Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

20th century black and white portrait photographs of men at bust length

1,735 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 18
A Colação de grau na Faculdade de Direito de Recife, em 1928.

A Colação de grau na Faculdade de Direito de Recife, em 1928.

en:Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his graduation at the University of Law of Recife, Brazil.Português: pt:Luís da Câmara Cascudo em colação de grau na Faculdade de Direito de Recife.

JesseJackson - Public domain portrait

JesseJackson - Public domain portrait

Jesse Jackson speaking during an interview in July 1, 1983. Public domain photograph of 20th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

StaatLibQld 1 113124 Politiker Der ehrenwerte James Larcombe, 1919

StaatLibQld 1 113124 Politiker Der ehrenwerte James Larcombe, 1919

Politician The Honourable James Larcombe. Public domain photograph related to Queensland, Australia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Goro Soganoya. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

Goro Soganoya. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

日本語: 曾我廼家五郎(1877~1948)

Gemeinsamer Sekretär Francis Bernard Gadsby, LSE-Student 1932-1936


Persistente URL: http: / / archives.lse.ac.uk / dserve.exe? dsqServer = lib-4.lse.ac.uk & dsqIni = Dserve.ini & dsqApp = Archive & dsqCmd = Show.tcl & dsqDb = Catalog & dsqPos = 0 & dsqSearch = (RefNo = 'IMAGELIBRARY / 764')

Gemeinsamer Sekretär Francis Bernard Gadsby, LSE-Student 1932-1936 ...

Joint Secretary, Francis Bernard Gadsby, LSE Student 1932-1936 IMAGELIBRARY/764 : http://archives.lse.ac.uk/dserve.exe?dsqServer=lib-4.lse.ac.uk&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalo... Mehr

Jack Brickhouse 1958

Jack Brickhouse 1958

Photo of sports broadcaster Jack Brickhouse.

Sibelius, portrait photograph, Finland

Sibelius, portrait photograph, Finland

Jean Sibelius nach seiner Hungerdiät im Frühjahr 1918. Während der sozialistischen Revolution herrschte in Südfinnland Lebensmittelknappheit.

Stere Adamache

Stere Adamache

Stere Adamache

André Huguenet - Johannes van Wyk

André Huguenet - Johannes van Wyk

André Huguenet in die produksie Johannes van Wyk

Oliveira Salazar, retratado por San Payo (Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, MNV001514)
Porträt von Henri Frenay, Kopf und Schultern ppmsca.13371 bearbeiten

Porträt von Henri Frenay, Kopf und Schultern ppmsca.13371 bearbeiten

Das Foto zeigt Henri Frenay, ein Mitglied des französischen Komitees zur Nationalen Befreiung während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Naminosuke Horikawa 1925. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Naminosuke Horikawa 1925. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 堀川浪之助、1925年の写真

Sensho Murakami. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Sensho Murakami. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 村上 専精 Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anton Melik 1930s, Slovenia
Anton Peterlin 1947, Slovenia

Anton Peterlin 1947, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Anton Peterlin. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dragiša Cvetković, Slovenia - Public domain portrait print

Dragiša Cvetković, Slovenia - Public domain portrait print

Dragiša Cvetković (15. Januar 1893 in Niš - 18. Februar 1969 in Paris), serbischer Politiker.

Ivan Lah 1905-15, Slovenia - Public domain portrait print
Ivan Rakovec 1947, Slovenia

Ivan Rakovec 1947, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Ivan Rakovec. Public domain photograph - male portrait, a man in glasses, professor, scientist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jože Kastelic, Slovenia
Lucijan Marija Škerjanc 1949, Slovenia

Lucijan Marija Škerjanc 1949, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Lucijan Marija Škerjanc. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rihard Jakopič 1910-15, Slovenia
Siniša Stanković 1953, Slovenia

Siniša Stanković 1953, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Siniša Stanković. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) um 1928 © Georg Fayer (1892-1950)

Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) um 1928 © Georg Fayer (1892-1950)

Deutsch: Arnold Schönberg (1891–1947), österreichisch-amerikanischer Komponist, Musiktheoretiker, Kompositionslehrer, Maler und Dichter. English: Arnold Schoenberg (1874–1951), Austrian-American composer, mus... Mehr

Al Capone in Florida

Al Capone in Florida

Al Capone in Miami, Florida.



Français : René Plaissetty peu avant sa mort

Bepo Malnar iz Babičev, pripoveduje pred hišo 1950

Bepo Malnar iz Babičev, pripoveduje pred hišo 1950

Slovenščina: Bepo Malnar iz Babičev, pripoveduje pred hišo. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bojan Stupica 1947 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Bojan Stupica 1947 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Slovenščina: Bojan Stupica. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jože Bakše, leso strugar, pipar, Cerov Log (Kira) 38 1952

Jože Bakše, leso strugar, pipar, Cerov Log (Kira) 38 1952

Slovenščina: Jože Bakše, leso strugar, pipar, Cerov Log (Kira) 38. English: Jože Bakše, wood turner, pipe-maker, Cero Blog (Kira) 38 1952.

Krovec Jože Korelc iz Predol pokriva streho poda na Zabukovju 1964 (2)

Krovec Jože Korelc iz Predol pokriva streho poda na Zabukovju 1964 (2)

Slovenščina: Krovec Jože Korelc iz Predol pokriva streho poda na Zabukovju.

Portret van Martien Beversluis, Bestanddeelnr 252-0941

Portret van Martien Beversluis, Bestanddeelnr 252-0941

Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Van de Poll Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Portret van Martien Beversluis Annotatie : Martien Beversluis (1894 –1966) was een Nederlandse dichte... Mehr



Čeština: František Soukup (1871-1940). Český politik. English: František Soukup (1871-1940). Czech politician.

Hermann Suter (1870–1926)

Hermann Suter (1870–1926)

Deutsch: Hermann Suter (1870–1926), Schweizer Komponist und Dirigent. English: Hermann Suter (1870–1926), Swiss composer and conductor. Français : Hermann Suter (1870–1926), compositeur, chef d'orchestre et ... Mehr

Noguchi Genzaburō

Noguchi Genzaburō

日本語: 日本の陸上競技選手、指導者、体育学者の野口源三郎。

Abel Salazar (Casa-Museu Abel Salazar)

Abel Salazar (Casa-Museu Abel Salazar)

Portrait photograph of Abel Salazar (1889-1946)

Angelo da Fonseca (Album Republicano, 1908)

Angelo da Fonseca (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Ângelo da Fonseca, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Ernesto Driesel Schröeter (cropped)

Ernesto Driesel Schröeter (cropped)

Ernesto Driesel Schröeter (1849-1942) Português: Ernesto Driesel Schröeter (1849-1942)

Faustino de Sá Nogueira (Album Republicano, 1908)

Faustino de Sá Nogueira (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Faustino de Sá Nogueira, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Guilherme Godinho (Album Republicano, 1908)

Guilherme Godinho (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

José de Sousa Larcher

José de Sousa Larcher

José de Sousa Larcher

Manoel João da Rosa (Album Republicano, 1908)

Manoel João da Rosa (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Manuel João da Rosa, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Cano Lopez de mesa - A black and white photo of a man in a suit and bow tie
A history of Rome and Floyd County, State of Georgia, United States of America; including numerous incidents of more than local interest, 1540-1922 (1922) (14773585101)

A history of Rome and Floyd County, State of Georgia, United States of...

Reuben Grove Clark Identifier: historyofromeflo00batt (find matches) Title: A history of Rome and Floyd County, State of Georgia, United States of America; including numerous incidents of more than local inter... Mehr

Júlio Ernesto de Lima Duque (Arquivo Histórico Parlamentar)2

Júlio Ernesto de Lima Duque (Arquivo Histórico Parlamentar)2

Júlio Ernesto de Lima Duque, Portuguese Member of Parliament during the First Republic. Português: Júlio Ernesto de Lima Duque, deputado português durante a Primeira República.

Raul Lino (Arquivo Histórico de Almada)

Raul Lino (Arquivo Histórico de Almada)

Raul Lino, Portuguese architect

Pope Paul VI. 1967

Pope Paul VI. 1967

Pope Paul VI. during a visit of US president Lyndon B. Johnson, December 23, 1967. ARC Identifier: 192507

Ahmed Nouaoura - Public domain portrait photograph
Emanuel Chobot PIC 1-Z-322, History of Second Polish Republic

Emanuel Chobot PIC 1-Z-322, History of Second Polish Republic

Polski: Emanuel Chobot, działacz Polskiej Socjalistycznej Partii Robotniczej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim, poseł do Zgromadzenia Narodowego Czechosłowacji (Koncern Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny - Archiwum Ilustracji) E... Mehr

Alphonse Legros von George Charles Beresford (1902)

Alphonse Legros von George Charles Beresford (1902)

Alphonse Legros von George Charles Beresford, Halbglasnegativ, 1902

Auguste Rodin von George Charles Beresford (NPG x6573)

Auguste Rodin von George Charles Beresford (NPG x6573)

Auguste Rodin von George Charles Beresford, Halbglasnegativ, 1902

George Charles Beresford - William Orpen 1903
ETH-BIB-Löhle, Karl (1865-1948)-Portrait-Portr 01246

ETH-BIB-Löhle, Karl (1865-1948)-Portrait-Portr 01246

Picryl description: Public domain image of a portrait of a scientist, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Jesse Jackson (a) - Public domain portrait

Jesse Jackson (a) - Public domain portrait

Jesse Jackson speaking during an interview in July 1, 1983. Public domain photograph of 20th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Akiyama Teisuke. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Akiyama Teisuke. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

日本語: 秋山定輔(1868-1950) Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kichiro Sasamura - Imperial Japan

Kichiro Sasamura - Imperial Japan

日本語: 笹村吉郎(1867~1960) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Studentenverbindungsoffiziere 1941-1942 (4166029085)

Studentenverbindungsoffiziere 1941-1942 (4166029085)

Secretary, John Raymond Armstrong, LSE Student 1940-1948 IMAGELIBRARY/911 : http://archives.lse.ac.uk/dserve.exe?dsqServer=lib-4.lse.ac.uk&dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive&dsqCmd=Show.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqPo... Mehr

Unsuccessful 1940 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Waylon Jennings and Buddy Holly in 1959 - 2

Waylon Jennings and Buddy Holly in 1959 - 2

Buddy Holly and Waylon Jennings photographed in a photo-booth in Central Station, in New York City.

Jean Sibelius 1928 handsigniertes Foto

Jean Sibelius 1928 handsigniertes Foto

Portrait of Jean Sibelius with his handwritten text "To the New York Song Men with great thankfulness and reverence, Jean Sibelius." Svenska: Porträtt av Jean Sibelius med hans handskrivna text "Till New York... Mehr

Ferdinand Löwe (1865–1925)

Ferdinand Löwe (1865–1925)

Deutsch: Ferdinand Löwe (1865–1925), österreichischer Dirigent. English: Ferdinand Löwe (1865–1925), Austrian conductor.

《香豔雜誌》主任者 王均卿 (cropped)

《香豔雜誌》主任者 王均卿 (cropped)

中文:《香豔雜誌》主任者 王均卿




AA Lilienberg

AA Lilienberg

Picture of Albert Lilienberg, Swedish lawyer and politician Svenska: Prorträtt av Albert Lilienberg, svensk jurist och politiker

Retrato de Mário Soares - San Payo (Fundação Mário Soares)

Retrato de Mário Soares - San Payo (Fundação Mário Soares)

Portrait photograph of Mário Soares by San Payo.

Aankomst Rockefeller op Schiphol tijdens doorreis naar Noorwegen, Rockefeller ti, Bestanddeelnr 910-6196 (cropped)

Aankomst Rockefeller op Schiphol tijdens doorreis naar Noorwegen, Rock...

Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Aankomst Rockefeller op Schiphol tijdens doorreis naar Noorwegen, Rockefeller tijdens persconferentie Datum... Mehr

Etbin Kristan 1910s (4), Slovenia

Etbin Kristan 1910s (4), Slovenia

Etbin Kristan Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

France Bevk 1935 (3), Slovenia

France Bevk 1935 (3), Slovenia

France Bevk Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

France Gorše 1933, Slovenia

France Gorše 1933, Slovenia

France Gorše Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gojmir Anton Kos 1949, Slovenia

Gojmir Anton Kos 1949, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Gojmir Anton Kos. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ivan Jelačin 1928, Slovenia

Ivan Jelačin 1928, Slovenia

Ivan Jelačin Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Pavel Karlin, Slovenia - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Pavel Karlin, Slovenia - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Pavel Karlin (1899—1965), Slovene translator

Miroslav Krleža 1953, Slovenia

Miroslav Krleža 1953, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Miroslav Krleža. Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rihard Jakopič, Slovenia

Rihard Jakopič, Slovenia

Rihard Jakopič (1869-1943), slowenischer Maler.

Svitoslav Peruzzi with wife 1905-15, Slovenia
Viktor Kunc - Josip Korban, Slovenia

Viktor Kunc - Josip Korban, Slovenia

Josip Korban Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Viktor Skaberne, Slovenia

Viktor Skaberne, Slovenia

Viktor Skaberne Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alfred Carrard - ETH BIB Portr 13025-059-AL-FL (Johannes Meiner)

Alfred Carrard - ETH BIB Portr 13025-059-AL-FL (Johannes Meiner)

Carrard, Alfred (1889–1948) Public domain photograph of 20th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gustav Adolf Tobler - ETH BIB Portr 01255 (Johannes Meiner)

Gustav Adolf Tobler - ETH BIB Portr 01255 (Johannes Meiner)

Tobler, Gustav Adolf (1850–1923) Public domain photograph of 20th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Móricz Zsigmond (Székely Aladár felvétele, 1935) – crop
Willem Essuman Pietersen and Kobina Sekyi

Willem Essuman Pietersen and Kobina Sekyi

Willem Essuman Pietersen and Kobina Sekyi

"Bepo Malnar" (Jožef Umer), pravljičar iz Babičev v Istri 1950

"Bepo Malnar" (Jožef Umer), pravljičar iz Babičev v Istri 1950

Slovenščina: "Bepo Malnar" (Jožef Umer), pravljičar iz Babičev v Istri.

František Koláček 1881 1942

František Koláček 1881 1942

Čeština: Prof. František Koláček (1881-1942)

Jerome Myers 3038098686
Ady Endre éves bérletjegye 1912

Ady Endre éves bérletjegye 1912

Endre Ady's annual pass for 1912. Hungarian Royal State RailwaysMagyar: Ady Endre éves bérletjegye az 1912. évre. Magyar Királyi Államvasutak

Sarkadi Aladár (Gárdonyi Miksa felvétele)

Sarkadi Aladár (Gárdonyi Miksa felvétele)

Magyar: Portré Sarkadi Aladárról (1874–1949)

شبلي ملاط - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

شبلي ملاط - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

العربية: شبلي بن يواكيم بن منصور إده، الملقب بالملاط (1875 - 1961م)، شاعر لبناني

Amaro Justiniano de Azevedo Gomes (Colecção Fundação Mário Soares)
António José Gomes Netto - Papagaio Real (30Jun1914)

António José Gomes Netto - Papagaio Real (30Jun1914)

António José Gomes Neto (c. 1836-1914), Portuguese businessman and politician Português: António José Gomes Neto (c. 1836-1914), homem de negócios e político português

Carlos Moreira da Costa Pinto (Album Republicano, 1908)

Carlos Moreira da Costa Pinto (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Carlos Moreira da Costa Pinto, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Coelho da Silva (Album Republicano, 1908)

Coelho da Silva (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Coelho da Silva, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Manoel de Arriaga (Album Republicano, 1908)

Manoel de Arriaga (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Manuel de Arriaga, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro (1907) - Museu Bordalo Pinheiro

Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro (1907) - Museu Bordalo Pinheiro

Manuel Gustavo Bordalo Pinheiro (1867-1920), in a 1907 photograph

Monsieur Charles Rouvier - Brasil-Portugal (16Ago1902)

Monsieur Charles Rouvier - Brasil-Portugal (16Ago1902)

Charles Rouvier, French diplomat, in a photograph published in 1902.

Santos Pousada (Album Republicano, 1908)

Santos Pousada (Album Republicano, 1908)

Photograph of Portuguese Republican politician Santos Pousada, included in the Album Republicano, published in 1908.

Paul Valéry - photo Henri Manuel

Paul Valéry - photo Henri Manuel

Français : Paul Valéry photographié par Henri Manuel, 14,6 x 10 cm, vers 1925.

Chibli al-Mallat - Public domain portrait print

Chibli al-Mallat - Public domain portrait print

العربية: الشاعر اللُبناني شبلي الملَّاط English: Lebanese Poet Chibli al-Mallat

José Rodríguez Salinas (1923) retrato

José Rodríguez Salinas (1923) retrato

Español: Fotografía de José Rodríguez Salinas. Alcalde de Alcalá de Henares desde el 23 de febrero de 1923 hasta el 2 de octubre de 1923.

Anthony Ludovici

Anthony Ludovici

Anthony Mario Ludovici

Peter Bücken 1910 - A man with a long beard wearing a hat
Francois-Xavier Drolet

Francois-Xavier Drolet

Français : François-Xavier Drolet (1849-1924), industriel, portrait en studio Mécanicien inventif, il a fondé la compagnie F.-X.-Drolet, connue au-delà du Québec pour ses célèbres bornes-fontaines et ses ascen... Mehr

Pierre Eugene Vibert Ca 1910 BibliothequeDeGeneveCentreDIconographie

Pierre Eugene Vibert Ca 1910 BibliothequeDeGeneveCentreDIconographie

Photo portrait of the Swiss painter Pierre-Eugène Vibert (1875-1937), from the collections of the Bibliothèque de Genève. Deutsch: Fotoporträt des Schweizer Malers Pierre-Eugène Vibert (1875-1937), aus den Sa... Mehr


of 18

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