Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

babies in the 1920 s

36 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Growing Up (1928) 15

Growing Up (1928) 15

An illustration in Growing Up (1928), first found on page 59 of scan. Caption: "Photograph by Edward R. WarrenSix months old."

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1941

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1941

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1941 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1941 Subjec... Mehr

Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 484

Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographi...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 484 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pri... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 103

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 103 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 103 ... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 52

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 52

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 52 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 52 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Woman looking at a baby on a table, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 241

Woman looking at a baby on a table, NINO F Scholten photographic print...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman looking at a baby on a table, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 241 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: ... Mehr

Amentia Plate XV (2)

Amentia Plate XV (2)

MONGOLISM. B. - A female Mongolian. Age, 2 years. (From a photograph lent by Dr. J. Thomson.)

Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 38

Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Saron...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 38 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 1... Mehr

Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 712

Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scho...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 712 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... Mehr

Two girls on the road. Man standing on the right, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0837

Two girls on the road. Man standing on the right, NINO F Scholten phot...

Extent electronic resource Title Two girls on the road. Man standing on the right, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0837 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photogra... Mehr

Two men and a child on a pier, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 047

Two men and a child on a pier, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 0...

Extent electronic resource Title Two men and a child on a pier, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 047 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 047 ... Mehr

Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 083

Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sar...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 083 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 083 Subjec... Mehr

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 087

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 08...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 087 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 087... Mehr

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150 06

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150 06

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 06 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 06 Subject (top... Mehr

Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07 001

Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: 001 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: ... Mehr

Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 0872

Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten ph...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 0872 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photog... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 101

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 101 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 101 ... Mehr

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 104

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 10...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 104 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 104... Mehr

Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0301

Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO ...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0301 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Sc... Mehr

Child holding a baby, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 301-350 09

Child holding a baby, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 301-350 09

Extent electronic resource Title Child holding a baby, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 301-350: 09 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 301-350: 09 Subject (topi... Mehr

Two women with an infant, NINO F Scholten Transjordanie 2 06

Two women with an infant, NINO F Scholten Transjordanie 2 06

Extent electronic resource Title Two women with an infant, NINO F Scholten Transjordanie 2: 06 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Transjordanie 2: 06 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Rode Kruis - Hongersnood Berlijn, SFA022804877

Rode Kruis - Hongersnood Berlijn, SFA022804877

Nederlands: Omschrijving: Rode Kruis - Hongersnood Berlijn. Een verpleegster toont een zwaar ondervoede baby. Het kindje zal spoedig sterven. Foto uit 1924.

Mrs. William Lang and Baby - DPLA - 516e0ca609ad2887324395fe7e72a103
Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 028

Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 028

Extent electronic resource Title Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 028 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 028 Subject (topi... Mehr

Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06 008

Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa ...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 008 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 008 Subje... Mehr

Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 029

Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 029

Extent electronic resource Title Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 029 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 029 Subject (topical) Cellulose ni... Mehr

Girl in a stroller. A boy is standing next to her, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 14 063

Girl in a stroller. A boy is standing next to her, NINO F Scholten Tel...

Extent electronic resource Title Girl in a stroller. A boy is standing next to her, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 14: 063 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 14: 063 ... Mehr

Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 068

Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 0...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 068 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 068 Subject (topi... Mehr

Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1942

Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photo...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1942 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photograp... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 51

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 51

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 51 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 51 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 24

Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholt...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 24 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... Mehr

Issa al-Issa holding his son Raja in his house in Jaffa, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150 11

Issa al-Issa holding his son Raja in his house in Jaffa, NINO F Scholt...

Extent electronic resource Title Issa al-Issa holding his son Raja in his house in Jaffa, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 11 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Port... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 55

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 55

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 55 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 55 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 096

Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 096

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 096 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 096 Subjec... Mehr

Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0300

Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0300 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0... Mehr

Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 211

Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic pri...

Extent electronic resource Title Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 211 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print... Mehr

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