler bei sich, ..
Illustration for a story showing the nobleman Raymond dressed as a pilgrim entering the monastery at Montserrat with a priest. Caption continues: legte mit dem Priester Einsiedlerkleidung an und ging nach dem ... Mehr
Wie Reineke mit Grimbart auf dem Wege nach des Königs Hofe bei einem K...
Illustration for a story showing Reynard the Fox traveling to the King's court accompanied by Grimbart the Badger, as they pass a monastery Reynard spies a chicken outside the walls and attacks it, much to the ... Mehr
Adrian Ludwig Richter 022 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Paintin...
Public domain photo of German painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description The Flight into Egypt is a biblical event in which Mary and Joseph, with the infant Jesus, fled to Egyp... Mehr
Ludwig Richter Aller Augen warten auf dich (Illustration)
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Adrian Ludwig Richter - Kostel svaté Anny u Krupky
Adrian Ludwig Richter, st. Anna's church in Krupka, Czech Republic. Oil painting. Čeština: Adrian Ludwig Richter, kostel svaté Anny v Krupce. Olejomalba. Deutsch: St.-Annen-Kirche zu Graupen in Böhmen.
Ludwig Richter Feierabend
Public domain image of 17th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Erroetend folgt er ihren Spuren Ludwig Richter
illustration of Friedrich Schiller's "Song of the Bell" (German: "Das Lied von der Glocke")
Ludwig Richter - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter, deutscher Maler Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der König-See gegen den Untersberg bei Salzburg (Königsee toward the U...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a landscape with water, mountains, and sky, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Ludwig Richter - Gezicht op Castel Gandolfo
Public domain scan - 18th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Olevano - Public domain dedication, National Gallery ...
Public domain image of German master print from the National Gallery of Art collection, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Ludwig Richter - Gezicht op Olevano Romano
Public domain scan - 18th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sie liebkoste die Kinder mit zärtlichen Geberden, setzte sich mit ihne...
Illustration for a story showing Melusine sitting before a large fireplace, breast feeding an infant; across the room, two people looking slightly fearful, possibly servants, one holding a rosary, sit next to a... Mehr
Es war aber mit jenen Kaufleuten ein frommer Pilger, welcher Clemens h...
Illustration for a story showing one of King Octavian's infant sons lying on the ground; Clement, a pilgrim, traveling with a group of merchants, sees the baby and purchases it from a band of outlaws. Caption ... Mehr
Der Herr segne deinen Ausgang u Eingang L.R. ; HB monogram
Illustration for a book showing a man about to embark on a journey, standing in the doorway with his wife and children. Signed on block on lower left: L.R. Signed on block on lower right: HB. Illus. from: Säch... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Der Knabe und der Schwarzspecht Allanson sc
Illustration for a book of fables shows a young boy leaning on a fence in a wooded area, talking with a black woodpecker perched on the trunk of a tree. Signed on block on bottom center. Inscribed in red ink o... Mehr
Kunst bringt Gunst L.R. ; gezeichnet von L. Richter ; J. Roloffs sc. ;...
Print shows a scene in a village with a group of children gathered around a man performing a puppet show; also shows, on the left, an elderly woman merchant asleep in her makeshift kiosk and at right center the... Mehr
Adrian Ludwig Richter 008 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Paintin...
Public domain photo of landscape art painting, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Ludwig Richter Die Furt
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
1903 Ludwig Richter - A black and white drawing of two children in fro...
Deutsch: Hänsel und Gretel vor dem Hexenhaus
Ludwig Richter Guck in die Welt
Deutsch: Guck in die weite, weite Welt. Aus: Für’s Haus – „Frühling“.
Ludwig Richter Dein Reich komme
Deutsch: Dein Reich komme. Aus: „Vater Unser in Bildern“.
Ludwig Richter - Bunte Steine 1853 - Frontispiz 2
Deutsch: Frontspiz des zweiten Bandes von Stifters Bunte Steine. Dargestellt ist eine Szene aus Bergkristall
Als nun Eulenspiegel mit dem Rector und etlichen Magistris kam, legte ...
Illustration for a story showing Eulenspiegel wearing the hat of a jester, standing in a stable with members of the clergy watching a donkey turning pages in a book that had been placed in its feeding trough, g... Mehr
Ludwig Richter - Der Knabe und der Schleiereule Flegel sc
Illustration for a book of fables shows a young boy sitting on the ground, talking with an owl perched on the step to a building; the boy's school books are on the ground in the foreground. Signed on block on ... Mehr
Bildnisse hervorragender Dresdner (1908) Ludwig Richter
Deutsch: Ludwig Richter (1803–1884) – Ölbild (112:91 cm) von Adolf Ehrhardt aus den letzten Lebensjahren (Stadtmuseum). (Beschreibung lt. Quelle)
Ludwig Richter - Jahrhundertausstellung 1906 KatNr. 1425a
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Ludwig Richter Der Besuch auf dem Lande
Deutsch: Der Besuch auf dem Lande. Aus: Der Sonntag in Bildern.
Ludwig Richter an Luise von Plönnies 1852-04-04
Brief Ludwig Richter an Luise von Plönnies (1803-1872), eigenhändig, mit Unterschrift, datiert Dresden 4. April 1852
Ludwig Richter - Bunte Steine 1853 - Frontispiz 2 Ausschnitt
Deutsch: Illustration Ludwig Richters zu Adalbert Stifters Erzählung Bergkristall Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, child, children, infant, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... Mehr