Hans Holbein d. J. 038 - Public domain portrait painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Horrebow Plate 04 Tab IV b30512451 0255
Plate 4 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Sandro Botticelli 051 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting
Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, 14ht-15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art 022
Русский: Астрономические инструменты. Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907). Примечание. Описания изображений были загружены автоматически, возможны неточност... Mehr
Brown Manchester Mural Crabtree - A painting of a man and a woman in a...
Public domain image of 16th-17th century art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Flamsteed mural arc bub gb 8q9FAAAAcAAJ 0062
John Flamsteed's arcus meridionalis. From Historia Coelestis
The Bell System technical journal (1922) (14569715037)
Identifier: bellsystemtechni19amerrich (find matches) Title: The Bell System technical journal Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: American Telephone and Telegraph Company Subjects: Telecommunication Electric engin... Mehr
Verbiest Beijing Observatory Qing Dynasty
Verbiest Beijing Observatory Français : L'antique observatoire de Pékin. Copie d'un dessin de Louis Le Comte (« Peut-être que votre altesse sera bien aise d'en voir tout d'un coup la disposition dans une figu... Mehr
Ss ring - Drawing. Public domain image.
Picture from "Seamans Secrets" describing an astronomical instrument Русский: Иллюстрация из книги "Seamans Secrets", описывающая устройство астрономического инструмента
Maria Mitchell - Black and White Portrait Photograph
Maria Mitchell, US astronomer and pioneer of women's rights, from a portrait by H. Dassell, 1851
Uranies Noricae Basis Astronomico-Geographica
Titelkupfer von "Uranies Noricae Basis Astronomico-Geographica sive Inclytae S. Rom. Imp. liberae Civitatis Norinbergae situs Geographicus secundum Latitudinem istique aequalem Poli, super horizonta, (Aequatori... Mehr
Vertikaaliympyrä 2
Vertical circle for measuring the distances of stars from the horizon in the Meridian hall of the Helsinki observatory. Made by John Newman in ca. 1820s. Suomi: Vertikaaliympyrä tähtien korkeuksien mittaamise... Mehr
Laurent de la Hyre - Louvre-peinture-francaise-p1020343
Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Horrebow round tower b30512451 0006
Plate showing the round tower in Copenhagen, formerly the observatory. From Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Brown Manchester Mural Crabtree Cut
Cut version of file BrownManchesterMuralCrabtree.jpg
Frontispiece of the Rudolphine Tables: Tabulae Rudolphinae: quibus astronomicae ... by Johannes Kepler (1571–1630). Deutsch: Frontispiz der Rudolphinischen Tafeln (Tabulae Rudolphinae: quibus astronomicae ...... Mehr
Palermo Ramsden telescope
Español: Imagen del telescopio del Observatorio Astronómico de Palermo (fabricado por Ramsden) con el que Giuseppe Piazzi descubrió el asteroide Ceres el 1 de enero de 1801English: Astronomical telescope made... Mehr
Victorinus Strigel Epitome doctrinae de primo motu 1564
Victorinus Strigel: Epitome doctrinae de primo motv aliqvot demonstrationibvs illvstrata, Leipzig, in officina Voegeliana (1564)
Jesse.Ramsden - Public domain portrait engraving
Jesse Ramsden (1735 – 1800), maker of the Ramsden theodolite
Horrebow Plate 07 Tab VII b30512451 0261
Plate 7 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Horrebow Plate 08 Tab VIII b30512451 0263
Plate 8 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Horrebow Plate 03 Tab III b30512451 0253
Plate 3 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Jacques Besson, Cosmolabe
Deutsch: Jacques Besson, Cosmolabe
日本語: 国立国会図書館デジタルライブラリー
Heliometer - Kuffner Observatory
Heliometer of the Kuffner-Observatory, Vienna, Austria Deutsch: Heliometer der Kuffner-Sternwarte, Wien
Sandro Botticelli - Saint Augustin 2
Public domain image of painting, 15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Lanature 1873 equatorial observatoire paris
Français : Le grand équatorial de l'Observatoire de Paris (échelle 1/40) pour La Nature, revue des sciences, n° 24, page 373.
Istambul observatory in 1577 - Public domain drawing
Istambul_observatory_in_1577 Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Horrebow Plate 02 Tab II b30512451 0251
Plate 2 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Vertikaaliympyrä 1
Vertical circle for measuring the distances of stars from the horizon in the Meridian hall of the Helsinki observatory. Made by John Newman in ca. 1820s. Suomi: Vertikaaliympyrä tähtien korkeuksien mittaamise... Mehr
Flamsteed sextant bub gb 8q9FAAAAcAAJ 0060
John Flamsteed's sextant. From Historia Coelestis
Horrebow Plate 01 Tab I b30512451 0249
Plate 1 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
La Nature 1873 coupe telescope foucault
Coupe du télescope Foucault pour La Nature, revue des sciences, n° 24, page 371.
Lanature 1873 telescope foucault
Le grand télescope Foucault, de l'Observatoire de Marseille pour La Nature, revue des sciences, n° 24, page 371.
Lanature 1873 telescope melbourne
Le télescope de Melbourne pour La Nature, revue des sciences, n° 18, page 280.
Heliometri 2
Heliometer in the Meridian hall of the Helsinki observatory. Made by Utzschneider und Fraunhofer ca. 1824. Suomi: Heliometri Helsingin observatorion Meridiaanisalissa. Utzschneider und Fraunhoferin noin vuonn... Mehr
Horrebow Plate 11 Tab XI b30512451 0269
Plate 11 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Optic Projection fig 77
caption: "Fig. 77. One-Mirror Heliostat of s'Gravesande. (From his: Elementa Mathematica Physices, Tomus II, Tabula LXXXIII). This picture is a facsimile except that the clock-shaft has been extended above a... Mehr
Meyers b1 s0983a (Fig. 4. New Haven observatory heliometer (North Amer...
Deutsch: Tafel: Astronomische Instrumente zum gleichnamigen Artikel, Bildunterschriften: Fig. 1. Meridiankreis der Straßburger Sternwarte. Erbaut von Gebrüder Repsold in Hamburg, Objektiv von Merz in München. ... Mehr
Mauerquadrant - Public domain engraving
Deutsch: Tychos Mauerquadrant. Tycho Brahe sitzt in der Mitte, vom eigentlich Messenden ist nur der Kopf am rechten Rand zu sehen. Der Assistent rechts unten sagt die von den Uhren abgelesene Zeit an, der Assi... Mehr
Studying astronomy and geometry
Landscape with clerks studying astronomy and geometry, showing an armillary sphere, square, compasses, etc. Title of Book: La Vraye Histoire du Bon Roy Alixandre (The Alexander Romance in Old French prose). [ ... Mehr
Horrebow Plate 09 Tab IX b30512451 0265
Plate 9 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Tycho instrument sextant 17
Public domain image of early renaissance art, 15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Meyers b1 s0983a (Large refractor of the Strasbourg observatory)
Deutsch: Tafel: Astronomische Instrumente zum gleichnamigen Artikel, Bildunterschriften: Fig. 1. Meridiankreis der Straßburger Sternwarte. Erbaut von Gebrüder Repsold in Hamburg, Objektiv von Merz in München. ... Mehr
Meridiaanisali 1
Meridian hall in Helsinki observatory, designed for meridian and transit observations on positions of stars moving past the north-south meridian. From front to back: grand transit instrument, vertical circle, ... Mehr
William Parsons Big Telescope - A black and white photo of a steam eng...
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Circolo moltiplicatore di Reichenbach
Italiano: Prospetto geometrico dell'alt-azimut con circolo ripetitore ad asse verticale, prodotto dalle officine Reichenbach Utzschneider & Liebherr in München, tra il 1811 ed il 1814. Nel 1819 fu allestito st... Mehr
Meyers b1 s0983a (Meridian circle of the Strasbourg observatory.)
Deutsch: Tafel: Astronomische Instrumente zum gleichnamigen Artikel, Bildunterschriften: Fig. 1. Meridiankreis der Straßburger Sternwarte. Erbaut von Gebrüder Repsold in Hamburg, Objektiv von Merz in München. ... Mehr
PSM V83 D123 One hundred fifty foot tower telescope
One hundred fifty foot tower telescope
Kannettava ohikulkukone
A portable transit (passage?) instrument in a display cabinet in Argelander hall in Helsinki observatory. Made by Repsold und Söhne in ca. 1870-1890. Suomi: Kannettava ohikulkukone Helsingin observatoriossa A... Mehr
Ole Rømer at work (uncropped) - Public domain weapon engraving
Ole Rømer at work in his home observatory at t. Kannikestræde in Copenhagen. Cipperplate engraving intended for a never published work by Rømer. After his death it was published in Peder Nielsen Horrebow's Bas... Mehr
Robert Hooke Zenith Telescope
Robert Hooke's Zenith Telescope Deutsch: Robert Hookes Zenith-Teleskope
Lanature 1873 telescope lassel
Le télescope de Lassel, dans l'île de Malte pour La Nature, revue des sciences, n° 20, page 309.
Astronomy for the use of schools and academies (1882) (14577589498)
Identifier: astronomyforuseo00gill (find matches) Title: Astronomy for the use of schools and academies Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Gillet, J. A. (Joseph Anthony), 1837-1908 Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 182... Mehr
Encyclopedie volume 4-097
Planches de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert, volume 4
Vertikaaliympyrä 3
Wetzer vertical circle from ca. 1850 in Helsinki observatory. Suomi: Wetzerin vertikaaliympyrä noin vuodelta 1850 Helsingin observatoriossa.
Eclipse instruments at Sobral
Eclipse instruments at Sobral (1919). Frontispiece.
Français : Astéréomètre
Encyclopedie volume 4-094
Planches de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert, volume 4
Florinus Astronomie 1705
Public domain photograph - night sky, astronomy, universe, space, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kraus Merz refractor - A black and white photo of a telescope on top o...
Čeština: Refraktor Merz 160/1790 s obrazovkou. Výroba: G. & S. Merz, Mnichov. Lidová hvězdárna barona Krause v Pardubicích, mezi lety 1912–1930 Deutsch: Refraktorteleskop Merz 160/1790 (Apertur/Brennweite in ... Mehr
Libr 0310 - A black and white drawing of a gazebo
Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Chain drive, Su Song's book of 1092
The oldest known illustration of an endless power-transmitting chain drive. This was illustrated in 1092, during the Song Dynasty, by the Chinese engineer Su Song in his book Xinyi Xiangfayao. It was called the... Mehr
Cosmolabe, Jacques Besson, 1567
Cosmolabe by Jacques Besson
Heliometri 1
Heliometer in the Meridian hall of the Helsinki observatory. Made by Utzschneider und Fraunhofer ca. 1824. Suomi: Heliometri Helsingin observatorion Meridiaanisalissa. Utzschneider und Fraunhoferin noin vuonn... Mehr
Astronomische Geräte von Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers – 1910
The astronomical instruments of Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (1758–1840) in Bremen.Deutsch: Die astronomischen Geräte von Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (1758–1840) in Bremen.
Horrebow Plate 05 Tab V b30512451 0257
Plate 5 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Tycho instrument bipartite arc 15
Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Meyers b1 s0983a
Deutsch: Tafel: Astronomische Instrumente zum gleichnamigen Artikel, Bildunterschriften: Fig. 1. Meridiankreis der Straßburger Sternwarte. Erbaut von Gebrüder Repsold in Hamburg, Objektiv von Merz in München. ... Mehr
Trutat, Eugene - Bibliotheque de Toulouse - Eclipse du 30-08-1905, Foi...
Fonds Trutat - Photographie ancienne Cote : TRU C 426 Localisation : Fonds ancien Original non communicable Titre : Eclipse du 30 août 1905, Foix Auteur : Trutat, Eugène Rôle de l'auteur : Photographe Lieu de c... Mehr
Photographic plate inspection instrument
V. Falck-Rasmussen photographic plate inspection instrument from 1897 in Helsinki observatory. Suomi: V. Falck-Rasmussenin valokuvalevyjen tarkastuskone vuodelta 1897 Helsingin observatoriossa.
Erhard Etzlaub 1513 sundial, photograph by J Drecker 1925, edited
Etzlaub's 1513 sundial ("Kompast" or "Compast"). Size of the instrument, which seems to be kept in USA, is 84 x 116 mm. Instructions on the use of his sundials were given by Etzlaub in Codex ad Compastum Noremb... Mehr
Horrebow Plate 10 Tab X b30512451 0267
Plate 10 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Horrebow Plate 06 Tab VI b30512451 0259
Plate 6 from Horrebow's Basis astronomiae, a description (in Latin) of the work of the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer.
Bauernring Drecker - A drawing of a circular object with a line of sig...
Deutsch: Skizze eines Bauernringes (Höhensonnenuhr) Français : Anneau de paysan, montre solaire. English: A kind of solar watch used in Europe in XVII century.
The elements of astronomy; a textbook (1919) (14779079641)
Identifier: elementsofastro00youn (find matches) Title: The elements of astronomy; a textbook Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Young, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1834-1908 Young, Anne Sewell, b. 1871., ed Subj... Mehr
Photographic plate measurement instrument
Astrophotographic plate measurement instrument in the Meridian hall of the Helsinki observatory. Results from this machine were published in 12-part Helsinki portion of the Carte du Ciel star catalogue. Made b... Mehr
Meridiaanisali 2
Meridian hall in Helsinki observatory, designed for meridian and transit observations on positions of stars moving past the north-south meridian. From front to back: grand transit instrument, vertical circle, ... Mehr
Photographic plate stand
Photographic plate negative stand in Helsinki observatory, with a plate from 1897 of Helsinki portion of the Carte du Ciel star catalogue. Made by V. Falck-Rasmussen. Suomi: Valokuvalevyjen negatiivien katsel... Mehr
Deutsch: Fund einer Sonnenuhr aus der Regierungszeit von Thutmosis III (1479 bis 1425 v. Chr.)
Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon (1892) (14784483545)
Identifier: brockhauskonvers15leip (find matches) Title: Brockhaus' Konversations-Lexikon Year: 1892 (1890s) Authors: Subjects: Encyclopedias and dictionaries, German Publisher: Leipzig Berlin Wien : F.A... Mehr
Meyers b1 s0983a (Fig. 3. Altazimuth of the Strasbourg observatory)
Deutsch: Tafel: Astronomische Instrumente zum gleichnamigen Artikel, Bildunterschriften: Fig. 1. Meridiankreis der Straßburger Sternwarte. Erbaut von Gebrüder Repsold in Hamburg, Objektiv von Merz in München. ... Mehr