Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

flora of arches national park

92 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Pothole Garden (6727717745)

Pothole Garden (6727717745)

(NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Narrowleaf Yucca (6550984917)

Narrowleaf Yucca (6550984917)

(NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

A firefighter watches a burning vegetation pile. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of exotic (ef1d0902-f5e6-4387-a872-04c66e0910c1)

A firefighter watches a burning vegetation pile. These piles are accum...

A firefighter watches a burning vegetation pile. A firefighter watches a burning vegetation pile. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of exotic species in the park. Keywords: peop... Mehr

A ring of twisted moss on mature biological soil crust. (8094879823)
Claret Cup (7164604584)

Claret Cup (7164604584)

Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melancanthus (NPS Photo by Neal Herbert)

A tiny forest of hairless twisted moss. (8094882695)
Pepperplant (35509249362)
A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (ea44740b-49b1-41e5-9703-128388d310e4)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Co...

a firefighter watches another firefighter light a dried vegetation pile A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from... Mehr

Dwarf Primrose bloom (35637595996)
Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (233742f1-bfd9-4612-ab6d-67184d9595d6)

Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Cour...

two firefighters hold drip torches above burning vegetation piles Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the cle... Mehr

Newberrys Twinpod (6550002345)

Newberrys Twinpod (6550002345)

Physaria newberryi. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Narrowleaf Mountain Mahogany at South Window (7164604190)

Narrowleaf Mountain Mahogany at South Window (7164604190)

Cercocarpus intricatus (NPS Photo by Neal Herbert)

Scarlet Gilia (7164605030)

Scarlet Gilia (7164605030)

Ipomopsis aggregata (NPS Photo by Neal Herbert)

Juniper & fog, Garden of Eden. (8421706924)
Pretty rockcress (Arabis perennans) (8708125729)
Yellow cryptanth (Cryptantha flava) (8709251816)
Big Sagebrush (6887216523)

Big Sagebrush (6887216523)

Artemisia tridentata. NPS Photo by Neal Herbert

Arches National Park (34660654423)
Common Paintbrush (6549999217)

Common Paintbrush (6549999217)

Chromosa scabrida var. scabrida. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (dfeec04c-ab84-4347-b181-2d3080abf4ef)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light vegetation piles in upper Cou...

a firefighter holds a drip torch above a pile of dry vegetation. A firefighter uses a drip torch to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the cle... Mehr

Unknown (sp. Astragalus) (8708130891)

Unknown (sp. Astragalus) (8708130891)

(NPS photo by Jacob W. Frank)

Showy four oclock (Mirabilis multiflora) (9017554568)
Brain scale close-up. (8094889326)

Brain scale close-up. (8094889326)

(NPS Photo by Neal Herbert)

Cliffrose (6550003363)

Cliffrose (6550003363)

Purshia mexicana var. stansburyana. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

A firefighter uses a drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (c8dc328e-db65-4c5c-b22e-7e95fbc8608f)

A firefighter uses a drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper ...

a firefighter holds a drip torch above a pile of dried vegetation A firefighter uses a drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the... Mehr

San Juan onion (Allium macropetalum) (8708113569)
Singleleaf Ash (6887216009)

Singleleaf Ash (6887216009)

Fraxinus anomala. NPS Photo by Neal Herbert

Sand Verbena (Abronia fragrans) (9017548748)
Fremonts mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) (8709267530)
Canaigre bloom (34868155743)

Canaigre bloom (34868155743)

Credit: NPS/Marty Tow

Datura (6549998467)

Datura (6549998467)

Datura wrightii. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Sheltered from wind & rain, a seedling takes root in mature biological soil crust. (8094885204)
Common paintbrush (Castilleja chromosa) (8708121541)
Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (8b2c0f79-2e9e-4c22-934b-0b995174280a)

Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Cour...

two fire fighters hold drip torches above piles of dry vegetation Fire fighters use drip torches to light vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the cle... Mehr

Green and Red (34868399263)

Green and Red (34868399263)

Credit: NPS/Marty Tow

Dwarf evening primrose (Oenothera caespitosa) (8709262850)
Fly's Favorite (35638784226)
Autumn Leaves (6550015039)

Autumn Leaves (6550015039)

(NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (7638c2c1-e9d0-479c-8cd0-cda5c2fbb8f4)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Co...

a firefighter watches another firefighter hold a drip torch above a burning pile of dried vegetation A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumul... Mehr

Milkweed bloom (35678011245)
Poison Ivy (9519010092)

Poison Ivy (9519010092)

(NPS photo by Neal Herbert)

A fire fighter watches a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from (c64f93df-bb59-42fd-83db-b867388d5657)

A fire fighter watches a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse W...

a burning pile of dry vegetation with a firefighter in the background A fire fighter watches a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearin... Mehr

Juniper on Rock (35290440220)

Juniper on Rock (35290440220)

Credit: NPS/Marty Tow

Sharp-leaf twinpod (Physaria acutifolia) (8708132403)
Heartleaf twistflower (Streptanthus cordatus) (8709247778)
A tiny world of colorful lichens. (8097551555)
Utah Juniper, Water Droplets (6550005395)

Utah Juniper, Water Droplets (6550005395)

Juniperus osteosperma. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Cryptantha Cluster (34868989283)
Desert Red Paintbrush (35637815596)
Sand verbena (Abronia fragrans) (8709269678)
Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (c3c8ab73-9162-4c3e-b964-b3f8bf6df965)

Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Cour...

a group of firefighters watch two other firefighters lighting a vegetation pile Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant materia... Mehr

Lone Juniper (6546070925)

Lone Juniper (6546070925)

NPS Photo/Neal Herbert

Hoary Spine Aster (6549999931)

Hoary Spine Aster (6549999931)

Machaeranthera canescens. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

A young fish hook cactus shelterd by soil crust. (8097551047)
Little twistflower (Streptanthella longirostris) (8709239714)
Rabbitbrush (24116340758)

Rabbitbrush (24116340758)

Rabbitbrush provides a splash of gold at The Windows Section. Credit:NPS/Chris Wonderly

Russian Olive (7164603622)

Russian Olive (7164603622)

Elaeagnus angustifolia. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Wild Onion (6550000649)

Wild Onion (6550000649)

Allium textile. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Layer of Daisy (35638775756)
A tiny world of colorful lichens. (8097562396)
Old growth soil crust covered in the lichen "brain scale." (8094888700)
Old-growth soil crust covered in the lichen "blushing scale." (8094885111)
Sand verbena (Abronia fragrans) (7337786248)
NPS arches-national-park-vegetation-map

NPS arches-national-park-vegetation-map

This Arches National Park vegetation map shows the different types of plant communities that grow in Arches – juniper woodlands, desert scrub, shrublands, etc.

A firefighter watches burning vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from (0c87ec36-5e74-43c1-a588-36720c43a616)

A firefighter watches burning vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Was...

a firefighter watches a burning vegetation pile in the distance A firefighter watches burning vegetation piles in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of exo... Mehr

Bridges Evening Primrose (Oenothera longissima) (9627819971)
Northern sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale var. boreale) (8708134585)
Indian Paintbrush blooms (35637795266)
A tiny world of colorful lichens. (8097563122)
Cliffrose in Bloom (34836211364)
Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (e5c65705-f571-4e73-9b04-2d36d8a8e620)

Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Cour...

two firefighters hold drip torches above a burning pile of dried vegetation Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material fr... Mehr

Morning Flowers (35290692990)
Rabbitbrush (6550011981)

Rabbitbrush (6550011981)

Chrysothamnus nauseosus. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)



Public domain image - Environmental protection federal program, the 1970s, color photographs, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant (2dedbf94-7ea6-4bb0-836d-44a467d88e0f)

A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Co...

a firefighter holds a drip torch above a pile of dried vegetation A firefighter uses a drip torch to light a vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the c... Mehr

Pinyon Pine Morning (35290675170)
Hoar frost on Indian ricegrass (8342063611)
Hoar Frost & Yucca (8343129888)

Hoar Frost & Yucca (8343129888)

(NPS Photo by Neal Herbert)

Cloudy afternoon (34837265774)
Firefighters watch a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the (71df13e9-81f4-4e98-9b75-58aa18a00ee0)

Firefighters watch a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash....

two firefighters watch a burning pile of dry vegetation Firefighters watch a burning vegetation pile in upper Courthouse Wash. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of exotic specie... Mehr

Four-wing Saltbush (6887217019)

Four-wing Saltbush (6887217019)

Atriplex canescens. NPS Photo by Neal Herbert

Newberrys twinpod (6836129092)

Newberrys twinpod (6836129092)

Physaria newberryi. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Pepperweed (Lepidium montanum var. jonesii) (8708122535)
Tomentose amsonia (Amsonia tomentosa) (8709242822)
Common paintbrush (Castilleja scabrida var. scabrida) (8708142123)
Old-growth soil crust, draped in lichens. (8094882079)
Rough Mules Ear (6550004597)

Rough Mules Ear (6550004597)

Wyethia scabra. (NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of (285988ae-7855-4d94-a305-0f846e79ab6f)

Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile. These piles ...

firefighters stand around a burning vegetation pile Firefighters use drip torches to light a vegetation pile. These piles are accumulations of plant material from the clearing of exotic species in the park. Ke... Mehr

Moss (6550986733)

Moss (6550986733)

(NPS Photo/Neal Herbert)

Shinnery Oak (6887363749)

Shinnery Oak (6887363749)

Quercus havardii. NPS photo by Neal Herbert

White virgins bower (Clematis ligusticifolia) (9516215211)
La Sal and Juniper (34868258263)
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