FMIB 39155 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a lobster on a white background
Sixth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 39131 Sixth Stage - A drawing of a shrimp with a long tail
Sixth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 53346 Larve phyllosome de Langouste (Challenger)
Larve phyllosome de Langouste (Challenger) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 39048 Newly hatched larva of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hatc...
Newly hatched larva of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, hatched at Key West (Fla) Biological Station, June, 1918 Subject: Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 39158 Fourth Free-Swimming Stage
Fourth Free-Swimming Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 46406 First larval stage of Munida rugosa
First larval stage of Munida rugosa Subject: Munida, Lobsters Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42100 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--First stage
Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--First stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 46405 Last larval stage of the common porcelain crab (Porcellana ...
Porcellana longicornis English: Last larval stage of the common porcelain crab (Porcellana longicornis) Subject: Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 39126 Larva Hatching from Egg, Larva Removed from Egg-Shell, and ...
Larva Hatching from Egg, Larva Removed from Egg-Shell, and Young in Fifth Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
Glaucothoe peronii - - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlung...
"Glaucothoe peronii", ein Larven-Einsiedlerkrebs
Haeckel Thoracostraca - A black and white drawing of various types of ...
(top center): Lucifer typus (Milne-Edwards), leucifer embryo (gastrula) (bottom left, above): Penaeus Mülleri (Haeckel) = Pleoticus muelleri, nauplius larva (bottom left, below): Mastigopus dorsipinalis (Spence... Mehr
FMIB 39142 Second Larval Stage
Second Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
Annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries made to the Gen...
Identifier: annualreportofco36rhod (find matches) Title: Annual report of the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries made to the General Assembly Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Rhode Island. Commissioners of Inland ... Mehr
FMIB 39151 Third Larval Stage
Third Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
Glaucothoe peronii - - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlung...
"Glaucothoe peronii", a larval hermit crab Public domain scan - Crustacea, Mollusca, Shellfish, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vul...
Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 46414 Larval stages of the common rock barnacle (Balanus balanoid...
Larval stages of the common rock barnacle (Balanus balanoides) A, Nauplius stage; B, cypris stage Subject: Barnacles, Balanus balanoides Tag: Invertebrates
FMIB 42099 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Third stage
Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Third stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42097 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--First stage
Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--First stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42103 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Fourth stage
Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Fourth stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 46454 Free-swimming stages of Sacculina carcini
Free-swimming stages of Sacculina carcini A, Nauplius; B, Cypris stage Subject: Sacculini carcini--Development Tag: Invertebrates
FMIB 39127 First Larva, or First Free-Swimming Stage of the Lobster
First Larva, or First Free-Swimming Stage of the Lobster Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 51194 Megalops stage of the Rock Crab, just after the change from...
Fig. 3. Cancer irroratus megalops English: Megalops stage of the Rock Crab, just after the change from the zoea condition; dorsal view Subject: Crabs, Cancer (Crustacea) Tag: Shellfish
Pl. LXIX Diastylis. A drawing of different types of shrimps Norway
Plate LXIX from Sars, G. O., (1900). An account of the Crustacea of Norway: Cumacea, Bergen Museum.
FMIB 46407 Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vul...
Phyllosoma larva of the common spiny lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) Subject: Spiny lobsters Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 39132 First Larval Stage
First Larval Stage Subject: American lobster--Larvae, Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42098 Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Second stage
Larval Lobsters, Lateral View--Second stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42101 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Second stage
Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Second stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish
FMIB 42102 Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Third Stage
Larval Lobsters, Dorsal View--Third Stage Subject: Lobsters--Larvae Tag: Shellfish