Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine


12,610 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 127
Reisende nach Reifen und Jaffa ab BL Hinzufügen 24189, f. 8

Reisende nach Reifen und Jaffa ab BL Hinzufügen 24189, f. 8

Miniatur von Reisenden, die oben auf dem Seeweg in Tyrus und unten an Land in Jaffa ankommen. Bild aus f. 8 der Illustrationen für Mandevilles Reisen (Index Voyage d 'outre mer, Itinerarium).

Jaffa. Rocks of Andromeda - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Jaffa. Rocks of Andromeda - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa (Joppe) und Umgebung. Lydda (Lod), die berühmte Heimat des Heiligen Georg und des Drachen

Jaffa (Joppe) und Umgebung. Lydda (Lod), die berühmte Heimat des Heili...

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaff. [d.h. Jaffa], älterer Teil am Meer

Jaff. [d.h. Jaffa], älterer Teil am Meer

Public domain photograph related to Israel, Palestine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa. Rocks of Andromeda - stereoscopic view, public domain photorpaph

Jaffa. Rocks of Andromeda - stereoscopic view, public domain photorpap...

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Storm at Jaffa Middle East photographs, American Colony Jerusalem

Storm at Jaffa Middle East photographs, American Colony Jerusalem

Public domain image of a historic view of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Jaffa. Packing & exporting oranges - stereocsopic card

Jaffa. Packing & exporting oranges - stereocsopic card

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Boat passing rocks at Jaffa] - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

[Boat passing rocks at Jaffa] - Public domain image. Dry plate negativ...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

[Boats, possibly at Jaffa] - stereoscopic view, public domain photorpaph

[Boats, possibly at Jaffa] - stereoscopic view, public domain photorpa...

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Räumung rund um die Stadtmauer. Kanäle auf der Jaffa Road graben

Räumung rund um die Stadtmauer. Kanäle auf der Jaffa Road graben

Titel und Datum aus: Logbuch des Fotografen: Matson Registers, v. 1, [1934-1939]. Geschenk; Episcopal Home; 1978.

Jerusalem (El-Kouds), Annäherung an die Stadt. Jaffa-Tor geschlossen, zeigt "Nadelöhr"

Jerusalem (El-Kouds), Annäherung an die Stadt. Jaffa-Tor geschlossen, ...

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jerusalem - Jaffa Gate - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.

Jerusalem - Jaffa Gate - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Wadi Ali, Eingang zu den jüdischen Hügeln

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Wadi Ali, Eingang zu den jüdischen Hügeln

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Jaffa to Jerusalem. Samson's cave] - stereocsopic card

[Jaffa to Jerusalem. Samson's cave] - stereocsopic card

Picryl description: Public domain image of a quarry, excavation or mining site, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Inside Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.

Inside Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domai...

Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Palästinensische Unruhen 1936. Ein nächtlicher Brandsatz erleuchtet das Jaffa Gate Quarter mit dem Tower of David

Palästinensische Unruhen 1936. Ein nächtlicher Brandsatz erleuchtet da...

Titel und Datum aus: Logbuch des Fotografen: Matson Registers, v. 1, [1934-1939]. Geschenk; Episcopal Home; 1978.

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Jaffa. Ein Wintersturm. Schwere Wellen brechen über die Mauer

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Jaffa. Ein Wintersturm. Schwere Wellen brechen ü...

Titel aus: Katalog von Fotografien & Laternenfolien... [1936?]. Datum von Matson LOT Karten. Geschenk; Episcopal Home; 1978.

Karawane persischer Pilger nach Mekka in Jaffa, Palästina

Karawane persischer Pilger nach Mekka in Jaffa, Palästina

D8891 Vereinigte Staaten Urheberrechtsamt. Titel von recto of item. Das Urheberrecht liegt bei Underwood & Underwood.

Jaffa-Orangenkultur. Orangefarbener Dampfer auf dem Weg nach Liverpool

Jaffa-Orangenkultur. Orangefarbener Dampfer auf dem Weg nach Liverpool

Picryl description: Public domain image of a ship, navy, harbor, maritime photograph, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Jaffa (Joppe) und Umgebung. Palmen und Orangenhaine

Jaffa (Joppe) und Umgebung. Palmen und Orangenhaine

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Moslemische Band spielt in der türkischen Kaserne in der Nähe des Jaffa-Tores in Jerusalem

Moslemische Band spielt in der türkischen Kaserne in der Nähe des Jaff...

H38271 Vereinigte Staaten Urheberrechtsamt. Das Urheberrecht liegt bei William H. Rau. Titel aus handschriftlichen Informationen über die Aufbewahrung des Artikels. Nein. 5260.

Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz - Hauptquartier & Gebäude - Hauptquartier des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes in Jerusalem, in der Nähe des Jaffa-Tores. Szene, die anlässlich der feierlichen Eröffnung des Gebäudes am 4. Juli aufgenommen wurde

Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz - Hauptquartier & Gebäude - Hauptquartier d...

Photographer: American Red Cross American Red Cross - Headquarters & Buildings Public domain photograph related to the United States in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Zug in Battir. Steil nach oben

Jaffa nach Jerusalem. Zug in Battir. Steil nach oben

Das Foto zeigt eine Lokomotive des Typs Baldwin 2-6-0 auf der Eisenbahnstrecke Jaffa-Jerusalem. (Quelle: Forscher A. Siton, 2015)

Tel Aviv. Der Badestrand. Jaffa in der Ferne

Tel Aviv. Der Badestrand. Jaffa in der Ferne

Public domain photograph, 1930s-1940s Jerusalem, Palestine, History of Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arabische Protestdelegationen, Demonstrationen und Streiks gegen die britische Politik in Palästina (nach den vorhergehenden Unruhen [Unruhen von 1929]). Jaffa-Tor am Mittag, ohne eine Seele in Sicht. Außer der weit entfernten Kette von Wachen

Arabische Protestdelegationen, Demonstrationen und Streiks gegen die b...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Palästina. Die Unruhen von 1929 vom 23. bis 31. August. Einwohner suchten vor den Toren der Stadt nach Waffen. Araber am Jaffa-Tor durchsucht

Palästina. Die Unruhen von 1929 vom 23. bis 31. August. Einwohner such...

Public domain photograph, 1930s-1940s Jerusalem, Palestine, History of Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Verlassene Jaffa Road mit Blick auf das Jaffa-Tor

Verlassene Jaffa Road mit Blick auf das Jaffa-Tor

Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Neby [i.e., Nebi] Rubin S. of Jaffa

Neby [i.e., Nebi] Rubin S. of Jaffa

Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Störung. Polizeiaktivitäten in der Jaffa Road am Vorabend der Erhängung Slomo Ben Yuosefs [d.h. Shlomo Ben-Yosefs] am 28. Juni '38

Störung. Polizeiaktivitäten in der Jaffa Road am Vorabend der Erhängun...

Public domain photograph of 1930s Palestine, Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Luftaufnahmen von Palästina. Verschiedene Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um Jerusalem. Jaffa Road über die Castel Range. Blick nach Westen

Luftaufnahmen von Palästina. Verschiedene Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um J...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Luftaufnahmen von Palästina. Jerusalem aus der Luft (Die Altstadt). Jerusalem. Das Jaffator und die Zitadelle. Auf der Suche nach E. in der Davidstraße

Luftaufnahmen von Palästina. Jerusalem aus der Luft (Die Altstadt). Je...

Public domain image classical or neoclassical art related to classical Roman Empire, ancient Rome, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Arabische Demonstrationen am 13. und 27. Oktober 1933. In Jerusalem und Jaffa. Rückkehr des Großmufti aus Indien. Hunderte von Autos in Gethsemane, 17. November 1933

Arabische Demonstrationen am 13. und 27. Oktober 1933. In Jerusalem un...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Jaffa quay in construction. American colony in Jerusalem public domain photo.

Jaffa quay in construction. American colony in Jerusalem public domain...

Public domain photograph, 1930s-1940s Jerusalem, Palestine, History of Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jaffa quay in construction. American colony in Jerusalem public domain photo.

Jaffa quay in construction. American colony in Jerusalem public domain...

Public domain photograph, 1930s-1940s Jerusalem, Palestine, History of Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Palästinensische Unruhen im Sommer 1936. Jaffa. Jüdisches Auto angezündet, Insasse getötet, 19. April 1936

Palästinensische Unruhen im Sommer 1936. Jaffa. Jüdisches Auto angezün...

Public domain photograph, 1930s-1940s Jerusalem, Palestine, History of Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Palästinensische Unruhen 1936. Der neue Jaffa-Boulevard in Richtung Zollhaus

Palästinensische Unruhen 1936. Der neue Jaffa-Boulevard in Richtung Zo...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Israel 1948-1949: Jaffa, Israel

Israel 1948-1949: Jaffa, Israel

Straat in Jaffa met winkels, straathandelaars en winkelend publiek Willem van de Poll worked as a photojournalist for Dutch and European news magazines.

Jerusalem. Jaffa-Tor. Nadelöhr. Matt. 19: 24 Uhr

Jerusalem. Jaffa-Tor. Nadelöhr. Matt. 19: 24 Uhr

Public domain photograph of mosque building, Islam, Islamic architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Gezicht op het dorp met vooraan rechts een parkeerplaats voor deux-chevaux (Citroën 2CV, 'lelijke eend')

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Gebouwen met bogen Public domain photograph - Israel ruins, 20th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Straatbeeld met in het midden een moskee (vermoedelijk de Mahmoedija moskee) aan een pleintje en links daarvan een kerkgebouw

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Israël: Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Israel

Gebouwen, deel ruïnes, met in het midden een vuurtoren Public domain photograph - Israel ruins, 20th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Public domain stock image. String medallion bazaar.
A tree in a pot on a sidewalk. Israel tel aviv jaffa.

A tree in a pot on a sidewalk. Israel tel aviv jaffa.

A tree in a pot on a sidewalk / A tree in a pot on the sidewalk public domain stock photo.

Jaffa, la passe - Egypt, Israel

Jaffa, la passe - Egypt, Israel

Public domain scan of french book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Porte de Jaffa, Jérusalem - Egypt

Porte de Jaffa, Jérusalem - Egypt

Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description

Jaffa, The Holy land, Syria... - Egypt

Jaffa, The Holy land, Syria... - Egypt

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Man wearing a fez, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 383

Man wearing a fez, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 383

Extent electronic resource Title Man wearing a fez, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 383 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 383 Subject (top... Mehr

Groups of people on the beach. Two donkeys and a cart in the sea, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 18 16

Groups of people on the beach. Two donkeys and a cart in the sea, NINO...

Extent electronic resource Title Groups of people on the beach. Two donkeys and a cart in the sea, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 18: 16 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel ... Mehr

One story building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 478

One story building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 478

Extent electronic resource Title One story building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 478 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 478 Subject (to... Mehr

Ruins, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 31

Ruins, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 31

Extent electronic resource Title Ruins, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 31 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 31 Subject (topical) C... Mehr

Man sitting in an automobile, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550 28

Man sitting in an automobile, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550 28

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting in an automobile, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550: 28 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550: 28 Subject (topi... Mehr

Domes, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 07 47

Domes, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 07 47

Extent electronic resource Title Domes, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 07: 47 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 07: 47 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmDomes (arch... Mehr

Groups of people on the beach, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 581

Groups of people on the beach, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 5...

Extent electronic resource Title Groups of people on the beach, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 581 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 581 ... Mehr

Field of wheat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 662

Field of wheat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 662

Extent electronic resource Title Field of wheat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 662 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 662 Subject (topica... Mehr

Men at a construction site, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1214

Men at a construction site, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1214

Extent electronic resource Title Men at a construction site, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1214 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1214 S... Mehr

Five shoe shiners, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0813

Five shoe shiners, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0813

Extent electronic resource Title Five shoe shiners, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0813 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0813 Subject (t... Mehr

Group of men, a child and Islamic clergy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1161

Group of men, a child and Islamic clergy, NINO F Scholten photographic...

Extent electronic resource Title Group of men, a child and Islamic clergy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1161 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pri... Mehr

Group of men standing under a tree in front of a building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1852

Group of men standing under a tree in front of a building, NINO F Scho...

Extent electronic resource Title Group of men standing under a tree in front of a building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1852 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten... Mehr

Parade of girls led by a nun, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 10 48

Parade of girls led by a nun, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 10...

Extent electronic resource Title Parade of girls led by a nun, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 10: 48 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 10: 4... Mehr

Horse pulling wagons with hay. Men sit on top of the hay, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 453

Horse pulling wagons with hay. Men sit on top of the hay, NINO F Schol...

Extent electronic resource Title Horse pulling wagons with hay. Men sit on top of the hay, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 453 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten p... Mehr

Gate, NINO F Scholten photographic print 02 1168

Gate, NINO F Scholten photographic print 02 1168

Extent electronic resource Title Gate, NINO F Scholten photographic print 02: 1168 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 02: 1168 Subject (topical) Blac... Mehr

Lightning in the sky, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05 044

Lightning in the sky, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05 044

Extent electronic resource Title Lightning in the sky, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05: 044 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05: 044 Subject (topical) Cellulose ... Mehr

Alley. Man sitting on the left, man working in the background, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 20 62

Alley. Man sitting on the left, man working in the background, NINO F ...

Extent electronic resource Title Alley. Man sitting on the left, man working in the background, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 20: 62 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 20: ... Mehr

Man standing beside a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 126

Man standing beside a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 126

Extent electronic resource Title Man standing beside a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 126 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 126 Su... Mehr

Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09 101

Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09 101

Extent electronic resource Title Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09: 101 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09: 101 Subject (topical) C... Mehr

Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09 104

Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09 104

Extent electronic resource Title Man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09: 104 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 09: 104 Subject (topical) C... Mehr

Herd of cows, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0829

Herd of cows, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0829

Extent electronic resource Title Herd of cows, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0829 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0829 Subject (topica... Mehr

Football game, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15 51

Football game, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15 51

Extent electronic resource Title Football game, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15: 51 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15: 51 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate f... Mehr

Group of boys in a corridor, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 44

Group of boys in a corridor, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 44

Extent electronic resource Title Group of boys in a corridor, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 44 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 44 Subject (topic... Mehr

Group of men in a room. One in front is reading a book, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 04 20

Group of men in a room. One in front is reading a book, NINO F Scholte...

Extent electronic resource Title Group of men in a room. One in front is reading a book, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 04: 20 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 04: 2... Mehr

Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 877

Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 877

Extent electronic resource Title Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 877 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 877 Subject (topic... Mehr

Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 127

Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 127

Extent electronic resource Title Group of people, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 127 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 127 Subject (topic... Mehr

Four boys wearing fezes sit in a landscape, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 32

Four boys wearing fezes sit in a landscape, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 3...

Extent electronic resource Title Four boys wearing fezes sit in a landscape, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 32 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 32 Subject (topica... Mehr

Four women with children and a pram, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 450

Four women with children and a pram, NINO F Scholten photographic prin...

Extent electronic resource Title Four women with children and a pram, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 450 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 06:... Mehr

Four women, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 11 51

Four women, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 11 51

Extent electronic resource Title Four women, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 11: 51 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 11: 51 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate film... Mehr

Sand road, barbed wire and cacti, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 238

Sand road, barbed wire and cacti, NINO F Scholten photographic print 0...

Extent electronic resource Title Sand road, barbed wire and cacti, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 238 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 23... Mehr

Landscape view, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 1206

Landscape view, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 1206

Extent electronic resource Title Landscape view, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 1206 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 1206 Subject (topi... Mehr

Shore, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24 32

Shore, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24 32

Extent electronic resource Title Shore, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24: 32 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24: 32 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes ... Mehr

Large building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0970

Large building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0970

Extent electronic resource Title Large building, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0970 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0970 Subject (topi... Mehr

Collapsed tent, barbed wire fence. Buildings in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 1114

Collapsed tent, barbed wire fence. Buildings in the background, NINO F...

Extent electronic resource Title Collapsed tent, barbed wire fence. Buildings in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 1114 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Sch... Mehr

Road lines with trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1857

Road lines with trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1857

Extent electronic resource Title Road lines with trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1857 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1857 Subjec... Mehr

Room full of men. Most of them are reading newspapers, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08 52

Room full of men. Most of them are reading newspapers, NINO F Scholten...

Extent electronic resource Title Room full of men. Most of them are reading newspapers, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08: 52 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08: 52... Mehr

Stacks of timber, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07 315

Stacks of timber, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07 315

Extent electronic resource Title Stacks of timber, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07: 315 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 07: 315 Subject (topi... Mehr

Ruins between trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15 146

Ruins between trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15 146

Extent electronic resource Title Ruins between trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 146 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 146 Subject (t... Mehr

Sabil at the Tomb of Tabitha, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06 037

Sabil at the Tomb of Tabitha, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06 037

Extent electronic resource Title Sabil at the Tomb of Tabitha, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 037 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 037 Subject (topical) Cellulos... Mehr

Man sitting in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05 106

Man sitting in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05 106

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05: 106 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 05: 106 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Man sitting in front of hanging blankets, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 10 65

Man sitting in front of hanging blankets, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 10 ...

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting in front of hanging blankets, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 10: 65 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 10: 65 Subject (to... Mehr

Man sitting in his armchair, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 075

Man sitting in his armchair, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 075

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting in his armchair, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 075 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 075 Su... Mehr

Man sitting on a chair. Tables and chairs behind him, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 09 17

Man sitting on a chair. Tables and chairs behind him, NINO F Scholten ...

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting on a chair. Tables and chairs behind him, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 09: 17 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 09: 17 ... Mehr

Street scene of men selling bread and food, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 299

Street scene of men selling bread and food, NINO F Scholten photograph...

Extent electronic resource Title Street scene of men selling bread and food, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 299 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pr... Mehr

Man sitting on a chair surrounded by trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 095

Man sitting on a chair surrounded by trees, NINO F Scholten photograph...

Extent electronic resource Title Man sitting on a chair surrounded by trees, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 095 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pr... Mehr

Man standing next to machinery, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 274

Man standing next to machinery, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 ...

Extent electronic resource Title Man standing next to machinery, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 274 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 274 ... Mehr

Street scene. Large buildings, man walking, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 931

Street scene. Large buildings, man walking, NINO F Scholten photograph...

Extent electronic resource Title Street scene. Large buildings, man walking, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 931 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pr... Mehr

Man standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 53

Man standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 53

Extent electronic resource Title Man standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 53 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 53 Subject (topic... Mehr

Street scene. Packed cart and two camels in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 01 04

Street scene. Packed cart and two camels in front of a building, NINO ...

Extent electronic resource Title Street scene. Packed cart and two camels in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 01: 04 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel A... Mehr

Man standing outside shops, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 25 16

Man standing outside shops, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 25 16

Extent electronic resource Title Man standing outside shops, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 25: 16 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 25: 16 Subject (topical) Cellulose ni... Mehr

Man with a group of boys, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15 22

Man with a group of boys, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15 22

Extent electronic resource Title Man with a group of boys, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15: 22 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 15: 22 Subject (topical) Cellulos... Mehr

Man with a herd of sheep in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Yazur 18

Man with a herd of sheep in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Yazur...

Extent electronic resource Title Man with a herd of sheep in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Yazur 18 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Yazur 18 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Man with a pipe in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 17 39

Man with a pipe in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 17 39

Extent electronic resource Title Man with a pipe in front of a tent, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 17: 39 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 17: 39 Subject (topical)... Mehr


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