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alphonse chigot

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Alphonse Chigot - Soldats à cheval

Alphonse Chigot - Soldats à cheval

Public domain photo of French art painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabitants of Valenciennes c 1855

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabit...

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabitants of Valenciennes c 1855.

Alphonse Chigot (1823-1917), Le Duel (1908), oil painting, Musée de Valenciennes

Alphonse Chigot (1823-1917), Le Duel (1908), oil painting, Musée de Va...

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), French military painter who served in the algerian war of the 1840s. painted when he was eighty five.

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), Soldat français blessé dans la neige, 1871, oil painting, 19.5 x 27 cm

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), Soldat français blessé dans la neige, 187...

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), was a soldier - peinter who served in the French army. This depicts a soldier from the Armée de l'Est in 1871 as they retreated into switzerland.

Alphonse Chigot (1824 - 1917), armée de l'est (1888), oil painting, Musée d'Orsay

Alphonse Chigot (1824 - 1917), armée de l'est (1888), oil painting, Mu...

The painting depicts two retreating soldiers from the Battle of Héricourt in January 1871.

Alphonse Chigot (1824 - 1917), Military scene of the French Moroccan campaign of 1844

Alphonse Chigot (1824 - 1917), Military scene of the French Moroccan c...

Alphonse Chigot (1824 – 1917),French historical painter. A former soldier in the French army he saw action in the first Franco-Moroccan War of 1844 and served until 1849. This painting from 1894 depicts a scene... Mehr

Alphonse Chigot (entourage de) - Soldat de trois-quart

Alphonse Chigot (entourage de) - Soldat de trois-quart

Picryl description: Public domain photo of French art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabitants of Valenciennes from the 1850s

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabit...

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), french artist, pencil drawings of inhabitants of Valenciennes from the 1850s

Alphonse Chigot (entourage de) - Soldat dans un paysage enneigé

Alphonse Chigot (entourage de) - Soldat dans un paysage enneigé

Picryl description: Public domain photo of French art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), French military painter, untitled , oil painting (date unknown c 1870)

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), French military painter, untitled , oil p...

Alphonse Chigot (1824-1917), French military painter served as a soldier in the Algerian campaign in the 1840s.

Alphonse Chigot - Le tirailleur

Alphonse Chigot - Le tirailleur

Picryl description: Public domain photo of French art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Lucien Jonas (1880 - 1947), portrait of the painter Alphonse Chigot, (1911), oil painting 80 x 60cm, Musée des Beaux-arts de Valenciennes

Lucien Jonas (1880 - 1947), portrait of the painter Alphonse Chigot, (...

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

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