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black and white photographs of aircraft

1,077 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 11
AM-1 Tábano - A black and white photo of an airplane

AM-1 Tábano - A black and white photo of an airplane

Español: Anclaje ventral del Aeromóvil AM-1 Tábano en el bombardero I.Ae.24 Calquín Русский: Крылатая ракета AM-1 «Табано» под крылом бомбардировщика I.Ae. 24 «Калькин»

I.Ae. 45 Querandí - A black and white photo of a plane flying over a city

I.Ae. 45 Querandí - A black and white photo of a plane flying over a c...

Argentine light aircraft FMA I.Ae. 45 Querandí Español: Aviones argentinos ligero FMA I.Ae. 45 Querandí Русский: Аргентинский самолёт FMA I.Ae. 45 Querandí

CA-15 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

CA-15 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

CA-15 1946. C.A.C. via Hopton Collection.Hopton No. p1171-0097 ". (Da das abgebildete Flugzeug 1950 zerstört wurde, ist dieses Foto mehr als 25 Jahre alt und / oder wurde vor 1955 aufgenommen und unterliegt dah... Mehr

StateLibQld 1 115976 Star of Cairns, eine Avro 619 Five, VH-UNK, ca. 1930

StateLibQld 1 115976 Star of Cairns, eine Avro 619 Five, VH-UNK, ca. 1...

Star of Cairns, eine Avro 619 Five, VH-UNK, ca. 1930. Star of Cairns stürzte am 31. Dezember 1930 ab. (Wehrpflicht mit Lichtbild).

StateLibQld 1 190791 Avro Anson Flugzeug, 1940-1950

StateLibQld 1 190791 Avro Anson Flugzeug, 1940-1950

Avro Anson aeroplane, 1940-1950. Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

F-4B VF-143 Abschussraketen NAN1-65

F-4B VF-143 Abschussraketen NAN1-65

Eine McDonnell F-4B-16-MC Phantom II (BuNo 151408) des Jagdgeschwaders 143 (VF-143) "Pukin 'Dogs" feuerte 1964 während einer Übung 12,7 cm "Zuni" -Raketen ab. VF-143 wurde vom 5. Mai 1964 bis zum 1. Februar 196... Mehr

F-4J Phantom der VF-114 beim Abfangen der sowjetischen Tu-16 1975

F-4J Phantom der VF-114 beim Abfangen der sowjetischen Tu-16 1975

Eine McDonnell F-4J-40-MC Phantom II (BuNo 157257) des Jagdgeschwaders VF-114 "Erdferkel" eskortiert eine sowjetische Tupolew Tu-16 (NATO-Kennung "Dachs"). VF-114 wurde dem Carrier Air Wing 11 (CVW-11) an Bord ... Mehr

F-8 starten 1967 von der USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) vor Vietnam

F-8 starten 1967 von der USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) vor Vietnam

Die US-Marine kaufte die F-8C Crusaders of Fighter Squadron 24 (VF-24) "Red Checkertails" und F-8E of VF-211 "Checkmates", die auf den Katapulten abgebildet und während des Flugbetriebs an Bord des Flugzeugträg... Mehr

Reggiane Re 2002 Luftwaffe, Italy

Reggiane Re 2002 Luftwaffe, Italy

Italienisches Reggiane Re.2002 Kampfflugzeug in Taliedo vor der Auslieferung an eine Schlachtgruppe der deutschen Luftwaffe

Weitere Bilder aus der Sammlung des Niederländischen Instituts für Militärgeschichte finden Sie unter - (19321130526)

Weitere Bilder aus der Sammlung des Niederländischen Instituts für Mil...

More images from the collection of the Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie on Flickr are to be found at: Voor meer beelden uit de collectie van het Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie kijk o... Mehr



Right side air-to-air view of a Soviet Tu-142M (by NATO reporting name - "Bear F Mod 3") aircraft. Русский: Дальний противолодочный самолёт Ту-142М.

F-8E ov VF-211 launching from USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) 1967

F-8E ov VF-211 launching from USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) 1967

A U.S. Navy Vought F-8E Crusader (BuNo 150351) from Fighter Squadron 211 "Checkmates" launching from the aircraft carrier USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31). VF-211 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing 19 (CVW-19) aboa... Mehr

S2F-1 Tracker of VS-39 on USS Leyte (CVS-32) off Gibraltar in November 1957

S2F-1 Tracker of VS-39 on USS Leyte (CVS-32) off Gibraltar in November...

A Grumman S2F-1 Tracker (BuNo 133308) from Anti-Submarine Squadron 39 (VS-39) "Mustard Cutters" aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Leyte (CVS-32) off Gibraltar in November 1957. Leyte was deployed to the... Mehr

Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin ExCC

Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin ExCC

Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Avro 627 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Avro 627 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Das einzige Avro 627 Mailplane, August 1931 in Standardform

AWAW19 - A black and white photo of a small airplane

AWAW19 - A black and white photo of a small airplane

Die einzige Armstrong Whitworth AW.19, A-3, Seriennummer K5606 im Jahr 1935; Abbildung Juni 1934.

Lancaster over Wizernes IWM C 4505

Lancaster over Wizernes IWM C 4505

Vertikale Luftaufnahme, die während des Abendangriffs auf den Montage- und Startbunker der V2 in Wizernes, Frankreich, mit dem Flugzeug der Fluglinie No. 1 Gruppe. Ein Avro Lancaster von No. 103 Geschwader der ... Mehr

Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. in the cockpit of a F-106

Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. in the cockpit of a F-106

Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. in the cockpit of a F-106B Delta Dart.

Sikorsky Russky Vityaz (Le Grand)

Sikorsky Russky Vityaz (Le Grand)

Sikorsky S-21 Russky Vityaz (Russian Knight) or Le Grand (The Great) – first four engined aircraft in the world built by Igor Sikorsky in 1913

Jakovlev Ja-1 - A man standing next to an old airplane

Jakovlev Ja-1 - A man standing next to an old airplane

Picryl description: Public domain image of a pilot, aviator, aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

La France Airship - A group of people standing around a large air balloon

La France Airship - A group of people standing around a large air ball...

La France airship. 1885 photograph. The airship's creation was led by Charles Renard and Arthur Krebs. 2001 National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution

Pružanski aeradrom I-16 №3 3, World War II photo

Pružanski aeradrom I-16 №3 3, World War II photo

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): І-16 №3 на аэрадроме ў Пружанах.. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

ДБ-3ТП поплавковый торпедоносец

ДБ-3ТП поплавковый торпедоносец

DB-3TP Русский: ДБ-3ТП_поплавковый_торпедоносец Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Galilee Squadron Auster, Israel

Galilee Squadron Auster, Israel

Camouflagued Auster Autocraft of the Israeli Air Force Galilee Squadron

Vliegtuigbouw, SFA022808429

Vliegtuigbouw, SFA022808429

Nederlands: Omschrijving: Vliegtuigbouw. Amateurs bouwen in Frankrijk een vliegtuigje - een Pou du Ciel - naar een ontwerp van de vliegtuigbouwer Henri Mignet. Foto 1940.

AD Skyraiders bombing targets in Korea

AD Skyraiders bombing targets in Korea

U.S. Navy Douglas AD Skyraider delivering their bombs during the Korean War. The Skyraiders appear to wear the tail code "L" of Carrier Air Group 7. CVG-7 made a single deployment to Korea from 20 May 1952 to 8... Mehr

C-119s Yonpo Korea Dec 1950

C-119s Yonpo Korea Dec 1950

U.S. Air Force Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar airplanes line the airfield at Yonpo, Korea as they are loaded with air drop cargo for the U.S. Marine Corps 1st Division in the Chosin Reservoir area, on 1 December 1950.



A De Havilland DH-9A of Royal Air Force.

Britische Flugzeuge im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914-1918
Ein Avro 500 im Jahr 1913.

Britische Flugzeuge im Ersten Weltkrieg 1914-1918 Ein Avro 500 im Jahr...

Britische Flugzeuge des Ersten Weltkriegs 1914-1918 Q67024

StateLibQld 1 115652 Tieffliegend über den Wellen ist eine Avro 618 Ten, Yeppoon, 1931

StateLibQld 1 115652 Tieffliegend über den Wellen ist eine Avro 618 Te...

Tieffliegend über den Wellen fliegt eine Avro 618 Ten, Yeppoon, 1931

StateLibQld 1 124082 CAC Boomerangs sitzen auf dem Rollfeld in Bougainville, ca. 1944

StateLibQld 1 124082 CAC Boomerangs sitzen auf dem Rollfeld in Bougain...

CAC-Boomerangs sitzen auf dem Rollfeld in Bougainville. Common: Der sichtbare Geschwadercode BF scheint sie als Teil von No zu identifizieren. 5 Geschwader RAAF.

Tu-16 überfliegt USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) 1963

Tu-16 überfliegt USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) 1963

Zwei McDonnell F-4B Phantom II der US Navy vom Jagdgeschwader VF-114 Erdferkel eskortieren einen sowjetischen Tupolew Tu-16 "Dachs" -Bomber, der im Januar 1963 den Flugzeugträger USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) überfli... Mehr



Svenska: Räddningsarbetet minuterna efter måndagens flygolycka i närheten av Tveta kyrka, en mil söder om Södertälje, blev dramatiskt. Flygläraren Alf Thorsson-Börd, 27 år, försökte trots plågsamma egna skador... Mehr

F-14A VF-111 intercepting Indian Tu-142MK-E

F-14A VF-111 intercepting Indian Tu-142MK-E

A U.S. Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat from Fighter Squadron VF-111 Sundowners intercepting an Indian Navy Tupolev Tu-142MK-E (NATO reporting code "Bear F") in 1988. VF-111 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing 15 (CVW-15... Mehr

Maia and Mercury, August 1938 (Our Generation, 1938)

Maia and Mercury, August 1938 (Our Generation, 1938)

The "Pick-a-Back" plane ready to make her first flight across the Atlantic, August 1938 Approximate date of photograph: 1938-08

Petlyakov Pe-2 at Poltava, Russia

Petlyakov Pe-2 at Poltava, Russia

Russian pilots and ground crew stand in front of a Petlyakov Pe-2 light bomber at Poltava, Russia, during the first shuttle raid -- Italy to Russia and return -- in June 1944. GI is TSgt. Bernard J. McGuire, T... Mehr

G4M-34s. Japanese empire during World War Two.

G4M-34s. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

HA-300 side - Egypt - A fighter jet sitting on top of an airport tarmac

HA-300 side - Egypt - A fighter jet sitting on top of an airport tarma...

Egyptian aircraft HA-300 in Helwan Public domain photograph of jet aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Armstrong Whitworth Whitley Prototyp c1936

Armstrong Whitworth Whitley Prototyp c1936

One of two Armstrong Whitworth Whitley bomber prototypes. Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

AW 16a - A black and white photo of a small airplane

AW 16a - A black and white photo of a small airplane

Der Prototyp Armstrong Whitworth A.W.XVI, Juni 1931, mit doppeltem Townend-Ring

HMS Ark Royal planes, British Navy ship

HMS Ark Royal planes, British Navy ship

Sechs Blackburn Skuas der No 800 Squadron Fleet Air Arm stellen sich an Deck auf, bevor sie von der HMS ARK ROYAL abheben.

MH 003012 - A black and white photo of a plane flying in the sky

MH 003012 - A black and white photo of a plane flying in the sky

Blackburn Perth Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cornfield Bomber Repairs

Cornfield Bomber Repairs

PLANE LANDS ITSELF AFTER PILOT EJECTS - This F-106A (S/N 58-0787) was involved in an unusual incident. During a training mission, it entered an flat spin forcing the pilot to eject. Unpiloted, the aircraft rec... Mehr

Soviet Kashin-class destroyer seen from USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) in 1967

Soviet Kashin-class destroyer seen from USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA...

A Soviet Project 61 guided missile destroyer (NATO reporting code: "Kashin-class") passes close by the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42), in the Mediterranean Sea, 25 September 1967.... Mehr

Piloci 1 Pulku Lotnictwa Mysliwskiego

Piloci 1 Pulku Lotnictwa Mysliwskiego

Pilots of 1 Pułk Lotnictwa Myśliwskiego "Warszawa" (1 Fighters Squadron "Warsaw") Polski: Piloci 1 Pułku Lotnictwa Myśliwskiego "Warszawa"

Abgestürzter ital.Caproni im Cepovanertal. 25.X.17. (BildID 15612263)

Abgestürzter ital.Caproni im Cepovanertal. 25.X.17. (BildID 15612263)

Abgestürzter ital.Caproni im Cepovanertal. 25.X.17. Public domain photograph - Austro-Hungarian army during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Abgestürztes Flugzeug. (BildID 15576334)

Abgestürztes Flugzeug. (BildID 15576334)

Abgestürztes Flugzeug. Public domain photograph - Austro-Hungarian army during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

ARK-5 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

ARK-5 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Soviet ARK-5 aircraft, an arctic exploration version of the Polikarpov R-5 light bomber.

Polikarpov I-17 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Polikarpov I-17 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Polikarpov I-17 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Polikarpov R-5 rb - A black and white photo of a small airplane

Polikarpov R-5 rb - A black and white photo of a small airplane

The reconnaissance aircraft and light bomber Polikarpov R-5 (USSR) in flight. Русский: Самолёт-разведчик и лёгкий бомбардировщик Поликарпоа Р-5 (СССР) в полёте.

R-5T-seriinyi - A black and white photo of an old airplane

R-5T-seriinyi - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Русский: Серийный Р-5Т. Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

NATO aircraft at Bitburg AB 1959

NATO aircraft at Bitburg AB 1959

NATO aircraft in front of the tower of Bitburg Air Base, Rheinland-Pfalz (West Germany) in 1959: (front to back) the nose of a Canadair Sabre, a West German Luftwaffe Republic F-84F Thunderstreak, a Royal Neth... Mehr

Fokker E.II of Feldflieger Abteilung 14, landing

Fokker E.II of Feldflieger Abteilung 14, landing

Fokker E.II/35 from Feldflieger Abteilung 14 preparing to land at an airfield on the Eastern Front. The E.II was built in parallel with the E.I and the choice of whether an airframe became an E.I or E.II depen... Mehr

DB-3 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

DB-3 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Español: Bombardero Ilyushin DB-3 Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jan Kaspar - A man standing in front of an airplane

Jan Kaspar - A man standing in front of an airplane

Jan Kaspar, first Czech aircraft designer.

Phonix C.I photo1 during World War I
Phönix D.I during World War I

Phönix D.I during World War I

Phönix D.I Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

UFAG C.I(Ph) - A black and white photo of an old airplane

UFAG C.I(Ph) - A black and white photo of an old airplane

UFAG C.I(Ph) (series 123) a Phönix-built UFAG C.I Čeština: UFAG C.I(Ph) (series 123)

C-130 Iran 1988 DN-SN-89-02586

C-130 Iran 1988 DN-SN-89-02586

An air-to-air left side view of an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft.

50th Aero Squadron DH-4s 4

50th Aero Squadron DH-4s 4

50th Aero Squadron Dayton Wright DH-4 Air Service, United States Army photograph, Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, Series M Misceanelous, Volume 7 Titles for Still Pictures o... Mehr

1st Aero Squadron - Julvecourt 2

1st Aero Squadron - Julvecourt 2

1st Aero Squadron - 1st Aero Squadron - Julvecourt, France Air Service, United States Army photograph, Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, Series M Misceanelous, Volume 7 Titles... Mehr

Tweede Wereldoorlog, SFA022804030

Tweede Wereldoorlog, SFA022804030

Nederlands: Omschrijving: Tweede Wereldoorlog. Luchtoorlog. Een Messerschmitt gevechtsvliegtuig escorteert een Duitse torpedojager. Noorwegen. 1940.

Cpl C.J. Sheresh of Chicago, IL loading a North American F-51 with .50 caliber ammunition at Taegu, Korea.-AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM-- 77649 AC HF-SN-98-07272

Cpl C.J. Sheresh of Chicago, IL loading a North American F-51 with .50...

Cpl C.J. Sheresh of Chicago, IL loading a North American F-51 with .50 caliber ammunition at Taegu, Korea. AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM#: 77649 AC

Air-to-air right side view of a Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat interceptor aircraft

Air-to-air right side view of a Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat interceptor aircr...

Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tu-16 Badger G
I.Ae.24 "Calquin" - A black and white photo of a propeller plane

I.Ae.24 "Calquin" - A black and white photo of a propeller plane

I.Ae. 24 Calquin aircraft on the ramp. Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Die königliche Marine während des Zweiten Weltkriegs
Diese Ansicht der Blackburn Firebrand veranschaulicht die riesigen Klappen des Flugzeugs, während es das Flugdeck hinauf rollt.

Die königliche Marine während des Zweiten Weltkriegs Diese Ansicht der...

Blackburn Firebrand während Testfahrten auf der HMS Illustrious (IWM-Foto A14851) Der Blackburn Firebrand IV, der erste einsitzige Torpedojäger, der jemals in Großbritannien gebaut wurde, während der Flugzeugte... Mehr

"Corsair Fighter verliert seine Ladung Raketengeschosse auf einer Flucht gegen eine Jap-Hochburg auf Okinawa. Im unteren Rückenbereich - NARA - 532375

"Corsair Fighter verliert seine Ladung Raketengeschosse auf einer Fluc...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

StaatLibQld 1 190055 Avro Avian III, G-AUHX, ca. 1928

StaatLibQld 1 190055 Avro Avian III, G-AUHX, ca. 1928

Avro Avian III, G-AUHX, ca. 1928. Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

StateLibQld 1 86788 Stinson-Flugzeuge auf dem Flugplatz Bowen, ca. 1935

StateLibQld 1 86788 Stinson-Flugzeuge auf dem Flugplatz Bowen, ca. 193...

Ein Stinson Model A Trimotor auf dem Flugplatz von Bowen, Queensland.

A-6A Intruder VMA(AW)-242 at Da Nang c1967

A-6A Intruder VMA(AW)-242 at Da Nang c1967

Eine Grumman A-6A Intruder (BuNo 152595) des U.S. Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron VMA (AW) -242 Fledermäuse, beladen mit 227 kg Mk 82 Bomben, startet zu einem Einsatz in Da Nang, Südvietnam. Die A-6A 152595 ... Mehr

F-4B Phantom II der VF-142 im Landeanflug auf die USS Constellation (CVA-64) am 14. August 1967 (NNAM.1996.253.7287)

F-4B Phantom II der VF-142 im Landeanflug auf die USS Constellation (C...

Eine McDonnell F-4B-16-MC Phantom II (BuNo 151415) des Jagdgeschwaders 142 (VF-142) "Ghost Riders" der US Navy nähert sich nach einem Einsatz über Vietnam am 14. August 1967 dem Flugzeugträger USS Constellation... Mehr

Pilotenauswurf von RF-8A 1963

Pilotenauswurf von RF-8A 1963

Leutnant der U.S. Navy (Junior Grade) J.M. Baucom wirft am 13. November 1963 aus dem Cockpit eines Vought RF-8A Crusader (BuNo 145634) des Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron VFP-62. Er stürzte und wurde mit d... Mehr

Ben Turner making a parachute jump 1938

Ben Turner making a parachute jump 1938

Ben Turner taking off before making a parachute jump from a plane at Camden, Sydney, 14 August, 1938, from original nitrate negative, State Library of New South Wales, NCY60/321

F-14A VF-11 Tu95D 1985

F-14A VF-11 Tu95D 1985

A Soviet Tupolev Tu-95 Bear D aircraft being intercepted by an U.S. Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat from fighter squadron VF-11 Red Rippers, on 1 October 1985 (?). VF-11 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing Three (CVW-3).

FA-18A VMFA-323 Tu-16 1986

FA-18A VMFA-323 Tu-16 1986

A Soviet Tupolev Tu-16 Badger aircraft being escorted by an U.S. Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet aircraft from Marine fighter-bomber squadron VFMA-323 Death Rattlers in 1985. VMFA-323 was assigned... Mehr

USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) post collision

USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) post collision

U.S. Navy SH-3A Sea King helicopters from USS Kearsarge (CVS-33) join search and rescue operations over the stern section of USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754), as USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) stands ready to offer... Mehr

Hannover CL IIIa, Wald der Argonne, Frankreich, 1918 (restauriert)

Hannover CL IIIa, Wald der Argonne, Frankreich, 1918 (restauriert)

Ein deutsches CL.IIIa (Seriennr. 3892 / 18) Flugzeug, das von amerikanischen Maschinengewehrschützen zwischen Montfaucon und Cierges, Frankreich, im Wald von Argonne zum Absturz gebracht wurde, zeigt schwarze K... Mehr

I-16 in Nanking. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

I-16 in Nanking. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Japanese armed forces' aircraft engineers study Soviet I-16 fighter used by National Revolutionary Army. (Nanking, Dec. 22, 1937) 日本語: 中国軍が使用したソ連製I-16戦闘機を研究する日本軍航空機技術者 (南京、昭和12年12月22日)

Two French air force Dassault Mirage F1C aircraft

Two French air force Dassault Mirage F1C aircraft

Two Armée de l'air (French air force) Dassault Mirage F1C aircraft armed with Matra 550 Magic air-to-air missiles mounted on the wing tips and Matra R.530 air-to-air missiles mounted under the fuselage in fligh... Mehr

EAF IL-28 Attrition - Egypt

EAF IL-28 Attrition - Egypt

Egyptian IL-28 strikes IDF in Sinai during the War of Attrition. العربية: مقاتلة مصرية من طراز اليوشين 28 تقصف أهداف اسرائيليلة في سيناء خلال حرب الاستنزاف

Albert Ball portrait - Public domain portrait photograph

Albert Ball portrait - Public domain portrait photograph

Englisches Flieger-Ass aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg und Victoria-Kreuz-Empfänger Albert Ball

Avro AldershotA - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Avro AldershotA - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Der erste Prototyp Aldershot J 6952 im Jahr 1924, mit Rumpfverlängerung, Pennege-Änderungen und den extern verbundenen Querrudern der Produktion Mk III Aldershot

Avro Bison in Flight - An old photo of a man sitting in an airplane

Avro Bison in Flight - An old photo of a man sitting in an airplane

Avro Bison II Trägergestütztes Spotter- / Aufklärungsflugzeug der Flotte Luftwaffe (Seriennummer N 9852)

IWM-ATP13448C Lancastrian 205125999

IWM-ATP13448C Lancastrian 205125999

Avro Lancastrian (G-AGLF), BOAC, Bournemouth (Hurn), 1945 Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

US Army Major Charles L Kelly MSC

US Army Major Charles L Kelly MSC

Photo of Major Charles L. Kelly taken in the Republic of Vietnam in early 1964.

Berijew MP-1 - An old photo of a small plane in the water

Berijew MP-1 - An old photo of a small plane in the water

Deutsch: Berijew MP-1 English: Beriev MP-1 Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

From right to left Korolev, Koshits Shimraev, Podlesniy, the plane SC-4

From right to left Korolev, Koshits Shimraev, Podlesniy, the plane SC-...

Русский: Это фотография сделана в 1930 году в Крыму во время испытаний самолёта СК-4. На фотографии изображены (справа налево): Королёв, Кошиц, Шимраев, Подлесный у обломков разбившегося самолёта СК-4.

Tschetwerikow MDR-6 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Tschetwerikow MDR-6 - A black and white photo of an old airplane

Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mislukte noodlanding, 1915

Mislukte noodlanding, 1915

Botched emergency landing by a French pilot in friendly territory after a failed attempt to attack a German Zeppelin hangar in Haren, Belgium, in 1915. Soldiers are climbing up the tree where the biplane has l... Mehr

La France Observatoire - A black and white photo of a flying object

La France Observatoire - A black and white photo of a flying object

The French officers' Charles Renard and Arthur Krebs ''LA FRANCE airship made the first fully controllable free-flight the 9 August 1884. It was the first full circle flight with landing on the starting point.... Mehr

Ant53, Russian Empire - A black and white photo of a plane

Ant53, Russian Empire - A black and white photo of a plane

Русский: Продувочная модель АНТ-53 Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hansa-Brandenburg FB on wheel set

Hansa-Brandenburg FB on wheel set

Flying boat Hansa-Brandenburg FB on wheel set. Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

8th Surveillance Squadron - DH-4

8th Surveillance Squadron - DH-4

8th Surveillance Squadron - Dayton-Wright DH-4 Air Service, United States Army photograph, Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, Series M Misceanelous, Volume 7 Titles for Still P... Mehr

50th Aero Squadron

50th Aero Squadron

50th Aero Squadron Clermont-en-Argonne Airdrome, France Air Service, United States Army photograph, Gorrell's History of the American Expeditionary Forces Air Service, Series M Misceanelous, Volume 7 Titles fo... Mehr

Tweede Wereldoorlog, SFA022804104

Tweede Wereldoorlog, SFA022804104

Nederlands: Omschrijving: Tweede Wereldoorlog. Luchtoorlog. Geheel uitgebrande romp van volgens het oorspronkelijke bijschrift een Britse Bristol-Blenheim-bommenwerper die bij Haarlem door Duits afweergeschut ... Mehr

Mi G 15 S curving to attack B-29s over Korea c1951

Mi G 15 S curving to attack B-29s over Korea c1951

Three Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 fighters curving in to attack U.S. Air Force Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers over Korea in April 1951. This mission was assigned to the elite of the Soviet Air Force (VVS), in Ap... Mehr

20 Geschwader RAAF Catalina Flugzeuge mit Politikern Darwin Okt 1944 AWM 081564

20 Geschwader RAAF Catalina Flugzeuge mit Politikern Darwin Okt 1944 A...


Albatros D III Jagdflugzeug in Palästina 1918

Albatros D III Jagdflugzeug in Palästina 1918

Ein gefangener Kämpfer des Deutsch-Osmanischen Reiches Albatros D.III in Palästina, 1918.

Brennender Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat der VF-2 an Bord der USS Enterprise (CV-6) am 10. November 1943 (80-G-205473)

Brennender Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat der VF-2 an Bord der USS Enterprise (...

Bruchlandung einer Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat (Nummer 30) des Kampfgeschwaders 2 (VF-2) der US Navy an Bord des Flugzeugträgers USS Enterprise (CV-6) in der Backbordseite des Trägers, 10. November 1943. Leutnant Wal... Mehr


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