Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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3,066 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 31
Dante und Vergil betrachten den Minotaurus von unten aus BL Eg 943, f. 21v

Dante und Vergil betrachten den Minotaurus von unten aus BL Eg 943, f....

Framed miniature of Dante and Virgil watching the minotaur. Image taken from f. 21v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-... Mehr

John Chrysostomos aus BL Eg 2339, f. 18v

John Chrysostomos aus BL Eg 2339, f. 18v

Drawing of John Chrysostom, a fFather of the Greek church, and decorated initials. Image taken from f. 18v of Hymns and prayers, preceded by extracts from the Fathers, and followed by other prayers, imperfect. ... Mehr

Dante und Vergil betrachten die Sünde des Stolzes aus BL Eg 943, f. 83v

Dante und Vergil betrachten die Sünde des Stolzes aus BL Eg 943, f. 83...

Text page with a miniature of Dante and Virgil looking down at the examples of the sin of pride in a rocky crevice. Image taken from f. 83v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradis... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Dante beobachtet das Lustvolle aus BL Eg 943, f. 110

Fegefeuer: Dante beobachtet das Lustvolle aus BL Eg 943, f. 110

Framed miniature of Dante (with Statius and Virgil) observing the lustful. Image taken from f. 110 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Cap... Mehr

Zeichnung von König Arthur, der einen Riesen beim Schweinebraten findet. von BL Eg 3028, f. 49

Zeichnung von König Arthur, der einen Riesen beim Schweinebraten finde...

Drawing of king Arthur finding a giant roasting a pig. Image taken from f. 49 of Roman de Brut, a verse epitome (begins imperfectly) with continuation to Edward III; Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. Written in F... Mehr

Hugh Capet aus BL Eg 943, f. 99

Hugh Capet aus BL Eg 943, f. 99

Detail of a miniature of Hugh Capet speaking of the crimes of the Capetian house. Image taken from f. 99 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; t... Mehr

Die Auferstehung aus BL Eg 1122, f. 83

Die Auferstehung aus BL Eg 1122, f. 83

Miniature of the Resurrection, in a Gospel Lectionary for Lent. Image taken from f. 83 of Gospel Lectionary for Lent. Written in German with some Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its fou... Mehr

Karl II. aus BL Eg 2572, f. 14

Karl II. aus BL Eg 2572, f. 14

Miniature of a bust of Charles II. Image taken from f. 14 of Guild Book of the Barber Surgeons of York, including its ordinances. Written in English and Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after ... Mehr

Dante wird zu Beatrice aus BL Eg 943, f. 121 geführt

Dante wird zu Beatrice aus BL Eg 943, f. 121 geführt

Detail of a framed miniature of Dante being led to Beatrice who is seated in the car with two ladies. Image taken from f. 121 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a shor... Mehr

Buchvorstellung aus BL Eg 818, f. 2

Buchvorstellung aus BL Eg 818, f. 2

Miniature of a seated figure holding an open book and a standing figure offering it to him. Salutati has labelled the seated figure as Solinus, and the standing figure as Adventus. Image taken from f. 2 of Col... Mehr

Diagramme aus BL Eg 845 ff. 15v-16

Diagramme aus BL Eg 845 ff. 15v-16

Drawings of a frog, snake, and eagle, on the left, and diagram with a man and woman embracing on the right. Image taken from ff. 15v-16 of Alchemical treatise and diagrams, fragmentary, English verse on alchemy... Mehr

Volvelle from BL Eg 848, f. 22 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Volvelle from BL Eg 848, f. 22 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Volvelle with three moving parts representing the zodiac, the sun, and the moon, and showing their relative positions and the moon's phases, and astronomical diagram. Image taken from f. 22 of Medical miscellan... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 260v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 260v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 260v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscoun... Mehr

Farbige Buchstaben aus BL Eg 3278, f. 1v

Farbige Buchstaben aus BL Eg 3278, f. 1v

Coloured letters. Image taken from f. 1v of A fragment of Book 5.19-20 of the Historia ecclesiastica. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-16... Mehr

Johannes der Täufer aus BL Eg 1139, f. 206

Johannes der Täufer aus BL Eg 1139, f. 206

Detail of miniature of John the Baptist. Image taken from f. 206 of Psalter (The 'Melisende Psalter') with canticles, prayers, and litany. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its... Mehr

Vulkan, Venus und Mars. von BL Eg 881, f. 141v

Vulkan, Venus und Mars. von BL Eg 881, f. 141v

Detail of a miniature Vulcan finding his wife in bed with Mars. Image taken from f. 141v of Roman de la Rose. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton... Mehr

Karl der Große aus BL Eg 3028, f. 113

Karl der Große aus BL Eg 3028, f. 113

Drawing of Charlemagne and Richard slaying Agolafre. Image taken from f. 113 of Roman de Brut, a verse epitome (begins imperfectly) with continuation to Edward III; Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. Written in Fr... Mehr

Plant from BL Eg 2020, f. 59 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Plant from BL Eg 2020, f. 59 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Miniature of a plant. Image taken from f. 59 of Translation of the herbal (The 'Carrara Herbal'), including the Liber agrega, Herbolario volgare; De medicamentis, with index (ff. 263-265). Written in Italian. ... Mehr

Detail einer Miniatur eines Bischofs, der predigt. von BL Eg 745, f. 46

Detail einer Miniatur eines Bischofs, der predigt. von BL Eg 745, f. 4...

Detail of a miniature of a bishop preaching. Image taken from f. 46 of Life of Eustace and other saints, and a collection of moral treatises. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after... Mehr

Hengist from BL Eg 3028, f. 27 - Public domain document scan of drawing

Hengist from BL Eg 3028, f. 27 - Public domain document scan of drawin...

Drawing of Hengist takings refuge at Conisborough. Image taken from f. 27 of Roman de Brut, a verse epitome (begins imperfectly) with continuation to Edward III; Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. Written in Frenc... Mehr

Lineale von BL Eg 1500, f. 15v-16

Lineale von BL Eg 1500, f. 15v-16

Miniatures of heads of rulers. Image taken from f. 15v-16 of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton Manuscript Collection is ... Mehr

Die Gefräßigen neben dem Baum aus BL Eg 943, f. 107

Die Gefräßigen neben dem Baum aus BL Eg 943, f. 107

Framed miniature of the gluttonous beside a tree filled with fruit. Image taken from f. 107 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (... Mehr

Zwei Engelsköpfe aus BL Eg 943, f. 113v

Zwei Engelsköpfe aus BL Eg 943, f. 113v

Framed miniature of two angels' heads in the sacred wood. Image taken from f. 113v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-1... Mehr

Creation from BL Eg 1894, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Creation from BL Eg 1894, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature in the upper register on the right side, of the Second day of Creation, with God creating the firmament in the midst of the waters. Image taken from f. 1 of Egerton Genesis Picture Book. W... Mehr

Dante, Statius und Vergil aus BL Eg 943, f. 102

Dante, Statius und Vergil aus BL Eg 943, f. 102

Framed miniature of Dante listening Statius and Virgil speaking, Canto XXII. Image taken from f. 102 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the C... Mehr

Hawk from BL Eg 2347, f. 6 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Hawk from BL Eg 2347, f. 6 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature of a hawk eating prey, and two facing hawks. Image taken from f. 6 of Treatise on Falconry. Written in Italian. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Eg... Mehr

Dante in Überbiegung aus BL Eg 943, f. 82v

Dante in Überbiegung aus BL Eg 943, f. 82v

Framed miniature of Dante bending over to speak to one of the proud souls, perhaps Oderisi of Gubbio . Image taken from f. 82v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a sho... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 146v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 146v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 146v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscoun... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 174 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 174 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 174 of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscount... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 844, f. 7v

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 844, f. 7v

Detail of illuminated initial 'F'(racta). Image taken from f. 7v of Scientific miscellany, including Tractatus de Sphaera, Compotus, etc. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its ... Mehr

Zitronenmelisse und Maulbeere oder Brombeere von BL Eg 747, f. 64v

Zitronenmelisse und Maulbeere oder Brombeere von BL Eg 747, f. 64v

Miniature of a melissa, or lemon balm plant; miniature of a mori, or mulberry or blackberry plant. Image taken from f. 64v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta Salernitana); Circ... Mehr

Kümmel, Kreuzkümmel und Hemlocktanne aus BL Eg 747, f. 24

Kümmel, Kreuzkümmel und Hemlocktanne aus BL Eg 747, f. 24

Miniature of a carui, or caraway plant; miniature of a ciminum, or cumin plant; miniature of a cicuta, or hemlock plant. Image taken from f. 24 of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secre... Mehr

Sauerampfer, Hirtentasche und Weißes Bryony aus BL Eg 747, f. 16v

Sauerampfer, Hirtentasche und Weißes Bryony aus BL Eg 747, f. 16v

Miniature of a brictanica, or sorrel plant; miniature of a bursa pastoris, or shepherd's purse plant; miniature of a brionia, or white bryony plant. Image taken from f. 16v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De S... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 84v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 84v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 84v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscount... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 125v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 125v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 125v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscoun... Mehr

Schöpfung aus BL Eg 1894, f. 1v

Schöpfung aus BL Eg 1894, f. 1v

Miniature of the Fifth and Sixth days of Creation, and of God resting on the Seventh Day. Image taken from f. 1v of Egerton Genesis Picture Book. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named a... Mehr

Detail from BL Eg 1865, f. 36 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail from BL Eg 1865, f. 36 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of historiated initial of a man holding a book. Image taken from f. 36 of Genealogia deorum gentilium. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton ... Mehr

Die Himmelsrose aus BL Eg 943, f. 181

Die Himmelsrose aus BL Eg 943, f. 181

Framed miniature of Dante and Beatrice contemplating the Rose of Heaven, worshipped by five angels. Image taken from f. 181 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short ... Mehr

Johannes auf Patmos aus BL Eg 2045, f. 16v

Johannes auf Patmos aus BL Eg 2045, f. 16v

Miniature of John on Patmos, at the beginning of his Gospel. Image taken from f. 16v of Miniatures added to a Book of Hours. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (15... Mehr

Fegefeuer, Canto XXI, Terasse 5: Statius huldigt Vergil. von BL Eg 943, f. 101v

Fegefeuer, Canto XXI, Terasse 5: Statius huldigt Vergil. von BL Eg 943...

Framed miniature illustrating Statius paying homage to Virgil. Image taken from f. 101v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. ... Mehr

Merlin und Uther aus BL Eg 3028, f. 33

Merlin und Uther aus BL Eg 3028, f. 33

Drawing of Mertlin comforting Uther. Image taken from f. 33 of Roman de Brut, a verse epitome (begins imperfectly) with continuation to Edward III; Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. Written in French. The Egerto... Mehr

Diagramm aus BL Eg 1500, ff. 6v-7

Diagramm aus BL Eg 1500, ff. 6v-7

Drawing of heads of rulers in a genealogical diagram. Image taken from ff. 6v-7 of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton Man... Mehr

Der Riese und die Hure aus BL Eg 943, f. 124

Der Riese und die Hure aus BL Eg 943, f. 124

Detail of a framed miniature of Statius and Dante observing the giant and the harlot in an embrace. Image taken from f. 124 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short ... Mehr

Maria Magdalena aus BL Eg 2125, f. 215v

Maria Magdalena aus BL Eg 2125, f. 215v

Miniature of Mary Magdalene in the wilderness, with a skull. Image taken from f. 215v of Prayer book of Joanna of Ghistelles (Office of the Dead, Use of Messines). Written in Latin, Netherlandish (f. 143-145 an... Mehr

Belagerung Jerusalems von BL Eg 2781, f. 190

Belagerung Jerusalems von BL Eg 2781, f. 190

Miniature of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, with archers shooting arrows at people on the ramparts. Image taken from f. 190 of Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (The 'Neville of Hornby Hours'). Written in Latin and... Mehr

Diagramme aus BL Eg 2852, f. 55

Diagramme aus BL Eg 2852, f. 55

Diagrams of procedures. Image taken from f. 55 of Medical and scientific treatises, including recipes, and a dietary (ff. 100v-101); Physiognomia VII (ff. 115-126). Written in Latin and English. The Egerton Ma... Mehr

Die Dreifaltigkeit aus BL Eg 2652, f. 169

Die Dreifaltigkeit aus BL Eg 2652, f. 169

Detail of historiated initial of the Trinity. Image taken from f. 169 of Psalter (the 'Suneson Psalter'), for Danish use, with calendar, prayers and litany. Written in Latin. The concept of the Trinity is a ce... Mehr

Textseite aus BL Eg 651, f. 141v

Textseite aus BL Eg 651, f. 141v

Text page with the rubric 'Ci comence la furme dez Lettres a Justic[es] de la Forest'. Image taken from f. 141v of Vetera Statuta (index Statutes of England, Statuta Angliae, Statute book), Registrum Brevium, m... Mehr

Diagram from BL Eg 843, f. 25 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Diagram from BL Eg 843, f. 25 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Diagram of the earth, sun, and moon. Image taken from f. 25 of Tractatus de sphaera (index De sphera); Hippocras, De Contemptu Mundi; Astronomical treatises, etc. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Colle... Mehr

Moly, Bernstein und Laudanum aus BL Eg 747, f. 51

Moly, Bernstein und Laudanum aus BL Eg 747, f. 51

Miniature of an inmolum album, or moly plant; miniature of karabe plant, a source of amber from fossilized resin; miniature of a plant yielding the gum laudanum. Image taken from f. 51 of Tractatus de herbis (H... Mehr

Muskatnuss, Kokosnuss, Melagueta-Pfeffer und Nux Vomica aus BL Eg 747, ff. 67w-68

Muskatnuss, Kokosnuss, Melagueta-Pfeffer und Nux Vomica aus BL Eg 747,...

Miniature of a nux muscata, or nutmeg plant; miniature of a nux indica, or coconut plan; miniature of a nux sciarca, or Melagueta pepper plant (grains of Paradise); miniature of a nux vomica plant, with a snake... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 1146, f. 98v

Leuchtinitiale von BL Eg 1146, f. 98v

Illuminated initial 'S'(ancta Maria) at the beginning of a prayer to the Virgin, with a partial border of strawberry vines, leaves, and fruit. Image taken from f. 98v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elemen... Mehr

Insects from BL Eg 3127, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Insects from BL Eg 3127, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Text in two columns surrounded by a full-page border inset with roundels containing insects. Image taken from f. 1 of 2 leaves from a prose treatise on the Seven Vices (index Cocharelli Treatise). Written in La... Mehr

Nachtschatten, Orphine und Broad Bean aus BL Eg 747, f. 41

Nachtschatten, Orphine und Broad Bean aus BL Eg 747, f. 41

Miniature of a faba inversa, or nightshade plant; miniature of a faba grassa, or orpine plant; miniature of a faba comunes, or broad bean plant. Image taken from f. 41 of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simpli... Mehr

Detail from BL Eg 1894, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail from BL Eg 1894, f. 1 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of a miniature in the upper register on the left side, of the First day of Creation, with God creating heaven and earth. Image taken from f. 1 of Egerton Genesis Picture Book. Written in French. The Ege... Mehr

Giovanni Boccaccio - Diagram from BL Eg 1865, f. 59v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Diagram from BL Eg 1865, f. 59v, illuminated manu...

Diagram. Image taken from f. 59v of Genealogia deorum gentilium. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscount Brackley, was a law... Mehr

Cecilia und Clement aus BL Eg 1070, f. 107v

Cecilia und Clement aus BL Eg 1070, f. 107v

Miniatures of Cecilia (left) and Clement (right), with partial foliate borders carried by angels. Image taken from f. 107v of Book of Hours, Use of Paris ('The Hours of René d'Anjou'). Written in Latin, calenda... Mehr

Justicia from BL Eg 756, f. 1v - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Justicia from BL Eg 756, f. 1v - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Miniature of Justicia. Image taken from f. 1v of Commission of Pietro Loredano, Doge of Venice, appointing Giovanni Paulo Gradenigo, Podestà and Capitano of Feltri. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Col... Mehr

Diagramm aus BL Eg 1500, ff. 5v-6

Diagramm aus BL Eg 1500, ff. 5v-6

Drawing of heads of rulers in a genealogical diagram. Image taken from ff. 5v-6 of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton Man... Mehr

Venus from BL Eg 1069, f. 140v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Venus from BL Eg 1069, f. 140v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Detail of miniature of Venus shooting a flaming arrow through a tiny opening in the castle. Image taken from f. 140v of Roman de la Rose. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its... Mehr

Inferno, Canto V, 2. Kreis: Minos richten drei Seelen nach BL Eg 943, f. 10

Inferno, Canto V, 2. Kreis: Minos richten drei Seelen nach BL Eg 943, ...

Detail of a miniature of Minos judging three souls. Image taken from f. 10 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff. 187-187v). Wr... Mehr

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Luzifer verzehrt Cassius, Brutus und Judus aus BL Eg 943, f. 61

Detail of a miniature of Virgil showing Dante Lucifer devouring Cassius, Brutus and Judus with three mouths. Image taken from f. 61 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with ... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Dante und Vergil begegnen den Exkommunizierten aus BL Eg 943, f. 67

Fegefeuer: Dante und Vergil begegnen den Exkommunizierten aus BL Eg 94...

Detail of a miniature of Dante and Virgil meeting a group of souls of those who were excommunicated, in Ante-Purgatory. Image taken from f. 67 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Para... Mehr

Verzierte Initialen 'P' (Etitis) und 'I' (gitur) mit Laub.. aus BL Eg 3266, f. 321v

Verzierte Initialen 'P' (Etitis) und 'I' (gitur) mit Laub.. aus BL Eg ...

Decorated initials 'P'(etitis) and 'I'(gitur) with foliate extensions including angels and dragons. Image taken from f. 321v of Epistles and treatises. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is na... Mehr

Mohn und Schweinefenchel aus BL Eg 747, f. 73v

Mohn und Schweinefenchel aus BL Eg 747, f. 73v

Miniature of a papaver rubeum, or corn poppy plant; miniature of a peucedanum, or hog's fennel plant. Image taken from f. 73v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta Salernitana); C... Mehr

Auferstehung aus BL Eg 1146, f. 202

Auferstehung aus BL Eg 1146, f. 202

Historiated initial 'A'(lleluia) of the Resurrected Christ, with partial borders of leaves and birds, at the beginning of Matins in the Office of the Resurrection. Image taken from f. 202 of Book of Hours, Use ... Mehr

Leuchtinitiale aus BL Eg 1146, f. 28

Leuchtinitiale aus BL Eg 1146, f. 28

Illuminated initial 'O'(refectio) at the beginning of a prayer, with a partial border of branches, leaves, and flowers. Image taken from f. 28 of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Writte... Mehr

Belagerung Jerusalems von BL Eg 2781, f. 190v

Belagerung Jerusalems von BL Eg 2781, f. 190v

Miniature of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, with an infant speared, and men encircled by a rope. Image taken from f. 190v of Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (The 'Neville of Hornby Hours'). Written in Latin and F... Mehr

Spitzwegerich, Saudistel und Klette aus BL Eg 747, f. 57v

Spitzwegerich, Saudistel und Klette aus BL Eg 747, f. 57v

Miniature of a lanceolata, or ribwort plantain plant; miniature of a lactuca leporina, or common sow thistle plant; miniature of a lappaccioli, or burdock plant. Image taken from f. 57v of Tractatus de herbis (... Mehr

Erbse und Schafgarbe aus BL Eg 747, f. 106v

Erbse und Schafgarbe aus BL Eg 747, f. 106v

Miniature of an orobum, or sweet-pea plant; miniature of a crispula, or yarrow plant. Image taken from f. 106v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta Salernitana); Circa instans; A... Mehr

Ferula und Feige aus BL Eg 747, f. 41v

Ferula und Feige aus BL Eg 747, f. 41v

Miniature of a ferula plant; miniature of a ficubus, or fig tree, with the figure of a man attempting to climb it. Image taken from f. 41v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta Sa... Mehr

Kanonentisch aus BL Eg 608, f. 12v

Kanonentisch aus BL Eg 608, f. 12v

Canon table Image taken from f. 12v of Four Gospels, with list of lections (ff. 168v-177). Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Vi... Mehr

Sternzeichen Mensch aus BL Eg 848, f. 21

Sternzeichen Mensch aus BL Eg 848, f. 21

Miniature of a Zodiac man, with signs of the Zodiac signs marked on his body. Image taken from f. 21 of Medical miscellany, including an astronomical calendar. Written in English. The Egerton Manuscript Collec... Mehr

Initiale beleuchtet nach BL Eg 617, ff. 164v-165

Initiale beleuchtet nach BL Eg 617, ff. 164v-165

Illuminated initial 'T'(he) and full border with foliate decoration and hybrid creature, at the beginning of Hosea. Image taken from ff. 164v-165 of Bible, in the early Wycliffite version; Proverbs to Maccabees... Mehr

Die Heimsuchung aus BL Eg 1070, f. 29v

Die Heimsuchung aus BL Eg 1070, f. 29v

Detail of a full-page miniature of the Visitation. Image taken from f. 29v of Book of Hours, Use of Paris ('The Hours of René d'Anjou'). Written in Latin, calendar and rubrics in French. The Egerton Manuscript... Mehr

Jerusalem aus BL Eg 1070, f. 5

Jerusalem aus BL Eg 1070, f. 5

Full-page miniature of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock Image taken from f. 5 of Book of Hours, Use of Paris ('The Hours of René d'Anjou'). Written in Latin, calendar and rubrics in French. The Egerton Manus... Mehr

Rulers from BL Eg 1500, f. 15v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Rulers from BL Eg 1500, f. 15v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Miniatures of heads of rulers. Image taken from f. 15v of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton Manuscript Collection is nam... Mehr

Ritter zu Pferde von BL Eg 1500, f. 46

Ritter zu Pferde von BL Eg 1500, f. 46

Miniature of knights on horseback, during the First Crusade. Image taken from f. 46 of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton... Mehr

Vortigern from BL Eg 3028, f. 17

Vortigern from BL Eg 3028, f. 17

Drawing of Hengist explaining his arrival to King Vortigern. Image taken from f. 17 of Roman de Brut, a verse epitome (begins imperfectly) with continuation to Edward III; Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. Writte... Mehr

Vorfahren Christi aus BL Eg 1500, f. 17

Vorfahren Christi aus BL Eg 1500, f. 17

Detail of genealogical diagram of the ancestors of Christ. Image taken from f. 17 of Abbreviamen de las Estorias (begins imperfectly), or Chronologia magna. Written in French (Provençal dialect). The Egerton M... Mehr

Pfau und Igel aus BL Eg 1121, f. 74

Pfau und Igel aus BL Eg 1121, f. 74

Detail of a miniature of a peacock, whose vanity is being reproved by a hedgehog, at the beginning of Chapter 21 of Book 2. Image taken from f. 74 of Spiegel der Weisheit. Written in German. The Egerton Manusc... Mehr

Dante und Casella im Fegefeuer aus BL Eg 943, f. 65v

Dante und Casella im Fegefeuer aus BL Eg 943, f. 65v

Detail of a miniature of the souls disembarking in Purgatory and Casella the musician approaching Dante. Image taken from f. 65v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a s... Mehr

Detail einer Miniatur eines Bischofs, der predigt. von BL Eg 745, f. 47v

Detail einer Miniatur eines Bischofs, der predigt. von BL Eg 745, f. 4...

Detail of a miniature of a bishop preaching. Image taken from f. 47v of Life of Eustace and other saints, and a collection of moral treatises. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named afte... Mehr

Plant from BL Eg 2020, f. 5 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Plant from BL Eg 2020, f. 5 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Miniature of a plant growing against a wall. Image taken from f. 5 of Translation of the herbal (The 'Carrara Herbal'), including the Liber agrega, Herbolario volgare; De medicamentis, with index (ff. 263-265).... Mehr

Der Engel der Keuschheit aus BL Eg 943, f. 111v

Der Engel der Keuschheit aus BL Eg 943, f. 111v

Framed miniature of the angel of chastity before a wall of fire. Image taken from f. 111v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff... Mehr

Jagdszene aus BL Eg 881, f. 123

Jagdszene aus BL Eg 881, f. 123

Detail of a miniature of the Lover in a hunting scene. Image taken from f. 123 of Roman de la Rose. Written in French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-161... Mehr

Tanzende Engel und Dante, Statius und Matilda folgen dem Wagen aus BL Eg 943, f. 122

Tanzende Engel und Dante, Statius und Matilda folgen dem Wagen aus BL ...

Detail of a framed miniature of angels dancing around the Tree of Knowledge and Dante, Statius, and Matilda following the chariot. Image taken from f. 122 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purg... Mehr

Fegefeuer: Dante, Statius und Vergil aus BL Eg 943, f. 108

Fegefeuer: Dante, Statius und Vergil aus BL Eg 943, f. 108

Framed miniature of Dante, Statius, and Virgil on the sixth terrace of Purgatory, with Statius explaining the nature of the rational soul. Image taken from f. 108 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Infer... Mehr

Farbzeichnungen aus BL Eg 289, Innenseite oberer Einband

Farbzeichnungen aus BL Eg 289, Innenseite oberer Einband

Coloured drawings of a saint being brought food (?) by ravens and a person praying in bed. Image taken from inside upper cover of La Cronica General de España (tercera parte). Written in Spanish. The Egerton M... Mehr

Kopfbedeckungen von BL Eg 3125, f. 15v

Kopfbedeckungen von BL Eg 3125, f. 15v

Decorated headpieces and initials. Image taken from f. 15v of Nomocanon (canon law) fragment, of two gatherings, beginning in the 23rd Canon of Basil. Written in Greek. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is nam... Mehr

Jungfrau mit Kind aus BL Eg 2569, f. 59

Jungfrau mit Kind aus BL Eg 2569, f. 59

Historiated initial 'O' of a standing Virgin suckling the Child and two kneeling nuns. Image taken from f. 59 of Lectionary from the Lives of the Saints, from 22 February to 10 August. Written in Latin and Fren... Mehr

Border from BL Eg 3781, f. 1v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Border from BL Eg 3781, f. 1v - Public domain medieval manuscript

A full-page border of ivy leaves and ~bas-de-page~ roundels with a grasshopper, cranefly, beetle, and moth. Image taken from f. 1v of A leaf from a prose treatise on the Seven Vices (index Cocharelli Treatise)... Mehr

Brunnenkresse und Drachenaroma aus BL Eg 747, f. 93v

Brunnenkresse und Drachenaroma aus BL Eg 747, f. 93v

Miniature of a senationes, or watercress plant; miniature of a serpentaria, or dragon arum plant, with a snake coiling up its stalk. Image taken from f. 93v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina... Mehr

Geißelung Christi aus BL Eg 2781, f. 146v

Geißelung Christi aus BL Eg 2781, f. 146v

Historiated initial with the Flagellation of Christ. Image taken from f. 146v of Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (The 'Neville of Hornby Hours'). Written in Latin and French. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is n... Mehr

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 111v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image from BL Eg 1146, f. 111v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Image taken from f. 111v of Book of Hours, Use of Worms, with elements of a Breviary. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder, Sir Thomas Egerton (1540-1617), 1st Viscoun... Mehr

Schafgarbe und Aubergine aus BL Eg 747, f. 66

Schafgarbe und Aubergine aus BL Eg 747, f. 66

Miniature of a millefolium, or yarrow plant; miniature of a mellongiano, or aubergine plant. Image taken from f. 66 of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta Salernitana); Circa insta... Mehr

Schalotte und Spaltpilze aus BL Eg 747, f. 97v

Schalotte und Spaltpilze aus BL Eg 747, f. 97v

Miniature of a scalognum, or scallion (spring onion) plant; miniature of a spargula, or cleavers (goose-grass) plant. Image taken from f. 97v of Tractatus de herbis (Herbal); De Simplici Medicina (index Secreta... Mehr

Nikolaus aus BL Eg 1139, f. 209

Nikolaus aus BL Eg 1139, f. 209

Detail of miniature of Nicholas. Image taken from f. 209 of Psalter (The 'Melisende Psalter') with canticles, prayers, and litany. Written in Latin. The Egerton Manuscript Collection is named after its founder... Mehr

Nimrod und Ephialtes aus BL Eg 943, f. 55v

Nimrod und Ephialtes aus BL Eg 943, f. 55v

Framed miniature of Dante and Virgil looking at the giants, Nimrod and Ephialtes. Image taken from f. 55v of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; ... Mehr

Paradies: der Himmel des Mondes aus BL Eg 943, f. 131

Paradies: der Himmel des Mondes aus BL Eg 943, f. 131

Framed miniature of Dante, Beatrice, and the heaven of the moon. Image taken from f. 131 of Divina Commedia (index Divine Comedy): Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, with a short Latin commentary; the Capitolo (ff... Mehr


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