Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine


8,300 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 83
Zeichnung eines Ewers im antiken Stil

Zeichnung eines Ewers im antiken Stil

Giulio Romano (Italian, Rome 1499?–1546 Mantua) , Manner of. Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Themen nach antiken Kameos und Edelsteinen

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Themen nach antiken Kameos und Edelst...

The Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae is a collection of engravings of Rome and Roman antiquities, the core of which consists of prints published by Antonio Lafreri and gathered under a title page he printed in t... Mehr

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Themen nach antiken Kameos und Edelsteinen

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Themen nach antiken Kameos und Edelst...

The Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae is a collection of engravings of Rome and Roman antiquities, the core of which consists of prints published by Antonio Lafreri and gathered under a title page he printed in t... Mehr

Studie eines sitzenden Putto mit Blick auf seine Rechte (recto); Eine Frau & # 39; s Kopf, Studie nach der Antike (verso)

Studie eines sitzenden Putto mit Blick auf seine Rechte (recto); Eine ...

Anonymous Roman (?), Early 17th Century Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Parade Helmet à l'Antique - Public domain dedication museum photo

Parade Helmet à l'Antique - Public domain dedication museum photo

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Antique Armor, 18th century - Public domain  drawing

Antique Armor, 18th century - Public domain drawing

Anonymous, French, 19th century Public domain scan of 19th century French drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A painting of a woman and a child in a tree. Arthur rackham vintage victorian.

A painting of a woman and a child in a tree. Arthur rackham vintage vi...

Illustration by for the fairy tale the apple tree / A painting of a woman and a child in a tree / Public domain stock illustration.

A painting of a woman and children in a room. Vintage victorian antique.

A painting of a woman and children in a room. Vintage victorian antiqu...

Zimmerfotos: Kostenlose Bilder von Räumen und Innenräumen, die zur kommerziellen Nutzung und zum kostenlosen Herunterladen zur Verfügung stehen. Urheberrechtsfrei, keine Nennung erforderlich.

Starburst red & silver - Drawing. Public domain image.

Starburst red & silver - Drawing. Public domain image.

Publisher: unknown .Date/place: unknown .Category: Pattern .Medium: Paper .: NA .Original in Bergen Public Library's ( ) collection.

Pattern book - Yellow & green texture

Pattern book - Yellow & green texture

Publisher: unknown .Date/place: unknown .Category: Pattern .Medium: Paper .: NA .Original in Bergen Public Library's ( ) collection.

Pattern book - Flower pattern design

Pattern book - Flower pattern design

Publisher: unknown .Date/place: unknown .Category: Pattern .Medium: Paper .: NA .Original in Bergen Public Library's ( ) collection.

The Memnonium - Public domain albumen print photograph

The Memnonium - Public domain albumen print photograph

Man standing in rubble amidst temple columns in Egypt. No. 1860. On verso: Thebes. The Ramesseum. Hall of Columns.

Koum Ombos - Public domain albumen print photograph

Koum Ombos - Public domain albumen print photograph

Remains of the Temple of Sobek and Haroeris (Ombos). No. 1836. On verso: Temple of Kom Ombo.

[Chalet of the Viceroy] - Public domain albumen print photograph

[Chalet of the Viceroy] - Public domain albumen print photograph

Chalet of the viceroy overlooking the Suez Canal. No. 1777. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixtu... Mehr

Chadoufs de la Haute Egypt / Zangaki.

Chadoufs de la Haute Egypt / Zangaki.

Men standing next to a series of shadoofs (shadufs), devices which lift water from a stream or well for use in irrigation. Photograph by Adelphi and Constantine Zangaki. No. 630.

Orange, Théâtre Antique - Early photography, Public domain image

Orange, Théâtre Antique - Early photography, Public domain image

Édouard Baldus (French, born Prussia, 1813–1889) The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg wh... Mehr

Le Caire. Mosque Mohammad Ali fontaine des ablution / Bonfils.

Le Caire. Mosque Mohammad Ali fontaine des ablution / Bonfils.

Ablution fountain in courtyard of the Muḥammad ʻAlī Mosque, Cairo, Egypt. No. 42.

Nubie, Temple d'Abou Simbel dédié à Athor (Égypte) / Bonfils.

Nubie, Temple d'Abou Simbel dédié à Athor (Égypte) / Bonfils.

View of facade of the small temple at Abū Sunbul, Egypt, showing sculptures of Hathor and Ramses II. No. 201.

Médinet-Abou. Salle hypostyle du grand Temple, (Égypte) / Bonfils.

Médinet-Abou. Salle hypostyle du grand Temple, (Égypte) / Bonfils.

Stubs of columns in remains of a temple at Medinet Habu Site, Egypt. No. 164.

Rue du Caire / Bonfils. - Public domain albumen print photograph

Rue du Caire / Bonfils. - Public domain albumen print photograph

Busy commercial street in Cairo. No. 1117. The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites ... Mehr

Prière du désert, halte dans le désert et chameliers en prière / Bonfils.

Prière du désert, halte dans le désert et chameliers en prière / Bonfi...

Kamele ruhen, während Männer in der ägyptischen Wüste zum Gebet anhalten.

Rue du Caire (Egypte) / Bonfils.

Rue du Caire (Egypte) / Bonfils.

Narrow street in Cairo, showing meshrebeeyehs (lattices over windows). No. 77.

Karnak. Bas-relief dans la 2e courà droite du temple de Ramesses III / Bonfils.

Karnak. Bas-relief dans la 2e courà droite du temple de Ramesses III /...

Bas-relief on section of the Temple of Ramses III. No. 217.

Antonio Beato - [Ruins of a building, Egypt] / AB [monogram]

Antonio Beato - [Ruins of a building, Egypt] / AB [monogram]

The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and salt, which creates a glossy surface to h... Mehr

Felah Por-Sait / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Felah Por-Sait / Dumas Ph. - Public domain portrait print

Egyptian woman, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front, wearing a veil. No. 580. No. 2176. On verso: Africa. Natives. Egypt, Port Said. Young woman.

Public domain stock image. Postcard old post card greeting card, backgrounds textures.
Musée de Guizeh. Statues de Ramessés II / Bonfils.

Musée de Guizeh. Statues de Ramessés II / Bonfils.

Statues of Ramses II outside Egyptian Museum in Jīzah. No. 1145.

Antique glass - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Antique glass - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Public domain photograph of Middle East, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Antique glass - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Antique glass - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.

Public domain photograph of Middle East, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photo of Antique Roman glass - Public domain dedication

Photo of Antique Roman glass - Public domain dedication

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Antikes Glas, Steingegenstände usw.

Antikes Glas, Steingegenstände usw.

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Photo of Antique glass - Public domain dedication

Photo of Antique glass - Public domain dedication

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Photo of Antique glass - Public domain dedication

Photo of Antique glass - Public domain dedication

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Zwei Frauen in einem Innenraum, die einem jungen Musiker in der Antike zuhören

Zwei Frauen in einem Innenraum, die einem jungen Musiker in der Antike...

Kristian Zahrtmann (Danish, Rønne 1834–1912 Frederiksberg) Public domain photo of drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ein antiker Kerzenständer auf dem Mt. Vernon

Ein antiker Kerzenständer auf dem Mt. Vernon

Public domain photograph - historical image of Washington State, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

An old picture of a family with luggage. Car automobile transport, transportation traffic.

An old picture of a family with luggage. Car automobile transport, tra...

Finden Sie die besten urheberrechtsfreien Bilder schöner Frauen. Laden Sie alle Fotos, Kunstposter und Drucke herunter: Bilder, die Sie ohne Copyrightbeschränkungen verwenden können, auch für kommerzielle Zwecke.

Steuben Glass, Geschäftsstelle 718 5th Ave., New York City. Antikes englisches und irisches Glas XI

Steuben Glass, Geschäftsstelle 718 5th Ave., New York City. Antikes en...

Public domain photograph of 20th-century New York City interiors, commerce, 1940s-1950s, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A drawing of two children sitting on a rock. Vintage retro enchanted.

A drawing of two children sitting on a rock. Vintage retro enchanted.

A painting of two children sitting on a rock / A drawing of two children sitting on a rock / Public domain stock illustration.

Public domain stock image. Vintage retro enchanted.
R. Olivieri, Geschäftsstelle 127 E. 57th St., New York City. Antiker Spiegel

R. Olivieri, Geschäftsstelle 127 E. 57th St., New York City. Antiker S...

Public domain photograph of the 1940s-1950s New York City interiors, commerce, advertising, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Antike Chronometer auf der Königlichen Sternwarte

Antike Chronometer auf der Königlichen Sternwarte

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: Basis: Greenwich Land: England / Großbritannien (ENG) Kameramann: PH1 Perry E. Thorsvik Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öff... Mehr

A black and white photo of an old truck. Vintage car old vintage.

A black and white photo of an old truck. Vintage car old vintage.

Stock photo: A black and white photo of an old truck / A black and white photo of an old truck.

A painting of two women dressed in medieval clothing. Vintage old antique.

A painting of two women dressed in medieval clothing. Vintage old anti...

The princess and the pea, illustration by / A painting of two women dressed in medieval clothing / Public domain stock illustration.

A painting of a woman hanging laundry on a clothes line. Vintage old fashioned victorian.

A painting of a woman hanging laundry on a clothes line. Vintage old f...

The laundry lady painting - the laundry lady by / A painting of a woman hanging laundry on a clothes line / Public domain stock illustration.

Public domain stock image. Vintage advertising marketing.
A couple of large vases sitting on top of a stone floor. Greece crete knossos

A couple of large vases sitting on top of a stone floor. Greece crete ...

Das antike Griechenland. Kostenlose Bilder von Griechenland. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos des antiken Griechenlands ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.

Public domain stock image. Vintage old fashioned victorian.
An orange clock sitting on top of a table. Alarm clock manual alarm clock vintage.

An orange clock sitting on top of a table. Alarm clock manual alarm cl...

An orange clock sitting on top of a table / An orange alarm clock sitting on a table / Public domain vintage photo.

A black and white advertisement for a concert. Newspaper ads off the.

A black and white advertisement for a concert. Newspaper ads off the.

A poster for a performance of a musical performance by person. A poster for the concert of. Public domain stock photo.

A painting of an egyptian woman holding a candelabra. Egyptian design man.

A painting of an egyptian woman holding a candelabra. Egyptian design ...

Egyptian art from the collection of the egyptian museum / A painting of an egyptian woman holding a candelabra / Public domain stock illustration.

A picture of a ship on a wall. Advertisement old antique.

A picture of a ship on a wall. Advertisement old antique.

A sign with a ship on it / A sign advertising the american revolution / Public domain stock photo of a ship.

A painting of a woman sitting in a field of flowers. Vintage victorian old fashioned.

A painting of a woman sitting in a field of flowers. Vintage victorian...

A painting of a woman and child in a field / A painting of a woman sitting in a field of flowers / Public domain stock illustration.

Rome ruin antique building. A view through an arch of a building

Rome ruin antique building. A view through an arch of a building

Architecture stock photograph: The ruins of the temple of artemis in rome / A view through an arch of a building.

Public domain stock image. Vintage old fashioned victorian.
A row of pots sitting on top of a wooden shelf. Republic of korea folk village container.

A row of pots sitting on top of a wooden shelf. Republic of korea folk...

Visual patterns: A shelf with a bunch of brown pots on it / A row of bowls sitting on a shelf - public domain stock photo.

A red car is parked on the side of the road. Classic fire engine vehicle.

A red car is parked on the side of the road. Classic fire engine vehic...

Stock photo: A red fire truck parked on the side of a road / A red car is parked on the side of the road.

A painting of a field with a mountain in the background. Vintage victorian old fashioned.

A painting of a field with a mountain in the background. Vintage victo...

A painting of a mountain with flowers / A painting of a field with a mountain in the background / Public domain stock illustration.

A gold statue of a man holding a finger up Statue hanover herrenhäuser gardens.

A gold statue of a man holding a finger up Statue hanover herrenhäuser...

The statue of the goddess / A close up of a golden statue sculpture.

A couple of men in roman armor standing next to each other. Roman grecian mask, people.

A couple of men in roman armor standing next to each other. Roman grec...

Das antike Griechenland. Kostenlose Bilder von Griechenland. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos des antiken Griechenlands ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.

A painting of egyptian art with a boat and a bird. Egyptian paper papyrus, religion.

A painting of egyptian art with a boat and a bird. Egyptian paper papy...

The art of the egyptian / A painting of egyptian art with a boat and a bird / Public domain stock illustration.

A man standing in front of a tall building. Temple acropolis athens, religion.

A man standing in front of a tall building. Temple acropolis athens, r...

Das antike Griechenland. Kostenlose Bilder von Griechenland. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos des antiken Griechenlands ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.

Public domain stock image. Vintage retro lady, beauty fashion.
An old black and white photo of a native man. Historical vintage sioux.

An old black and white photo of a native man. Historical vintage sioux...

Stock photography: Was a tribe. tribe was founded in the late 1800s. tribe was founded / An old black and white photo of a native man.

Public domain stock image. Vintage old fashioned victorian.
A rusted out old car sitting in a field. Car car wreck oldtimer.

A rusted out old car sitting in a field. Car car wreck oldtimer.

Stock photo: The car that was found in the junkyard / A rusted out old car sitting in a field.

Public domain stock image. Woody the woodpecker vintage antique.
Croatia dubrovnik city building. An aerial view of a city and a bay

Croatia dubrovnik city building. An aerial view of a city and a bay

Architecture stock photograph: The old town of dubrovnik, croatia / An aerial view of a city and a bay.

A large metal pot sitting on top of a cement block. China xian cauldron.

A large metal pot sitting on top of a cement block. China xian cauldro...

A large pot sitting on top of a stone platform / A large pot sitting on a white block / Public domain stock photo of a ship.

The sun shines through the sky behind a row of ancient columns. Pergamon turkey ruins, religion.

The sun shines through the sky behind a row of ancient columns. Pergam...

The temple of apollo in the ruins of the temple of apollo in athens, greece / The columns of the temple of apollo public domain stock photo.

A stone sculpture with a face on it. Medusa didyma temple of apollo.

A stone sculpture with a face on it. Medusa didyma temple of apollo.

A head of a greek god, from the temple of artemis, in the ancient city of ephesus, turkey / A head of a man with a snake on it / Public domain stock photo.

Public domain stock image. Snuff bottle snuff bottle., Qing Dynasty
A table topped with cups and saucers. Porcelain grandma old.

A table topped with cups and saucers. Porcelain grandma old.

Visual patterns: A table topped with plates and bowls / A table with a lot of plates and cups - public domain stock photo.

A classic car is parked in a parking lot. Classic car design vintage.

A classic car is parked in a parking lot. Classic car design vintage.

Stock photo: A close up of the front grill of a classic car / A classic car is parked in a parking lot.

A table topped with pots and pans on top of a wooden floor. Kitchen antiques pots.

A table topped with pots and pans on top of a wooden floor. Kitchen an...

Stock photo: A white pot and a metal bowl on a wooden floor / A table topped with pots and pans on top of a wooden floor.

A painting of a woman and a horse in a field. Vintage retro enchanted.

A painting of a woman and a horse in a field. Vintage retro enchanted.

Illustration by from the book the princess and the frog by / A painting of a woman and a horse in a field / Public domain stock illustration.

A set of black and white floral designs. Antique backdrop background, backgrounds textures.

A set of black and white floral designs. Antique backdrop background, ...

A set of seamless patterns in black and white / A set of black and white floral designs / Public domain stock illustration.

An old paper with a decorative design on it. Egyptian paper papyrus, religion.

An old paper with a decorative design on it. Egyptian paper papyrus, r...

Egyptian papyrus background with a border of egyptian papyrus / An old paper with a decorative design on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A black and white drawing of a vintage car. Vintage car automobile.

A black and white drawing of a vintage car. Vintage car automobile.

Stock photo: A car driving down a road / A black and white drawing of a vintage car.

A painting of two people dancing in a room. Vintage victorian antique.

A painting of two people dancing in a room. Vintage victorian antique.

The dance of the wind / A painting of two people dancing in a room / Public domain stock illustration.

A bird sitting on top of a wooden table. Egyptian paper papyrus, animals.

A bird sitting on top of a wooden table. Egyptian paper papyrus, anima...

The egyptian bird of prey / A bird sitting on top of a wooden table / Public domain stock illustration.

A drawing of a fairy sitting on the ground. Vintage retro enchanted.

A drawing of a fairy sitting on the ground. Vintage retro enchanted.

Schmetterling: Kostenlose künstlerische Bilder von Schmetterlingen, die zur kommerziellen Nutzung und zum kostenlosen Herunterladen zur Verfügung stehen. Urheberrechtsfrei, keine Nennung erforderlich.

A group of people standing next to each other. Egyptian paper women, people.

A group of people standing next to each other. Egyptian paper women, p...

Finden Sie die besten urheberrechtsfreien Bilder schöner Frauen. Laden Sie alle Fotos, Kunstposter und Drucke herunter: Bilder, die Sie ohne Copyrightbeschränkungen verwenden können, auch für kommerzielle Zwecke.

Public domain stock image. Chest of drawers old wood.
A close up of a wooden door with a sign on it. Teaches door biscuit.

A close up of a wooden door with a sign on it. Teaches door biscuit.

A wooden door with a sign on it / A close up of a wooden door with a sign on it / Public domain vintage photo.

Public domain stock image. Background scrapbook page, backgrounds textures.
A bouquet of pink and purple flowers on a white background. Background grunge rustic, backgrounds textures.

A bouquet of pink and purple flowers on a white background. Background...

A bouquet of flowers with a white background / A bouquet of pink and purple flowers on a white background / Public domain stock illustration.

Public domain stock image. Tractors farm old.
A clock that is on the side of a wall. Ancient clock clock ancient.

A clock that is on the side of a wall. Ancient clock clock ancient.

A clock with a pattern of numbers / A clock that is on the side of a wall / Public domain stock illustration.

A colorful bowl sitting on top of a pile of rocks. Beaded gourd bowl old mexico, work.

A colorful bowl sitting on top of a pile of rocks. Beaded gourd bowl o...

A woven basket with a colorful flower design / A bowl of colorful woven yarn public domain stock photo.

A white and blue classic car parked in a parking lot. Classic car design vintage.

A white and blue classic car parked in a parking lot. Classic car desi...

Stock photo: The car was a convertible that was used in the movie / A white and blue classic car parked in a parking lot.

Public domain stock image. Vintage old old fashioned.
A pair of scissors and a ball of yarn. Scissors old sewing, work.

A pair of scissors and a ball of yarn. Scissors old sewing, work.

A pair of scissors and a ball of thread / A pair of scissors, a ball of yarn, and a ball of yarn / Public domain vintage photo.

A bowl of food sitting on top of a table. Plate old antique.

A bowl of food sitting on top of a table. Plate old antique.

A silver bowl with a bowl of food on it / A metal tray with some food inside of it / Public domain stock photo of a ship.

A box with a razor inside of it. Shaver body care man.

A box with a razor inside of it. Shaver body care man.

Vintage metal tool box with a metal handle and a metal handle / Vintage shaving kit - - the original shaving kit - - vintage shaving kit - - vintage shaving kit - - the original shaving kit - - the original sha... Mehr

A dead animal laying on top of a wooden platform. Tourist Attraction - Deadman ranch ancient.

A dead animal laying on top of a wooden platform. Tourist Attraction -...

A large horn is sitting on a wooden table / A dead animal laying on top of a wooden platform / Animals public domain photography.

Statue graveyard stone building. A statue of a woman holding a cross

Statue graveyard stone building. A statue of a woman holding a cross

Architecture stock photograph: Statue of a woman holding a cross / A statue of a woman holding a cross.

A cup that is sitting on the ground. Old dirty scouring powder.

A cup that is sitting on the ground. Old dirty scouring powder.

Tourism: A white and green bucket with a sprinkler on it. A plant pot with a plant growing in it. Public domain stock photo.

A stained glass window with a picture of a man and a woman. Stained glass stained glass.

A stained glass window with a picture of a man and a woman. Stained gl...

A stained glass window with a painting of a child and a child / A stained glass window with a painting of a man and a woman / Public domain art photo.

Old building old building. A black and white photo of an anchor on the side of a building

Old building old building. A black and white photo of an anchor on the...

Architecture stock photograph: A large anchor on the ground next to a building / A black and white photo of an anchor on the side of a building.

A pocket watch sitting on top of an open book. Clock book time, education.

A pocket watch sitting on top of an open book. Clock book time, educat...

A clock sitting on top of a book / A pocket watch sitting on top of an open book / Public domain stock illustration.


of 83

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