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hellenic parliament

23 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28570479896)

Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28570479896)

Athens, Greece. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.

Greek Parliament (Istoria Othonos p. 353)

Greek Parliament (Istoria Othonos p. 353)

Ελληνικά: Τα παλαιά ανάκτορα στην Αθήνα, σημερινό Κοινοβούλιο English: The old palace in Athens, nowadays used as Parliament

Swearing-in ceremony of King Constantine I of Greece

Swearing-in ceremony of King Constantine I of Greece

Swearing-in ceremony of King Constantine I of Greece before the Greek Parliament, 1913

Procesul din Atena - colonelul Passaris făcând mărturisiri

Procesul din Atena - colonelul Passaris făcând mărturisiri

Press photograph in Transylvania's Cosânzeana review. Original caption: "The trial in Athens: The main witness for the prosecution: Colonel Passaris, former sub-chief for the General Staff, making his confessi... Mehr

Ex Royal palace of Athens.

Ex Royal palace of Athens.

It's a parliament today.

Vouli griechisches Parlament von Lycabettus Athen Griechenland

Vouli griechisches Parlament von Lycabettus Athen Griechenland

The "Vouli" building (Greek parliament), as seen from the Lycabettus hill. Flags of French embassy. Athens, Greece. Français : la "Vouli" (parlement grec), vue du Mont Lycabette. Drapeaux de l'ambassade de Fr... Mehr

Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28570473486)

Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28570473486)

Athens, Greece. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.

Βουλή των Ελλήνων Κ'Περίοδος

Βουλή των Ελλήνων Κ'Περίοδος

The photographic images featured on this website are covered by parliamentary copyright.They may be downloaded and reused without permission in any format for non-commercial use, including publication on a web... Mehr

Tourist Attraction - Evzones marching, Athens, Greece

Tourist Attraction - Evzones marching, Athens, Greece

Evzones marching, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Athens, GreeceFrançais : Marche des Evzones, tombe du Soldat Inconnu, Athènes, Grèce

Letter to Greek parliament from minister of Finance Miltiades Negropontes - 1918

Letter to Greek parliament from minister of Finance Miltiades Negropon...

Letter to Greek parliament from minister of Finance Miltiades Negropontes, on the formation of the Consignment Deposit And Loans Fund - 1918 Ελληνικά: Επιστολή προς την Βουλή από τον υπουργό Οικονομικών Μιλτι... Mehr

Ibrahim in Peloponese - Fresco, public domain photograph

Ibrahim in Peloponese - Fresco, public domain photograph

Turkish military under Ibrahim in Peloponnese (1825-1828). Detail of fresco in the Greek Parliament.

Greek parliament

Greek parliament

The Greek parliament ex royal palace during dawn.

Die neue griechische Regierung tritt am 18. Oktober 1944 in Athen ein
Der griechische Ministerpräsident Georgios Papandreou hielt eine Rede, die im ganzen Land ausgestrahlt wurde und legte anschließend einen Kranz am Grab des unbekannten Soldaten in Athen nieder.

Die neue griechische Regierung tritt am 18. Oktober 1944 in Athen ein ...

Die neue griechische Regierung tritt am 18. Oktober 1944 in Athen ein TR2501

VenizelosEnUnDiscursoContraTsaldaris1933 - A man standing at a podium in front of a crowd

VenizelosEnUnDiscursoContraTsaldaris1933 - A man standing at a podium ...

Español: Venizelos en un discurso contra Tsaldaris en 1933. Public domain photograph related to pre-war Polish politics and government, Second Polish Republic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... Mehr

Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28602919735)

Hellenic Parliament of Greece (28602919735)

Athens, Greece. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.

Vouli griechisches Parlament Athen Griechenland von der Akropolis

Vouli griechisches Parlament Athen Griechenland von der Akropolis

The "Vouli", building of the greek Parliament, from the Acropolis. Athens, Greece Français : la "Vouli", bâtiment du Parlement grec, Athènes, Grèce.

Le Palais du Roi à Athènes - Rey Etienne - 1867

Le Palais du Roi à Athènes - Rey Etienne - 1867

Étienne Rey. Voyage Pittoresque en Grèce et dans le Levant fait en 1843-1844, vols Ι-ΙΙ, Lyon, Louis Perrin, MDCCCLXVII (1867)

Das höchste Gebäude des griechischen Parlaments von der Akropolis Athen Griechenland

Das höchste Gebäude des griechischen Parlaments von der Akropolis Athe...

Top of the building of the Hellenic Parliament (Vouli), from Acropolis, Athens, Greece. Flags of the french embassy at left.Français : Le bâtiment du Parlement Hellénique (Vouli), vu de l'Acropole, Athènes, G... Mehr

Πρωτοκολλο ανεξαρτησίας

Πρωτοκολλο ανεξαρτησίας

Signing of the London Protocol, fresco of the frieze of the Trophy Hall of the Greek Parliament Signing of the London Protocol, fresco of the frieze of the Trophy Hall of the Greek Parliament

Hellenic Parliament of Greece & Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (28602914025)

Hellenic Parliament of Greece & Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (286029140...

Athens, Greece. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.

Ορκωμοσία Κ' Περιόδου της Βουλής των Ελλήνων

Ορκωμοσία Κ' Περιόδου της Βουλής των Ελλήνων

The photographic images featured on this website are covered by parliamentary copyright.They may be downloaded and reused without permission in any format for non-commercial use, including publication on a web... Mehr

Illustrirte Zeitung (1843) 10 146 1 Der neue Königspalast in Athen

Illustrirte Zeitung (1843) 10 146 1 Der neue Königspalast in Athen

Deutsch: Der neue Königspalast in Athen. Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Parlamentet kveld
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