FMIB 37132 Croiseur-Cuirasse Marseillaise
Français: Croiseur-Cuirasse Marseillaise Englisch: * Betreff: Marseillaise (Schlachtschiff), Schlachtschiffe, Kreuzer (Kriegsschiffe) Etikett: Gefäße
FMIB 32659 Seal
Seal Subject: Seals, Animals Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 32695 Holocentrus Ruber
Holocentrus Ruber Subject: Squirrelfishes, Fishes--Sri Lanka Tag: Fish Māori: Ratoo Pahaya
FMIB 32714 Sparus Decussatus
Halichoeres hortulanus syn. Sparus decussatus English: Sparus Decussatus Hembili-Girawah Subject: Sparus, Fishes--Sri Lanka Tag: Fish
FMIB 32741 Sciabica
Sciabica Subject: Fishing nets Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 32750 Promontore Lighthouse
Promontore Lighthouse Subject: Lighthouses--Adriatic Sea Geographic Subject: Adriatic Sea Tag: Coasts
FMIB 32792 Columbia River Trap
Columbia River Trap Subject: Fish traps, Columbia River Geographic Subject: United States--Columbia River Tag: Commercial Fisheries
FMIB 32842 Le Requin - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Le Requin English: *Subject: Sharks Tag: Fish
FMIB 32855 Angled Sturgeon-Fish (Brachyopsis dedocadrus);;; Northern S...
Angled Sturgeon-Fish (Occella dodecaedron syn. Brachyopsis dodecaedron) and Northern Sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpioides syn. Cottus axillaris) Subject: Sturgeons, Sculpin Tag: Fish
FMIB 32979 Place de l'Opera, Paris, Illuminated by Electric Light
Place de l'Opera, Paris, Illuminated by Electric Light Subject: Opera de Paris, Paris (France)--Buildings, structures, etc., Electric lighting Tag: Expositions
FMIB 33039 Entrance Hall, Fisheries Exhibition;Plan of the Fisheries E...
Entrance Hall, Fisheries Exhibition;Plan of the Fisheries Exhibition Subject: International Fisheries Exhibition (1883 : London, England)--Maps, Fisheries--Exhibitions--Maps Geographic Subject: England--London... Mehr
FMIB 33058 Fishing-Net (Egyptian)
Fishing-Net (Egyptian) Subject: Fishing nets, Fishing--Egypt Tag: Expositions
FMIB 33099 View from Cofferdam Showing Lower, Middle and Upper Locks a...
View from Cofferdam Showing Lower, Middle and Upper Locks at Gatum, Panama Canal Subject: Panama Canal (Panama), Locks (Hydraulic engineering) Geographic Subject: Panama--Gatum Tag: Panama Canal
FMIB 33103 Salmon Rapids on the McCloud River
Salmon Rapids on the McCloud River Subject: McCloud River (California) Geographic Subject: California--McCloud River Tag: Expositions
FMIB 33126 Grace Darlings' Monument
Grace Darlings' Monument Subject: Darling, Grace, 1815-1842, Shipwrecks Tag: Expositions
FMIB 33136 Lower Otay Rock-Fill Dam
Lower Otay Rock-Fill Dam Explosion of Great Blast Subject: Dams--California, Lake Otay (California)--Dams Geographic Subject: United States--California--Lake Otay Tag: Dams
FMIB 33149 Guanajuato, Mexico, Upper Dam
Guanajuato, Mexico, Upper Dam (Presa de la Esperanza in Guanajuato) Subject: Dams--Mexico Geographic Subject: Mexico--Guanajuato Tag: Dams
FMIB 33154 Immense Government Dry Dock Under Construction at Balboa, C...
Immense Government Dry Dock Under Construction at Balboa, Canal Zone Subject: Dry docks, Balboa (Panama) Geographic Subject: Panama--Balboa Tag: Panama Canal
FMIB 33178 Lawrence, Kansas; Dam Across the Kansas River
Lawrence, Kansas; Dam Across the Kansas River at Lawrence, Kansas.;;; Fig. 3 Subject: Dams--Design and construction, Dams--Kansas River Geographic Subject: United States--Kansas--Lawrence, United States--Kans... Mehr
FMIB 33180 Safe and Economical Dam
Safe and Economical Dam Subject: Dams--Design and construction Tag: Dams
FMIB 33202 Rip-Rap Dam - A black and white drawing of a boat in the wa...
Rip-Rap Dam Subject: Dams--Design and construction Tag: Dams
FMIB 33291 Landing a Sturgeon on the Wharf at Bayside, N J
Landing a Sturgeon on the Wharf at Bayside, N. J . Subject: Sturgeon fisheries Geographic Subject: United States--New Jersey--Bayside Tag: Commercial Fisheries
FMIB 33323 Azurnia Hirundo
Azurina hirundo English: Azurnia Hirundo Jordan; McGregor. New genus and new species. Subject: Azurnia hirundo Tag: Fish
FMIB 33417 Blueback or Red Salmon
Blueback or Red Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka);; Breeding Male Subject: Sockeye salmon Tag: Fish
FMIB 33427 Nashua Station, New Hampshire
Nashua Station, New Hampshire Hatchery Exterior Subject: Fish hatcheries, Nashua Station (New Hampshire) Geographic Subject: United States--New Hampshire--Nashua Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 33435 Shucking Houses
Shucking Houses Showing Shells Available for Oyster Culture Subject: Oysters, Fishery processing, Oysters--Shucking Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 33468 Oysters from Half Moon Reef
Oysters from Half Moon Reef showing pits and chambers of Boring Clam (Martesia sp.) English: Oysters from Half Moon Reef Showing Pits and Chambers of Boring Clam (Martesia Subject: Oysters Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 33472 Leather Carp
Leather Carp English: Leather Carp German Carp Subject: Carp Tag: Fish
FMIB 33488 Sebastolobus Altivelis spnov
Sebastolobus Altivelis sp.nov . Subject: Thornyheads Tag: Fish
FMIB 33539 Fur-Seal - A drawing of a seal on a rock
Callorhinus ursinus English: Fur-Seal Callorhinus ursinus Subject: Seals (Animals), Northern fur seals Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 33670 Grampus - Public domain drawing
Grampus Subject: Grampus (Sailboat), Sailboats Tag: Vessels Public domain scan - drawing of sailing ship, sea, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
FMIB 33684 Wytheville Station, Virginia
Wytheville Station, Virginia Plan of Second Floor Subject: Fishery research stations, Wytheville Station (Virginia) Geographic Subject: United States--Virginia--Wytheville Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 33724 Callinectes Sapidus
Callinectes Sapidus Three Successive Stages of the Molting of One Individual of Callinectes Sapidus Subject: Blue crab, Molting, Callinectes Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 33740 Sizes of Clams From Bed at West Falmouth, Mass
Sizes of Clams From Bed at West Falmouth, Mass . August 4, 1899 (6);; August 16, 1899 (7 Subject: Clams Geographic Subject: United States--Massachusetts--West Falmouth Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 33814 Fiji Canoe, Hut, and Native
Fiji Canoe, Hut, and Native Subject: Canoes and canoeing, Huts--Fiji Geographic Subject: Fiji Tag: Traditional Fisheries
FMIB 33848 Interior Fish Pond, Waikiki, Oahu
Interior Fish Pond, Waikiki, Oahu Subject: Fish ponds Geographic Subject: United States--Hawaii--Waikiki Tag: Traditional Fisheries
FMIB 33872 Pomatomus Saltarix (Linnaeus)
Pomatomus Saltarix (Linnaeus) Bluefish Subject: Bluefish Tag: Fish Public domain photograph of India under British rule, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
FMIB 33895 United States Government Building
United States Government Building Atlanta Exposition Subject: Cotton States and International Exposition (1895 : Atlanta, Georgia)--United States Government Building Geographic Subject: United States--Georgia... Mehr
FMIB 33908 Selecting and Stripping Ripe Trout
Selecting and Stripping Ripe Trout Northville, Mich. Subject: Trout--Spawning Geographic Subject: United States--Michigan--Northville Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 33915 Fish and Oyster Boats in 'Vegetable Slip,; Galveston
Fish and Oyster Boats in 'Vegetable Slip,; Galveston Subject: Oyster fisheries, Fishing boats Geographic Subject: United States--Texas--Galveston Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 33932 Ocyurus Chrysurus (Bloch)
Ocyurus Chrysurus (Bloch) Yellow-Tail Snapper or Rabirubia Subject: Lutjanidae, Snapper Tag: Fish
FMIB 33934 Rhomboplites Aurorubens (Cuvier and Valenciennes)
Rhomboplites Aurorubens (Cuvier and Valenciennes) Cagon Subject: Lutjanidae Tag: Fish
FMIB 33973 Sealing Steamer at St Johns, Newfoundland
Sealing Steamer at St. Johns, Newfoundland Subject: Steamboats, Sealing Geographic Subject: Canada--Newfoundland--Saint Johns Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 33996 Origin of the Whaling Industries at New Bedford, Mass; 1763
Origin of the Whaling Industries at New Bedford, Mass.; 1763 Subject: Whaling, New Bedford (Massachusetts) Geographic Subject: United States--Massachusetts--New Bedford Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 33997 Pivers Island and Laboratory
Pivers Island and Laboratory Subject: Fishes--Research, Fish hatcheries Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 34011 Newfoundland Fishing-Schooners
Newfoundland Fishing-Schooners Galloper Zephyr at the Wharf Subject: Fishing boats, Schooners, Galloper Zephyr (Schooner) Geographic Subject: Canada--Newfoundland Tag: Vessels
FMIB 34020 Scarus Cuzamilae
Scarus vetula syn. S. cuzamilae English: Scarus Cuzamilae Bean Subject: Scarus cuazmilae Tag: Fish
FMIB 34108 Phoaena communis, Lesson Common Harbor Porpoise
Phocoena phocoena syn. Phocaena communis English: Phoaena communis, Lesson. Common Harbor Porpoise . Length, 5 feet (From a photograph by the U. S. Fish Commission Subject: Harbor porpoise Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 34125 Crystal Falls of Cascade Creek
Crystal Falls of Cascade Creek Subject: Waerfalls, Crystal Falls (Cascade Creek) Geographic Subject: United States--Wyoming--Yellowstone National Park Tag: Limnology
FMIB 34154 Virginia Cascade of Gibbon River
Virginia Cascade of Gibbon River Subject: Waterfalls, Gibbon River (Wyoming) Geographic Subject: United States--Wyoming--Yellowstone National Park Tag: Limnology
FMIB 34216 Red-Throated Trout (Salmo mykiss lewisi)
Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi syn. Salmo mykiss lewisi English: Red-Throated Trout (Salmo mykiss lewisi) Young Subject: Trout Tag: Fish
FMIB 34230 Hump-Back Sucker (Xyrauchen cypho)
Xyrauchen texanus syn. X. cypho English: Hump-Back Sucker (Xyrauchen cypho) Subject: Razorback sucker Tag: Fish
FMIB 34234 Sucker (Chasmistes horus)
Chasmistes liorus English: Sucker (Chasmistes liorus) Subject: Catostomidae Tag: Fish
FMIB 34259 Agosia falcata
Agosia falcata Eigenmann & Eigenmann Subject: Cyprenidae, Agosia falcata Tag: Fish
FMIB 34326 Fusaro, Italy Elevage of oysters of second year
Fusaro, Italy. Elevage of oysters of second year Rearranged fascine seen as lifted from the water Subject: Oyster culture Geographic Subject: Italy--Fusaro Tag: Aquaculture
FMIB 34330 Thymallus signifer
Thymallus arcticus syn. T. signifer English: Thymallus signifer Young Subject: Thymallus, Grayling Tag: Fish
FMIB 34440 Taking Spawning Salmon in Okanogan County
Taking Spawning Salmon in Okanogan County Subject: Salmon--Spawning Geographic Subject: United States--Washington (State)--Okanogan County Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 34448 White River Eyeing Station
White River Eyeing Station Subject: Fish hatcheries Geographic Subject: United States--Washington (State)--White River Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 34485 Salmon Offal Ready for Delivery to the Fertilizer Plants
Salmon Offal Ready for Delivery to the Fertilizer Plants Subject: Fisheries by-products, Fertilizers, Fish-scrap fertilizer Tag: Commercial Fisheries
FMIB 34491 Dipping the Salmon from the Purse Seine
Dipping the Salmon from the Purse Seine Subject: Fishing nets, Purse seining, Seining Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 34495 United States Salmon Hatchery, Afognak, Alaska
United States Salmon Hatchery, Afognak, Alaska Subject: Fish hatcheries Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Afognak Tag: Hatcheries
FMIB 34534 View of Salmon-Pens and Spawning-Shed, Bucksport, Me
View of Salmon-Pens and Spawning-Shed, Bucksport, Me . From Harper's Magazine Subject: Salmon--Spawning, Aquaculture Geographic Subject: United States--Maine--Bucksport Tag: Aquaculture
FMIB 34537 Interior of Spawning-Shed, Bucksport, Maine
Interior of Spawning-Shed, Bucksport, Maine From Harper's Magazine Subject: Salmon--Spawning, Aquaculture Geographic Subject: United States--Maine--Bucksport Tag: Aquaculture
FMIB 34589 Macrurus australis, de 4500 metres
Coelorinchus australis syn. Macrurus australis English: Macrurus australis, de 4500 metres Subject: Macrouridae, Macrurus australus Tag: Fish
FMIB 34701 Hinchinbrook Island, from the Sea
Hinchinbrook Island, from the Sea Subject: Hinchinbrook Island (Alaska), Glacial landforms Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Hinchinbrook Island Tag: Coasts
FMIB 34703 Reid Glacier, From the Northwest, June 12, 1899
Reid Glacier, From the Northwest, June 12, 1899 Subject: Glaciers, Reid Glacier (Alaska) Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Reid Glacier Tag: Polar
FMIB 34717 Incipient Kettle-Hole
Incipient Kettle-Hole Subject: Glaciers, Hidden Glacier (Alaska) Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Hidden Glacier Tag: Polar
FMIB 34739 Shell of Saxidomus giganteus
Shell of Saxidomus giganteus Subject: Clams, Saxidomus giganteus Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 34779 Menhaden Steamers on Fishing Areas
Menhaden Steamers on Fishing Areas Subject: Fishing boats, Menhaden fisheries Tag: Vessels
FMIB 34798 Shell of Paphya staminea, the 'Little Neck Clam,' from Yaqu...
Leukoma staminea syn. Paphia staminea English: Shell of Paphya staminea, the 'Little Neck Clam,'... from Yaquina Bay Subject: Clams Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 34821 Cramp Fish
Cramp Fish English: Cramp Fish Subject: Torpedinidae Tag: Fish
FMIB 34831 Habitat of the Green Frog- a Permanent Pond (Foreground) Ne...
Habitat of the Green Frog: a Permanent Pond (Foreground) Near a Stream (Background) Subject: Frogs--Habitat, Ponds Tag: Limnology
FMIB 34889 Starfish Attacking an Oyster
Starfish Attacking an Oyster Subject: Oysters, Starfishes Tag: Shellfish, Invertebrates
FMIB 34903 Green Frog (Rana Climitans) Desirable Species
Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans syn. Rana clamitans) English: Green Frog (Rana Clamitans). Desirable Species.. . Subject: Frogs, Rana Tag: Amphibians
FMIB 34907 Blueback Salmon, Adult Male
Blueback Salmon, Adult Male Subject: Sockeye salmon Tag: Fish
FMIB 34922 Shucking Table in Large Oyster House
Shucking Table in Large Oyster House Subject: Oyster fisheries, Fishery processing Tag: Commercial Fisheries
FMIB 34929 Wood Frog (Rana Sylvatica) Possible species
Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica =Lithobates sylvaticus). Possible species Subject: Rana, Frogs Tag: Amphibians
FMIB 34997 Barrel cooker used at Annapolis
Barrel cooker used at Annapolis After cooking, the barrels are lifted by the rope and pulley and swung on a crane over the picking tables Subject: Crab fisheries, Cookery (Crabs) Geographic Subject: Chesapeak... Mehr
FMIB 35014 Pond abundantly stocked with sunfishes and top minnows
Pond abundantly stocked with sunfishes and top minnows Subject: Fish ponds, Mosquitoes--Control Tag: Limnology
FMIB 35036 Fur Seals, Females and Pups
Fur Seals, Females and Pups Subject: Seals (Animals), Northern fur seals Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 35101 Returning from Whaling in June
Returning from Whaling in June Subject: Whaling--Alaska, Ice Fishing--Alaska Tag: Traditional Fisheries
FMIB 35118 Blasting Old Wreck for Firewood, Near the Rosario
Blasting Old Wreck for Firewood, Near the Rosario Subject: Shipwrecks, Fuelwood cutting Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Point Barrow Tag: Vessels
FMIB 35119 Forecastle of the Bear and view ahead, when the ship was he...
Forecastle of the Bear and view ahead, when the ship was headed south on account ice, Lat. 63 [degrees] 13' N. Bering Sea Subject: Bear (Ship) Geographic Subject: Bering Sea Tag: Vessels
FMIB 35247 Tangle of frayed rope or pieces of cotton waste used in col...
Tangle of frayed rope or pieces of cotton waste used in collecting starfish on oyster beds Drawn from a figure published by the U. S. Fish Commission Subject: Oyster fisheries--Equipment and supplies Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 35249 Drumfish (Pogonias chromis)
Drumfish (Pogonias chromis) Outline of a figure in Dr. Jordan's 'Fishes' Subject: Sciaenidae, Pogonias chromis Tag: Fish
FMIB 35267 Old fishing hut on the Selwyn The author standing in the do...
Old fishing hut on the Selwyn. The author standing in the doorway Subject: Fishing lodges Geographic Subject: New Zealand--Selwyn River Tag: Sport Fishing
FMIB 35278 Twenty-four Rainbow Trout averaging 7 14 lbs each taken by ...
Twenty-four Rainbow Trout averaging 7 1/4 lbs. each taken by two rods in the Rotorua district Subject: Rainbow trout, Fishing Geographic Subject: New Zealand--Rotorua Tag: Sport Fishing, Fish
FMIB 35313 Anthea cereus (Opelet)
Anemonia sulcata syn. Anthea cereus English: Anthea cereus (Opelet) Subject: Corals Tag: Invertebrates
FMIB 35359 Old Transfer at the Strait of Canso
Old Transfer at the Strait of Canso Subject: Ferries, Steamships, Canso, Strait of (Nova Scotia), Intercolonial Railway (Canada) Geographic Subject: Canada--Nova Scotia--Cape Breton Island Tag: Vessels
FMIB 35367 Dominion Iron and Steel Company
Dominion Iron and Steel Company Subject: Dominion Iron and Steel Company (Nova Scotia), Iron foundries--Nova Scotia, Steel industry and trade--Nova Scotia Geographic Subject: Canada--Nova Scotia--Cape Breton I... Mehr
FMIB 35385 Cape North, the Gulf Side
Cape North, the Gulf Side Subject: Cape Breton Island (Nova Scotia), Cape North (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia) Geographic Subject: Canada--Nova Scotia--Cape Breton Island Tag: Coasts
FMIB 35419 Scenes on the Mira River
Scenes on the Mira River Subject: Rivers--Nova Scotia, Mira River (Nova Scotia), Railroad bridges--Nova Scotia Geographic Subject: Canada--Nova Scotia--Cape Breton Island Tag: Limnology
FMIB 35445 Sebastodes ciliatus
Sebastes ciliatus syn. Sebastodes ciliatus English: Sebastodes ciliatus Subject: Sebastes Tag: Fish
FMIB 35457 Salmon Lighter and Elevator at Cennery, Western Alaska
Salmon Lighter and Elevator at Cennery, Western Alaska Subject: Canneries, Fish processing industries, Fishery processing ships Tag: Vessels
FMIB 35534 Cat or stillborn harp seal skins
"Cat" or stillborn harp seal skins English: Cat or stillborn harp seal skins Subject: Harp seal, Sealing, Hides and skins Tag: Aquatic Mammals
FMIB 35544 Nacgube fir Ioebubg Itstersm bt K, A, Aniyriyxm Bi,285m511
Nacgube fir Ioebubg Itstersm bt K, A, Aniyriyxm Bi,285m511 Subject: Oysters--Shucking--Equipment and supplies, Oyster fisheries--Equipment and supplies, Fishery processing--Patents Tag: Fisheries Techniques
FMIB 35606 Showing Boutan's Method of Obtaining Instantaneous Photogra...
Showing Boutan's Method of Obtaining Instantaneous Photographs of Fish with his Third Apparatus Subject: Underwater photography Tag: Fish
FMIB 35660 Doryrhamphus macgregori, New species Type
Choeroichthys sculptus syn. Doryrhamphus macgregori English: Doryrhamphus macgregori, New species. Type Subject: Syngnathidae, Doryrhamphus macgregori Tag: Fish
FMIB 35665 Common Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis, Male) (cropped)
Astacus astacus syn. A. fluviatilis English: Common Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis, Male) Subject: Asticadae, Crayfish Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 35690 Palaemon jamaicensis A, female; B, fith thoracic appendage ...
Palaemon jamaicensis... A, female; B, fith thoracic appendage of male Subject: Palaemonidae Tag: Shellfish