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flags of municipalities in iwate prefecture

34 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Flag of Shiwa Iwate - A black and white picture of a black and white logo
Flag of Matsuo Iwate - A white triangle on a red background

Flag of Matsuo Iwate - A white triangle on a red background

Flag of Matsuo Iwate 日本語: 松尾村旗

Flag of Noda Iwate - A blue star with a crescent in the middle

Flag of Noda Iwate - A blue star with a crescent in the middle

Flag of Noda Iwate 日本語: 野田村旗

Flag of Sawauchi Iwate - A green and white logo with a star in the middle
Flag of Tanohata Iwate - A red and white logo with the letter e on it

Flag of Tanohata Iwate - A red and white logo with the letter e on it

Flag of Tanohata Iwate 日本語: 田野畑村旗

Flagge von Waga Iwate

Flagge von Waga Iwate

Flag of Waga Iwate 日本語: 和賀町旗

Flagge von Rikuzentakata Iwate

Flagge von Rikuzentakata Iwate

Flag of Rikuzentakata Iwate 日本語: 陸前高田市旗

Flag of Miyamori Iwate - A red and white no entry sign on a red background
Flag of Senmaya Iwate - A purple and white logo with an arrow

Flag of Senmaya Iwate - A purple and white logo with an arrow

Flag of Senmaya Iwate 日本語: 千厩町旗

Flag of Yuda Iwate - A yellow d logo on a blue background

Flag of Yuda Iwate - A yellow d logo on a blue background

Flag of Yuda Iwate 日本語: 湯田町旗

Flag of Hanamaki, Iwate

Flag of Hanamaki, Iwate

Flag of Hanamaki, Iwate 日本語: 花巻市旗

Flag of Kuzumaki Iwate - A white celtic knot on a purple background

Flag of Kuzumaki Iwate - A white celtic knot on a purple background

Flag of Kuzumaki Iwate 日本語: 葛巻町旗

Flag of Taneichi Iwate - A blue and white logo with the letter m on it

Flag of Taneichi Iwate - A blue and white logo with the letter m on it

Flag of Taneichi Iwate 日本語: 種市町旗

Flag of Ninohe, Iwate

Flag of Ninohe, Iwate

日本語: 二戸市旗English: Flag of Ninohe, Iwate

Flag of Miyako Iwate - A blue and white flag with a cross on it

Flag of Miyako Iwate - A blue and white flag with a cross on it

Flag of Miyako Iwate 日本語: 宮古市旗

Flagge von Morioka, Iwate

Flagge von Morioka, Iwate

Flag of Morioka, Iwate 日本語: 盛岡市旗

Flag of Kunohe Iwate - A blue background with a white and blue logo

Flag of Kunohe Iwate - A blue background with a white and blue logo

Flag of Kunohe Iwate 日本語: 九戸村旗

Flagge von Ofunato, Iwate

Flagge von Ofunato, Iwate

Flag of Ofunato, Iwate 日本語: 大船渡市旗

Flagge von Tono, Iwate

Flagge von Tono, Iwate

Flag of Tono, Iwate 日本語: 遠野市旗

Flagge von Tonan Iwate

Flagge von Tonan Iwate

Flag of Tonan Iwate 日本語: 都南村旗

Flagge von Kanagasaki Iwate

Flagge von Kanagasaki Iwate

Flag of Kanegasaki, Iwate日本語: 金ケ崎町旗

Flag of Johoji Iwate - A white logo with wings on a blue background

Flag of Johoji Iwate - A white logo with wings on a blue background

Flag of Johoji Iwate 日本語: 浄法寺町旗

Flagge von Kamaishi Iwate rote Version

Flagge von Kamaishi Iwate rote Version

Flag of Kamaishi Iwate red version 日本語: 釜石市旗(赤色篇)

Flag of Iwate Iwate - A green and white logo with the letter g on it
Flag of Kuji Iwate

Flag of Kuji Iwate

Flag of Kuji Iwate 日本語: 久慈市旗

Flag of Karumai Iwate - A green and white logo with the letter o on it
Flag of Kawai Iwate - A white pen and a blue background

Flag of Kawai Iwate - A white pen and a blue background

Flag of Kawai Iwate 日本語: 川井村旗

Flag of Ono Iwate - A green and white logo with a star on it

Flag of Ono Iwate - A green and white logo with a star on it

Flag of Ono Iwate 日本語: 大野村旗

Flag of Yahaba Iwate - A white snowflake on a green background

Flag of Yahaba Iwate - A white snowflake on a green background

Flag of Yahaba Iwate 日本語: 矢巾町 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Flagge von Shizukuishi Iwate

Flagge von Shizukuishi Iwate

Flag of Shizukuishi Iwate 日本語: 雫石町旗

Flag of Taro Iwate - A blue background with a white square logo

Flag of Taro Iwate - A blue background with a white square logo

Flag of Taro Iwate 日本語: 田老町旗

Flagge von Kamaishi, Iwate

Flagge von Kamaishi, Iwate

Flag of Kamaishi, Iwate 日本語: 釜石市旗

Flag of Ohasama Iwate - A green and white logo with the letter e

Flag of Ohasama Iwate - A green and white logo with the letter e

Flag of Ohasama Iwate 日本語: 大迫町旗

Flag of Otsuchi Iwate - A blue and white logo on a red background

Flag of Otsuchi Iwate - A blue and white logo on a red background

Flag of Otsuchi Iwate 日本語: 大槌町旗

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