Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

italian manuscripts

1,357 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 14
Irdisches Paradies ab BL YT 36, f. 116v

Irdisches Paradies ab BL YT 36, f. 116v

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Virgil with others within the earthly Paradise. Image taken from f. 116v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a ... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Dante beobachtet das Lustvolle aus BL Eg 943, f. 110

Fegefeuer: Dante beobachtet das Lustvolle aus BL Eg 943, f. 110

Framed miniature of Dante (with Statius and Virgil) observing the lustful. Image taken from f. 110 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Cap... Mehr

f. 71v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 70: Note und geometrischer Skizze aus BL Arundel 263

f. 71v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 70: Note und geometr...

Geometrical sketch; note referring to Roger Bacon ('Rugieri Bacon fatto in isstanpa'); some arithmetical calculations. Image taken from f. 71v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel... Mehr

Dante und Vergil betrachten die Sünde des Stolzes aus BL Eg 943, f. 83v

Dante und Vergil betrachten die Sünde des Stolzes aus BL Eg 943, f. 83...

Text page with a miniature of Dante and Virgil looking down at the examples of the sin of pride in a rocky crevice. Image taken from f. 83v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradis... Mehr

Medici-Geräte von BL Harley 5761, ff. 10v-11

Medici-Geräte von BL Harley 5761, ff. 10v-11

Frontispiece with the title in epigraphic capitals within the Medici device of a diamond ring (f. 10v). On the facing page, a full border with flowers, birds, putti, portrait medallions, and the Medici ring dev... Mehr

Dante und Vergil betrachten den Minotaurus von unten aus BL Eg 943, f. 21v

Dante und Vergil betrachten den Minotaurus von unten aus BL Eg 943, f....

Framed miniature of Dante and Virgil watching the minotaur. Image taken from f. 21v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-... Mehr

f. 35, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 34v: Notizen und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 35, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 34v: Notizen und Skiz...

List of six books (or chapters) on hydraulics; three sketches on the 'Perpetuum mobile'. Image taken from f. 35 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amas... Mehr

f. 70, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 71v: Diagramme und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 70, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 71v: Diagramme und S...

Notes and diagrams on optics, concerning Alhazen's problem; schematic sketches and notes on mechanics, concerning Leonardo's study of gravity. Image taken from f. 70 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written i... Mehr

Hugh Capet aus BL Eg 943, f. 99

Hugh Capet aus BL Eg 943, f. 99

Detail of a miniature of Hugh Capet speaking of the crimes of the Capetian house. Image taken from f. 99 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; t... Mehr

f. 136, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 137v: Skizzen, Diagramme und Notenschrift aus BL Arundel 263

f. 136, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 137v: Skizzen, Diag...

Musical notation; sketches and diagrams of musical instruments (mechanical organ and timpani/drums; notes (some written side-on). Image taken from f. 136 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. ... Mehr

Dante wird zu Beatrice aus BL Eg 943, f. 121 geführt

Dante wird zu Beatrice aus BL Eg 943, f. 121 geführt

Detail of a framed miniature of Dante being led to Beatrice who is seated in the car with two ladies. Image taken from f. 121 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a shor... Mehr

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3496, f. 231v

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3496, f. 231v

Historiated initial 'D'(o) in gold and colours of a triumph, with partial floral borders in gold and colours. Image taken from f. 231v of Trionfi (index Triumphs). Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manuscript... Mehr

Zwei Männer essen von BL Harley 3448, f. 2v

Zwei Männer essen von BL Harley 3448, f. 2v

Detail of a miniature of two men seated at either end of a trestle table laid with cloth and utensils; one is eating. Image taken from f. 2v of Flore de virtu e de costumi (Flowers of Virtue and of Custom). Wri... Mehr

Beatrice blickt von BL Eg 943, f. 129v zur Sonne auf

Beatrice blickt von BL Eg 943, f. 129v zur Sonne auf

Framed miniature of Beatrice looking up at the sun, with Dante behind her. Image taken from f. 129v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Ca... Mehr

Der Himmel der Sonne von BL Eg 943, f. 151v

Der Himmel der Sonne von BL Eg 943, f. 151v

Framed miniature of Dante and Beatrice beneath the heaven of the sun Image taken from f. 151v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo... Mehr

Der Gerechtigkeitsadler aus BL YT 36, f. 162

Der Gerechtigkeitsadler aus BL YT 36, f. 162

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before the eagle of Justice. Image taken from f. 162 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British col... Mehr

Die Bundeslade in Prozession aus BL Eg 943, f. 80v

Die Bundeslade in Prozession aus BL Eg 943, f. 80v

Detail of a frieze of David dancing before the Ark of the Coventant. Image taken from f. 80v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo ... Mehr

Ercole I d'Este from BL Harley 3311, f. 21v

Ercole I d'Este from BL Harley 3311, f. 21v

Full-page portrait of Ercole I d'Este. Image taken from f. 21v of Annali di Ferrara, books 4-5. Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval manuscripts held in the British... Mehr

Notizen von BL Arundel 263, f. 232

Notizen von BL Arundel 263, f. 232

Notes on the theory of shadows. Image taken from f. 232 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, th... Mehr

Grenze von BL Eg. 2003, f. 1

Grenze von BL Eg. 2003, f. 1

Display script and border. Image taken from f. 1 of Commission from Giovanni Cornaro, Doge of Venice, to Benedetto Ciurano, as Proveditor and Captain of the Island of Corfu. Written in Italian. The Egerton Man... Mehr

f. 277v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 272: Notizen und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 277v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 272: Notizen und Sk...

Notes and sketches on mechanics. Image taken from f. 277v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, ... Mehr

Statius, Dante und Vergil beim Durchschreiten der Feuermauer von BL Eg 943, f. 112

Statius, Dante und Vergil beim Durchschreiten der Feuermauer von BL Eg...

Framed miniature of Statius, Dante, and Virgil passing through the wall of fire Image taken from f. 112 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; th... Mehr

Die Seelen der Neider aus BL Eg 943, f. 86

Die Seelen der Neider aus BL Eg 943, f. 86

Dante and Virgil with the souls of the envious, with their eyes stitched shut reciting the litany. Image taken from f. 86 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short La... Mehr

Heuchlerischer Priester aus BL YT 36, f. 182

Heuchlerischer Priester aus BL YT 36, f. 182

Detail of a miniature of the sermon of a hypocritical priest, who preaches to six seated figures while a demon tugs on his hood, and a standing man holds a pig by his hind legs, in illustration of Paradiso XXIX... Mehr

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3415, f. 2

Historisches Initial von BL Harley 3415, f. 2

Historiated initial 'A'(mor) with a lady holding bow and arrow, combined with foliate decoration in the margins, a wreath enclosing a blank space originally intended for a heraldic motif, and a heart pierced by... Mehr

f. 155, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 156v: Textseite aus BL Arundel 263

f. 155, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 156v: Textseite aus...

The Allegory of the Cave. Image taken from f. 155 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd ... Mehr

Adam, Christus und Salomo aus BL YT 36, f. 153

Adam, Christus und Salomo aus BL YT 36, f. 153

Detail of a miniature of Adam, Christ and Solomon, with a sunburst of glory behind them. Image taken from f. 153 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) w... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Eine Gruppe von Engeln aus BL Eg 943, f. 118

Fegefeuer: Eine Gruppe von Engeln aus BL Eg 943, f. 118

Detail of a framed miniature of Dante and Virgil watching a group of angels. Image taken from f. 118 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the C... Mehr

Vergil, Dante, Paolo und Francesca aus BL YT 36, f. 10

Vergil, Dante, Paolo und Francesca aus BL YT 36, f. 10

Detail of a miniature of Virgil addressing Paolo and Francesca, as Dante swoons in horror, in illustration of Canto V. Image taken from f. 10 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry... Mehr

Dante und Vergil aus BL YT 36, f. 14

Dante und Vergil aus BL YT 36, f. 14

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Virgil being rowed across the river Styx by a demon rower, Phlegyas, and Dante and Virgil at the brazen gates of the city of Dis, in illustration of Canto VIII. Image taken fr... Mehr

f. 136v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 137: Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 136v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 137: Skizzen aus BL...

Charcoal sketches of a male nude with javelin, a man's face in profile, and a fragmentary figure (none in Leonardo's hand); notes by Leonardo on geometric proportion. Image taken from f. 136v of Notebook ('The ... Mehr

Himmel des Saturn aus BL YT 36, f. 165

Himmel des Saturn aus BL YT 36, f. 165

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice ascending to the Heaven of Saturn. Image taken from f. 165 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a Briti... Mehr

Christus, der Erlöser aus BL YT 36, f. 178

Christus, der Erlöser aus BL YT 36, f. 178

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before Christ the Redeemer. Image taken from f. 178 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British coll... Mehr

f. 164v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 165: Diagrammen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 164v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 165: Diagrammen au...

Notes and diagrams. Image taken from f. 164v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl ... Mehr

f. 121v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 120: Diagramme und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 121v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 120: Diagramme und...

Notes and diagrams on mechanics; two schematic sketches of an hydraulic wheel. Image taken from f. 121v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by t... Mehr

Dantes Traum aus BL Eg 943, f. 3

Dantes Traum aus BL Eg 943, f. 3

Detail of a miniature of Dante's dream and his soul leaving his body. Image taken from f. 3 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (... Mehr

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Framed miniature of Virgil showing Dante Lucifer devouring Cassius, Brutus and Judus with three mouths. Image taken from f. 61 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a sho... Mehr

Auferstehung der Toten aus BL YT 36, f. 154

Auferstehung der Toten aus BL YT 36, f. 154

Detail of a miniature of the Resurrection of the dead. Image taken from f. 154 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British collector and philant... Mehr

f. 164, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 165v: Diagramme aus BL Arundel 263

f. 164, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 165v: Diagramme aus...

Notes and diagrams; mathematical calculations (upside-down). Image taken from f. 164 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, p... Mehr

f. 263, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 270v: mathematische Berechnungen von BL Arundel 263

f. 263, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 270v: mathematische...

Rough mathematical calculations. Image taken from f. 263 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, t... Mehr

f. 262v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 257: Skizze aus BL Arundel 263

f. 262v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 257: Skizze aus BL ...

Notes and sketches on carriage wheels. Image taken from f. 262v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Ho... Mehr

Schiffsmänner ab BL Eg 2628, f. 35

Schiffsmänner ab BL Eg 2628, f. 35

Historiated initial with men in ship and foliate border. Image taken from f. 35 of Divina Commedia (Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso)(index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. The Egerton Manuscript Collectio... Mehr

Stiftinitiale von BL Harley 3355, f. 10

Stiftinitiale von BL Harley 3355, f. 10

Pen-flourished initial 'D' with floral motifs. Image taken from f. 10 of Religious Poems, with an index of first lines (ff. 2-8) (index Poemata Varia Italice). Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manuscript" r... Mehr

Detail aus BL King's 321, f. 1

Detail aus BL King's 321, f. 1

Detail einer Miniatur. Bild von f. 1 von Il Canzoniere. Geschrieben in italienischer Sprache.

Vier Könige aus BL YT 36, f. 166

Vier Könige aus BL YT 36, f. 166

Detail of a miniature of Robert Guiscard, William the Good, Charles II and Frederick of Aragon, seated near Sicily and Naples, in illustration of Paradiso XX / XXI. Image taken from f. 166 of Divina Commedia (i... Mehr

f. 228v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 227: Diagrammen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 228v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 227: Diagrammen au...

Notes and diagrams on mechanics. Image taken from f. 228v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, ... Mehr

Cerberus from BL Eg 943, f. 12 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Cerberus from BL Eg 943, f. 12 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Framed miniature of Cerberus grasping a soul. Image taken from f. 12 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-187v). Written ... Mehr

Bonagiunta and Dante from BL Eg 943, f. 106

Bonagiunta and Dante from BL Eg 943, f. 106

Framed miniature of the gluttonous; Bonagiunta and Dante; Statius and Virgil. Image taken from f. 106 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the ... Mehr

Der Empyrean aus BL YT 36, f. 184

Der Empyrean aus BL YT 36, f. 184

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before the Empyrean, the Heavenly City, with the congregation of the blessed seated on benches surrounding an empty imperial throne, in illustration of Paradiso XXX. ... Mehr

Dante und Beatrice und die neun himmlischen Ordnungen aus BL Eg 943, f. 176

Dante und Beatrice und die neun himmlischen Ordnungen aus BL Eg 943, f...

Framed miniature of Dante and Beatrice looking up at concentric circles representing the nine heavenly orders. Image taken from f. 176 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, wi... Mehr

Gleichnis vom Sämann aus BL Arundel 44, f. 70

Gleichnis vom Sämann aus BL Arundel 44, f. 70

Drawing of the parable of the Sower, interpreted as the fruits of virginity, chastity, and conjugality, likening the virgins to the hundredfold fruit, the chaste to the sixtyfold fruit, and the married to the f... Mehr

Dominikus, Thomas von Aquin und Franziskus am Himmel der Sonne aus BL Eg 943, f. 146

Dominikus, Thomas von Aquin und Franziskus am Himmel der Sonne aus BL ...

Framed miniature of Beatrice and Dante before Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, and Francis in the heaven of the sun. Image taken from f. 146 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, wit... Mehr

Dante und Christus aus BL Eg 943, f. 186

Dante und Christus aus BL Eg 943, f. 186

Dante praying to Christ in heaven. Image taken from f. 186 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-187v). Written in Italian... Mehr

Triumph der Keuschheit von BL Harley 5761, f. 24

Triumph der Keuschheit von BL Harley 5761, f. 24

Full border with flowers, birds, portrait medallions, historiated initial 'Q'(uando), and a medallion of the Triumph of Chastity. Image taken from f. 24 of Trionfi (index Triumphs) (ff. 11-52v); Rime (ff. 55-19... Mehr

Nimrod und Ephialtes aus BL Eg 943, f. 55v

Nimrod und Ephialtes aus BL Eg 943, f. 55v

Framed miniature of Dante and Virgil looking at the giants, Nimrod and Ephialtes. Image taken from f. 55v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; ... Mehr

Paradies: der Himmel des Mondes aus BL Eg 943, f. 131

Paradies: der Himmel des Mondes aus BL Eg 943, f. 131

Framed miniature of Dante, Beatrice, and the heaven of the moon. Image taken from f. 131 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff... Mehr

f. 117, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 118v: Diagramme aus BL Arundel 263

f. 117, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 118v: Diagramme aus...

Notes and diagrams on mechanics. Image taken from f. 117 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, t... Mehr

Belacqua from BL Eg 943, f. 69v

Belacqua from BL Eg 943, f. 69v

Detail of a miniature of Dante talking to the indolent including the Florentine, Belacqua Image taken from f. 69v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin comm... Mehr

Dante und Beatrice aus BL YT 36, f. 148

Dante und Beatrice aus BL YT 36, f. 148

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before Thomas Aquinas, who presents the two to Dominic and Francis, both standing on winged cherubim, in illustration of Paradiso, Canto XI. Image taken from f. 148 o... Mehr

f. 283v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 282: Skizzen und Notizen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 283v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 282: Skizzen und No...

Sketches of hinged lamps; notes on mechanics; mathematical calculations; geometrical sketches. Image taken from f. 283v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection ... Mehr

f. 31, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 32v: Notizen und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 31, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 32v: Notizen und Skiz...

Notes, diagrams and sketches on mechanics. Image taken from f. 31 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas ... Mehr

Justinian aus BL YT 36, f. 139

Justinian aus BL YT 36, f. 139

Miniature of Dante and Beatrice before Justinian, who recounts the history of the Roman Empire. Image taken from f. 139 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-... Mehr

f. 168v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 161: Diagramm aus BL Arundel 263

f. 168v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 161: Diagramm aus ...

Notes and diagram. Image taken from f. 168v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl o... Mehr

f. 106v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 105: Diagrammen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 106v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 105: Diagrammen au...

Notes and diagrams on mechanics. Image taken from f. 106v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, ... Mehr

f. 282, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 283v: Skizzen und Notizen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 282, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 283v: Skizzen und No...

Sketch plans for trenches, schematic sketch of a pulley, and study of walls for a terraced weir; sketch on Leonardo's studies on the erection of the virile member; notes on mechanics. Image taken from f. 282 of... Mehr

Aeneas und Anchises aus BL YT 36, f. 155

Aeneas und Anchises aus BL YT 36, f. 155

Detail of a miniature of Dante witnessing the meeting of Aeneas and Anchises. Image taken from f. 155 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a Britis... Mehr

f. 32v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 31: Notizen und Diagramme aus BL Arundel 263

f. 32v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 31: Notizen und Dia...

Notes and diagrams on mechanics (1503-05). Image taken from f. 32v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas... Mehr

Jungfrau mit Kind und Bernhard aus BL YT 36, f. 186

Jungfrau mit Kind und Bernhard aus BL YT 36, f. 186

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before the Virgin and Child, seated in a garden and surrounded by angels and a kneeling Bernard, in illustration of Paradiso XXXIII. Image taken from f. 186 of Divina... Mehr

Triumph des Todes von BL Harley 5761, f. 29

Triumph des Todes von BL Harley 5761, f. 29

Full border with flowers, birds, deer, skulls, coral beads, a marginal vignette of the Triumph of Death, and an historiated initial 'Q'(uesta). Image taken from f. 29 of Trionfi (index Triumphs) (ff. 11-52v); R... Mehr

Zoroaster from BL YT 28, f. 51 - Public domain dedication image

Zoroaster from BL YT 28, f. 51 - Public domain dedication image

Detail of a mminiature of Zoroaster with two demons, from Pseudo-Aristotle's Secreta secretorum. Image taken from f. 51 of Secreta secretorum (ff. 1-43); Il Tesoro (translation of Li Livres dou Tresor) (ff. 43v... Mehr

Beatrice from BL YT 36, f. 132 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Beatrice from BL YT 36, f. 132 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature of Beatrice explaining some scientific theories to Dante, including the appearance of the moon. Image taken from f. 132 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry... Mehr

f. 159v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 160: Diagramm aus BL Arundel 263

f. 159v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 160: Diagramm aus ...

Notes and diagram. Image taken from f. 159v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl o... Mehr

f. 255v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 254: Notizen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 255v, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 254: Notizen aus BL...

Notes and diagram on hydraulics. Image taken from f. 255v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, ... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Dante und Vergil begegnen den Exkommunizierten aus BL Eg 943, f. 67

Fegefeuer: Dante und Vergil begegnen den Exkommunizierten aus BL Eg 94...

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Virgil meeting a group of souls of those who were excommunicated, in Ante-Purgatory. Image taken from f. 67 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Para... Mehr

Inferno, Canto V, 2. Kreis: Minos richten drei Seelen nach BL Eg 943, f. 10

Inferno, Canto V, 2. Kreis: Minos richten drei Seelen nach BL Eg 943, ...

Detail of a miniature of Minos judging three souls. Image taken from f. 10 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-187v). Wr... Mehr

Die Prozession von BL YT 36, f. 119

Die Prozession von BL YT 36, f. 119

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Virgil with others in the heavenly Procession. Image taken from f. 119 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a Br... Mehr

Baum der Laster von BL Arundel 44, f. 28v

Baum der Laster von BL Arundel 44, f. 28v

Drawing of the Tree of Vices, with Pride at the bottom and Luxury at the top, with snakes and dragons, at the beginning of epistle IV.1. Image taken from f. 28v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Ita... Mehr

Dante from BL YT 36, f. 133 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Dante from BL YT 36, f. 133 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature of Dante, with the sun of love on his chest, encountering nuns and naked men, including the spirits of Piccarda and Constance, from the Paradiso, Canto III. Image taken from f. 133 of Divi... Mehr

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Detail of a miniature of Virgil showing Dante Lucifer devouring Cassius, Brutus and Judus with three mouths. Image taken from f. 61 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with ... Mehr

f. 159, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 160v: Diagramme aus BL Arundel 263

f. 159, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 160v: Diagramme aus...

Notes and diagrams. Image taken from f. 159 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl o... Mehr

f. 156v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 155: Textseite. von BL Arundel 263

f. 156v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 155: Textseite. vo...

Palaeontological observations; notes on the 'heart and soul', Man as 'model of the world', and generative processes of nature. Image taken from f. 156v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. Th... Mehr

f. 264, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 269v: Notizen und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 264, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 269v: Notizen und Sk...

Notes and diagram on mechanics; notes and schematic sketches on spriral staircases (side-on). Image taken from f. 264 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection wa... Mehr

f. 197, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 198v: Diagramme aus BL Arundel 263

f. 197, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 198v: Diagramme aus...

Notes and diagrams. Image taken from f. 197 of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl o... Mehr

Inferno: Dante, der Leopard und der Löwe aus BL Eg 943, f. 3

Inferno: Dante, der Leopard und der Löwe aus BL Eg 943, f. 3

Detail of miniature of Dante meeting the leopard and the lion. Image taken from f. 3 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187... Mehr

f. 78v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 73: Diagramme, Notizen, Berechnungen von BL Arundel 263

f. 78v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 73: Diagramme, Noti...

Notes and diagrams on optics (caustics of reflection); mathematical calculations; household accounts (not in Leonado's hand). Image taken from f. 78v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The ... Mehr

Dante spricht mit Arnaut von BL Eg 943, f. 111

Dante spricht mit Arnaut von BL Eg 943, f. 111

Framed miniature of Dante (with Statius and Virgil) speaking to one of the lustful, perhaps Arnaut Image taken from f. 111 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short L... Mehr

Das Licht von BL YT 36, f. 179

Das Licht von BL YT 36, f. 179

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before the Light. Image taken from f. 179 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British collector and ... Mehr

Himmel des Mondes ab BL YT 36, f. 131

Himmel des Mondes ab BL YT 36, f. 131

Miniature of Dante and Beatrice visiting the inhabitants of the heaven of the moon. Image taken from f. 131 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a ... Mehr

Dante und Vergil im Fegefeuer aus BL Eg 943, f. 95

Dante und Vergil im Fegefeuer aus BL Eg 943, f. 95

Detail of a miniature of Virgil's second discourse to Dante on love and free will. Image taken from f. 95 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; ... Mehr

Triumph der Keuschheit von BL Harley 3567, f. 162

Triumph der Keuschheit von BL Harley 3567, f. 162

Miniature of the Triumph of Chastity, with a decorated initial 'Q'(ando). Image taken from f. 162 of Rime and Trionfi (index Triumphs). Written in Italian. The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of ... Mehr

Mss. Latin 11269 14v15r, illuminated manuscript

Mss. Latin 11269 14v15r, illuminated manuscript

Bibliothèque nationale de France Mss. Latin 11269, ff 14v-15r (Paris, early XV century).

Lion from BL King's 322, f. 1v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Lion from BL King's 322, f. 1v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Kugelschreiberförmige Initialen und ein Wappenschild mit einem Löwen am unteren Rand. Bild aus f. 1v von 49 Liebessonetten. Geschrieben in italienischer Sprache.

James und John aus BL YT 36, f. 174

James und John aus BL YT 36, f. 174

Detail of a miniature of Dante being examined by James and John, with Christ and angels looking on. Image taken from f. 174 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1... Mehr

Christus mit Heiligen und Engeln aus BL YT 36, f. 171

Christus mit Heiligen und Engeln aus BL YT 36, f. 171

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Beatrice before Christ, who is surrounded by saints and angels. Image taken from f. 171 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (18... Mehr

Beatrice from BL YT 36, f. 136 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Beatrice from BL YT 36, f. 136 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature of Beatrice propounding the doctrine of free will. Image taken from f. 136 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy). Written in Italian. Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) was a British col... Mehr

f. 160v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 159: Diagrammen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 160v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 159: Diagrammen au...

Notes and diagrams. Image taken from f. 160v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, the 2nd Earl ... Mehr

Verzierte Initialen von BL Harley 3567, f. 14

Verzierte Initialen von BL Harley 3567, f. 14

Decorated initials'V'(e) and 'M'(ille) by Matteo Contugi of Volterral; interlinear corrections and variants added by Bartolomeo Sanvito. Image taken from f. 14 of Rime and Trionfi (index Triumphs). Written in I... Mehr

f. 272, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 277v: Notizen und Skizzen aus BL Arundel 263

f. 272, abgebildet als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 277v: Notizen und Sk...

Note on the death of Leonardo's father, 'on 9th July 1504', in Leonardo's right-handed writing; planimetries of rivers; sketches on geometry; mathematical calculations followed by a note on payment. Image taken... Mehr

Guido del Duca from BL Eg 943, f. 87v

Guido del Duca from BL Eg 943, f. 87v

Framed miniature of Dante talking to Guido del Duca with the souls of the envious. Image taken from f. 87v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary;... Mehr

f. 10v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 5: Diagramm aus BL Arundel 263

f. 10v, dargestellt als offenes Doppelblatt mit f. 5: Diagramm aus BL ...

Notes and diagram on mechanics. Image taken from f. 10v of Notebook ('The Codex Arundel'). Written in Italian. The Arundel Manuscript Collection was amassed by the Howard family, particularly Thomas Howard, th... Mehr


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