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joint wings 2002

15 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
US Navy 021024-N-2781V-692 F-14B

US Navy 021024-N-2781V-692 F-14B

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 24, 2002) -- F-14B "Tomcats" assigned to the "Jolly Rogers" of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) fly in formation with a Mig-21 “Fishbed” assigned to the Croat Air Force. VF-103 is p... Mehr

Mi G 21 Bis F 14 B Croatia 2002 2

Mi G 21 Bis F 14 B Croatia 2002 2

An F-14B "Tomcat" assigned to the "Jolly Rogers" of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) flies in formation with a pair of MiG-21’s assigned to the Croat Air Force. VF-103 is part of a detachment from Carr... Mehr

US Navy 021029-N-2781V-088 A U.S. Navy HH-60H helicopter assigned to Antisubmarine Squadron One Five (HS-15)

US Navy 021029-N-2781V-088 A U.S. Navy HH-60H helicopter assigned to A...

Pula, Croatia -- A U.S. Navy HH-60H "Seahawk" helicopter assigned to Antisubmarine Squadron One Five (HS-15) "Red Lions" flies over the Croatian countryside near Pula, conducting a Combat Search and Rescue (CS... Mehr

F-14B VF-103 Joint Wings 2002

F-14B VF-103 Joint Wings 2002

A U.S. Navy F-14B "Tomcat" assigned to the Fighter Squadron VF-103 "Jolly Rogers" flies over the Croat coastline near Pula, Croatia, on 29 October 2002. VF-103, which was part of Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CV... Mehr

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-020 Navy aircraft participate in Joint Wings 2002

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-020 Navy aircraft participate in Joint Wings 20...

Pula, Croatia -- An F-14 “Tomcat” fighter assigned to the “Jolly Rogers” of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) leads a formation comprised of F/A-18 “Hornet” strike fighters from the “Blue Blasters” of ... Mehr

US Navy 021028-N-1955P-001 Hornets make a dual runway take-off while conducting multinational operations in Pula, Croatia, during multinational operations in the region

US Navy 021028-N-1955P-001 Hornets make a dual runway take-off while c...

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 28, 2002) -- F/A-18 "Hornets" assigned to the "Rampagers" of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight Three (VFA-83) make a dual runway take-off while conducting multinational operations in the region... Mehr

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-046 An F-14B Tomcat assigned to the Jolly Rogers of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) leads a formation with three U.S. Navy F-A-18C Hornets and two Croatian MiG-21 fighter aircraft

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-046 An F-14B Tomcat assigned to the Jolly Roger...

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 29, 2002) – An F-14B Tomcat assigned to the “Jolly Rogers” of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) leads a formation with three U.S. Navy F/A-18C Hornets assigned to Strike Fighter Squa... Mehr

US Navy 021101-N-1955P-001 An F-14 of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103)

US Navy 021101-N-1955P-001 An F-14 of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three ...

At sea aboard USS George Washington (CVN 73) Nov. 1, 2002 -- An F-14 "Tomcat" assigned to the “Jolly Rogers” of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) flies in formation during “Joint Wings 2002” with two Cr... Mehr

US Navy 021025-N-2781V-202 Final preps for a mission

US Navy 021025-N-2781V-202 Final preps for a mission

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 25, 2002) -- Lt. Rebecca Adams, a pilot assigned to the "Rampagers," of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight Three (VFA-83) makes final preparations for a mission in a MiG-21 “Fishbed” assigned to... Mehr

F-14 over Pula

F-14 over Pula

A US Navy (USN) F-14B Tomcat, Fighter Squadron 103 (VF-103, Jolly Rogers), Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW-17), assigned to the Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier, USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN-73), flies over the coas... Mehr

US Navy 021029-N-2781V-050 A U.S. Navy HH-60H helicopter assigned to the Antisubmarine Squadron One Five (HS-15)

US Navy 021029-N-2781V-050 A U.S. Navy HH-60H helicopter assigned to t...

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 29, 2002) -- A U.S. Navy HH-60H "Seahawk" helicopter assigned to the Antisubmarine Squadron One Five (HS-15) "Red Lions" flies over the Croatian countryside near Pula, conducting a Combat S... Mehr

Mi G 21 Bis F 14 B Croatia 2002 1

Mi G 21 Bis F 14 B Croatia 2002 1

An F-14B "Tomcat" assigned to the "Jolly Rogers" of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) flies in formation with a pair of MiG-21’s assigned to the Croat Air Force. VF-103 is part of a detachment from Carr... Mehr

US Navy 021025-N-2781V-267 U.S. Navy pilot receives patch from Croat Lt. Col

US Navy 021025-N-2781V-267 U.S. Navy pilot receives patch from Croat L...

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 25, 2002) -- Lt. Rebecca Adams, a pilot assigned to the "Rampagers" of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight Three (VFA- 83), receives an aircraft patch and a squadron patch for her flight jacket ... Mehr

US Navy 021024-N-2781V-595 An F-14B

US Navy 021024-N-2781V-595 An F-14B

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 24, 2002) -- An F-14B "Tomcat" assigned to the Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) "Jolly Rogers" takes off from the runway at the Croatian Air Force base near Pula, Croatia. VF-103 is... Mehr

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-116 A U.S. Navy F-14B Tomcat assigned to the "Jolly Rogers" of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) flies over the Croat coastline near Pula

US Navy 021029-N-1955P-116 A U.S. Navy F-14B Tomcat assigned to the "J...

Pula, Croatia (Oct. 29, 2002) – A U.S. Navy F-14B Tomcat assigned to the “Jolly Rogers” of Fighter Squadron One Zero Three (VF-103) flies over the Croat coastline near Pula. Aircraft from VF –103 assigned to ... Mehr

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