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cephalopoda anatomy

15 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
James Green - plate - On the Muscular Attachment of the animal to its shell in some fossil Cephalopoda (Ammonodea)

James Green - plate - On the Muscular Attachment of the animal to its ...

Plate from "On the Muscular Attachment of the animal to its shell in some fossil Cephalopoda (Ammonodea"). The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zool 2nd Ser. Vol VII Pt 4, Article by George Charl... Mehr

FMIB 36985 Poche a encre des mollusques cephalopodes

FMIB 36985 Poche a encre des mollusques cephalopodes

Français : Poche a encre des mollusques cephalopodes English: a, Coeur; b, branchie; c, estomac; d, anus; e, poche a encre Subject: Cephalopoda--Anatomy Tag: Fish

EB1911 Cephalopoda Fig. 23.—Head and circumoral processes of the fore-foot of Onychoteuthis

EB1911 Cephalopoda Fig. 23.—Head and circumoral processes of the fore-...

Cephalopoda Fig. 23.—Head and circumoral processes of the fore-foot of Onychoteuthis from Encyclopædia Britannica 1911

Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale (1887) (19747508692)

Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale (1887) (19747508692)

Title: Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale Identifier: archivesdezoolo2518laca_0 (find matches) Year: 1872 (1870s) Authors: Lacaze-Duthiers, Henri de, 1821-1901, ed; Centre national de la recherche... Mehr

PZSL 1889 Page 129

PZSL 1889 Page 129

A (left): Sepia sp. = Sepiidae sp., embryo B (right): Taonius sp. = Taonius sp., juv. English: Transverse section through the funnel region of an advanced cuttlefish embryo (A) and a glass squid larva (B). l.... Mehr

The biology of marine animals (1960) (20389282971)

The biology of marine animals (1960) (20389282971)

Title: The biology of marine animals Identifier: biologyofmarinea00nico (find matches) Year: 1960 (1960s) Authors: Nicol, J. A. Colin (Joseph Arthur Colin), 1915- Subjects: Marine animals; Physiology, Compara... Mehr

БСЭ1. Головоногие 1 - Drawing. Public domain image.

БСЭ1. Головоногие 1 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Figure from Головоногие article of Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1st editionРусский: Иллюстрация к статье Головоногие 1-го издания Большой советской энциклопедии. Рис. 1. Анатомия каракатицы: a—a1 — место разрез... Mehr

БСЭ1. Головоногие 2, Большая Советская Энциклопедия

БСЭ1. Головоногие 2, Большая Советская Энциклопедия

Figure from Головоногие article of Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1st editionРусский: Иллюстрация к статье Головоногие 1-го издания Большой советской энциклопедии. Рис.2. Гектокотилизированное щупальце.

PSM V21 D775 Suckers of the cuttle fish

PSM V21 D775 Suckers of the cuttle fish

Suckers of the cuttle fish

The book of nature; or Fleuron T022987-56

The book of nature; or Fleuron T022987-56

Fleuron from book: The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, Displayed in the Anatomical Analysis of many Species, and illustrated with cop... Mehr

141 of 'The Geological Story briefly told. An introduction to geology ... With numerous illustrations' (11066483034)

141 of 'The Geological Story briefly told. An introduction to geology ...

Image taken from: Title: "The Geological Story briefly told. An introduction to geology ... With numerous illustrations" Author: DANA, James Dwight. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 7109.aaa.9." Page: 141 Plac... Mehr

Spirula spirula - Public domain zoological illustration

Spirula spirula - Public domain zoological illustration

Spirula spirula Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The book of nature; or Fleuron T022987-55

The book of nature; or Fleuron T022987-55

Fleuron from book: The book of nature; or, the history of insects: reduced to distinct classes, confirmed by particular instances, Displayed in the Anatomical Analysis of many Species, and illustrated with cop... Mehr

American malacological bulletin (1986) (18157487291)

American malacological bulletin (1986) (18157487291)

Title: American malacological bulletin Identifier: americanmal4519861987amer (find matches) Year: 1983 (1980s) Authors: American Malacological Union Subjects: Mollusks; Mollusks Publisher: (Hattiesburg, Miss.... Mehr

Euprymna scolopes1 - A black and white drawing of a plant
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