Georges Goursat - Quatre caricatures Sem 1913
L'Illustration Français : Quatre dessins du nouvel album de Sem : Puccini, Chaliapine, Caruso, Mascagni
Raymond Poincaré lieutenant de Chasseurs Alpins 1897 (2)
Español: El futuro presidente de la República de Francia Raymond Poincaré (en ese momento vicepresidente de la Cámara de diputados francesa) durante su última estadía de servicio militar, como teniente 1º del ... Mehr
Pius X Vatican Gardens 1913 Portrait
Pope Pius X portrayed by his official photographer in the Vatican Gardens, while recovering from an illness. For more information see French text below (older upload version) Deutsch: Papst Pius X. erholt sic... Mehr
Entrance to the old Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, Peking (L. S...
Entrance to the old Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Peking
Projet de coulée verte 1913
Français : projet d'amenagement des fortifications en parcs et jardin Ouest de Paris entre porte des Ternes et Courcelles L'Illustration, No. 3646, 11 Janvier 1913,
Liang Shiyi (L. Sabattier)
Chinese statesman Liang Shiyi Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Damesmode voor 1914, SFA022010276
Nederlands: Omschrijving: Damesmode voor 1914. De damesmode bij de paardenraces bij Chantilly. De dames dragen lange jurken van kant, een tas, hoed en parasol. Frankrijk, Chantilly, 1913. Scan van pagina uit L... Mehr
Merchants of curios in Peking (L. Sabattier)
Merchants of curios in Peking Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Grenzmanoever 1 - A group of men standing next to each other near a bu...
Deutsch: Beschreibung des Originalbildes: Soldaten der deutschen 171. Infanterie-Regiments und der 15. Remiremont-Fußjäger bei der Ankunft auf dem Hohneck, rechts und links der Grenzmarkierung. Español: En ag... Mehr
Damesmode voor 1914, SFA022009416
Nederlands: Omschrijving: Damesmode voor 1914. De damesmode bij de paardenraces bij Chantilly. De dames dragen lange jurken van kant, een tas, hoed en parasol. Frankrijk, Chantilly, 1913. Scan van pagina uit L... Mehr
Bulgarian soldiers of the Balkan Wars
Types of Bulgarian soldiers of the Balkan Wars, 1913
Nanxi Gate, Peking (L. Sabattier)
Nanxi (Southwestern) Gate at Peking Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
View of Himarra, 1913
View of the town of Himarra, 1913
Bulgarian cavalry 1913 - A group of pictures of men riding horses
Collage of Bulgarian cavalry during the Balkan Wars, 1913
Leune in Kilkis
Young Mrs. Jean Leune, correspondent of L'Illustration, before the burial of the dead on the battlefield of Kilkis. Photograph from L'Illustration, 2 August 1913 Ελληνικά: Η νεαρά κ. Hélène Leune, ανταποκρίτρ... Mehr
Lucie Faure Goyeau vers 1905
Lucie Félix-Faure Goyeau (1866-1913), photo parue dans L'Illustration 28 juin 1913. Photographe François Chéri-Rousseau (1825-1908).
Raymond Poincaré lieutenant de Chasseurs Alpins 1897
Español: El futuro presidente de la República de Francia Raymond Poincaré (en ese momento vicepresidente de la Cámara de diputados francesa) durante su última estadía de servicio militar, como teniente del 11º... Mehr
Inauguration Musée Jacquemart-André
Inauguration du Musée Jacquemart-André, décembre 1913, Paris. Le président de République française, Raymond Poincaré, devant la fresque de Tiepolo. Derrière le Président, M. Émile Bertaux, premier directeur du... Mehr
Tang Shaoyi (L. Sabattier)
Chinese statesman Tang Shaoyi Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Xiong Xiling(L. Sabattier)
Xiong Xiling中文:熊希龄
Bulgarian sentries in the snow at Adrianople
Bulgarian sentries almost buried in the heavy snow, during the Siege of Adrianople
Tennis court at the International Club, Peking (L. Sabattier)
Tennis court at the International Club, Peking
Lieut.-Colonel Tyrrell and Enver Bey after 1913 Ottoman coup d'état
Lieutenant Colonel Ernest Tyrrell, head of the British military attaché in Istanbul, and Enver Bey after 1913 Ottoman coup d'état.Türkçe: Bâb-ı Âli Baskını'ndan bir gün sonra Albay Ernest Tyrrell ile Enver Bey.
Yuan Shikai 1913
中文:本照片系袁世凯于1913年10月10日正式就任中华民国大总统之后,各国驻华使节觐见合影。前排中者为袁世凯,三排右一为总统府秘书长梁士诒,右二为司法总长梁启超,后排右一为内务总长朱启钤。右四起为大理院长章宗祥、外交部参事顾维钧、外交部次长曹汝霖、大总统府外交顾问陆征祥、海军总长刘冠雄、参议院议长王家襄、教育总长汪大燮。章宗祥前左为侍从武官长廕昌,汪大燮前右为众议院议长汤化龙。.Español: El presi... Mehr
Swearing-in ceremony of King Constantine I of Greece
Swearing-in ceremony of King Constantine I of Greece before the Greek Parliament, 1913
1913 Ottoman coup d'état
Français : Enver bey, qui a préparé et exécuté le coup d'État, revient en auto du Palais impérial, rapportant le firman qui enregistre la démission de Kiamil pacha et élève Mahmoud Chefket pacha au grand vizir... Mehr
Cut-away scheme of the Ottoman gun emplacements at Ioannina
Cut-away scheme of the Ottoman gun emplacements at Janina
Forces in the Balkans at the outbreak of the 2nd Balkan War
Troop concentrations of the Balkan nations at the eve of the Second Balkan War, June 1913
Cai Tinggan(L. Sabattier)
Chinese statesman Cai Tinggan Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portico of Jade Cloud Pagoda (L. Sabattier)
Portico of Jade Cloud Pagoda Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Montenegrin flags on Mt. Tarabosh
Montenegrin flags on Mt. Tarabosh during the First Balkan War
Bulgarian wounded at a train station during the battle of Chataldja
Bulgarian wounded wait at a train station at Mustafapaşa as fresh troops are brought in, during the battle of Chataldja in the First Balkan War
Shkodër 1913 - A black and white photo of a man holding a flag
Flags of Great Powers on Shkodër fortress, May 1913.
King Nicholas of Montenegro with captured Ottoman flag
King Nicholas of Montenegro with captured Ottoman flag during the First Balkan War
Proposed borders for Albania
Various proposals for the borders of Albania during the First Balkan War
Grenzmanoever 2 - A group of men standing next to each other
Español: En agosto de 1913, durante unas maniobras militares de ambos bandos, unos soldados alemanes del regimento de infantería nº 171 se encuentran con un grupo de soldados franceses del 15º batallón de caza... Mehr
Chinese wagon and Tartar cart (L. Sabattier)
Chinese carriage and Tartar cart Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ismail Enver Bey in Cyrenaica
Français : Ismail Enver Bey in Cyrenaica, 1911. Enver bey tel qu'il était en Cyrénaïque. Phot. Kiamıl effendi, prise au camp d'Aïn de Mansour, devant Derna.
Inhabitants of Loukovo with Greek and French flags
Inhabitants of Loukovo with Greek and French flags
The Allies of Yesterday
"The Allies of Yesterday": Greek and Bulgarian sentries at the port of Thessaloniki, in the period before the outbreak of the Second Balkan War
Yuan Shikai (L. Sabattier)
Chinese general and President of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai
Jean Jaurès 1913
Français : Jean Jaurès lors de la manifestation au Pré-Saint-Gervais contre la loi des trois ans (25 mai 1913). Photographie de Maurice-Louis Branger, reproduite dans L'Illustration. [1]
Alekos Schinas Arrested
Português: O Anarquista Alekos Schinas assassino do Reio George I acompanhado de dois policiais. Français : "L'assassin du roi Georges 1er, entre eux gendarmes crétois." English: Photograph of Alexandros Sch... Mehr
Cardinal Rampolla, Italy
Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro Public domain photograph related to the history of Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pius Xvatgarden - Public domain dedication image
Pope Pius X portrayed working in the Vatican Gardens, after recovering from an illness. Deutsch: Papst Pius X. arbeitet in den Vatikanischen Gärten und erholt sich von einer Krankheit Italiano: Il papa Pio X... Mehr
Departure for a trip on the lakes of the Winter Palace (L. Sabattier)
Departure for a trip on the lakes of the Winter Palace, peking
Georges Bourdon signature
Signature of Georges Bourdon, war correspondent of Le Figaro. Photograph from L'Illustration, 2 August 1913 Ελληνικά: Η υπογραφή του Ζώρζ Μπουρντόν (Georges Bourdon), πολεμικού ανταποκριτή της Λε Φιγκαρό. Φωτ... Mehr
Helene Leune Georges Bourdon
Mrs. Jean Leune and Mr. Georges Bourdon, of Le Figaro, discover the corpses of seven notables of Serres, in the surroundings of Livounovo. The corpse in the foreground is that of Leonidas Papapaulou, headmaste... Mehr
August Bebel last portrait 1913
Español: Última fotografía de August Bebel English: Last photograph of August Bebel Deutsch: Letzte Aufnahme von August Bebel
August Bebel 1905 Régamey - Public domain portrait print
Español: August Bebel dando un discursoDeutsch: August Bebel sprichtFrançais : August Bebel à la tribune
Rival territorial claims after the First Balkan War
Rival Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian territorial claims in Epirus, Albania and Macedonia after the First Balkan War
A conjuror in the Peking market (L. Sabattier)
A conjuror in the Peking market
Greek territorial claims in Epirus, 1913
Greek schools, Greek-Orthodox churches and bishoprics, territorial claims in Epirus and Italian proposal for the Greco-Albanian border, after the First Balkan War
Map of the Siege of Adrianople
Map of the Siege of Adrianople in 1912-13
Ottoman vs Greek fleet, 1913
Comparison between the Ottoman and Greek fleets during the First Balkan War, 1912-13
Yuan Shikai in 1913 art by Louis Sabattier (cropped)
Chinese general and President of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai
Palanquin and bicycle at Peking (L. Sabattier)
Palanquin and bicycle at Peking Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cantinera con marido y cuatro hijos 1870
Español: Una mujer galardonada con una medalla durante la guerra franco-alemana de 1870-71: la cantinera Sra. Gombert, retratada con su familia algunos años después de la guerra. Su marido era sargento del 3er... Mehr