Noah by Troschel - Public domain portrait engraving
P. Troschel, Kupferstich Noah', aus: Johann Michael Dilherr, Tugendschaz, Und Lasterplaz. Das ist: Christliche Anweisung zu Gottseliger Betrachtung Des Lebens und Wandels der heiligen Erzvätter, dapferer Helden... Mehr
Schedelsche Weltchronik d 011
Deutsch: Dies ist ein Scan des historischen Buches: English: This is a scan of the historical document:
Dove Sent Forth from the Ark - Gustav Dore
1866–1870 engraving by Gustave Doré (1832–1883), entitled "Le Lâcher de la colombe" ("The dove sent forth from the ark"). "Alors il lâcha d'auprès de lui la colombe pour voir si les eaux avaient diminué à la su... Mehr
World Destroyed by Water
Picryl description: Public domain image of an artwork, female nude figure, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Noaks ark (skizz)
Illustration on p. 53 of the 1895 book "En gammal stockholmares hågkomster från stad och skola".
T2- d399 - Grandville - Départ pour St Cloud
Français : Grandville - d399 - Départ pour St Cloud
Gustave Doré - The Holy Bible - Plate I, The Deluge (cropped)
"The Deluge", Frontispiece to Doré's illustrated edition of the Bible. Based on the story of Noah's Ark, this shows humans and a tiger doomed by the flood futilely attempting to save their children and cubs. F... Mehr
008.A Dove Is Sent Forth from the Ark - Gustav Dore
A Dove Is Sent Forth from the Ark (Gen. 8:1-13) Русский: Праведный Ной выпускает голубя (Быт. 8:1-13) Norsk bokmål: Duen sendes ut (1 Mos. 8:1-13)
1625, Haage in Hollandt - Multum valet deprecatio justi efficax. Danië...
Nederlands: Haage in Hollandt - Multum valet deprecatio justi efficax. Public domain photograph of 17th century Dutch drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jacques Callot - Vita beatae 47
Noah's Ark with Noah's Dove at sea.
Johann-Vogel-Meditationes-emblematicae-de-restaurata-pace-Germaniae MG...
"II Speciosa en nuncia Pacis. "Wie lieblich ist die Friedensbott!". Noah's Ark.Nederlands: ..
The token. Fleuron T051441-1
Fleuron from book: The token.
Foster Bible Pictures 0018-1
Noah's Ark Русский: Ноев ковчег
The boy with the U.S. naturalists (1918) (20413370511)
Title: The boy with the U.S. naturalists Identifier: boywithusnatural00rolt (find matches) Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Rolt-Wheeler, Francis William, 1876-1960 Subjects: Birds -- Juvenile literature Publisher... Mehr
Building Noah's Arc engraving, A tour in Wales by Thomas Pennant (1726...
Ein Bild aus 8 extra illustrierten Bänden von Eine Reise durch Wales von Thomas Pennant (1726-1798), die seine drei Reisen durch Wales zwischen 1773 und 1776 dokumentieren. Diese Bände sind einzigartig, weil si... Mehr
God in nature and revelation (1875) (14768666762)
Identifier: godinnaturerevel00wood (find matches) Title: God in nature and revelation Year: 1875 (1870s) Authors: Woodman, J. M. (from old catalog) Subjects: Revelation Natural theology Bible and science Re... Mehr
Another view of Noah's ark (1628)
Münster's sights and views-- some examples from different editions (many with modern hand-coloring)
Unter einem Vorhang in einer Halle steht eine Frau hoch oben auf einer Weltkugel. Über ihrem Kopf das Auge der Vorsehung. Vierköpfige Skulptur eines Mannes. Banner mit Doppelkopfadler. Kalender an der Wand: "16... Mehr
Gustave Doré - The Holy Bible - Plate I, The Deluge - Gustav Dore
"Die Sintflut", Frontispiz zu Dorés illustrierter Bibelausgabe. Basierend auf der Geschichte von der Arche Noah zeigt dies Menschen und einen Tiger, die von der Flut verdammt sind und vergeblich versuchen, ihre... Mehr
Schnorr von Carolsfeld Bibel in Bildern 1860 018
Woodcut for "Die Bibel in Bildern", 1860. Deutsch: Holzschnitt aus "Die Bibel in Bildern", 1860. Noach tritt mit seiner Familie aus der Arche. Français : Gravure en bois pour «Die Bibel in Bildern», 1860. Po... Mehr
Foster Bible Pictures 0020-1
Noah's Ark Русский: Ноев Ковчег
Arche de Noé FJ - A drawing of a boat in a body of water
Français : Bible Déluge Arche de Noé Licorne
1545 engraving of Noah's Ark
Tabula Asiae III
A child's story of the Old Testament in words of one syllable; (1900) ...
Identifier: childsstoryofold00phil (find matches) Title: A child's story of the Old Testament in words of one syllable; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, H. Altemus company Con... Mehr
Cosmographie universelle 50050
Français : extrait de "Cosmographie universelle "de Belleforest.
A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or Fleuron T209855-11
Fleuron from book: A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: designed chiefly To familiarize tender Ag... Mehr
Genealogical tree of Noah after the Biblical flood. Engraved in 1749, ...
Genealogical tree of Noah after the Biblical flood. Engraved in 1749, J. Hinton
007.The Great Flood - Gustav Dore
The Great Flood (Gen. 7:11-24) Русский: Всемирный потоп (Быт. 7:11-24) Norsk bokmål: Syndfloden, alt levende omkommer (1 Mos. 7:11-24)
Arrasy wejscie - A tapestry with a painting of a biblical scene
The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark. Series History of Noah. Polski: Wejście zwierząt do arki. Seria Dzieje Noego.
Gubben Noach Johann Hübner Västerås 1747
Old Man Noah resting on the ground surrounded by his sons after he had become drunk (Genesis 9:20–21). Woodcut illustration for Johann Hübner's book of 54 bible stories, Västerås, 1747.
Joh Fleuron T013161-9
Fleuron from book: Joh. Amos Comenii orbis sensualium pictus: Hoc est Omnium Principalium in Mundo Rerum, & in Vita Actionum, Pictura & Nomenclatura. = Joh. Amos Comenius's visible world: or, a nomenclature, a... Mehr
A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or Fleuron T168813-19
Fleuron from book: A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: designed chiefly To familiarize tender Ag... Mehr
Grechetto - Arca de Noé
Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
P17-1715 Paix aux hommes de bonne volonté (6188886790)
P17-1715 Paix aux hommes de bonne volonté
A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or Fleuron T082750-11
Fleuron from book: A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: Designed Chiefly To familiarize tender Ag... Mehr
The Flood, Melchior Lorck, 1550-1551
The Flood, Melchior Lorck, 1550-1551
Judge Magazine 10Mar1894
Judge Magazine Cover (10 Mar 1894)
A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or Fleuron T168818-10
Fleuron from book: A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: designed chiefly o familiarize tender Age... Mehr
006.The World Is Destroyed by Water - Gustav Dore
The World Is Destroyed by Water (Gen. 7:1-10) Русский: Всемирный потоп (Быт. 7:1-10) Norsk bokmål: Syndfloden (1 Mos. 7:1-10)
Noah's ark (1600) - A picture of a boat in a body of water
Münster's sights and views-- some examples from different editions (many with modern hand-coloring)
Englands wundersame Erhaltung
Breitseitige Allegorie mit einem Stich, der die Arche England zeigt, die drei Kammern, das Oberhaus, das Unterhaus und die Versammlung (der Divines? ), sicher vor der Flut bewahrt, in der Royalisten ertrinken.
A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or Fleuron T168839-11
Fleuron from book: A curious hieroglyphick Bible; or, select passages in the Old and New Testaments, represented with emblematical figures, for the amusement of youth: designed chiefly to familiarize tender Ag... Mehr
Noah's Ark - p00010 - Public domain dedication image
Illustration from the incunabulum: Cronecken der Sassen (The Chronicles of Saxony) printed by Peter Schöffer in Mainz.