"Systeme de Hoire en Syrie, Liban" (NBY 10172)
" Systeme de Hoire en Syrie, Liban "
Schornstein Abingdon aus dem 14. Jahrhundert (NBY 440661)
14th Century Chimney Abingdon Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
20 North Wacker Drive Building, Haus der Chicago Civic Opera, Chicago,...
20 North Wacker Drive Building, Heimat der Chicago Civic Opera, Chicago, Illinois
Abraham Lincoln Indiana Home (NBY 416218)
Abraham Lincolns Indiana Home Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain scan of the vintage Indiana postcard, no copyright restrict... Mehr
Angel Guardian Waisenhaus (NBY 416184)
Angel Guardian Orphanage A group of children sitting around a room. A group of children sitting in a room. Public domain postcard scan.
Im El Dumpo - Chicagos einzigartigstem Nachtclub, dem einzigen Nachtcl...
Im El Dumpo - Chicagos einzigartigstem Nachtclub, dem einzigen Nachtclub mit echter Klagemauer - kann alles passieren
Ankunft von H.M. Post in Clovelly, im Posttelegrafenamt, das Postkarte...
Ankunft von H.M. Post in Clovelly, im Posttelegrafenamt, das Postkarten verkaufte
Baden-Baden * Blick von der Villa Marienhohe. 675B (NBY 420940)
Baureihe "Baden-Baden" 675B. Postkartenansicht aus der Villa Marienhöhe in Baden-Baden.
Geburtshaus von John Quincy Adams, erbaut 1681 (NBY 5210)
Birthplace of John Quincy Adams, built in 1681 Public domain photograph of a house, residential property, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bootsanlegestelle, Hundred Island House (NBY 514)
Boat Landing, Hundred Island House A postcard of a dock in a lake. A lake with a pier and a dock in the middle of it. Public domain postcard scan.
Buckley Music System installiert bei Tommy Thomas, Chicago, IL, Standa...
Buckley Music System installiert bei Tommy Thomas, Chicago, IL, Standard Equipment Company, 207A Westport Road, Kansas City, MO
Cape Henry Light Houses, (Alte und Neue) (NBY 429597)
Cape Henry Light Houses, (Alte und Neue)
Hühnerkorb, Erv Kolarik Requisite (NBY 436405)
Postcard view of the Chicken Basket in Hinsdale. Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Konföderierten-Park, Post und Mississippi-Fluss bei Mondschein (NBY 16...
Confederate Park, Post Office and Mississippi River by Moonlight Public domain photograph related to Confederate States of America, American Civil War, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions imag... Mehr
Urheberrechtlich geschützt und veröffentlicht von A S Burbank, Old For...
Urheberrechtlich geschützt und veröffentlicht von A S Burbank, Old Fort und First Meeting House, 1621
Urheberrechtlich geschützt und veröffentlicht von A S Burbank, The Ori...
Urheberrechtlich geschützt und veröffentlicht von A S Burbank, The Original Daniel Webster House, 1859
Curt Teich & Company, Inc. (NBY 415841)
Curt Teich & Company, Inc. Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Kolner Dom, Kaiser Glocke. 657 (NBY 419707)
Serie "Kolner Dom" 657. Postkartenansicht der riesigen Glocke im Inneren des Kölner Doms.
Douglas Park Auditorium, Schöne Ogden und Kedzie Aves (NBY 415194)
Douglas Park Auditorium, Beautiful Ogden and Kedzie Aves Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Elefantenhaus, Forest Park (NBY 435889)
Postkartenansicht des Elefantenhauses im Forest Park Zoo.
Envy (NBY 428752) postcard
Envy Public domain photograph of stereoscopic card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fairbanks-Morse Building, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, Illino...
Fairbanks-Morse Building, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brunnen und Skyline bei Beleuchtung, Chicago, Illinois (NBY 416070)
Fountain And Skyline By Illumination, Chicago, Illinois Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fox Street, Lincoln Highway, Looking West, City of Lights, No. 307, St...
Fox Street, Lincoln Highway, Looking West, City of Lights, No. 307, Straßenszene mit Bahnübergang und Waggon
Fregattenverfassung Charlestown Navy Yard, bekannt als alte Eisenseite...
Fregattenverfassung Charlestown Navy Yard, bekannt als alte Eisenseiten der Geschichte von 1812
Gateway Rocks, Garten der Götter, Colo. (NBY 8591)
Gateway Rocks, Garten der Götter, Colo.
Gossard, Zeichnung einer Frau in modischer Kleidung (NBY 4458)
Gossard, Zeichnung einer Frau in modischer Kleidung
Hotel Windsor (NBY 7073) postcard
Hotel Windsor Public domain scan of the vintage Quebec Canada postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ich sende Ihnen meine aufrichtigsten besten Wünsche, das Bild eines Br...
Ich sende Ihnen meine aufrichtigsten besten Wünsche, das Bild eines Briefkastens, einer Frau und eines Kindes, das wie ein Engel gekleidet ist.
Ilfracombe. Lantern Rock & Hillsborough (NBY 444309)
Ilfracombe. Lantern Rock & Hillsborough A postcard of a rocky cliff with a lighthouse in the background. A postcard of a rocky coast with seagulls flying over it. Public domain postcard scan.
Jesup Hall, Williams College (NBY 9786)
Jesup Hall, Williams College A postcard of the old main building of the university of new england. A large building with a clock on the front. Public domain postcard scan.
Los Angeles CA - Elysian Park (NBY 431757)
Los Angeles CA - Elysian Park Public domain scan of the vintage Los Angeles postcard, California, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Los B-422 Wahlrecht 16 Stk. Comicfigur von hoher Qualität, F-Mint (NBY...
Los B-422 Wahlrecht 16 Stk. von hoher Qualität Comic-Charakter, F-Mint
Freundschaft schließen. (9388) (NBY 417985)
Ölige Postkarte eines Esels, der einen vollen Karren zieht, und eines kleinen Mädchens. Aus der Serie "Der Freund des armen Mannes".
Mary Lyon Hall, Mt Holyoke College (NBY 9413)
Mary Lyon Hall, Mt Holyoke College Public domain scan of the vintage Lyon France postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Massasoit House and R. R. Arch (NBY 3050)
Massasoit House and R. R. Arch
Meadows Steak House (NBY 435361)
Postkartenansicht des Meadows Steak House, Oklahoma City OK.
New Orleans LA - Hotel Royal (NBY 432181)
Postcard view of a hotel in New Orleans. Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
New Orleans LA - St. Rochs Chapel und Campo Santo (NBY 432454)
Postcard view of the dining room in the Grunewald Hotel. Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
North Georgia Postcard Club's 4th Annual Show and Sale, 1985 (NBY 1973...
North Georgia Postcard Club's 4th Annual Show and Sale, 1985 Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alte Wassermühlen, Mapledurham an der Themse (NBY 443553)
Old Watermills, Mapledurham on Thames Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of painting, 18th century, ... Mehr
Paris, Trocadero. 702 11 (NBY 420898)
Serie 702 "Paris les Ponts" Kollektion "Villes De France". Postkartenansicht des Pariser Trocadero vom Fluss aus.
Park Plaza, Chase Hotels, Eingang Lindell Boulevard, Forest Park (NBY ...
Park Plaza, Chase Hotels, Lindell Boulevard Entrance, Forest Park Public domain photograph of a city streets, cityscape, urban environment, buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Persische Schönheit, Künstler signiert A Asti (NBY 8955)
Persian Beauty, Artist signed A Asti Public domain photograph of painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Malerisches Bedfordshire. Die Mühle des Flusses Ivel & Blunham (NBY 44...
Malerisches Bedfordshire. Die Mühle des Flusses Ivel & Blunham
Malerisches Devon Springtime, Nr Radford, Plymouth (NBY 441150)
Malerisches Devon Springtime, Nr Radford, Plymouth
Malerisches Devon Springtime, Nr. Radford Plymouth. (NBY 442314)
Malerisches Devon Springtime, Nr. Radford Plymouth.
Malerische Hertfordshire West Street Ware (NBY 443382)
Picturesque Hertfordshire West Street Ware Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Purcell OK - Methodistische Kirche und Pfarrhaus (NBY 431552)
Postkarte einer methodistischen Kirche in Purcell.
Rag Doll, 6335 N. Western Ave. -- In der Nähe der Devon Ave., Chicago,...
Rag Doll, 6335 N. Western Ave. -- In der Nähe der Devon Ave., Chicago, Illinois Americas Original Dance Bar
Royal Inn (NBY 436519) postcard
Postkartenansicht des Swimmingpools im Royal Inn of Gallup.
S.H. Churchill & Co., maßgeschneiderte Anzüge und Kleider (NBY 1153)
S.H. Churchill & Co., Tailored Suits and Clothes Public domain photograph of an advertising poster, advertisement, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Segeln im Hafen von Chicago (NBY 417260)
Sailing In Harbor At Chicago Public domain photograph of a ship, sailing ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sanders Sinclair Station (NBY 436984)
Comic-Postkarte mit einem Affen, der eine Banane schneidet, um eine Ente zu füttern; Werbung für Sanders Sinclair Station in der Nähe von Lindberg.
Shanklin Village I. O. Wight (NBY 443115)
Shanklin Village I. O. Wight A painting of a village street with a thatched roof. A painting of a village with people and a horse. Public domain postcard scan.
Werften und Hafen (NBY 429488)
Shipyards and Harbor Public domain scan of a warship, vintage postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sixth Street Market (NBY 6266) postcard
Sixth Street Market A group of people standing around a fruit and vegetable stand. A group of people standing around a street market. Public domain postcard scan.
Soldaten- und Matrosendenkmal. öffentlicher Platz, Cleveland, Sixth Ci...
Soldiers ' and Sailors ' Monument. public Square, Cleveland, Sixth City Public domain photograph of a sculpture, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Krankenhaus St. Mary of Nazareth (NBY 417451)
St. Mary Of Nazareth Hospital Public domain photograph of hospital building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Stuttgart, Residenzschloss. (166B) (NBY 419224)
"Wide-Wide-World" Stuttgart, 166B. Ölpostkarte mit einem Platz und einem großen Gebäude in Stuttgart.
Sonnenuntergang am Lake Michigan (NBY 429054)
Postcard view of Lake Michigan. A sunset view of a lake with a boat in the water. A sunset over the lake in the early 1900s. Public domain postcard scan.
Sonnenuntergang auf Shirley Hills, Surrey (NBY 439526)
Sunset on Shirley Hills, Surrey Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sonnenuntergang am Golf, The Belleview (NBY 21235)
Sonnenuntergang am Golf, Belleview
Surf Avenue, von Loop the Loop Souvenir- und Postkartenladen, Eisbahn,...
Postkartenansicht der Surf Avenue auf Coney Island.
The Basin (NBY 8091) postcard
The Basin A waterfall in the woods near a forest. A small waterfall in a rock pool. Public domain postcard scan.
Die Kastanie. (9550) (NBY 417900)
Postkartenansicht eines Pferdes, das unter einem Kastanienbaum steht. Aus der Serie "Frühlingsblüten".
Das Conrad Hilton Hotel (NBY 416410)
The Conrad Hilton Hotel Public domain scan of a postcard, hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die Council Chambers, Washingtons Hauptquartier, Morris-Jumel Mansion ...
The Council Chambers, Washington's Headquarters, Morris-Jumel Mansion Public domain photograph of cabinet, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Donatello-Brunnen, Palmensaal, Hotel La Salle, Chicago (NBY 416960...
The Donatello Fountain, Palm Room, Hotel La Salle, Chicago Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Locks, Poe Lock rechts, Größte der Welt, mit Ausnahme Panamas, 800...
The Locks, Poe Lock rechts, Größte der Welt, mit Ausnahme Panamas, 800 Fuß lang, 100 Fuß breit, mit einem Tiefgang von 21 Fuß
Das Moody Bible Institute, Frauenabteilung und Chicago Avenue Church, ...
Das Moody Bible Institute, die Frauenabteilung und die Chicago Avenue Church, Chicago
The Oakland (NBY 7526) postcard
The Oakland Public domain scan of the vintage Oakland California postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Pier New Brighton (NBY 439325)
The Pier New Brighton Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Public Library (NBY 7285) postcard
The Public Library Public domain scan of the vintage California postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Das Heilsarmee-Ausbildungszentrum -- 700 Brompton Place -- Chicago, Il...
The Salvation Army Training College -- 700 Brompton Place -- Chicago, Illinois Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Der Schuylkill, Fairmount Park (NBY 9173)
The Schuylkill, Fairmount Park Public domain scan of the vintage Pennsylvania postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Thomas Circle (NBY 3348) postcard
Thomas Circle A large building with a clock tower in the middle of it. A large park with a fountain in the middle. Public domain postcard scan.
W.A. Wieblodt & Company Kaufhaus (NBY 415878)
W.A. Wieblodt & Company Department Store Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
WDW-11610 Der Schönste von allen, Dopey, Schneewittchen, Disney World ...
WDW-11610 Der Schönste von allen, Dopey, Schneewittchen, Disney World
Du brauchst A, und du weißt es, Serie Nr. 375, hergestellt in den USA ...
Du brauchst A, und du weißt es, Serie Nr. 375, hergestellt in den USA
La Hacienda Court (NBY 426437) postcard
Postcard view of an advertising card for La Siesta Lodge in Gallup.
Weatherford Hotel (NBY 425620) postcard
Postcard view of The Lumberjack Cafe, Flagstaff AZ.
1268, Roundup on the Range (NBY 431342)
Postkartenansicht von Cowboys auf einem Viehtrieb.
167, Chateau de la Malmaison, The Library (NBY 78)
167, Chateau de la Malmaison, The Library
388, Clarendon Municipal Bathing Beach, Clarendon und Sunnyside Avenue...
388, Clarendon Municipal Bathing Beach, Clarendon und Sunnyside Avenues
Ann Hathaway's Cottage, Shottery, Stratford-On-Avon. 774 (NBY 421204)
Serie "Stratford-on-Avon" 774. Postkartenansichten von Ann Hathaway's Cottage in Shottery.
Tante Jennies Bäckerei, 516 Monroe Avenue (NBY 8360)
Aunt Jennies Bake Shop, 516 Monroe Avenue Public domain photograph of shopping center, department store building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of ... Mehr
Awosting Lake (NBY 23974) postcard
Awosting Lake A man standing on a hill next to a tree. A man standing on a hill overlooking a lake. Public domain postcard scan.
Bella Vista Motorcourt, Luftgekühlt, Gaswärme, Auf dem Highway 66 (NBY...
Produktionsakte, die die Erstellung der Postkarte für den Bella Vista Motor Court in Pasadena beschreibt. Die Datei enthält Originalfotos, interne Notizen, retuschierte und handkolorierte Bilder.
BR-30, Gull Drive-In Theatre, in der Brainered-Wisswa Area, Sonntagsgo...
BR-30, Gull Drive-In Theatre, in der Brainered-Wisswa Area, Sonntagsgottesdienste, gesponsert hier von der 1st Congregational Church
Briary Cave, Watermouth, Ilfracombe (NBY 439097)
Briary Cave, Watermouth, Ilfracombe A painting of a rock formation with a bridge in the foreground. A painting of a rock formation with a boat in the water. Public domain postcard scan.
Kalifornien - Warten auf das Frühstück (NBY 431825)
California - Waiting for Breakfast Public domain scan of the vintage California postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Canon City CO - Main Street, Blick nach Westen (NBY 430298)
Postkartenansicht der Main Street in Canon City.
Kapstadt. Camps Bay. (NBY 439190)
Cape Town. Camps Bay. Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kapstadt. The Rounch Church, Sea Point (NBY 438620)
Cape Town. The Rounch Church, Sea Point Public domain scan of the vintage African postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cook County Hospital (NBY 417246)
Cook County Hospital Public domain photograph of a city streets, cityscape, urban environment, buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Daily News And 20 Wacker Drive (Civic Opera) Gebäude, Chicago (NBY 415...
Daily News And 20 Wacker Drive (Civic Opera) Buildings, Chicago Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
East End Amusement Pier, Chicago (NBY 416389)
East End Amusement Pier, Chicago Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois (NBY 416236)
Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois Public domain scan of the vintage Chicago postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Edinburgh-- Die Kirche von St. Giles (NBY 442212)
Edinburgh-- The Church of St. Giles Public domain photograph of painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description