Scotiapiper - A man in a kilt playing a bagpipe in the snow
Bagpiper Gilbert Kerr with penguin during the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902-04 Русский: Гилберт Керр с пингвином во время Шотландской национальной антарктической экспедиции (1902-1904)
Swedish Antarctic Expedition Hope Bay
Stone hut of the swedish Antarctic Expedition at Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, 1903 Deutsch: Steinhütte der Schwedischen Antarktisexpedition an der Hope Bay, Antarktische Halbinsel, 1903
Shackleton und Davidson 1903
Sir Ernest Shackleton (links) mit Dr. George A Davidson an Bord des Hilfsschiffes der Discovery Expedition Morning in Lyttelton Harbour, Neuseeland)
Omond House - Laurie Island
The stone hut, known as Omond House, was erected in 1903 on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands to house shore-based members of the 1902-1904 Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, led by William Bruce.... Mehr
Antarctic sinkt - A black and white photo of a boat in the snow
Antarctic, the ship of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition is sinking on February 12th 1903. Deutsch: Die Antarctic, das Schiff der Schwedischen Antarktisexpedition, sinkt am 12. Februar 1903.