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chinese calligraphy

162 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 2
Mi Fu-On Calligraphy - Public domain dedication image

Mi Fu-On Calligraphy - Public domain dedication image

Mi Fu placed the cursive style of the Jin dynasty (265-420) in high regards as the standard, but he was critical about that of the Tang dynasty (618-907). This work is a written discourse about the cursive styl... Mehr

The Classic of Filial Piety (1)

The Classic of Filial Piety (1)

Public domain photograph of Chinese art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

HK 灣仔北 Wan Chai North 香港會展 HKCEC 蘇富比 Sotheby's Auction 中國書畫 Chinese paintings and calligraphy April 2024 R12S 229

HK 灣仔北 Wan Chai North 香港會展 HKCEC 蘇富比 Sotheby's Auction 中國書畫 Chinese pa...

HK 灣仔北 Wan Chai North 香港會展 HKCEC 蘇富比 Sotheby's Auction in April 2024

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Huang Tingjian Fu Bo Shen Ci

Huang Tingjian Fu Bo Shen Ci

中文:[宋] 黄庭坚 《伏波神祠诗卷》(局部)纸本墨迹 来自http://www.seattlecentral.org/faculty/cmalody/T3ma/chinacallig.htm 日本語: 伏波神祠詩巻(巻頭部分)、黄庭堅書

Three Calligraphy Models by Wang Xizhi

Three Calligraphy Models by Wang Xizhi

Three Calligraphy Models by Wang Xizhi 中文:王羲之《平安、何如、奉橘》三帖,唐代雙鈎廓填本。

Ju Song written by Shen Zao - Public domain dedication image

Ju Song written by Shen Zao - Public domain dedication image

the poem "ju song" (橘頌/橘颂), one of the Jiu Zhang (Nine Pieces), written by Shen Zao (沈藻)

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Liang's calligraphy - Public domain dedication image

Liang's calligraphy - Public domain dedication image

Public domain photograph related to the history of China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Eighteen Scholars by an anonymous Ming artist 3

The Eighteen Scholars by an anonymous Ming artist 3

Li Shimin, then Prince of Qin and later Emperor Taizong (reigned 626–649) of the Tang dynasty, established the Institute of Literary Studies and recruited Confucian scholars to serve as its academicians. After ... Mehr

Paysage au rocher. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage au rocher. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Eventail Inscription Signature - 藍瑛 (Chinois) Sceau - 藍瑛 (Chinois)

Qing Dynasty Landscape Painting - Tao Chi 003

Qing Dynasty Landscape Painting - Tao Chi 003

Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Jin Chan Lang STELE. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Jin Chan Lang STELE. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Rubbing of Chan lang Stele(ACE300, Jin dynasty, China), unearthed in Luoyang, China, Exported to Japan and damaged in the earthquake in ACE1923日本語: 張朗碑 ACE300 晋時代、洛陽出土、関東大震災で損壊した。

Du Halde - Description de la Chine - Vol 2 page 1

Du Halde - Description de la Chine - Vol 2 page 1

Français : Gravure extraite de Description de la Chine, édition de La Haye 1736. Volume 2. Vignette de tête. Un Chinois Lettré dans son Cabinet, avec deux de ses élèves.

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription Premier : registre : félins et phénix flanquant un brûle-parfum ; deuxième registre : dignitaire offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; troisième registre : Dame offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; quatriè... Mehr

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertikal Inschriftenhandschrift (Ecriture chinoise - Chancellerie (lishu)) Signatur - "du [du]" Sceau - "Du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du]... Mehr

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite - Le vieillard a quitté les nuages et la montagne, Mangfu endure les tourments de la maladie implacable. Etouffer l'ennui, d'un élan se redresse avec courage, à peine la ... Mehr

Wuchangshuo-suihanjiao - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Wuchangshuo-suihanjiao - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

中文(中国大陆)‎: 吳昌碩作品《岁寒交》

Tianfashenchen full-length - Public domain dedication image

Tianfashenchen full-length - Public domain dedication image

Inscription by a Divine Prophecy "天发神谶碑". Full-length.

汪凤瀛信札 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

汪凤瀛信札 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

中文(中国大陆)‎: 汪凤瀛信札

Mi Fu-San Wu Card - Public domain dedication image

Mi Fu-San Wu Card - Public domain dedication image

"San Mu" - This is an early five line poem written by Mi Fu while he was at Changsha. Located at the National Palace Museum, Taipei. 中文:三吳帖 中国台北故宫博物院藏

急就章 - A black and white photo of a chinese writing

急就章 - A black and white photo of a chinese writing


Compositon florale. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Compositon florale. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Composition de fleurs dans la partie supérieure et de branches dans la partie inférieure, encadre une calligraphie située au centre de la peinture, un cachet sans signature

Twenty Ninth Wang Xianzhi - Public domain dedication image

Twenty Ninth Wang Xianzhi - Public domain dedication image

“Twenty Ninth day” letter: Replica of Calligraphy by Wang Xianzhi(ACE 344-386), ink on paper, 25cm height, One part of the collected works handscroll of Wansui Tongtien Tie in Liaoning Province Museum, Chi... Mehr

Jin Shengtan's Calligraphy - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Chinesische Kalligraphie auf Seide, die Arnold Genthe gehörte

Chinesische Kalligraphie auf Seide, die Arnold Genthe gehörte

Public domain photograph related to Arnold Genthe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite - Le vieillard a quitté les nuages et la montagne, Mangfu endure les tourments de la maladie implacable. Etouffer l'ennui, d'un élan se redresse avec courage, à peine la ... Mehr

Wang Xianzi Imitation by Tang Dynasty

Wang Xianzi Imitation by Tang Dynasty

Tang Dynasty copy of 新婦地黃湯帖 by Wang Xianzhi, currently in the Taito Ward Calligraphy Museum (台東区立書道博物館). 中文:王獻之的《新婦地黃湯帖》唐人摹本。縱25.3釐米,橫24.0釐米,日本東京台東區書道博物館藏。【釋文】新婦服地黃湯來,似減。眠食尚未佳,憂懸不去心。君等前所論事,想必及。謝生未還,可(何)爾。進退不可解,吾當書問也。

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription - Jessé 5391 Deux personnages de part et d'autre d'un brûle-parfum. La scène est flanquée d'une paire lions bouddhiques.

Hogo Xutang Zhiyu. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Hogo Xutang Zhiyu. 13th century Japan. Public domain image.

Teaching on Enlightenment (法語, hōgo). Dedicated to a brilliant Zen practitioner, possibly Mushō Jōshō (無象静照) (1234–1306). One hanging scroll, ink on paper, 28.5 × 70.0 cm (11.2 × 27.6 in). Located at the Tokyo... Mehr

Three scripts Stone Classics - Public domain dedication image

Three scripts Stone Classics - Public domain dedication image

The Three scripts Stone Classics are a group of Chinese classic works carved on the orders of the Wei dynasty (ACE220-265) as a reference document for scholars. Height 47x Wide 44cm. They are written in thr... Mehr

Paysage - Li 1575-1629. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage - Li 1575-1629. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Eventail Inscription Signature - 李流芳 (Chinois) Sceau - 李流芳印 (Chinois) Inscription Signature - 爾疋 (Chinois) Sceau - 爾 (Chinois) Sceau - 雅 (Chinois)

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Sentences parallèles en caractère régulier, forme une paire avec CER2004-20

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

sentences parallèles en caractères réguliers, forme une paire avec CER2004-19

唐寅《秋風紈扇圖》 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

唐寅《秋風紈扇圖》 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

中文:唐寅《秋風紈扇圖》 Public domain image of Chinese people, China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mi Fu Shu Su Tie, Song dynasty - Public domain dedication image

Mi Fu Shu Su Tie, Song dynasty - Public domain dedication image

[宋] 米芾 《蜀素帖》(局部) 绢本墨迹行书 纵29.7厘米 横284.3厘米 现藏台湾國立故宫博物院 来自http://www.seattlecentral.org/faculty/cmalody/T3ma/chinacallig.htm

Huang Tingjian-Poem on the Hall of Pines and Wind

Huang Tingjian-Poem on the Hall of Pines and Wind

Public domain photograph of Taiwanese people, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite Signature - 徐璋 (Chinois) Sceau - 瑶 (Chinois) Sceau - 圃 (Chinois)

Die Ermordung eines chinesischen Buchhändlers (1976 Alt-Poster - Kalligraphie)

Die Ermordung eines chinesischen Buchhändlers (1976 Alt-Poster - Kalli...

Alternatives "Kalligraphie" -Filmplakat für John Cassavetes Film The Killing of a Chinese Bookie von 1976.



中文:李平書撰《揚斯盛像銘》 中文(简体):李平书撰《扬斯盛像铭》

Calligraphy of Zheng Xiaoxu 01. 1930s Japan, public domain image.
Zhang Meng Long bei rubbing2

Zhang Meng Long bei rubbing2

Zhang Meng Long bei rubbing日本語: 張猛龍碑 拓本册

Zhaomengfu Xingshu, 中國史

Zhaomengfu Xingshu, 中國史


Zhi Yong 1000 Charcter 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Zhi Yong 1000 Charcter 1930s Japan, public domain image.

One page of the album "Thousand Character clasic in formal and Cursive script" attributed to Zhi Yong(7th century, China). National Tresure in Japan.24.5x11cm

Zhong Kui. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Zhong Kui. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription Signature - 董旭 Sceau - 漢裔雲宿 Sceau - 董旭

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite Signature - 戴熙 Sceau - 戴熙之印 Sceau - 醇士

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription - Jessé 5391 Deux personnages de part et d'autre d'un brûle-parfum. La scène est flanquée d'une paire lions bouddhiques.

Zheng Xie PriceList - Public domain  engraving

Zheng Xie PriceList - Public domain engraving

Rubbing of Price List by Zheng Xie. It was engraved on stone/wood panel in Shanghai by a later collector.日本語: 鄭板橋、潤例  拓本

Aigrettes, saule et pivoines. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Aigrettes, saule et pivoines. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Public domain photograph of Chinese art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription Premier : registre : félins et phénix flanquant un brûle-parfum ; deuxième registre : dignitaire offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; troisième registre : Dame offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; quatriè... Mehr

Mother Hen and Chicks, Song Dynasty, Ming dynasty - Song Dynasty

Mother Hen and Chicks, Song Dynasty, Ming dynasty - Song Dynasty

Ein Gemälde einer Glucke und ihrer Küken, von einem anonymen chinesischen Künstler der Song-Dynastie (960-1279). Der spätere Kaiser der Ming-Dynastie Chenghua (1464-1487) schrieb die schriftliche Lobrede an die... Mehr

Imperial Order Presented to Yue Fei

Imperial Order Presented to Yue Fei

In the autumn of 1137, Yue Fei (1103-1142) led troops on an inspection tour of border defenses against the Jurchen of the Jin. Emperor Gaozong (r. 1127-1162) wrote this imperial missive in response to Yue Fei's... Mehr

Zou Zhilin, letter on decorative paper

Zou Zhilin, letter on decorative paper

Letter from Zou Zhilin to an unknown recipient, on Ten Bamboo Studio decorated paper. Čeština: Dopis Cou Č’-lina neznámému adresátu, na dekorativním papíru Chu Čeng-jenova Ateliéru u deseti bambusů

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Die Vögel und Blumen der zwölf Monate mit chinesischer Kalligraphie

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Tailleur de pierre. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Tailleur de pierre. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Dessin encadré. Représentant un tailleur (des tailleurs ?) de pierre.

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite - Le vieillard a quitté les nuages et la montagne, Mangfu endure les tourments de la maladie implacable. Etouffer l'ennui, d'un élan se redresse avec courage, à peine la ... Mehr

Huangdinanxunzhisong 2 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Huangdinanxunzhisong 2 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Steintafel aus der Nördlichen Wei-Dynastie. Die Worte darauf handeln von einer Reise des Kaisers in den Süden. Diese Tafel wurde in einigen antiken Büchern erwähnt und 1985 in Lingqiu, Shanxi, China, gefunden. ... Mehr

Ouyang Xun Bu Shang Tie - Public domain dedication image

Ouyang Xun Bu Shang Tie - Public domain dedication image

Public domain photograph related to the history of China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite Signature - 戴熙 Sceau - 戴熙之印 Sceau - 醇士

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite - Le vieillard a quitté les nuages et la montagne, Mangfu endure les tourments de la maladie implacable. Etouffer l'ennui, d'un élan se redresse avec courage, à peine la ... Mehr

Chinese - Pinseltopf mit Mann - Walters 491988 - Ansicht B

Chinese - Pinseltopf mit Mann - Walters 491988 - Ansicht B

Dieser Pinseltopf, der die chinesische Halbstrophe "Träumen, der Pinsel blüht zu Blumen" darstellt, zeigt einen liegenden Mann, der davon träumt, in einem Register Gelehrter zu werden; im anderen wird sein Trau... Mehr

Yang Huai biaoji

Yang Huai biaoji

Rubbing of Yang Huai Biaoji Moya ,Dated ACE173 published by the collector: OKAMURA SHISEKI, 1940, tokyo

The Classic of Filial Piety (開宗明義章 書)
Liu Chunlin, Zhu Ruzhen, Shang Yanliu and Zhang Qihou

Liu Chunlin, Zhu Ruzhen, Shang Yanliu and Zhang Qihou

calligraphy by Liu Chunlin, Zhu Ruzhen, Shang Yanliu and Zhang Qihou 中文:刘春霖、朱汝珍、商衍鎏、张启后楷书四条屏,深圳博物馆藏

Scène de la rue. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Scène de la rue. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Dessin encadré Scène de la rue à deux personnages, dont une pêcheuse avec ligne et poisson.

Chinesische Kalligraphie auf Seide, die Arnold Genthe gehörte

Chinesische Kalligraphie auf Seide, die Arnold Genthe gehörte

Titel ausgedacht. Fotografiert von Arnold Genthe von einem Objekt in seiner Kunstsammlung: Kalligraphie, geschrieben vom Kaiser Qianlong aus der Qing-Dynastie, China des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. (Quelle: J.H. ... Mehr

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription - Jessé 5391 Deux personnages de part et d'autre d'un brûle-parfum. La scène est flanquée d'une paire lions bouddhiques.

王闿运对联 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體 - A couple of asian writing on a piece of paper
Calligraphy of Xie Jishi. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Calligraphy of Xie Jishi. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Calligraphy of Xie Jishi日本語: 謝介石の筆跡

Emperor Taizong script - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Emperor Taizong script - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

中文:唐太宗李世民手迹 Public domain image of Chinese emperor, ruler, China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Handwritten diamond sutra zhang jizhi song dynasty 1253

Handwritten diamond sutra zhang jizhi song dynasty 1253

The Chinese calligrapher Zhang Jizhi (張即之, 1186–1266) made this handwritten edition of the Diamond Sutra (section depicted) on 18 July 1253 during the Song dynasty. The calligraphy is in the style of the regula... Mehr

Jizhiwengao 1 - Public domain dedication image

Jizhiwengao 1 - Public domain dedication image

Public domain photograph related to the history of China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Calligraphy of Shen Ruilin. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Calligraphy of Shen Ruilin. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Die Kalligraphie von Shen Ruilin, in der es heißt, dass die Kalligraphie von Shen Ruilin, die Kalligraphie von Shen Ruilin, die Kalligraphie von Shen Ruilin, die Kalligraphie von Shen Ruilin, die Kalligraphie v... Mehr

Kalligraphie des kursiven und semikursiven Stils von Dong Qichang

Kalligraphie des kursiven und semikursiven Stils von Dong Qichang

Dazu gehören Kalligraphie des kursiven und semi-kursiven Stils, Papierrollen und Kalligrafie. Die Chinesen lesen, von links nach rechts, von oben nach unten, dass es sich bei ihnen um "die Chinesen" handelt (se... Mehr

Eikakume - A black and white photo of a stone with writing on it
蘭亭集序米芾詩題本 - Public domain dedication image
Huizong-Calligraphy1, 中國史

Huizong-Calligraphy1, 中國史

Poem - scroll, silk. 27.2 cm x 263.8 cm. Located at the National Palace Museum. 中文:詩帖。卷,絹本。27.2公分x263.8公分。 "穠芳依翠萼,煥爛一庭中。零露霑如醉,殘霞照似融。丹青難下筆,造化獨留功。舞蝶迷香徑,翩翩逐晚風。"

姚孟起九成宮 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

姚孟起九成宮 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

A page of 姚孟起's 1883 copy of 九成宮醴泉銘 by 歐陽詢. 文言: 光緒九年歲在癸未暮春之初古吳姚孟起臨九成宮醴泉銘北宋本之一頁

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Sentences parallèles. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical : inscription de sept caractères en écriture sigillaire. Inscription manuscrite - 俯仰之間已陳迹 (Ecriture chinoise – Sigillaire (zhuanshu))

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription - Jessé 5391 Deux personnages de part et d'autre d'un brûle-parfum. La scène est flanquée d'une paire lions bouddhiques.

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertikal Inschriftenhandschrift (Ecriture chinoise - Chancellerie (lishu)) Signatur - "du [du]" Sceau - "Du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du]... Mehr

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription Premier : registre : félins et phénix flanquant un brûle-parfum ; deuxième registre : dignitaire offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; troisième registre : Dame offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; quatriè... Mehr

Liteifucalligraphy - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Liteifucalligraphy - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Kalligraphie von LI Tiefu (gestorben 1952)

张謇赠兰生先生对联 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

张謇赠兰生先生对联 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Chinese couplets by Zhang Jian Public domain photograph related to Chinese history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Calligraphy of Jin Shengtan

Calligraphy of Jin Shengtan

Calligraphy of Jin Shengtan Public domain photograph related to the history of China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kaishu Ouyangxun - An old chinese writing with asian writing on it

Kaishu Ouyangxun - An old chinese writing with asian writing on it

A page of a Song Dynasty stone rubbing of 九成宮醴泉銘 by 歐陽詢Español: Texto del famoso calígrafo Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢, 557-641)中文:宋搨歐陽詢之《九成宮醴泉銘》之一頁。

高宗手詔付岳飛, Song dynasty - Public domain dedication image

高宗手詔付岳飛, Song dynasty - Public domain dedication image

In the autumn of 1137, Yue Fei (1103-1142) led troops on an inspection tour of border defenses against the Jurchen of the Jin. Emperor Gaozong (r. 1127-1162) wrote this imperial missive in response to Yue Fei's... Mehr

張岱 - A painting of a man sitting on a pile of books
Fusang Youji. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Fusang Youji. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Travel to Japan 扶桑游记 1879 by 王韬 (Wang Tao)

Faisans et camélias. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Faisans et camélias. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

En bas à gauche, un couple de faisans est perché sur un rocher/ Un prunus en fleurs, qu is'élève à droite de la composition abrite un ensemble de petits oiseaux. Le camélia et le bambou sont associés au prunus.... Mehr

Cong Fang - Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Cong Fang - Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Feuille d'album Inscription Signature - 方琮 Sceau - 味外味

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

La Falaise rouge. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertikal Inschriftenhandschrift (Ecriture chinoise - Chancellerie (lishu)) Signatur - "du [du]" Sceau - "Du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du], du [du]... Mehr

Peinture de nouvel an. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Peinture de nouvel an. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical : narcisses par Jing Hengyi 經亨頤 et nandinas par Chen Shuren 陳樹人. Inscription manuscrite Signature de l'exécutant - 頤淵 Sceau - 頤淵 Inscription manuscrite - 樹人冩南天竹 Sceau - 陳樹人

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Paysage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Rouleau vertical Inscription manuscrite Signature - 徐璋 (Chinois) Sceau - 瑶 (Chinois) Sceau - 圃 (Chinois)

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Estampage. Chinese Calligraphy Painting

Inscription Premier : registre : félins et phénix flanquant un brûle-parfum ; deuxième registre : dignitaire offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; troisième registre : Dame offrant de l'encens et sa suite ; quatriè... Mehr

Huangdinanxunzhisong 3 - Public domain dedication image

Huangdinanxunzhisong 3 - Public domain dedication image

Steintafel aus der Nördlichen Wei-Dynastie. Die Worte darauf handeln von einer Reise des Kaisers in den Süden. Diese Tafel wurde in einigen antiken Büchern erwähnt und 1985 in Lingqiu, Shanxi, China, gefunden. ... Mehr

Letter on Government Affairs 2

Letter on Government Affairs 2

"Zhu wrote this letter in the eighth lunar month of the Shaoxi fifth year (1194) after leaving his post as Administrator of Tanzhou (modern Changsha, Hunan) and on his way back to the capital. In it, he mention... Mehr

The Calligraphy Model Boyuan by Wang Xun

The Calligraphy Model Boyuan by Wang Xun

The Calligraphy Model "Boyuan" by Wang Xun, located in the Palace Museum in Beijing. 中文:王珣《伯远帖》,现藏于北京故宫博物院

Inscrition Gu Lang

Inscrition Gu Lang

Inscription for Gu Lang "谷朗碑".


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