1937 IN Rpro - Public domain banknote scan
5-Rupien-Schein von König George VI. mit der Unterschrift von J. B. Taylor.
250roubles1922b - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 1922 See also other side Image:250roubles1922a.jpg Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
50 рублей СССР 1992 г. Аверс - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 50 рублей СССР 1992 г. Аверс. Версия 2007 года - естественный цвет купюры.
РСФСР 1000 рублей 1919. Аверс - Public domain banknote scan
Совзнак 1000 рублей РСФСР 1919 аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Five-rupee note from Hyderabad anoyher side
Five-rupee note from Hyderabad, labeled multilingually and dated Feb. 1, 1347 A.H. (1928/9) Source: http://www.fortunecity.com//victorian/coldwater/9/hyd1.html (downloaded Nov. 1999) "Hyderabad was the only st... Mehr
10000 карбованцев 1996 - Public domain banknote scan
10000 карбованців 1996 року Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saudi Arabia P 17 A 5 Riyals 1977 Donatedth b
Русский: 5 риалов. Саудовская Аравия, обр. 1977. Реверс. Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Stockholms Enskilda Bank 100 Kronen 1876
Banknote 100 Swedish krona, issued 1876 by Stockholms Enskilda Bank Deutsch: Banknote 100 Schwedische Kronen, Augabe 1876 durch die Stockholms Enskilda Bank
5 Franga 1939 obv
5 Frangs 1939
3 Ruble Note 1 - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet 3 Ruble Note 1961 Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
5000-din-1992 - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 5000 динаров Югославии 1992English: 5000 Yugoslav dinars (1992) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
50 karbovanets 1991 back - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 50 карбованцев Украины 1991English: 50 karbovanets (1991) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
50 000 купонов лари. 5. 1994 - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 50 000 купонов лари. 5 выпуск. 1994 г. Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
200000-rubles-Belarus-2000-b - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: Купюра достоинством 200000 белорусских рублей (обратная сторона) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Italian East Africa P 1 B 50 Lire 1939 f-donated
50 lire Español: 50 liras Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cambodian Riel 5000
200 000 Cambodian Riel (about 50 US$)
Albania P 19 10 Leke 1947 Donatedoy b
Español: 10 leke
1 коп Госбанка СССР 1961 - Public domain banknote scan
1 копейка Госбанка СССР 1961 года. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
3 roubles Far Eastern Republic back
Русский: Три рубля Дальневосточной республики, 1920 год, реверс English: 3 roubles of Far Eastern Republic, 1920 year, back
3 рубля РСФСР 1922 года (второй выпуск). Реверс
3 рубля РСФСР (второй выпуск). Реверс Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
3 рубля СССР 1924 г. Реверс - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 3 рубля СССР. Реверс Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
30roubles1922a - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 1922 See also other side Image:30roubles1922b.jpg Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Павловские 3 советских рубля 1991 г. Аверс
Русский: 3 рубля ru:СССР 1991 г. ru:Аверс Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Five-rupee note from Hyderabad - Public domain banknote scan
Five-rupee note from Hyderabad, labeled multilingually and dated Feb. 1, 1347 A.H. (1928/9) Source: http://www.fortunecity.com//victorian/coldwater/9/hyd1.html (downloaded Nov. 1999) "Hyderabad was the only st... Mehr
3 som. Uzbekistan, 1992 b - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 3 сум Узбекистана 1992English: 3 sum of Uzbekistan (1992) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Karbovanets 50 1918 01 - Public domain banknote scan
The Banknote of The State Treasury. The period of circulation since April, 1918 till may, 1919. Size: from 73,5x130 mm, till 77x133 mm witout water-marks. By the picture of A. Krasovskyy. Made in printing-house... Mehr
Billete de 2 pesos de la Tesorería General del Estado de Yucatán (anve...
Español: Billete de 2 pesos de la Tesorería General del Estado de Yucatán emitido en 1916.
Billete de 2 pesos del Ejército Constitucionalista de México (anverso)
Español: Billete de 5 pesos del Ejército Constitucionalista de México emitido en 1914.
Georgia P 42 100000 Kuponi 1993 f-donated
Ecuadorian 1000 Sucres bill
10reichsmarkestampilla - Public domain banknote scan
10 reichsmark with stamp. Español: billete con estampilla de 10 reichsmark.
50reichsmarkcupon2 - Public domain banknote scan
Español: 50 klebemark reverso. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
RBI-5-Rupie-Schein, Aufdruck Regierung Pakistans, 1947, Vorderseite
Indische Rupien, gestempelt mit der Regierung Pakistans als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel im neuen Staat Pakistan im Jahr 1947. Note gedruckt zwischen dem 11. August 1943 und dem 30. Juni 1949, während der Amtsze... Mehr
500 złotych = 250 Reichsmark
Banknot 5 Zlotych G Gawers
Polski: Awers banknotu 5 złotych Generalnego GubernatorstwaEnglish: 5 złotych, currency unit from 1940 in Polish territory
TadschikistanPNew-1Somonis-1999 f-donatedtk
Русский: 1 таджикский сомони 1999English: 1 Tajikistan somoni 1999English: 1 Tajikistan somoni 1999Тоҷикӣ: 1 сомонии тоҷикистонӣ (тоҷикӣ), соли 1999
Soviet Union-1961-Bill-3-Obverse
1961 Soviet Union 3 rubles bill. Obverse. Non-natural colours, very contrasted. See also other side Image:Soviet_Union-1961-Bill-3-Reverse.jpg
SUR 3 1991 F - Public domain banknote scan
Банкнота номиналом в 3 рубля, СССР, 1991 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20 m.r 1975 - Public domain banknote scan
Paper money: DDR: 20 mark 1975 year Polski: Banknot 20 markowy z 1975 roku, rewers
Одесса 3 1917 аверс - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: Одесские деньги - 3 рубля, аверс. 1917 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1 Kupon ruble obverse - Public domain banknote scan
1 Kupon rubleРусский: 1 рубль (купон) ПМР образца 1994 года. Аверс. Изображён Александр Суворов.
Albania P 19 10 Leke 1947 Donatedoy f
Español: 10 leke
Azerbaijan P 16 10 Manat 1993 b-1
Español: 10 manat
500 złotych = 250 Reichsmark
250 рублей 1918 года. Реверс - Public domain banknote scan
250 рублей Россия. Реверс Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
250roubles1922a - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 1922 See also other side Image:250roubles1922b.jpg Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
30 рублей РСФСР 1919 аверс - Public domain banknote scan
Совзнак 30 рублей РСФСР 1919 аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
50 roubles à l'effigie de Lénine, 1947
50 roubles à l'effigie de Lénine, 1947 Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Soviet Union-1961 Bill 3 Obverse
1961 Soviet Union 3 rubles bill. Obverse. Естественные цвета. See also other side Image:Soviet_Union-1961-Bill-3-Reverse.jpg
250 000 рублей 1923 года. Аверс
250 000 рублей 1923 года. ЗСФСР. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tajikistan P New 20 Dirams 1999 b - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 20 дирам 1999 English: 20 dirams of Tajikistan (1999) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
5 DM Serie3 Vizu07.04.2008 - Public domain banknote scan
Deutsch: 5-DM-Schein Serie 3, ohne Copyright-Hinweis Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Belarus-1992-Bill-3-Obverse - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 3 рубля Белоруссии 1992English: 3 roubles of Belarus (1992)Беларуская: 3 рублі Español: 3 rublos
1 real de Inca - Public domain banknote scan
banknote from Peru Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20 Franka Ari 1945 obv
20 Golden Franks 1945
Azerbaijan P 13 B 250 Manat 1992 f-1
Español: 250 manat
TadschikistanPNew-1Somonis-1999 b-donatedtk
Русский: 1 таджикский сомони 1999English: 1 Tajikistan somoni 1999 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
250 рублей 1918 - Public domain banknote scan
250 рублей образца 1918 года Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
3roubles1922a2 - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 1922 See also other side Image:3roubles1922b2.jpg
5roubles1937a - coin, public domain photograph
Soviet money bill 50 roubles, 1937 Reverse See also other side Image:5roubles1937b.jpg
1 Hryvnia 1995 front - Public domain banknote scan
1 Hryvnia banknote (Ukraine), 1995, front Русский: 1 гривна 1995 года выпуска, образца 1994 года. Аверс. Владимир Великий
50 karbowancow front - Public domain banknote scan
Picryl description: Public domain image of banknote, paper money, numismatic catalog, free to use, no copyright restrictions
1964..50Mark1 - Public domain banknote scan
Español: Billete de 0 Mark, 1964 Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1964..50Mark2 - Public domain banknote scan
Español: Reverso del billete de 50 Mark, 1964. Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20-Mark-1975 - Public domain banknote scan
20 Mark der DDR (East Germany Mark) de:Bild:20-Mark-1975.jpg
Донские деньги - 3 рубля реверс 1918. Ростов
Russian Don banknote 3 rubles. 1918 year. Back. Русский: Банкнота Донской области достоинством 3 рубля образца 1918 года.
50 Kupon Ruble Obverse - Public domain banknote scan
50 Kupon Ruble banknoteРусский: 50 рублей (купон) ПМР образца 1993 года. Аверс. Изображён памятник Александру Суворову в Тирасполе.
Albania P 26 100 Leke 1949 Donatedoy b
Español: 100 leke
20 manat obv
reverse of 20 AZN Español: 20 manat
Taiwan (japanische Kolonie) Banknote von 1915 - 1 Yen (zurück)
Taiwan (japanische Kolonie) Banknote von 1915 - 1 Taiwan Yen (Rückseite). (Diese Banknoten sind von der Bank of Taiwan des Kuomintang-Regimes zu unterscheiden, die 1946 unter demselben englischen Namen ausgegeben wurde.)
3roubles1922b2 - coin, public domain photograph
Soviet money bill, 1922 See also other side Image:3roubles1922a2.jpg
Banknote 5000 rubles (1995) back
Русский: Банкнота достоинством 5000 рублей образца 1995 года. Россия. Обратная сторона.(Реверс) English: Russian banknote. 5000 rubles. Version of 1995 year. Back
Soviet Union-1937-Banknote-50-Obverse
Soviet Union banknote, 1937, 5 chervonetsy/50 rubles, obverse. Русский: Билет Государственного банка СССР, 1937 год, 5 червонцев/50 рублей, лицевая сторона.
SUR 200 1991 F - Public domain banknote scan
Банкнота номиналом в 200 рублей, СССР, 1991 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
SUR 3 1991 B - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: Банкнота номиналом в 3 рубля, СССР, 1991 год. Реверс.Polski: Banknot o nominale 3 rubli, ZSRR, rok 1991. Rewers.
Павловские 3 советских рубля 1991 г. Реверс
Русский: 3 рубля СССР 1991 г. Реверс. Действительны были в России до лета 1993 г.
UZS200 1997 front - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 200 сум Узбекистана 1997English: 200 sum of Uzbekistan (1997) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saudi Arabia P 17 A 5 Riyals 1977 Donatedth f
Русский: 5 риалов. Саудовская Аравия, обр. 1977. Аверс. Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tajikistan P New 10000 Rubles 1994 Donatedsrb b
Русский: 10000 рублей Таджикистана 1994English: 10000 roubles of Tajikistan (1994) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Russia-Siberian Provisional Government-1918-Banknote-5-Reverse
Banknote of Siberian Provisional Government, 1918, 5 rubles, reverse. Русский: Банкнота Временного Сибирского правительства, 1918 год, 5 рублей, обратная сторона.
Banco de España (01-01-1878) Miguel de Cervantes, billete de 1.000 pes...
Español: Anverso de un billete del Banco de España fechado a 1 de enero de 1878, pero puesto en circulación el 29 de diciembre de 1884. Por primera vez aparecía la figura de Miguel de Cervantes y una escena de... Mehr
1 Mark, 1948
5-Rupien-Schein der RBI, Aufdruck der pakistanischen Regierung, 1947
Indische Rupien, gestempelt mit der Regierung Pakistans als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel im neuen Staat Pakistan im Jahr 1947.
1 face palestinian pouns - Public domain banknote scan
palestinian pouns .gif Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
3roubles1925b - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 3 rubles, 1925 See also other side Image:3roubles1925a.jpg Русский: Банкнота СССР номиналом 3 рубля (1925). Аверс Українська: 3 карбованці СРСР (1925). Аверс
Banknote 10000 rubles (1995) back
Русский: Банкнота достоинством 10 000 рублей образца 1995 года. Россия. Реверс.(Обратная сторона) English: Russian banknote. 10 000 rubles. Version of 1995 year. Back
SUR 50 1961 reverse - Public domain banknote scan
1961 Soviet Union 50 rubles bill reverse See also other side Image:Soviet Union-1961-Bill-25-Reverse.jpg
SUR 50 1991 F - Public domain banknote scan
Банкнота номиналом в 50 рублей, СССР, 1991 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
50000-Dinara-1988 - Public domain banknote scan
50000 Yugoslav dinars note (1988) Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
10 000 karbovanets 1995 front - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 10000 карбованцев Украины 1995English: 10000 karbovanets (1995) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20RSD Reverse coat of arms - Public domain banknote scan
*Description: 20 Serbian dinars (RSD) National Bank of Serbia (2006) issue Source: From the site of the National bank of Serbia http://www.nbs.rs/
100-rubles-Belarus-2011-b - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 100 рублей Белоруссии 2011English: 100 roubles of Belarus (2011) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
3 rubles 1919 Kolchak - coin, public domain photograph
Sudan 1 pound 1987 reverse - Public domain banknote scan
Rückseite einer Serie von 1-Pfund-Banknoten aus dem Sudan von 1987 mit dem Hauptsitz der Bank of Sudan.
Ein-Dollar-Schein der japanischen Regierung während der Besetzung von ...
Japanese Invasion Money - Malaysian 100 Bill Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain ... Mehr
3roubles1922 - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill, 1922 Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
5 рублей РСФСР 1923 года. Реверс
5 рублей РСФСР. Реверс Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
5roubles1937b - Public domain banknote scan
Soviet money bill 5 червонцев (50 рублей), 1937 Front See also other side Image:5roubles1937a.jpg
Banknote 5 rubles (1997) back - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: Деноминированная банкнота достоинством 5 рублей образца 1997 года. Введена 1 января 1998 года. Оборотная сторона. Изображёна стена Новгородского кремля. English: Russian banknote. 5 rubles. Version o... Mehr
10000000-dinara-1993 - Public domain banknote scan
Русский: 10000000 динаров Югославии 1993English: 10000000 Yugoslav dinars (1993) Public domain image of a banknote, paper money, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description