Vier Figurenstudien: Profil eines verrotteten Mannes; Mann auf Laterne...
Picryl description: Public domain image, drawing, American, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions
'Cheltenham High Street' - Victorian era public domain image
Schöpfer: Francis Bedford (1816 - 1894).Datum: ca. 1880. Format: Albumdruck. Sammlung: National Media Museum Collection (http: / / / Collection / Photography).Inventarnummer: 1990... Mehr
Building old fashioned berwick upon tweed building. A street light sit...
Architecture stock photograph: A white house with blue trim and a street lamp / A street light sitting next to a white building.
Robert French - General View, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
This general view of Mullingar is one where it may prove difficult to identify places or indeed the location. As we try to oblige our viewers where possible this is in response to a request by "Jack the Stroll... Mehr
Western Hotel in Warrnambool, Vic - um 1915
C.R. Plouright, proprietor Public domain photograph of a hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Auburn Road, Auburn, N.S.W. - sehr frühe 1900er Jahre
Vintage New South Wales Public domain scan of the vintage New South Wales, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lamp post at Minneapolis Federal Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ursprünglich als Postamt erbaut, wurde dieses Gebäude im neoklassischen Stil 1915 vom Architekten James Knox Taylor erbaut. Fotografiert im Rahmen eines Auftrages für die General Services Administration. Titel,... Mehr
A street light with a cloudy sky in the background. Lamp post sculptur...
A street light with a cloudy sky in the background / A street light with a cloudy sky in the background / Public domain stock photo.
Blue sky clouds building. A street light in front of a tall building
Architecture stock photograph: A street light with a building in the background / A street light in front of a tall building.
A street sign in front of a large building. Casperia italy signs.
A street sign with a building in the background / A street sign with a building in the background public domain stock photo.
New york city skyline twilight building. A view of a city from a pier ...
Architecture stock photograph: A view of a city from a pier / A view of a city from a pier at dusk.
A street light in the middle of a park at night. Night lamp post russi...
A street lamp in the evening / A street lamp in the middle of a park / Public domain stock photo.
A black and white photo of a street light. Lamppost streetlamp decorat...
A black and white photo of a lamp post / A black and white photo of two street lights / Public domain stock photo.
A street light in the rain at night. Rain rainy storm.
A street light in the rain / A street lamp in the rain / Public domain stock photo.
Bridge river water building. A street light on a bridge with a river i...
Architecture stock photograph: A lamp post on a bridge over a river / A street light on a bridge with a river in the background.
George Street and Town Hall, Moonta, S.A. - sehr frühe 1900er Jahre
Südaustralien im Vintage-Stil
Oxford Street, Sydney, N.S.W. - 1909, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Vintage New South Wales Public domain scan of the vintage New South Wales, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Straße mit Laternenpfahl und Weinladen]
Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Straße mit Laternenpfahl und Weinladen]
The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and salt, which creates a glossy surface t... Mehr
Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Massachusetts. Bulfinch Building und Lat...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park alley, trees, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Building lamps lamp post building. A street light sitting in front of ...
Architecture stock photograph: A street light with a bunch of buildings in the background / A street light sitting in front of a building.
Bike bicycle wheel building. A pile of newspaper sitting on the side o...
Architecture stock photograph: A black and white photo of a street with a car parked on it / A pile of newspaper sitting on the side of a street.
A street light with a bird on top of it. Rostral columns lamp post ele...
A street lamp in the center of the city / A lamp post with two lamps on it / Public domain stock photo.
Queen and Eagle Streets, Brisbane, Qld - um 1910
Vintage Brisbane Public domain photograph of Australian city, cityscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Rouse Street, Tenterfield, N.S.W. - sehr frühe 1900er Jahre
Vintage New South Wales Public domain scan of the vintage New South Wales, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Südaustralien im Vintage-Stil
Weld Street, Beaconsfield, Tasmanien - 1906
Collection of Vintage Australian Postcards Public domain scan of the vintage Australian postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Auburn Street, Goulburn, N, S.W. - Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
"Ich bin Flickr ursprünglich beigetreten, um meine alten Fotos von Henry William Mobsby F.R.G.S., F.R.S.A. zu widmen und zu teilen. (1860-1933), der der Großonkel meines Mannes war... Er war ein Engländer, der ... Mehr
Administration architecture building. Two men in red uniforms stand in...
Architecture stock photograph: A guard stands in front of a building / Two men in red uniforms stand in front of a building.
A lamp post with a street sign on it. Lamp post air paris.
A lamp post with a street sign on it. A street light with a street sign on it. Public domain stock photo of light and darkness.
A black lamp post sitting on top of a sidewalk. Lights pole street.
A row of lights in a garden with flowers / A row of lights in a garden public domain stock photo.
A red car is parked next to a pole. Auto lamp post strange.
Stock photo: A car with a pole sticking out of it / A red car is parked next to a pole.
A street light in front of a building with a window. Church window fai...
A window with a light on a building / A street light sitting next to a building public domain stock photo.
A street light with a star trail in the background. Stars night lamp p...
Sternennacht. Freie Bilder von Sternen am Himmel. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos des Nachthimmels ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.
A tall tower sitting next to a brick wall. Lamp post patwardhan palace...
A tall pole in the middle of a brick wall / A tall pole in front of a brick wall public domain stock photo.
A street light hanging off the side of a building. Street light lamp p...
A black metal street light hanging from a wire / A street lamp hanging from a wire in the sky public domain stock photo.
Grey's Monument, 1955, England
View along Grey Street towards Grey's Monument, Newcastle upon Tyne, October 1955 (TWAM ref. DT.TUR/2/14539C)...You can see an aerial view of this area from 1963 in another of our sets twm_news/15408514332/in/s... Mehr
Zwei Herren sitzen unter einem Laternenpfahl mit japanischem Regenschi...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.
Lamp post street lamp building. A street light in a city park with tal...
Architecture stock photograph: A large pillar with a statue in the middle of it / A street light in a city park with tall buildings in the background.
A long exposure photo of a highway at night. Highway night car.
Stock photo: A long exposure shot of a highway with a car passing by / A long exposure photo of a highway at night.
A yellow car is parked in a parking lot. Car automobile parking.
Stock photo: A yellow car parked in a parking lot / A yellow car is parked in a parking lot.
Lamp post lantern metal building. A street light with a dragon on it
Architecture stock photograph: A metal pole with a statue of a dragon on it / A street light with a dragon on it.
Snow lamp posts street lamp building. A black and white photo of stair...
Architecture stock photograph: A dark night in the city / A black and white photo of stairs in the rain.
The Tyne Bridge from The Side, England
Blick auf die Tyne Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, November 1963 (TWAM ref. DT.TUR / 2 / 32626C)... Tyne & Wear Archives präsentiert eine Reihe von Bildern, die von den in Newcastle ansässigen Fotografen Turners L... Mehr
Bullock-Team in Molesworth Street, Lismore, N.S.W. - sehr frühe 1900er...
Bullock team standing outside the Hotel Ryan. Public domain scan of the vintage New South Wales postcard, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Main Street, Mirboo North, Victoria - 1908
Vintage Victoria Postcards Public domain scan of the vintage Victoria Australia postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hauptstadt-Laternenpfähle verkleidet für die Ankunft des nicaraguanisc...
Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Station train art, transportation traffic. A large building with a clo...
Architecture stock photograph: The ceiling of the train station / A large building with a clock on the front of it.
A couple of birds sitting on top of a street light. Heron lamp post se...
Stock photo: A bird is sitting on a light pole / A couple of birds sitting on top of a street light.
A street light with a ball on top of it. Lamp post air prague.
A lamp post with a ball on it. A street light with a metal ball on it. Public domain stock photo of light and darkness.
A street light lit up in the dark. Night evening light.
A street lamp in the dark. A row of street lights in the dark. Public domain stock photo of light and darkness. Tourism: A street lamp in the dark. A row of street lights in the dark. Public domain stock photo.
Lamp post ornate antique building. A street light on a pole with palm ...
Architecture stock photograph: A street light with a palm tree in the background / A street light on a pole with palm trees in the background.
Robert French - National Museum, Dublin City, Co. Dublin
Library Towers stands on one side, the National Museum stands on the other and the adage "Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" applies! A very old view of the Museum which will n... Mehr
Newcastle Co-operative building, Newgate Street, 1961, England
Ansicht der Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Mai 1961 (TWAM ref. DT.TUR / 2 / 26647E). Diese Straße hat sich seit der Entstehung des Eldon Square Shopping Centre und The Gate... Tyne & Wear Archives hat ein... Mehr
Firing torpedoes on the River Tyne, England
Feuerprobe von 21 Zoll Triple Deck Torpedo Tubes. Pulverimpulse für argentinische Zerstörer, c1929 (TWAM ref. 1027 / 9). Vorsicht, Gateshead!.. "Werkstatt der Welt" ist ein Ausdruck, der häufig verwendet wird, ... Mehr
Lamp post at Century Station Federal Building located in Raleigh, Nort...
Erbaut zwischen 1874-1878 vom Architekten Alfred B. Mullett. Zwischen 1936 und 1938 kamen Ergänzungen hinzu. Der Stil ist Second Empire. Fotografiert im Rahmen eines Auftrages für die General Services Administr... Mehr
Lamp post at the J. Herbert W. Small Federal Building and U.S. Courtho...
Das 1906 erbaute Gebäude ist eines der schönsten neoklassischen Gebäude des Bundesstaates North Carolina. 1937 gab es einen Zusatz. Architekt ist James Knox Taylor. Fotografiert im Rahmen eines Auftrages für di... Mehr
A street light sitting on the side of a road. Lamp post sunset street
A street light in the middle of a street / A street light on a pole in the middle of a park public domain stock photo.
Beasain spain landscape. A building that has a lot of flowers in front...
Architecture stock photograph: The building where the hotel is located / A building that has a lot of flowers in front of it.
A couple of benches sitting on top of a grass covered field. Benches l...
Two benches are in the grass near a lamp post / Two benches on a hill with a lamp post / Public domain photo of a park, nature.
A lamp post in a park with a building in the background. Light post la...
A light post in front of a building with a steeple / A lamp post in a park surrounded by trees public domain stock photo.
Temple lamp post stone, religion. A clock tower sitting in the middle ...
Architecture stock photograph: A large stone structure with a clock tower in the middle of it / A clock tower sitting in the middle of a park.
A street light sitting on top of a pier next to the ocean. Venice ital...
A street light on the water at sunset / A lamp post on the ocean with a sunset in the background / Public domain stock photo.
A couple of white street lights sitting on top of a lush green field. ...
The new street lamp is made of aluminum and has a white finish / The best outdoor lighting ideas for your home. from outdoor lighting to outdoor lighting, you can find the best outdoor lighting ideas for your h... Mehr
A street light with a blue sky in the background. Lamp post air capell...
A street light with a metal frame / A street lamp against a blue sky public domain stock photo.
Princes Street, Scott Monument und Royal Institution
William Donaldson Clark..1858..Accession no. PGP R 124 .Medium Albumen print .Size 21.60 x 27.50 cm .Credit Gift of Mrs. Riddell in memory of Peter Fletcher Riddell 1985. PGP R 124 ) .
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: B...
Ein Veteran klettert auf einen Laternenpfahl, um während der Einweihungsparade für das Vietnam Veterans Memorial eine amerikanische Flagge zu entwirren.
A street light with a tree in the background. Singapore lamp street la...
A close up of a street light / A lamp post with a tree in the background / Public domain photo of a park, nature.
A close up of a statue near a body of water. Light post lamp post eiff...
A close up of a metal post with a building in the background / A close up of a metal pole with a tower in the background sculpture.
A small bird sitting on top of a metal pole. Bird perched urban.
A small bird perched on a pole near a building / A bird perched on a metal pole on a pole public domain stock photo.
A street light with a clear sky in the background. Lamp post light fix...
A pair of old fashioned street lights against a blue sky / A pair of old fashioned street lights public domain stock photo.
Soldaten der 104. Instandhaltungskompanie
Soldaten der 104. Instandhaltungskompanie stellen während der Mission zum Unabhängigkeitstag im District of Columbia am 4. Juli Verkehrsblockaden auf. Die Nationalgarde von D.C. stockte die Ressourcen der Bezir... Mehr
Soldaten der 104. Instandhaltungskompanie
Soldaten der 104. Instandhaltungsgesellschaft unterstützen die Teilnehmer während der Feierlichkeiten zum Unabhängigkeitstag am 4. Juli in Washington, D.C. Die Nationalgarde von D.C. stockte für die Feierlichke... Mehr
Ruthven Street, Toowoomba - 1905
Geschrieben hat diese Postkarte Pauline Rosenstengel, Tochter von Richard Rosenstengel von der Firma Rosenstengel & Kleimeyer. Ihr Bruder Edmund Rosenstengel wurde ein sehr berühmter Möbelfabrikant. (http: / / ... Mehr
'Cardiff, the High Street' - Victorian era public domain image
Schöpfer: Francis Bedford (1816 - 1894).Datum: ca. 1880. Format: Albumdruck. Sammlung: Sammlung des National Media Museum (http: / / / Collection / Photography).Inventarnummer: 1990-... Mehr
The Seaton Horses - A black and white photo of people walking down a s...
Obwohl das Seaton Hotel erst etwas mehr als 100 Jahre alt ist, zeigt es ein langsameres Lebenstempo, im Vordergrund zwei Pferdefuhrwerke. .. Sammlung Photogrpah Nummer 647
The Seaton Hotel. Hartlepool, Durham, England
Diese Straßenszene, die das Seaton Hotel an der Ecke der Straße zeigt, wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Seaton Carew aufgenommen. .. Sammlung Photogrpah Nr. 646
A couple of street lights sitting next to each other. Bánfihunyad dual...
A street light with two lights on it / A street lamp with two lights against a blue sky public domain stock photo.
A man is walking his dog in the dark. Boy alone dog, people.
Finden Sie die besten kostenlosen Bilder über Hunde: Hundebilder, die kostenlos, ohne Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen, sogar für kommerzielle Zwecke und ohne Namensnennung verwendet werden können.
Horse carriage carriage horses, transportation traffic.
Freie Bilder von Pferden. Public Domain Archivbild von Pferden. Lizenzfreie Fotos.
Urban concrete wall building. A bicycle is parked under a bridge
Architecture stock photograph: A skateboarder is leaning against a bridge / A bicycle is parked under a bridge.
Göteborg (Gothenburg), Västergötland, Sweden, Sverige
Stacks of firewood at Gustaf Adolf Square in Gothenburg. Statue of king Gustav II Adolf, founder of Gothenburg. ..Vedstaplar på Gustaf Adolfs torg i Göteborg. Staty av kung Gustav II Adolf, grundare av Götebor... Mehr
Das Observatorium, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Qld - um 1908
The Old Windmill is a heritage-listed tower mill in Wickham Park at 226 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, City of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 1820s by convict labour and is the oldest surviving... Mehr
Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten in Yokohama: Frau mit Klingeln, Laternen...
Public domain photo of Japanese woodblock print, Ukiyo-e, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A street light with purple flowers hanging from it. Lantern lamp outdo...
A black street light with purple flowers in front of it / A lamp post with flowers on it and a clock on it public domain stock photo.
A red and black building with a street light in front of it. Lamp post...
A red and white building with a street light / A street light and a street light on a pole / Public domain stock photo.
A lamp post with a hanging basket of flowers. Basket beautiful colorfu...
A street lamp with red flowers hanging from it / A lamp post with a flowery lamp post public domain stock photo.
Building architecture urban street building. A person riding a skatebo...
Architecture stock photograph: A street scene with a tree and a building / A person riding a skateboard on a city street.
Queen and Eagle Streets, Brisbane, Qld - um 1910
NaN Public domain scan of the vintage Queensland postcard, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Das Observatorium, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Qld - um 1910
The Old Windmill is a heritage-listed tower mill in Wickham Park at 226 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, City of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 1820s by convict labour and is the oldest surviving... Mehr
Radrennen in der Innenstadt
Dieses Bild dokumentiert ein Radrennen in Washington, Großbritannien. Das Foto wurde irgendwann in den späten 1960er oder frühen 1970er Jahren aufgenommen. .. Referenz: 5417 / 146 / 1.. Diese Bildersammlung wur... Mehr
Grey's Monument, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Looking towards Grey's Monument, Newcastle upon Tyne, November 1963 (TWAM ref. DT.TUR/2/32626B)...You can see an aerial view of this area from 1963 in another of our sets twm_news/15408514332/in/set-7215762... ... Mehr
View of Orange, N.S.W. - 1909 - Victorian era public domain image
Vintage New South Wales Public domain scan of the vintage New South Wales, Australia, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
SEAVIEW ROAD, VICTOR HARBOUR, S.A. - Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
Vintage South Australia A street with a few houses and trees. A small town with a few houses and a street. Public domain postcard scan.
[Vier Männer auf einem Hügel über einer Baustelle mit einem Laternenpf...
Photograph. This record contains unverified data from caption card. Public domain photograph of a post office building, postal service, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
James Valentine - Grafton Street
Grafton Street in Dublin, long before pedestrianisation was even a twinkle in Dublin Corporation's eye. Check out the tags for the car registrations that are clear enough to read - the only one I'm unsure of is... Mehr
A close up of a lamp post with flowers in the background. Wisteria blo...
A close up of a pillar with purple flowers in the background / A close up of a lamp post with purple flowers in the background public domain stock photo.