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crustacean developmental stages

29 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
FMIB 39155 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a lobster on a white background

FMIB 39155 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a lobster on a white background

Sixth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 39131 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a shrimp with a long tail

FMIB 39131 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a shrimp with a long tail

Sixth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 53346 Larve phyllosome de Langouste (Challenger)

FMIB 53346 Larve phyllosome de Langouste (Challenger)

Larve phyllosome de Langouste (Challenger) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 39048 Newly hatched larva of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hatched at Key West (Fla) Biological Station, June, 1918

FMIB 39048 Newly hatched larva of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hatc...

Newly hatched larva of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hatched at Key West (Fla) Biological Station, June, 1918 Subject: Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 39158 Fourth Free-Swimming Stage

FMIB 39158 Fourth Free-Swimming Stage

Fourth Free-Swimming Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 46406 First larval stage of Munida rugosa

FMIB 46406 First larval stage of Munida rugosa

First larval stage of Munida rugosa Subject: Munida, Lobsters Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42100 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--First stage

FMIB 42100 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--First stage

Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--First stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 46405 Last larval stage of the common porcelain crab (Porcellana longicornis)

FMIB 46405 Last larval stage of the common porcelain crab (Porcellana ...

Porcellana longicornis English: Last larval stage of the common porcelain crab (Porcellana longicornis) Subject: Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 39126 Larva Hatching from Egg, Larva Removed from Egg-Shell, and Young in Fifth Stage

FMIB 39126 Larva Hatching from Egg, Larva Removed from Egg-Shell, and ...

Larva Hatching from Egg, Larva Removed from Egg-Shell, and Young in Fifth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

Glaucothoe peronii - - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBAINV0274 097 03 0004
Haeckel Thoracostraca - A black and white drawing of various types of animals

Haeckel Thoracostraca - A black and white drawing of various types of ...

(top center): Lucifer typus (Milne-Edwards), leucifer embryo (gastrula) (bottom left, above): Penaeus Mülleri (Haeckel) = Pleoticus muelleri, nauplius larva (bottom left, below): Mastigopus dorsipinalis (Spence... Mehr

FMIB 39142 Second Larval Stage

FMIB 39142 Second Larval Stage

Second Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

Annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries made to the General Assembly (1906) (14596727708)

Annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries made to the Gen...

Identifier: annualreportofco36rhod (find matches) Title: Annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries made to the General Assembly Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Rhode Island. Commissioners of Inland ... Mehr

FMIB 39151 Third Larval Stage

FMIB 39151 Third Larval Stage

Third Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

Glaucothoe peronii - - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBAINV0274 006 02 0030

Glaucothoe peronii - - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlung...

"Glaucothoe peronii", a larval hermit crab Public domain scan - Crustacea, Mollusca, Shellfish, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) 2

FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vul...

Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 46414 Larval stages of the common rock barnacle (Balanus balanoides)

FMIB 46414 Larval stages of the common rock barnacle (Balanus balanoid...

Larval stages of the common rock barnacle (Balanus balanoides) A, Nauplius stage; B, cypris stage Subject: Barnacles, Balanus balanoides Tag: Invertebrates

FMIB 42099 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Third stage

FMIB 42099 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Third stage

Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Third stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42097 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--First stage

FMIB 42097 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--First stage

Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--First stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42103 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Fourth stage

FMIB 42103 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Fourth stage

Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Fourth stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 46454 Free-swimming stages of Sacculina carcini

FMIB 46454 Free-swimming stages of Sacculina carcini

Free-swimming stages of Sacculina carcini A, Nauplius; B, Cypris stage Subject: Sacculini carcini--Development Tag: Invertebrates

FMIB 39127 First Larva, or First Free-Swimming Stage of the Lobster

FMIB 39127 First Larva, or First Free-Swimming Stage of the Lobster

First Larva, or First Free-Swimming Stage of the Lobster Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 51194 Megalops stage of the Rock Crab, just after the change from the zoea condition; dorsal view

FMIB 51194 Megalops stage of the Rock Crab, just after the change from...

Fig. 3. Cancer irroratus megalops English: Megalops stage of the Rock Crab, just after the change from the zoea condition; dorsal view Subject: Crabs, Cancer (Crustacea) Tag: Shellfish

Pl. LXIX Diastylis. A drawing of different types of shrimps Norway

Pl. LXIX Diastylis. A drawing of different types of shrimps Norway

Plate LXIX from Sars, G. O., (1900). An account of the Crustacea of Norway: Cumacea, Bergen Museum.

FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris)

FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vul...

Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 39132 First Larval Stage

FMIB 39132 First Larval Stage

First Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42098 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Second stage

FMIB 42098 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Second stage

Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Second stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42101 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Second stage

FMIB 42101 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Second stage

Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Second stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

FMIB 42102 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Third Stage

FMIB 42102 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Third Stage

Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Third Stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish

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