Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

frogs in art

133 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 2
NSRW Stages in the Life-History of the Frog

NSRW Stages in the Life-History of the Frog

Student's Reference Book, Chicago, F. E. Compton and Company 1914

Whales party for oil wells - Victorian era public domain image

Whales party for oil wells - Victorian era public domain image

Sperm whales party for oil wells eliminating whaling Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

134 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11016315376)

134 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11016315376)

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, etc" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010410.ee.14." Page: 134 Place of Publishing: Burlington Date of Publishing: 1853 Publisher: The Au... Mehr

224 of 'De Rouen à la Rochelle sur le steam-launch Ruy-Blas, ... avec illustrations de l'auteur, etc' (11115334235)

224 of 'De Rouen à la Rochelle sur le steam-launch Ruy-Blas, ... avec ...

Image taken from: Title: "De Rouen à la Rochelle sur le steam-launch Ruy-Blas, ... avec illustrations de l'auteur, etc" Author: KAZNOJ, E. B. de. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010171.f.16." Page: 224 Place ... Mehr

With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul (1911) (14783116195)

With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the ...

Identifier: withchildrenonsu00stal (find matches) Title: With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Stall, Sylvanus, 1847-1915 Subjec... Mehr

Frog smile

Frog smile

Smiling frog prince figurine

Frog playing horn art detail, Virginia Tech Bugle 1899 (page 9 crop)

Frog playing horn art detail, Virginia Tech Bugle 1899 (page 9 crop)

The Bugle — the school yearbook — for Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute (now Virginia Tech) from 1899.

Apel·les Mestres - New Spring - Google Art Project
"Best Matches Takashima" frog matchbox label art - from, Collectie NMvWereldculturen, TM-6477-93, Etiketten van luciferdoosjes, 1900-1949 (cropped)

"Best Matches Takashima" frog matchbox label art - from, Collectie NMv...

Nederlands: Etiket / lucifersdoosje (onderdeel) / reclame'Etiketten van luciferdoosjes'De verzameling etiketten van luciferdoosjes, waar deze pagina deel van uit maakt, geeft als geheel een beeld van de geschi... Mehr

Caricature, StampOut, public domain cartoon image

Caricature, StampOut, public domain cartoon image

Propagandaplakat des Zweiten Weltkriegs

New Yorker Sonntagswelt 1895-08-04

New Yorker Sonntagswelt 1895-08-04

New York Sunday World poster - August 4, 1895. Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Heinrich Schlitt Gnom mit Zeitung und Tabakspfeife

Heinrich Schlitt Gnom mit Zeitung und Tabakspfeife

Gnome with newspaper and tobacco pipe under a toadstool, with a snail above him and a tree frog in the glass.

Told by Uncle Remus - new stories of the old plantation (1905) (14773083203)

Told by Uncle Remus - new stories of the old plantation (1905) (147730...

Identifier: toldbyuncleremus00harr (find matches) Title: Told by Uncle Remus : new stories of the old plantation Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848-1908 Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett), 18... Mehr

Mesopotamier - Froschamulett - Walters 421462 - Drei Viertel Rechts

Mesopotamier - Froschamulett - Walters 421462 - Drei Viertel Rechts

In Mesopotamien wurde Schmuck sowohl getragen als auch in Tempeln als Geschenk an die Götter angeboten. Sein Zweck war oft eher funktional als ornamental: am Körper getragene Anhänger dienten als Talismane, um ... Mehr

Arolsen Klebeband 18 075 2

Arolsen Klebeband 18 075 2

Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 18 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Motiv: "T'hondje sit op" Johann Georg III. von Sachsen versucht Louis XIV. zu zügeln

Divine emblems; or, temporal things spiritualized Fleuron T058457-31

Divine emblems; or, temporal things spiritualized Fleuron T058457-31

Fleuron from book: Divine emblems; or, temporal things spiritualized. Fitted for the use of boys and girls. By John Bunyan.

The Strand Magazine vol. 5, no. 28, pg. 413 - The Snake That Gaped

The Strand Magazine vol. 5, no. 28, pg. 413 - The Snake That Gaped

Illustration from The Strand Magazine, Volume 5, 1893.

The tailless batrachians of Europe (6216966039)

The tailless batrachians of Europe (6216966039)

144 DISCOGLOSSIDJ:. Grey, olive, or rarely bright grass-green above, with distant symmetrical blackish or dark bottle-green spots disposed on the larger warts. Usually, in Grerman s... Mehr

Rhymes and jingles (1882) (14750302574)

Rhymes and jingles (1882) (14750302574)

Identifier: rhymesjingles00dodg2 (find matches) Title: Rhymes and jingles .. Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905 Subjects: Publisher: New York, C. Scribner's Sons Text Appearing Bef... Mehr

Eero Järnefelt - Marsh Marigold and Frog

Eero Järnefelt - Marsh Marigold and Frog

taiteilija: Järnefelt, Eero..Inventaarionro C III B I 592..teosnimi: Rentukka ja sammakko..haltija: AT..ajoitus: ajoittamaton..tekniikkateksti: värillinen pehmeäpohjasyövytys..pääluokka: grafiikka..mitat: levy ... Mehr

Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor ca. 1880 (6669221347)

Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor ca. 1880 (6669221347)

Illustrierte Handelskarte, die eine männliche Figur mit Hut und Rüschenkragen zeigt, die auf einem Schilfrohr steht und einen Reifen hält, durch den ein Frosch springt. Henry Dalley sen. begann 1839 in New York... Mehr

Adolf Hengeler - Wetterpropheten, 1894

Adolf Hengeler - Wetterpropheten, 1894

Deutsch: Adolf Hengeler - Wetterpropheten, 1894

Esquina de El Sapito, Mérida, Yucatán (01)

Esquina de El Sapito, Mérida, Yucatán (01)

Español: Esquina de El Sapito en Mérida, Yucatán.

Art crafts for amateurs (1901) (14762838602)

Art crafts for amateurs (1901) (14762838602)

Identifier: artcraftsforamat00mill (find matches) Title: Art crafts for amateurs Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Miller, Fred, decorative artist Subjects: Decorative arts Decoration and ornament Publisher: New... Mehr

The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories (1921) (14750972464)

The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories (1921) (1475097246...

Identifier: peacockwishingfa00ingr (find matches) Title: The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Ingraham, Corinne, 1887- Subjects: Publisher: New York : Bretano's C... Mehr

Kunst en samenleving - KW 1310 F 3 - 130 (beschnitten)

Kunst en samenleving - KW 1310 F 3 - 130 (beschnitten)

Kunst en samenleving Nederlands: Kunst en samenleving

Heinrich Schlitt - Gnom mit Fröschen und Heuschrecken

Heinrich Schlitt - Gnom mit Fröschen und Heuschrecken

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



The discontented frogs, 1885.

Peru, Moche, 3.-8. Jahrhundert - Froschanhänger - 1955.375 - Cleveland Museum of Art

Peru, Moche, 3.-8. Jahrhundert - Froschanhänger - 1955.375 - Cleveland...

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14757542796)

St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14757542796)

Identifier: stnicholasserial271dodg (find matches) Title: St. Nicholas (serial) Year: 1873 (1870s) Authors: Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905 Subjects: Children's literature Publisher: (New York : Scribner & Co... Mehr

ANR-Ringtreffen Weingarten 2014 151

ANR-Ringtreffen Weingarten 2014 151

Narrenzunft Rottumtal-Hex Reinstetten e. V., Reinstetten (Ochsenhausen); Narrenruf: „Übr der Gosch - hogget dr Rosch / Wo hogget dr Frosch - übr dr Gosch“; Narrenfigur: Rottumtal-Hex Fotografiert beim Ringtref... Mehr

140704-F-MZ193-359 frog-shaped firework at Yokota

140704-F-MZ193-359 frog-shaped firework at Yokota

A frog-shaped firework bursts over Yokota Air Base, Japan during the Celebrate America festival on July 4, 2014. Yokota residents gathered together to celebrate Independence Day with live music, food and firew... Mehr

Theodor Kittelsen Im Thierstaate Genial

Theodor Kittelsen Im Thierstaate Genial

Tafel aus: Im Thierstaate. 20 farbige Humoresken. Berlin und Leipzig, M. Bauer, (um 1895).

Heinrich Schlitt - Mondscheinsonate

Heinrich Schlitt - Mondscheinsonate

Public domain image of swamp, wetland, water, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Adolf Holst - Komische Käuze. Bilder von Elisabeth Schelbach, 1920

Adolf Holst - Komische Käuze. Bilder von Elisabeth Schelbach, 1920

Adolf Holst: Komische Käuze. Bilder von Elisabeth Schellbach, Leipzig, Alfred Hahns Verlag 1920. Erste Ausgabe

22 of 'Cherry Cheeks and Roses. (In verse.)' (11294930513)

22 of 'Cherry Cheeks and Roses. (In verse.)' (11294930513)

Image taken from: Title: "Cherry Cheeks and Roses. [In verse.]" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 11650.g.27." Page: 22 Place of Publishing: London; E. P. Dutton & Co Date of Publishing: 1890 Publisher: Ernest ... Mehr

Reptiles and birds - a popular account of their various orders, with a description of the habits and economy of the most interesting (1883) (14749136101)

Reptiles and birds - a popular account of their various orders, with a...

Identifier: reptilesbirds00figu (find matches) Title: Reptiles and birds : a popular account of their various orders, with a description of the habits and economy of the most interesting Year: 1883 (1880s) Au... Mehr

Fables originales, françois et anglois Ornées de figures en taille douce, gravées and propres à être enluminées Fleuron T122400-30

Fables originales, françois et anglois Ornées de figures en taille dou...

Fleuron from book: Fables originales, françois et anglois Ornées de figures en taille douce, gravées & propres à être enluminées. = Original fables, French and English adorned with copper plates very proper fo... Mehr

Mexiko, Guerrero, Mezcala, 2.-3. Jahrhundert - Froschanhänger - 1995,98 - Cleveland Museum of Art

Mexiko, Guerrero, Mezcala, 2.-3. Jahrhundert - Froschanhänger - 1995,9...

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Martin Trigler - Scharfes Stechen, Jugend 1897

Martin Trigler - Scharfes Stechen, Jugend 1897

Deutsch: Martin Trigler - Scharfes Stechen, in "Jugend", Ausgabe Nr. 40, 1897

Ikonographische Sammlungen
Schlüsselwörter: Kuniyoshi Ein Samurai sieht zu, wie ein riesiger Frosch über die Meniale läuft.

Ikonographische Sammlungen Schlüsselwörter: Kuniyoshi Ein Samurai sieh...

Co Willkommen V0047379 Ein Samurai sieht zu, wie ein riesiger Frosch über die Meniale läuft. Farbholzschnitt von Kuniyoshi, 1847 / 1848.

FMIB 32833 La Grenouille - Drawing. Public domain image.

FMIB 32833 La Grenouille - Drawing. Public domain image.

Français : La Grenouille English: La Raine-Verte Subject: Frogs Tag: Amphibians

Czechoslovak fairy tales, frog

Czechoslovak fairy tales, frog

Illustration of the fairy tale The Betrothal Gifts from the book Czechoslovak fairy tales Čeština: Ilustrace pohádky z knihy Czechoslovak fairy tales

Martin van Maele - La Sorcière 03

Martin van Maele - La Sorcière 03

Dessins de Martin van Maële. Illustration de La sorcière, de Jules Michelet. 1911.

Moore 1905 Fig 78 Ves 2 S Of M D M 3

Moore 1905 Fig 78 Ves 2 S Of M D M 3

vessel.2 Ground south of Mound D,Moundville,Alabama

Vermeyen Jewelled cup
Frogs 1 - Cor Dera (Apeldoorn)

Frogs 1 - Cor Dera (Apeldoorn)

Nederlands: Frogs - kunstwerk in email door Cor Dera, aan de Otterloseweg afslag Hoenderloseweg, ten zuiden van Apeldoorn.

Large frog carving sitting on table with American flag in background, Sitka, Alaska, 1901 (AL+CA 7398)

Large frog carving sitting on table with American flag in background, ...

PH Coll 325.38 Subjects (LCTGM): Wood carvings--Alaska--Sitka; Flags--American Subjects (LCSH): Indian wood-carving--Alaska--Sitka; Wood sculpture--Alaska--Sitka; Frogs in art; Flags--United States

Rhymes and jingles (1903) (14586334280)

Rhymes and jingles (1903) (14586334280)

Identifier: rhymesjingles00do (find matches) Title: Rhymes and jingles Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905 Subjects: Publisher: New York, Scribner Contributing Library: The Library of... Mehr

Arthur Thiele Zwerge Frosch postcard
Die Gartenlaube (1895) b 324

Die Gartenlaube (1895) b 324

Bild aus Seite 324 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 324 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1895. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Abendgesang. Nach einer Zeichnung von Aug. Kraus.“ English: caption: "Abendgesang. N... Mehr

Nilotic scene MAN Napoli Inv9990 n02

Nilotic scene MAN Napoli Inv9990 n02

Frog, detail from a Nilotic scene. Roman mosaic. Français : Grenouille, détail d'une scène nilotique, mosaïque romaine. Italiano: Rana, dettaglio di una scena nilotica, mosaico romano.

131 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11005809324)

131 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11005809...

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10410.d.34." Page: 131 Place of Publishing: Burlington [Vt.] Date of Pu... Mehr

137 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017096343)

137 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017096343)

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, etc" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010410.ee.14." Page: 137 Place of Publishing: Burlington Date of Publishing: 1853 Publisher: The Au... Mehr

Bully Bull Frog and his home in Rainbow Valley (1921) (14749999641)

Bully Bull Frog and his home in Rainbow Valley (1921) (14749999641)

Identifier: bullybullfroghis00frye (find matches) Title: Bully Bull Frog and his home in Rainbow Valley ... Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Fry, Elizabeth Stafford Subjects: Publisher: Chicago : Rand McNally C... Mehr

The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories (1921) (14566667069)

The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories (1921) (1456666706...

Identifier: peacockwishingfa00ingr (find matches) Title: The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Ingraham, Corinne, 1887- Subjects: Publisher: New York : Bretano's C... Mehr

Themen: Restaurants
Orte: Tennessee > Hamilton (County) > Chattanooga
Anmerkungen: Titel von Item.

Themen: Restaurants Orte: Tennessee > Hamilton (County) > Chattanooga ...

Title: Ellis Restaurant, 1443 Market St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Subjects: Restaurants Places: Tennessee > Hamilton (county) > Chattanooga Notes: Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 i... Mehr

Peru, Moche, 1.-9. Jahrhundert - Froschornament - 1955.178 - Cleveland Museum of Art

Peru, Moche, 1.-9. Jahrhundert - Froschornament - 1955.178 - Cleveland...

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Qian Xuan - Frühherbst

Qian Xuan - Frühherbst

Picryl description: Public domain image of incest, natural history, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

The frog from Paulus Potter - The Bull - 136 - Mauritshuis

The frog from Paulus Potter - The Bull - 136 - Mauritshuis

Close-up of the frog in Paulus Potter's 1647 painting The Bull

The froggy fairy book (IA froggyfairybook00bidd) (page 21 crop)
Das Märchen vom Froschkönig (Stuck, 1891)
Archaeology of the lower Mimbres vallwy, New Mexico (with eight plates) by J. Walter Fewkes BHL17632299

Archaeology of the lower Mimbres vallwy, New Mexico (with eight plates...

Archaeology of the lower Mimbres valley, New Mexico (with eight plates) by J. Walter Fewkes ...

Windham Bull-Frog Song - An old newspaper with a picture of a man on a boat

Windham Bull-Frog Song - An old newspaper with a picture of a man on a...

A broadside of the Windham "Bull-Frog Song" with introduction, describing the Battle of the Frogs. Illustrations include woodcuts of frogs seated on rocks and an ornamental border. Printed by the Journal Offic... Mehr

133 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11016706373)

133 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11016706373)

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, etc" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010410.ee.14." Page: 133 Place of Publishing: Burlington Date of Publishing: 1853 Publisher: The Au... Mehr

Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1878) (18383358036)

Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1878) (183833580...

Title: Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova Identifier: annalidelmus131878muse (find matches) Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (Italy) Subjects: Natural hi... Mehr

Ariadne florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with appendix; given before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term, 1872. (1892) (14576738917)

Ariadne florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with app...

Identifier: ariadneflorentin1892rusk (find matches) Title: Ariadne florentina; six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with appendix; given before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term, 1872. Year: 18... Mehr

Wissenschaftliche Geschichten aus anderen Welten 195105
Graffiti-Wand in Linz (Pexels 955798)

Graffiti-Wand in Linz (Pexels 955798)

Tagsüber mit Graffiti gefüllte Wand

Franz von Stuck Es war einmal 1891

Franz von Stuck Es war einmal 1891

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

O krasnoludkach i o sierotce Marysi illustration nr 6

O krasnoludkach i o sierotce Marysi illustration nr 6

Polski: ilustracja z książki PL publikacja Wydawnictwo M. Arcta Warszawa 1909

132 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11006038064)

132 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11006038...

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10410.d.34." Page: 132 Place of Publishing: Burlington [Vt.] Date of Pu... Mehr

243 of 'Die Vereinigten Staaten und die andern Länder Amerika's ... Nach dem englischen Werke von S. A. Mitchell und mehreren geschichtlichen ... Werken bearbeitet' (11010950203)

243 of 'Die Vereinigten Staaten und die andern Länder Amerika's ... Na...

Image taken from: Title: "Die Vereinigten Staaten und die andern Länder Amerika's ... Nach dem englischen Werke von S. A. Mitchell und mehreren geschichtlichen ... Werken bearbeitet" Author: REMAK, Gustav. Shel... Mehr

Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1878) (18222038110)

Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1878) (182220381...

Title: Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova Identifier: annalidelmus131878muse (find matches) Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (Italy) Subjects: Natural hi... Mehr

St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14803407263)

St. Nicholas (serial) (1873) (14803407263)

Identifier: stnicholasserial371dodg (find matches) Title: St. Nicholas (serial) Year: 1873 (1870s) Authors: Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905 Subjects: Children's literature Publisher: (New York : Scribner & Co... Mehr

The tailless batrachians of Europe (Page 164) (6216966407)

The tailless batrachians of Europe (Page 164) (6216966407)

168 DISCOGLOSSID^. a little forwards tbe second the longest, nearly hori- zontal the third intermediate in length between the other two, and horizontal or directed slightly bac... Mehr

Nye and Riley's Railway Guide img 060

Nye and Riley's Railway Guide img 060

Illustration from Nye and Riley's Railway Guide

No Dumping, Drains to Stream - Lexington, MA - DSC04417

No Dumping, Drains to Stream - Lexington, MA - DSC04417

No Dumping, Drains to Stream - Lexington, Massachusetts, USA.

136 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017541914)

136 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017541914)

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, etc" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010410.ee.14." Page: 136 Place of Publishing: Burlington Date of Publishing: 1853 Publisher: The Au... Mehr

145 of 'A Narrow, Narrow World' (11130882603)

145 of 'A Narrow, Narrow World' (11130882603)

Image taken from: Title: "A Narrow, Narrow World" Author: CARRINGTON, Edith. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 012630.f.62." Page: 145 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishing: 1894 Publisher: S. Sonnensc... Mehr

With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul (1911) (14596454358)

With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the ...

Identifier: withchildrenonsu00stal (find matches) Title: With the children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Stall, Sylvanus, 1847-1915 Subjec... Mehr

Rayne Louisiana Frog Company 1938

Rayne Louisiana Frog Company 1938

Sign of frog company, Rayne, Louisiana, 1938

PL Maria Konopnicka - O krasnoludkach i o sierotce Marysi 380

PL Maria Konopnicka - O krasnoludkach i o sierotce Marysi 380

Polski: ilustracja z książki Marii Konopnickiej "O krasnoludkach i o sierotce Marysi" publikacja Wydawnictwo M. Arcta Warszawa 1909

Little Joe Otter - Inside Spread (Right)

Little Joe Otter - Inside Spread (Right)

Inside spread illustration, right side, for Thornton W. Burgess' Little Joe Otter (1925).

The tailless batrachians of Europe (6216965875)

The tailless batrachians of Europe (6216965875)

126 DTSCOGLOSSIDiE. Vomerine teeth in a long, straight or slightly curved series, narrowly interrupted in the middle, behind the choanse, and extending outwards to the Fig. 48. v... Mehr

Nova acta physico-medica (1835) (14596007559)

Nova acta physico-medica (1835) (14596007559)

Identifier: novaactaphysicom1718kais (find matches) Title: Nova acta physico-medica Year: 1757 (1750s) Authors: Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Subjects: Science Me... Mehr

Mesopotamier - Froschamulett - Walters 421462 - Drei Viertel links

Mesopotamier - Froschamulett - Walters 421462 - Drei Viertel links

In Mesopotamien wurde Schmuck sowohl getragen als auch in Tempeln als Geschenk an die Götter angeboten. Sein Zweck war oft eher funktional als ornamental: am Körper getragene Anhänger dienten als Talismane, um ... Mehr

Pismo totemami of Vladimir Lenin

Pismo totemami of Vladimir Lenin

Children's picture of Vladimir Lenin «Pismo totemami», picture on piece of birch bark, 1882 Русский: Детский рисунок Владимира Ильича Ленина «Письмо тотемами», берёста, 1882, Музей В. И. Ленина (Москва)

Frog, snake head, and anatomical parts (Charleston, South Carolina, 1853)

Frog, snake head, and anatomical parts (Charleston, South Carolina, 18...

Taxonomic Classification: Animalia.Taxonomic Classification: Animalia

Los Angeles-Bullfrog Realty & Investment Co. 1905 advertisement

Los Angeles-Bullfrog Realty & Investment Co. 1905 advertisement

Advertisement by the Los Angeles-Bullfrog Realty & Investment Co. for lots in Bullfrog, Nevada

Dn D Nixie

Dn D Nixie

Nixies resemble somewhat attractive humanoids with green skin and hair and webbed appendages. Nixies are goodly and peaceful creatures, but are shy, reclusive and suspicious. Nixies desire friendship, and have... Mehr

Frogs 2 - Cor Dera (Apeldoorn)

Frogs 2 - Cor Dera (Apeldoorn)

Nederlands: Frogs, kunstwerk van panelen in email door Cor Dera, op de Otterloseweg, kruising Hoenderloseweg, ten zuiden van Apeldoorn.

134 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11006022586)

134 of 'History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical' (11006022...

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10410.d.34." Page: 134 Place of Publishing: Burlington [Vt.] Date of Pu... Mehr

Die Reptilien und Amphibien mitteleuropas (1912) (20321496583)

Die Reptilien und Amphibien mitteleuropas (1912) (20321496583)

Title: Die Reptilien und Amphibien mitteleuropas Identifier: diereptilienunda01ster (find matches) Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Sternfeld, Richard Subjects: Reptiles; Amphibians Publisher: Leipzig, Quelle & Me... Mehr

Frogs from Courtisane (naar Eisen) - s0116V1962 - Van Gogh Museum (cropped)

Frogs from Courtisane (naar Eisen) - s0116V1962 - Van Gogh Museum (cro...

Painting by Vincent van Gogh, 1887 Nederlands: Schilderij van Vincent van Gogh, 1887

Соломко Колдунья, russian painting

Соломко Колдунья, russian painting

Русский: С. С. Соломко. Колдунья (Предсказание). До 1910 г.

Esquina de El Sapo, Mérida, Yucatán (01)

Esquina de El Sapo, Mérida, Yucatán (01)

Español: Esquina de El Sapo en Mérida, Yucatán

135 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017251285)

135 of 'History of Vermont, etc' (11017251285)

Image taken from: Title: "History of Vermont, etc" Author: THOMPSON, Zadock. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 010410.ee.14." Page: 135 Place of Publishing: Burlington Date of Publishing: 1853 Publisher: The Au... Mehr

Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities (1901) (14755077952)

Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; ...

Identifier: animalsinactions00broo (find matches) Title: Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Br... Mehr

License Free Photo - Creative Commons by gnuckx (11644925314)

License Free Photo - Creative Commons by gnuckx (11644925314)

To see more www.flickr.com/photos/gnuckx Welcome. You are free to use all my photos for free. My photos are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution United States License for your legal protection. So you ar... Mehr


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