Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

fifth anglo ashanti war

11 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Ambush 1900 B003, The Illustrated London News

Ambush 1900 B003, The Illustrated London News

Original caption: "In Search of the Golden Stool: An Ambush." Illustration from "The Illustrated London News"

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b

Original caption: "Inmates of the Fort at Kumasi" The inmates of the British fort in Kumasi (Ashanti) during the Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War in 1900. The pictured persons, sitting, are the missionaries of the Ba... Mehr

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b retusche

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b retusche

Original caption: "Inmates of the Fort at Kumasi" The inmates of the British fort in Kumasi (Ashanti) during the Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War in 1900. The pictured persons, sitting, are the missionaries of the Ba... Mehr

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b (retuschiert)

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b (retuschiert)

Original caption: "Inmates of the Fort at Kumasi" English: The inmates of the British fort in Kumasi (Ashanti) during the Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War in 1900. The pictured persons, sitting, are the missionaries o... Mehr

Kumasi 28-03-1900 sx - A black and white photo of a crowd of people

Kumasi 28-03-1900 sx - A black and white photo of a crowd of people

Britisch-Aschantischer Krieg 1900-1901: Der britische Gouverneur Hodgson in Konferenz mit den wichtigsten Aschantihäuptlingen in Kumasi am 28. März 1900. Der Gouverneur forderte bei dieser Zusammenkunft Zahlung... Mehr

Theatre of the Ashanti War in 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)

Theatre of the Ashanti War in 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century,...

Theatre of the Ashanti War in 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)

The Royal Navy 1899 - 1902 Q115138

The Royal Navy 1899 - 1902 Q115138

Die Königliche Marine 1899 - 1902 Das westafrikanische Regiment wurde gefangengenommen, nachdem es in "Comasee" meutert hatte.

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b-2

Fort Kumasi 1900 Besatzung B004b-2

Original caption: "Inmates of the Fort at Kumasi" The inmates of the British fort in Kumasi (Ashanti) during the Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War in 1900. The pictured persons, sitting, are the missionaries of the Ba... Mehr

Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)

Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the...

Typical fight in the forest, Anglo-Ashanti War of 1900 (Battles of the nineteenth century, 1901)

Brit Ashanti 1900 - Public domain geographic map

Brit Ashanti 1900 - Public domain geographic map

Map to the British Ashanti Campaign of 1900 (Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War)

Map Brit Ashanti 1900 - Public domain map

Map Brit Ashanti 1900 - Public domain map

Map to the British Ashanti Campaign of 1900 (Fifth Anglo-Ashanti War)

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