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fishing industry

22,382 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 224
New Bedford Fishing Boat, Massachusetts

New Bedford Fishing Boat, Massachusetts

Schwarz-Weiß-Foto des Fischerbootes Bernice mit Dorie am Mast, angedockt am Pier, im Hintergrund das Gebäude der New Bedford Fish Co. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der New Bedford Free Public Library

Interview mit neufundländischen Fischern über das Vorhandensein von Kreuzfahrtschiffen an der Küste / Fred S. Cozzens. Auf der Suche nach Ködern an der Küste Neufundlands - Auerhahnköder schleppen in Holyrood, Conception Bay / nach Skizzen von J.W. Hayward.

Interview mit neufundländischen Fischern über das Vorhandensein von Kr...

Illus. in: Harper's weekly, v. 31, 1887 13. August, S. 576. Referenzexemplar in LOT 4426-B.

Newfoundland cod-fishery wood engraving, Library of Congress
Two hundred pound halibut, Alaska - Frank G. Carpenter collection

Two hundred pound halibut, Alaska - Frank G. Carpenter collection

Titel transkribiert aus der Bildunterschrift des Begleittextes. Bildet einen Teil der Sammlung Frank und Frances Carpenter (Library of Congress). Geschenk; Mrs. W. Chapin Huntington; 1951.

Along the wharves, Gloucester, Massachusetts

Along the wharves, Gloucester, Massachusetts

(Quelle: Charles Seavey, 2015; aktualisiert 2018) Wahrscheinlich Fischschoner. Das Foto zeigt die Schaluppe Azorian, auf der Außenbordseite. Detroit Publishing Co. nr. 018012. Geschenk; Staatliche Historische G... Mehr

Hummerfischerei in der Nähe von Grindstone Inn, Winter Harbor, Maine

Hummerfischerei in der Nähe von Grindstone Inn, Winter Harbor, Maine

Das Foto zeigt Hummerfallen, die in mehreren Haufen an der Küste gestapelt sind, zusammen mit Bojen und Netzen.

"Neulich schnitt ich mir den Finger ab und schnitt Sardinen". Der siebenjährige Byron. (Siehe Foto von Familie, # 2353, und Etikett.) Standort: Eastport, Maine.

"Neulich schnitt ich mir den Finger ab und schnitt Sardinen". Der sieb...

Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Die Nachrichten aus Detroit kommen zur rechten Zeit. Schwammfischer

Die Nachrichten aus Detroit kommen zur rechten Zeit. Schwammfischer

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historic building in Detroit, Michigan, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Kanadische Szenen. Fischerhäuser am Ufer eines Gewässers

Kanadische Szenen. Fischerhäuser am Ufer eines Gewässers

Public domain photograph of historic place, landmark, 19th-century, vintage travel, landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kanadische Szenen. Verladung von Fisch auf dem Boot

Kanadische Szenen. Verladung von Fisch auf dem Boot

Picryl description: Public domain image of a fishing boat, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Guanofabrikk på Steilnes. Fabrikken hadde skiftende eiere: Andreas Lie, Osvald Degerstrøm m.fl. Det ble seinere ført opp en bygning i betong, som bli helt fjernet omkring 1965.

Guanofabrikk på Steilnes. Fabrikken hadde skiftende eiere: Andreas Lie...

Guanofabrikk på Steilnes. Fabrikken hadde skiftende eiere: Andreas Lie, Osvald Degerstrøm m.fl. Det ble seinere ført opp en bygning i betong, som bli helt fjernet omkring 1965.

A pile of green fishing nets sitting on top of a beach. Fishing industry harbor atmosphere fishing net.

A pile of green fishing nets sitting on top of a beach. Fishing indust...

A close up of a green net on a table / A close up of a piece of green plastic mesh / Public domain stock photo.

Einige der jungen Kartonierer im Arbeitsraum, Seacoast Canning Co., Fabrik # 2. Der fünfjährige Preston arbeitet auch. Standort: Eastport, Maine

Einige der jungen Kartonierer im Arbeitsraum, Seacoast Canning Co., Fa...

Title from NCLC caption card. Attribution to Hine based on provenance. In album: Canneries. Hine no. 2413. Credit line: National Child Labor Committee collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Div... Mehr

Zubereitung von Kabeljau für den Markt, Gloucester, Mass.

Zubereitung von Kabeljau für den Markt, Gloucester, Mass.

Massachusetts stereoscopic card. Robert Dennis's stereographs collection includes more than 72,000 stereoscopic views organized primarily by geography. The collection bears the name of the native New Yorker wh... Mehr

Anoplarchus insignis - A drawing of a fish on a white background

Anoplarchus insignis - A drawing of a fish on a white background

Anoplarchus insignis Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Icelus spatula - A black and white drawing of a fish

Icelus spatula - A black and white drawing of a fish

Icelus spatula Public domain photograph of 20th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lagodon rhomboides - A black and white drawing of a fish

Lagodon rhomboides - A black and white drawing of a fish

Lagodon rhomboides Public domain photograph of 20th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Octopus bimaculatus - A black and white drawing of an octopus

Octopus bimaculatus - A black and white drawing of an octopus

Octopus bimaculatus Public domain photograph of 20th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Common sturgeon larva tags added, colours

Common sturgeon larva tags added, colours

Side view of the just-hatched larva of the common sturgeon on the sixth day after the eggs were fertilized, tags and colours added Subject: Sturgeons, Sturgeons--Larvae Tag: Fish

FMIB 32552 Interior of Hatchery at Battery Station Equipped with Hatching-Jars

FMIB 32552 Interior of Hatchery at Battery Station Equipped with Hatch...

Interior of Hatchery at Battery Station Equipped with Hatching-Jars Subject: Fish hatcheries Tag: Hatcheries

FMIB 32565 Carp Fishery of Lake Erie

FMIB 32565 Carp Fishery of Lake Erie

Carp Fishery of Lake Erie Carp Fishing Near Mouth of Sandusky River Subject: Carp fisheries Geographic Subject: United States--Ohio--Sandusky River, Erie, Lake Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 32579 Removing Salmon from Trap Net off Cannery Point Point Roberts, Washington, 1895

FMIB 32579 Removing Salmon from Trap Net off Cannery Point Point Rober...

Removing Salmon from Trap Net off Cannery Point Point Roberts, Washington, 1895 To Show Heavy Constriction of the Crib in the Large Traps Subject: Fish traps, Salmon fisheries Geographic Subject: United State... Mehr

FMIB 32611 Cristivomer Namaycush

FMIB 32611 Cristivomer Namaycush

Salvelinus namaycush syn. Cristivomer namaycush, Lake Trout

FMIB 32661 An Abducted -Fur Seal- Cow

FMIB 32661 An Abducted -Fur Seal- Cow

An Abducted [Fur Seal] Cow Subject: Seals (Animals), Northern fur seals Tag: Aquatic Mammals

FMIB 32665 Waiting Beach-Master, Lukanin Rookery

FMIB 32665 Waiting Beach-Master, Lukanin Rookery

Waiting Beach-Master, Lukanin Rookery Saint Paul Island Subject: Seals (Animals), Northern fur seal Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Saint Paul Island Tag: Aquatic Mammals

FMIB 32677 Etheostoma Aubeemaibeo

FMIB 32677 Etheostoma Aubeemaibeo

Etheostoma exile syn. Etheostoma aubeenaubei English: Etheostoma Aubeemaibeo About Twice Natural Size Subject: Etheostoma Geographic Subject: United States--Indiana--Lake Maxinkuckee Tag: Fish

FMIB 32687 The Fram in the Ice

FMIB 32687 The Fram in the Ice

The Fram in the Ice Subject: Fram (Ship), Sailing ships, Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration Tag: Vessels, Polar

FMIB 32806 Steam Windlass and Capstan -aboard the Albatross-

FMIB 32806 Steam Windlass and Capstan -aboard the Albatross-

Steam Windlass and Capstan [aboard the Albatross] Subject: Albatross (Steamer), Windlasses Tag: Vessels

FMIB 32831 Le Cyprin Dore

FMIB 32831 Le Cyprin Dore

Français : Le Cyprin Dore English: *Subject: Goldfish Tag: Fish

FMIB 32868 Sharp-Tailed-Sandpiper; Tringa acuminala

FMIB 32868 Sharp-Tailed-Sandpiper; Tringa acuminala

Sharp-Tailed-Sandpiper; Tringa acuminala Young of the Year Subject: Sandpipers, Sharp-tailed sandpiper Tag: Water Birds

FMIB 32893 Hippocampus Mannulus -1; Hippocampus Comes

FMIB 32893 Hippocampus Mannulus -1; Hippocampus Comes

Hippocampus trimaculatus syn. H. mannulus and Hippocampus comes English: Hippocampus Mannulus #1; Hippocampus Comes Subject: Sea horses Tag: Fish

FMIB 32902 Drill, Urosalpinx Cinerea -1; Mussel, Mytilus Edulis -2; Sabellaria Vulgaris -3; Periwinkle, Fulgur Carica -4

FMIB 32902 Drill, Urosalpinx Cinerea -1; Mussel, Mytilus Edulis -2; Sa...

1. Urosalpinx cinerea, 2. Mytilus edulis, 3. Sabellaria vulgaris, 4. Fulgur carica (=Busycon carica) English: Drill, Urosalpinx Cinerea #1; Mussel, Mytilus Edulis #2; Sabellaria Vulgaris #3; Periwinkle, Fulgu... Mehr

FMIB 32908 Ophiurus baccidens -1; Ophiurus Boro -2; Ophiurus Grandoculis -3; Ophiurus Breviceps -4; Muraena Thyrsoidea -5; Monopterus

FMIB 32908 Ophiurus baccidens -1; Ophiurus Boro -2; Ophiurus Grandocul...

1. Pisodonophis cancrivorus syn. Ophiurus baccidens, 2. Pisodonophis boro syn. O. boro, 3. Myrichthys breviceps syn. O. breviceps, 4. Gymnothorax thyrsoideus syn. Muraena thyrsoidea, 5. Monopterus albus syn. M.... Mehr

FMIB 32934 Netherlands Court, Fisheries Exhibition

FMIB 32934 Netherlands Court, Fisheries Exhibition

Netherlands Court, Fisheries Exhibition Subject: International Fisheries Exhibition (1883 : London, England)--Netherlands Court Geographic Subject: England--London Tag: Expositions

FMIB 32992 Babbicombe Bay

FMIB 32992 Babbicombe Bay

Babbicombe Bay Subject: Babbicombe Bay (England) Geographic Subject: England--Babbicombe Bay Tag: Expositions

FMIB 33000 Entrance Hall, Fisheries Exhibition

FMIB 33000 Entrance Hall, Fisheries Exhibition

Entrance Hall, Fisheries Exhibition Subject: International Fisheries Exhibition (1883 : London, England)--Entrance Hall, Fisheries--Exhibitions Geographic Subject: England--London Tag: Expositions

FMIB 33089 Winter Fishing on Lake Michigan

FMIB 33089 Winter Fishing on Lake Michigan

Winter Fishing on Lake Michigan Subject: Fishing, Michigan, Lake Geographic Subject: United States--Lake Michigan Tag: Expositions

FMIB 33130 Night Fishing in the Pacific

FMIB 33130 Night Fishing in the Pacific

Night Fishing in the Pacific Subject: Fisheries--Pacific Ocean Geographic Subject: Pacific Ocean Tag: Expositions

FMIB 33208 Austin Dam; View of Dam One Hour After Failure

FMIB 33208 Austin Dam; View of Dam One Hour After Failure

Austin Dam; View of Dam One Hour After Failure Subject: Austin (Texas)--Dams, Dams--Texas, Dam Failures--Texas Geographic Subject: Colorado River (Colorado-Mexico), United States--Texas--Austin Tag: Dams

FMIB 33228 Austin Dam; View of Dam Two Hours After Failure

FMIB 33228 Austin Dam; View of Dam Two Hours After Failure

Austin Dam; View of Dam Two Hours After Failure Subject: Austin (Texas)--Dams, Dams--Texas, Dam Failures--Texas Geographic Subject: Colorado River (Colorado-Mexico), United States--Texas--Austin Tag: Dams

FMIB 33257 Peche du Thon (Germon)

FMIB 33257 Peche du Thon (Germon)

Peche du Thon (Germon) Subject: Tuna fisheries Tag: Commercial Fisheries, Vessels

FMIB 33294 Skinning a Sturgeon

FMIB 33294 Skinning a Sturgeon

Skinning a Sturgeon Subject: Sturgeon fisheries, Fishery processing Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 33305 Duluth Hatchery, Nursery Troughs and Storehouse

FMIB 33305 Duluth Hatchery, Nursery Troughs and Storehouse

Duluth Hatchery, Nursery Troughs and Storehouse Subject: Fish hatcheries, Fish ponds Geographic Subject: United States--Minnesota--Duluth Tag: Hatcheries

FMIB 33338 Leiostomus Xanthurus (La Cepede, M le comte de (Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sur Illon), 1756-1825)

FMIB 33338 Leiostomus Xanthurus (La Cepede, M le comte de (Bernard Ger...

Leiostomus Xanthurus (La Cepede, M. le comte de (Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sur Illon), 1756-1825) Pinfish Subject: Spot (Fish), Pinfish Tag: Fish

FMIB 33344 Aplodinotus Grunniens (Rafinesque)

FMIB 33344 Aplodinotus Grunniens (Rafinesque)

Aplodinotus Grunniens (Rafinesque) Fresh Water Drum; Gaspergounesque; quot;&White Perch' Subject: Sciaenidae, Fresh-water drum Tag: Fish

FMIB 33348 Asellus Minor; The Haddock

FMIB 33348 Asellus Minor; The Haddock

Haddock English: Asellus Minor; The Haddock Fertin Albin Delin. 1740 Subject: Haddock Tag: Fish

FMIB 33384 Archoplites Interruftus

FMIB 33384 Archoplites Interruftus

Archoplites Interruftus Sacramento Perch Subject: Perch Tag: Fish

FMIB 33418 Cutting In a Whale

FMIB 33418 Cutting In a Whale

Cutting In a Whale San Simeon Bay Subject: Whaling, Whaling--Equipment and supplies Tag: Aquatic Mammals, Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 33469 US Fish Commission Car Loading at Neosho, Missouri

FMIB 33469 US Fish Commission Car Loading at Neosho, Missouri

U.S. Fish Commission Car Loading at Neosho, Missouri Subject: Fish stocking, Fish culture, Railroads--Cars Geographic Subject: United States--Missouri--Neosho Tag: Hatcheries

FMIB 33489 Carp Ponds in Lake Erie Region

FMIB 33489 Carp Ponds in Lake Erie Region

Carp Ponds in Lake Erie Region Dam and engine house of a carp pond at Port Clinton, Ohio. Carp are slid into the pond from the chute on the left; fresh water is received from the chute on the right, which come... Mehr

FMIB 33513 Fulgur Carica

FMIB 33513 Fulgur Carica

Busycon carica syn. Fulgur carica English: Fulgur Carica Natural Size Subject: Fulgur carica Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 33570 Coup de Filet

FMIB 33570 Coup de Filet

Français : Coup de Filet English: Barques tout autour du 'Uon'; circuit ferme Subject: Fishing boats--Cambodia Tag: Traditional Fisheries

FMIB 33577 Argyrosomus Osmeriformis (H M Smith)

FMIB 33577 Argyrosomus Osmeriformis (H M Smith)

Coregonus artedi syn. C. osmeriformis syn. Argyrosomus osmeriformis English: Argyrosomus Osmeriformis (H. M. Smith) Smelt Subject: Smelts Tag: Fish

FMIB 33592 Fur-Seals Hauling on the Reef Parade Ground

FMIB 33592 Fur-Seals Hauling on the Reef Parade Ground

Fur-Seals Hauling on the Reef Parade Ground Saint Paul Island, September 20, 1872 Subject: Seals (Animals), Northern fur seals, Saint Paul Island (Alaska) Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Saint Paul... Mehr

FMIB 33645 Cephalopods - A drawing of a corn plant and some other things

FMIB 33645 Cephalopods - A drawing of a corn plant and some other thin...

Doryteuthis pealeii syn. Loligo pealei English: Cephalopods Loligo Pealei Lesueur Subject: Loligo pealii, Squids Tag: Fish

FMIB 33713 Dredger

FMIB 33713 Dredger

Dredger Showing Dredges in Place Subject: Dredges, Work boats, Oyster fisheries--North Carolina Geographic Subject: United States--North Carolina Tag: Vessels, Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 33757 Oyster Spat About Two Months Old

FMIB 33757 Oyster Spat About Two Months Old

Oyster Spat About Two Months Old On a Stone Subject: Oysters, Oyster culture Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 33783 Catch of Rainbow Trout from Laurel River, Virginia

FMIB 33783 Catch of Rainbow Trout from Laurel River, Virginia

Catch of Rainbow Trout from Laurel River, Virginia Subject: Rainbow trout Geographic Subject: United States--Virginia--Laurel River Tag: Sport Fishing

FMIB 33817 Fish-Trap, Funafuti

FMIB 33817 Fish-Trap, Funafuti

Fish-Trap, Funafuti Subject: Fish traps, Traditional fishing--Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu) Geographic Subject: Tuvalu--Funafuti Atoll Tag: Traditional Fisheries

FMIB 33870 Menticirrhus Americanus (Linnaeus)

FMIB 33870 Menticirrhus Americanus (Linnaeus)

Menticirrhus Americanus (Linnaeus) Whiting Subject: Gadus merlangus Tag: Fish Public domain photograph of India under British rule, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

FMIB 34004 Primitive Form of Kettle and Press for Rendering Oil from Herring on the Maine Coast

FMIB 34004 Primitive Form of Kettle and Press for Rendering Oil from H...

Primitive Form of Kettle and Press for Rendering Oil from Herring on the Maine Coast Subject: Herring fisheries, Fish oil industry Geographic Subject: United States--Main Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 34036 Seining Cod on Newfoundland Coast

FMIB 34036 Seining Cod on Newfoundland Coast

Seining Cod on Newfoundland Coast Subject: Cod fisheries, Seining Geographic Subject: Canada--Newfoundland Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 34062 Grampus - A drawing of a boat on a white surface

FMIB 34062 Grampus - A drawing of a boat on a white surface

Grampus Sheer Plan of Schooner Grampus, Showing Area Covered with Copper Sheathing, Etc. Subject: Grampus (Schooner), Schooners--Design and construction, Naval architecture Tag: Vessels

FMIB 34076 Grampus

FMIB 34076 Grampus

Grampus Forecastle, Looking Forward Subject: Grampus (Schooner) Tag: Vessels

FMIB 34120 Grayling (Thymallus signifer, var ontariensis)

FMIB 34120 Grayling (Thymallus signifer, var ontariensis)

Thymallus arcticus syn. T. signifer English: Grayling (Thymallus signifer, var. ontariensis) Subject: Grayling Tag: Fish

FMIB 34145 Rustic Falls of Glen Creek

FMIB 34145 Rustic Falls of Glen Creek

Rustic Falls of Glen Creek Subject: Waterfalls, Rustic Falls (Glen Creek) Geographic Subject: United States--Wyoming--Yellowstone National Park Tag: Limnology

FMIB 34152 Humpback Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Breeding male

FMIB 34152 Humpback Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Breeding male

Humpback Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Breeding male . Subject: Pink salmon Tag: Fish

FMIB 34190 Catostomus pocatello, sp nov (Type)

FMIB 34190 Catostomus pocatello, sp nov (Type)

Catostomus catostomus syn. C. pocatello English: Catostomus pocatello, sp. nov. (Type.) Ross Fork of Snake River, Pocatello, Idaho Subject: Catostomus Tag: Fish

FMIB 34226 Utah Lake Trout (Salmo mykiss virginalis)

FMIB 34226 Utah Lake Trout (Salmo mykiss virginalis)

Oncorhynchus clarki utah syn. Salmo mykiss virginalis English: Utah Lake Trout (Salmo mykiss virginalis) Subject: Trout Tag: Fish

FMIB 34241 Pacific Salmon

FMIB 34241 Pacific Salmon

Oncorhynchus tshawytscha syn. O. chouicha English: Pacific Salmon Oncorhynchus chouicha Subject: Pacific salmon Tag: Fish

FMIB 34272 Ameiurus albidus (La Sueur) White catfish White cat (SC), Black cat (SC), Bullhead (SC)

FMIB 34272 Ameiurus albidus (La Sueur) White catfish White cat (SC), B...

Ameiurus catus syn. A. albidus English: Ameiurus albidus (La Sueur). White catfish. White cat (S.C.), Black cat (S.C.), Bullhead (S.C.) Subject: Catfishes, Ameiurus albidus Tag: Fish

FMIB 34294 Stomateus triacanthus Peck Butter-fish

FMIB 34294 Stomateus triacanthus Peck Butter-fish

Peprilus triacanthus syn. Stromateus triacanthus English: Stromateus triacanthus Peck. Butter-fish Subject: Stromateus Tag: Fish

FMIB 34303 Centropristis striatus (Linnaeus) Sea bass- Blackfish Blackfish

FMIB 34303 Centropristis striatus (Linnaeus) Sea bass- Blackfish Black...

Centropristis striatus (Linnaeus). Sea bass: Blackfish. Blackfish . Subject: Sea basses, Centropristis Tag: Fish

FMIB 34369 West Side Woman's Boat

FMIB 34369 West Side Woman's Boat

West Side Woman's Boat Subject: Women fishers, Fishing boats Tag: Traditional Fisheries

FMIB 34470 During the sockeye and humpback salmon fishing season the San Juan Islands present scores of scenes like this

FMIB 34470 During the sockeye and humpback salmon fishing season the S...

During the sockeye and humpback salmon fishing season the San Juan Islands present scores of scenes like this . More than three hundred purse seine boats and several hundred gill net boats find safe harbors al... Mehr

FMIB 34546 Drying Hake Sounds for Isinglass Manufacture

FMIB 34546 Drying Hake Sounds for Isinglass Manufacture

Drying Hake Sounds for Isinglass Manufacture Subject: Isinglass, Fishery products, Hake fisheries Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 34553 Squamation of Head of Pikes

FMIB 34553 Squamation of Head of Pikes

Squamation of Head of Pikes a: Pickerel; b: pike: c: muskellunge Subject: Pike, Walleye (Fish), Muskellunge Tag: Fish

FMIB 34599 Requin Peau-Bleu (Prionodon glaucus, Rondelet)

FMIB 34599 Requin Peau-Bleu (Prionodon glaucus, Rondelet)

Prionace glauca syn. Prionodon glaucus English: Requin Peau-Bleu (Prionodon glaucus, Rondelet) 2 metres de long Subject: Sharks Tag: Fish

FMIB 34602 Antennarius marmoratus, Poisson nidificateur, habitant les Touffes de Sargasses

FMIB 34602 Antennarius marmoratus, Poisson nidificateur, habitant les ...

Histrio histrio syn. Antennarius marmoratus English: Antennarius marmoratus, Poisson nidificateur, habitant les Touffes de Sargasses Subject: Antennarius, Antennarius marmoratus Tag: Fish

FMIB 34646 Sword-Fish, 400 Lbs Weight

FMIB 34646 Sword-Fish, 400 Lbs Weight

[Record] Sword-Fish, 400 [125] Lbs. Weight Subject: Swordfish, Fishers Tag: Sport Fishing

FMIB 34741 Bureau of Fisheries Trout Hatchery at St Johnsbury, Vt

FMIB 34741 Bureau of Fisheries Trout Hatchery at St Johnsbury, Vt

Bureau of Fisheries Trout Hatchery at St. Johnsbury, Vt . Subject: Fish hatcheries Geographic Subject: United States--Vermont--St. Johnsbury Tag: Hatcheries

FMIB 34745 View of Part of Gradually Sloping Reservoir Bank, U S Fisheries Biological Station, Fairport, Iowa, After Water Was Lowered on

FMIB 34745 View of Part of Gradually Sloping Reservoir Bank, U S Fishe...

View of Part of Gradually Sloping Reservoir Bank, U. S. Fisheries Biological Station, Fairport, Iowa, After Water Was Lowered on May 30, 1921 Subject: Reservoirs Tag: Limnology

FMIB 34803 Clatsop County Beach, Looking North from Seaside at Low Tide

FMIB 34803 Clatsop County Beach, Looking North from Seaside at Low Tid...

Clatsop County Beach, Looking North from Seaside at Low Tide Subject: Beaches Geographic Subject: United States--Oregon--Clatsop County Tag: Coasts

FMIB 34836 One of the Two Largest Oyster Steamers in the World, Both Owned by a New England Company

FMIB 34836 One of the Two Largest Oyster Steamers in the World, Both O...

One of the Two Largest Oyster Steamers in the World, Both Owned by a New England Company Subject: Oyster fisheries, Fishing boats Tag: Vessels

FMIB 34851 Habitat of the Desert Tree Toad (Hyla Arenicolor) and of a Toad (Bufo Punctatus); a Rocky Creek in a Desert Mountain Pass

FMIB 34851 Habitat of the Desert Tree Toad (Hyla Arenicolor) and of a ...

Habitat of the Desert Tree Toad (Hyla Arenicolor) and of a Toad (Bufo Punctatus); a Rocky Creek in a Desert Mountain Pass, Dragoon, Texas Pass, Ariz Subject: Rivers, Toads--Habitat Geographic Subject: United S... Mehr

FMIB 34876 Oyster Fleet Operating from Cambridge, Md, Lying in Harbor

FMIB 34876 Oyster Fleet Operating from Cambridge, Md, Lying in Harbor

Oyster Fleet Operating from Cambridge, Md., Lying in Harbor Subject: Oyster fisheries, Fishing boats Geographic Subject: United States--Maryland--Cambridge Tag: Vessels

FMIB 34893 Pogonias cromis, or Drum Fish

FMIB 34893 Pogonias cromis, or Drum Fish

Pogonias cromis, or Drum Fish Subject: Sciaenidae Tag: Fish

FMIB 34897 Tonging Oysters, Working the Tongs on the Bottom

FMIB 34897 Tonging Oysters, Working the Tongs on the Bottom

Tonging Oysters, Working the Tongs on the Bottom Subject: Oyster fisheries Tag: Shellfish, Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 34914 Clackamas (Oreg) Hatchery

FMIB 34914 Clackamas (Oreg) Hatchery

Clackamas (Oreg.) Hatchery Subject: Fish hatcheries Geographic Subject: United States--Oregon--Clackamas Tag: Hatcheries

FMIB 34933 Packing Fresh Oyster Meats in Ice for Shipment

FMIB 34933 Packing Fresh Oyster Meats in Ice for Shipment

Packing Fresh Oyster Meats in Ice for Shipment Subject: Oyster fisheries, Fishery processing Tag: Commercial Fisheries

FMIB 34941 Nambe Falls One of the multitude of 'beauty spots' within twenty miles of Santa Fe

FMIB 34941 Nambe Falls One of the multitude of 'beauty spots' within t...

Nambe Falls. One of the multitude of 'beauty spots' within twenty miles of Santa Fe Subject: Waterfalls, Nambe Falls (NM) Geographic Subject: United States--New Mexico--Nambe Falls Tag: Limnology

FMIB 34984 Trout Caught, Marlborough District

FMIB 34984 Trout Caught, Marlborough District

Trout Caught, Marlborough District Subject: Trout, Fishing Geographic Subject: New Zealand--Marlborough District Tag: Fish

FMIB 35010 Native Fish Wheel, Yukon River

FMIB 35010 Native Fish Wheel, Yukon River

Native Fish Wheel, Yukon River Subject: Fisheries--Alaska, Fishwheels Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Yukon River Tag: Traditional Fisheries

FMIB 35037 Native Salmon Wheel, Yukon River

FMIB 35037 Native Salmon Wheel, Yukon River

Native Salmon Wheel, Yukon River Subject: Fisheries--Alaska, Fishwheels Geographic Subject: United States--Alaska--Yukon River Tag: Traditional Fisheries

FMIB 35056 Disky Dace

FMIB 35056 Disky Dace

Dusky Dace (Agosia nubila) =Rhinichthys osculus English: Dusky Dace Subject: Dace (Fish), Dusky Dace Geographic Subject: United States--Yellowstone National Park Tag: Fish

FMIB 35097 Whaler Jeanie in the Ice

FMIB 35097 Whaler Jeanie in the Ice

Whaler Jeanie in the Ice Subject: Whaling ships, Jeanie (Ship), Shipwrecks Tag: Vessels

FMIB 35135 Deer Train, Showing Sleds and Harness

FMIB 35135 Deer Train, Showing Sleds and Harness

Deer Train, Showing Sleds and Harness Subject: Deer, Sleighs Tag: Wildlife

FMIB 35138 Ice Along Shore

FMIB 35138 Ice Along Shore

Ice Along Shore Subject: Sea ice--Alaska Tag: Polar

FMIB 35155 Platform-Collector with Multiplied Compartments

FMIB 35155 Platform-Collector with Multiplied Compartments

Platform-Collector with Multiplied Compartments Subject: Oyster culture--Equipment and supplies Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 35164 American Sail-fish,m Histiophorus americanus

FMIB 35164 American Sail-fish,m Histiophorus americanus

Istiophorus albicans syn. I. americanus English: American Sail-fish,m Histiophorus americanus Drawing by H. L. Todd, from cast of specimen taken near Newport, R. I. Preserved in the National Museum Subject: ... Mehr


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PICRYL ist die größte Suchmaschine und Medienquelle für gemeinfreie Bilder, Dokumente, Musik und Videos (Inhalte). PICRYL macht die gemeinfreien Medien der Welt leicht zu finden und bequem zu verwenden. Get Archive LLC, der Schöpfer von PICRYL, ist bestrebt, Informationen über den Urheberrechtsstatus der Inhalte bereitzustellen und alle anderen Bedingungen zu identifizieren, die für die Nutzung der Inhalte gelten können. Get Archive LLC bietet jedoch keine Garantie oder Zusicherung dass alle relevanten Informationen bereitgestellt werden oder dass die Informationen in jedem Fall richtig sind. Eine Erlaubnis zur Nutzung, Wiederverwendung oder zusätzlichen Nutzung der Inhalte ist nicht erforderlich. GetArchive ist der Ansicht, dass es keine Nutzungseinschränkungen oder -beschränkungen für Inhalte gibt. Get Archive LLC erhebt keine Genehmigungs- und Lizenzgebühren für die Nutzung von Inhalten auf PICRYL, jedoch kann GetArchive auf Anfrage eine Rechteklärung für Inhalte bereitstellen: gegen Gebühr. Get Archive LLC ist der Eigentümer der Zusammenstellung von Inhalten, die auf der PICRYL-Website und -Anwendungen veröffentlicht werden, die aus Text, Bildern, Audio, Video, Datenbanken, Tags, Design, Codes und Software ("Inhalt") bestehen. Get Archive LLC besitzt jedoch nicht jede Komponente der Zusammenstellung, die auf der PICRYL-Website und den Anwendungen angezeigt und zugänglich ist. Wenn Sie konkrete Fragen oder Informationen zu Inhalten, Website und Anwendungen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.

Entwickelt von GetArchive, 2015-2025