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defense gov news media for october 2002

26 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Defense.gov photo essay 021005-N-5319A-503

Defense.gov photo essay 021005-N-5319A-503

USAF Technical Sergeant Patricia Cosciotta practices Military Operation in Urban Terrain training at the Phoenix Readiness course at Ft. Dix, New Jersey , Oct. 5, 2002.

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-006

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-006

Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White comments on the accomplishments of his Army team in leading the Defense Business Initiatives Council during an Oct. 15, 2002, Pentagon press briefing. Leadership of the co... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021009-D-9880W-002

Defense.gov News Photo 021009-D-9880W-002

Thomas F. Hall (left) is sworn in as the nation's fourth assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs in the Pentagon on Oct. 9, 2002. Administering the oath of office is Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021026-A-3497H-086

Defense.gov News Photo 021026-A-3497H-086

A soldier waves a stick as he teaches a crowd in Nejhab, Afghanistan, how to count in English on Oct, 26, 2002. Soldiers from the 489th Civil Affairs Battalion, Knoxville, Tenn., and the 9th and 8th Psychologi... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-043

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-043

Chairman of the Defense Business Initiatives Council Executive Directors Craig College comments on the programs instituted by the Army during its period of council leadership during an Oct. 15, 2002, Pentagon ... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021025-D-9880W-004

Defense.gov News Photo 021025-D-9880W-004

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (left) escorts Ukrainian Minister of Defense Gen. Volodymyr Shkidchenko through a joint service honor cordon and into the Pentagon on October 25, 2002. The two defense l... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-117

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-117

Chilean Minister of Defense Michelle Bachelet (right) meets with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (foreground) in the Pentagon on Oct. 8, 2002. Bachelet and Rumsfeld are meeting to discuss a broad range... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021002-D-9880W-014

Defense.gov News Photo 021002-D-9880W-014

President Jose Alexander Gusmao (right), of East Timor, meets with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (left foreground) in the Pentagon on Oct. 2, 2002. The two men and their staffs are meeting to disc... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021030-F-5789F-001

Defense.gov News Photo 021030-F-5789F-001

U.S. Army Spc. Jessica Briskie gives a box of clothing to an Afghan gentleman in Bagram, Afghanistan, on Oct. 30, 2002. Personnel from the 44th Task Force Combat Support Hospital at Bagram Air Base are giving ... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021017-D-9880W-009

Defense.gov News Photo 021017-D-9880W-009

Terry Riley tells reporters about the six designs selected as finalists in the competition for a memorial to those who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon during a Pentagon... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021030-A-3569D-001

Defense.gov News Photo 021030-A-3569D-001

Chairwoman of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Carol Mutter.

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-064

Defense.gov News Photo 021015-D-9880W-064

Lt. Gen. Benjamin Griffin, U.S. Army, chairman of the Executive Steering Committee of the Defense Business Initiatives Council, addresses reporters at the Pentagon on Oct. 15, 2002. Griffin announced the compl... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021024-D-9880W-012

Defense.gov News Photo 021024-D-9880W-012

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld conducts a joint press briefing with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard B. Myers, U.S. Air Force, in the Pentagon on Oct. 24, 2002. Rumsfeld talked about... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021001-A-3569D-001

Defense.gov News Photo 021001-A-3569D-001

Deputy General Counsel for Personnel and Health Policy Paul A. Koffsky.

Defense.gov News Photo 021021-D-2987S-018

Defense.gov News Photo 021021-D-2987S-018

NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson meets with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in the Pentagon on Oct. 21, 2002. Robertson and Rumsfeld are meeting to discuss defense issues of mutual interest.

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-020

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-020

Rear Adm. David A. Gove, deputy director for global operations, J-3, responds to a reporter's question during a Pentagon press briefing with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Victoria Clarke on... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-103

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-103

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (left) escorts Minister of Defense Michelle Bachelet, of Chile, through an honor cordon and into the Pentagon on Oct. 8, 2002. The two defense leaders will meet to discu... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021017-D-9880W-079

Defense.gov News Photo 021017-D-9880W-079

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld comments on North Korea's recent admission that they had been violating four United Nations prohibitions on their nuclear programs during a Pentagon press briefing on Oc... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021025-D-9880W-020

Defense.gov News Photo 021025-D-9880W-020

Ukrainian Minister of Defense Gen. Volodymyr Shkidchenko (right) meets with Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (left foreground) in the Pentagon on Oct. 25, 2002, to discuss a broad range of bilateral sec... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-014

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-014

Rear Adm. David A. Gove, deputy director for global operations, J-3, responds to a reporter's question during a Pentagon press briefing on Oct. 11, 2002.

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-069

Defense.gov News Photo 021008-D-9880W-069

John Yurechko, of the Defense Intelligence Agency, briefs reporters at the Pentagon on Oct. 8, 2002, concerning the ways in which the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein seeks to hide its illegal weapons programs f... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021007-D-9880W-200

Defense.gov News Photo 021007-D-9880W-200

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace and Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld brief reporters in the Pentagon on Oct. 7, 2002. The day marked the first anniversary of U.S. strikes agai... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-010

Defense.gov News Photo 021011-D-2987S-010

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) Dr. William Winkenwerder Jr., holds a Pentagon news conference on Oct. 9, 2002, to release 28 detailed fact sheets on 27 Cold War-era chemical and biological war... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021006-A-4385T-036

Defense.gov News Photo 021006-A-4385T-036

Army Staff Sgt. Betsy Pulley helps administer medical attention to an Afghan child diagnosed with pink eye in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Oct. 6, 2002. Pulley, of the 488th Quartermaster Company, Fort Polk, La.,... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021002-D-9880W-001

Defense.gov News Photo 021002-D-9880W-001

President Jose Alexander Gusmao (left), of East Timor, arrives at the Pentagon on Oct. 2, 2002, for a meeting with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (right). The two men and their staffs will meet to ... Mehr

Defense.gov News Photo 021021-D-2987S-004

Defense.gov News Photo 021021-D-2987S-004

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld escorts NATO Secretary General Lord George Robertson into the Pentagon on Oct. 21, 2002. Rumsfeld and Robertson will meet to discuss defense issues of mutual interest.

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