Brief des Chefingenieurs, der die Inspektoren über die Kollision zwisc...
Umfang und Inhalt: Die GOVERNOR traf das WEST HARTLAND, wodurch das WEST HARTLAND sank. Die Kollision forderte Menschenleben.
Erklärung der Edw. P. Bartlett, Meister der GOVERNOR - NARA - 298309
Umfang und Inhalt: Die GOVERNOR traf das WEST HARTLAND, wodurch das WEST HARTLAND sank. Die Kollision forderte Menschenleben.
Maskenfabrik Heintz und Kühn Manebach Rechnung 1921
Deutsch: Rechnung der Thüringer Maskenfabrik Heintz & Kühn, Manebach, 1921 Public domain photograph of 1920s-1930s Poland, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gran croce, Italy
Croce award
Hybrid types of the human race, Journal of Heredity 1921, page 279 fig...
Figure from the article "Hybrid types of the human race", 1921.
Soon Hyun to Koreans in Willows (KADA-shyun04-030)
Soon Hyun to Koreans in Willows Institution name: USC Korean Heritage Library; Acquired from: Korean Independence Historical Association, Inc. (KIHAI); Processing funded by a grant from the Library Services and... Mehr
Ustav 21
Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens (”Vidovdanski Ustav”)
1921 Amtsgericht Stettin Vereinsregister Naturheilverein Zukunft
Polski: Zmiana wpisu do rejestru stowarzyszeń dla Naturheilverein Zukunft z siedzibą w Szczecinie, dokument wystawiony w Szczecinie w dniu 10.02.1921 r.
Perù document
Syngman Rhee to Soon Hyun (KADA-shyun04-025)
Syngman Rhee to Soon Hyun Institution name: USC Korean Heritage Library; Acquired from: Korean Independence Historical Association, Inc. (KIHAI); Processing funded by a grant from the Library Services and Techn... Mehr
Conferințele Ideii Europene, 1921
Letterhead for an invitation to the Ideea Europeană and Romanian Philosophical Society Conference of November 15 - December 15, 1921, in Bucharest (organizer: Constantin Rădulescu-Motru). From an invitation ad... Mehr
Fragments of the Constitution of Georgia adopted by the Constituent As...
Fragments of the Constitution of Georgia adopted by Constituent Assembly of Georgia on 21st February 1921 ქართული: ფრაგმენტები, 1921 წლის 21 თებერვალს, საქართველოს დამფუძნებელი კრების მიერ მიღებულია საქართველ... Mehr
Ministry letter
Prince Philip's birth certificate
Birth certificate of Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, detailing his birth date was actually 28 May in Julian calendar, but it was officially recognised as 10 June.