Joseph-Adolphe Dorion - Public domain portrait print
Joseph-Adolphe Dorion Public domain photograph, Quebec politician, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Itō Nagatoshi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 伊東長としの肖像写真。
Laguna Stoslaw - A black and white drawing of a man with a beard
Polski: pl:Stosław Łaguna polski historyk prawa i mediewista Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Николай Михайлович Тихомиров
Nikolai Mikhailovich Tikhomirov (1857–1900) was a Russian engineer, public figure, one of the founders of Novosibirsk. Русский: Николай Михайлович Тихомиров (1857–1900) – русский инженер-путеец, строитель, об... Mehr
Gaun Tacchi - Public domain portrait print
日本語: 三枝博音、鳥井博郎『日本の産業に尽くした人々』(1954、毎日新聞社)より臥雲辰致 English: Tacchi Gaun
Kasyuji Tsunenobu. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 勧修寺顕允の肖像写真。
Kinzaburo Akanuma. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 赤沼金三郎 Public domain photograph, 20th-century military male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yoshijima Tokiyasu. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Depicted person: Tokiyasu Yoshijima – Imperial Japanese admiral Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
George Lionel Henry Seymour Dawson-Damer, Vanity Fair, 1894-08-16
Statesmen No.640: Caricature of The Earl of Portarlington. Caption reads: "The Dasher"
William Lockhart Vanity Fair 8 September 1898
Caricature of General Sir William Stephen Alexander Lockhart (1841-1900). Caption read "Tirah".
Adeline Litho - A drawing of a woman riding a horse
Deutsch: Adeline, eigentlich Christine Friederike Krause (1820-1900), Kunstreiterin im Zirkus Renz. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, um 1855
Anna Todesco im Tageskleid, ca. 1865
Deutsch: Anna von Todesco (später: Anna von Lieben, 1847–1900) im Tageskleid. Sammlung: Wien Museum, Inv. Nr. 249.582 English: Anna von Todesco (later: Anna von Lieben, 1847–1900) in a day dress. Collection: ... Mehr
Iida Takesato. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 飯田武郷(1828-1900) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Louis Mesmer 1900 LAT obituary photo
Louis Mesmer 1900 LAT obituary photo
Zacharias-Cleve-1895, University of Helsinki, Finland
Photograph of the Finnish educationist Zacharias Cleve (1820–1900). Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Carlos Morla Vicuña 1900
Español: Excmo señor don Carlos Morla Vicuña, ministro de Chile en Washington. Fallecido en Buffalo el 20 de Agosto de 1901. Carlos Morla Vicuña (nacido Carlos María Vicuña Zaldívar; Santiago, 1846-Búfalo, Est... Mehr
Georg Abegg (1826-1900)
Georg Abegg (1826-1900). Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Leopold Hervieux - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Léopold Hervieux, French politician and writer (1831 – 1900) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Akizuki Teijirō. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Akizuki Teijirō is a Samurai of Aizu domin Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yamada Nobumichi (cropped). 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Thema finden Sie in der gedruckten Ausgabe der HNA-Wochenendausgabe. Englisch: Baron Yamada Nobumichi, Präsident des Rechnungshofes
John Gardiner Austin - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
John Gardiner Austin (1812 - 1900), britischer Kolonialminister von Hongkong (1868 - 1878).
Bruno Abakanowicz - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Polish mathematician Bruno Abdank-Abakanowicz (1852-1900) Deutsch: Der polnische Mathematiker Bruno Abdank-Abakanowicz (1852-1900)
A history of Rome and Floyd County, State of Georgia, United States of...
Reuben Grove Clark Identifier: historyofromeflo00batt (find matches) Title: A history of Rome and Floyd County, State of Georgia, United States of America; including numerous incidents of more than local inter... Mehr
Georges d'Arjuzon (1834-1900)
Public domain photograph, 19th century military male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Peter Nielsen - ca. 1880—1885 - Severin Worm-Petersen - Oslo Museum - ...
Depicted person: Peter Nielsen – Danish-Norwegian actor
Horton D. Haight - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache
A Photo of Horton D. Haight was a Mormon pioneer and grandfather of David B. Haight (an apostle in the LDS Church.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
Edward Scull (Pennsylvania Congressman)
Edward Scull (Pennsylvania Congressman) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Daigo Tadaosa. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 醍醐忠順(1830-1900) Public domain photograph of a member of the house, portrait of politician, politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nanbu Nobutami. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 南部信民の肖像写真。
Yasunao Honda - Public domain portrait print
日本語: 本多康直(1856~1900) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ramón Argüelles - A drawing of a man wearing a hat and holding a pipe
Español: Ramón Argüelles como coronel de voluntarios en Cuba. Grabado anónimo de fotografía. Ilustración española y americana, 30 de mayo de 1898.
Giuseppe Maria Gambaro, Italy
Giuseppe Maria Gambaro (1869-1900), Franciscan priest, martyr in china, saint Français : Joseph Marie Gambaro (1869-1900), prêtre franciscain, missionnaire martyr en Chine, saint Italiano: Giuseppe Maria Gam... Mehr
Edward Partridge - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Edward Partridge Jr., the great grandson of Massachusetts Congressman Oliver Partridge, Esq., and a member of a family noted for commercial, social, political, and military leadership in Western Massachusetts.... Mehr
Bienheureuses franciscaines missionnaires de Marie 1946
Français : Image pieuse des sept franciscaines missionnaires de Marie martyrisées en Chine, béatifiées en 1946.
Conjoined Twins - Kalutara twins
Conjoined twins (ischiopagus tetrapus) born in Kalutara, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) at 6:00 AM on January 10, 1900. The child lived for 7 days and 3 hours, dying at 9:00 AM on January 17, 1900. Father is a fisherm... Mehr
Immanuel Munk. Image from
Immanuel Munk Polski: Immanuel Munk Public domain photograph related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
John A. O'Farrell
John A. O'Farrell (1823-1900) was an Irish American mining prospector and adventurer who helped to establish the city of Boise, Idaho. He is the namesake of two properties listed on the National Register of Hi... Mehr
Lord Londesborough Vanity Fair 19 October 1878
Caricature of Lord Londesborough. Caption read "a whip". Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - Vanity Fair... Mehr
William Pleydell-Bouverie, Vanity Fair, 1880-07-03
Statesmen No.330: Caricature of Viscount Folkestone MP. Caption reads: "South Wilts"
Tomas Ep Z
Español: Don Tomás de Epalza y Zubaran.
John W. Jones 1817-1900 former slave, abolitionist, Underground Railro...
John W. Jones was born into slavery in Virginia, and escaped to live in Elmira, New York, where he was active in the Underground Railroad.
Josef Slavy Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Josef Slavy (1818-1900); hungatian statesman Lithograph by Adolf Dauthage From "Das Parlament" published by A. Eckstein, ViennaDeutsch: Josef Slavy (1818-1900); ungarischer Staatsmann Lithographie von Adolf ... Mehr
John L. Donahue Arlington National Cemetery
Headstone of U.S. Army Pvt. John Donahue, Medal of Honor recipient, in Section 13 of Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, Feb. 21, 2020. (U.S. Army photo by Elizabeth Fraser / Arlington National C... Mehr
Baitan Sugiura. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 杉浦梅潭(1826~1900) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
KA Linderfelt photo
Librarian KA Linderfelt, Milwaukee Public Library
Anton Schiestl - A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat
Deutsch: Anton Schiestl war vom 20. Dezember 1864 bis 1890 Feuerwehrkommandant
Henry Gore Booth - A painting of a man with a beard
Sir Henry William Gore-Booth, 5th Baronet (1 July 1843 – 13 January 1900), was a notable Arctic explorer, adventurer and landowner from Lissadell House, Sligo, Ireland.
Isore - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Français : Rémi Isoré missionnaire massacré en Chine Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Joseph bertrand - Public domain portrait engraving
Français : *sujet: Joseph Bertrand source: licence:
Maurice Lachâtre
Français : Maurice Lachâtre, est le nom de plume de Maurice de la Châtre, éditeur français né le 14 octobre 1814 à Issoudun et mort le 9 mars 1900 à Paris.Português: Maurice Lachâtre, escritor, editor e encic... Mehr
Carlo OSMANI tomba Tavernelle AN
Italiano: Carlo Osmani Tomba Tavernelle Ancona
EdvardMyhreMunch-in1881, professor, scientist
Der norwegische Theologieprofessor Edvard Myhre Munch (1836-1900), fotografiert 1881
Dohi Kenzo - Imperial Japan. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 土肥謙蔵(1827-1900) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Emmanuel Liais
Emmanuel Liais was a French astronomer, botanist and explorer, depicted in a print while observing the sky in Brazil. He spent time in field works iin Brazil. Emmanuel Liais observing the sky from the new world
Maeda Toshitsugu - Public domain photograph
日本語: 前田利嗣の肖像写真
JV Arnberg 1913 - Black and White Portrait Photograph
Picture of Johan Wolter Arnberg (1832-1900), Swedish economist and banker, Photo before his death in 1900. Svenska: Foto av Johan Wolter Arnberg, svensk nationalekonom och bankir
Michael Mulhall - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Michael Mulhall Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Biebighauser - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Deutsch: Carl Biebighäuser Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jonas Clark
Worcester business magnate and philanthropist Jonas G. Clark
Məşədi Əyyub Baki, Russian Empire
Azərbaycanca: Məşədi Əyyub Baki (1866-1900) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pavlenkov F F, Russian Empire
Русский: Павленков, Флорентий Фёдорович English: Fedor Pavlenkov, russian publisher, died 1900
Die Gartenlaube (1884) b 069 - Public domain scenic engraving
Expression error: Unrecognized word "die". Deutsch: keine Bildunterschrift English: no caption
Asemissen, Oskar - A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie
Deutsch: Oskar Asemissen Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Old Charles Beecher - A black and white photo of a man with a long bea...
Charles Beecher (1815-1900)
Sir John Bridge Vanity Fair 25 April 1891
Caricature of Sir John Bridge (1824-1900). Caption read "Chief Magistrate". Accompanying biographical note in Vanity Fair read "He is a good fellow and a gentleman.... though he is strong enough to keep his Co... Mehr
Joseph Cowen, Vanity Fair, 1878-04-27
Statesmen No.271: Caricature of Mr Joseph Cowen MP. Caption reads: "Joe"
Edwin S. Osborne (Pennsylvania Congressman)
Edwin S. Osborne (Pennsylvania Congressman) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Aleksandras Fromas-Gužutis
Lietuvių: lt:Aleksandras Fromas-Gužutis (1822 m. gruodžio 12 d. Raseiniai – 1900 m. rugpjūčio 21 d. Gongailiškiai, Girkalnio valsčius; palaidotas Girkalnyje) – Lietuvos rašytojas, vienas dramaturgijos lietuvių... Mehr
NYFCL Norris Wing
Photograph of J. Norris Wing, New York Free Circulating Library librarian April 7, 1899 to his death on December 20, 1900. He succeeded Arthur Elmore Bostick. After his death, the office was left vacant until... Mehr
Thomas McIlwraith, Queensland, Australia
Sir Thomas McIlwraith, Premier of Queensland. Public domain photograph related to Queensland, Australia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
James King Quelle: Das kanadische Album: Männer Kanadas; oder, Erfolg ...
: Bradley, Garretson & Co. . James King Zeit: 1891-1896
Rajinder Singh Vanity Fair 4 January 1900
Caricature of HH the Maharaja of Patiala. Public domain photograph - Vanity Fair Magazine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Charlotte Hanbury died 1900 from her biog
Charlotte Hanbury died 1900 from her auto biography. Guess date as 1890
John Lawson Johnston Vanity Fair 18 February 1897
Caricature of John Lawson Johnston, inventor of Bovril. Caption read "Dietetics".
James Phelps (Connecticut Congressman)
James Phelps (Connecticut Congressman) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bippen - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Русский: Николай Николаевич Биппен (10 августа 1828 Санкт-Петербург, Российская империя — 11 августа 1900 Санкт-Петербург, Российская империя) — российский государственный деятель
Richard Tyrwhitt - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache
Richard Tyrwhitt Public domain photograph of Canadian male portrait, 19th century personalities, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yamada Nobumichi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Thema finden Sie in der gedruckten Ausgabe der HNA-Wochenendausgabe. Englisch: Baron Yamada Nobumichi, Präsident des Rechnungshofes
Hostein, Hyppolite (La Presse, 1893-08-18)
Français : H. Hostein. Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Frederick Marshall, Vanity Fair, 1878-03-16
Men of the Day No.174: Caricature of Gen Frederick Marshall (1829-1900). Caption reads: "Handsome Fred" Brief biography :
Maria Corridori Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Maria Corridori (1826-1900), österreichische Opernsängerin. Lithographie von Gabriel Decker, 1848
Julius Schad - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Julius Schad, mayor of Tuttlingen (1866-1876) Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann Zeman ZdVdI 1900
Deutsch: Johann Zeman, österreichischer Ingenieur und Hochschullehrer (1844 bis 1900) Johann Zeman, österreichischer Ingenieur und Hochschullehrer (1844 bis 1900)
Joseph Emerson
Joseph Emerson (May 28, 1821-August 4, 1900), Beloit College professor
James A. Hopper (PP-73-1-009)
James A. Hopper (1831–December 11, 1900). Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mouri Motoisa
日本語: 毛利元功の肖像。 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Загуляев, Михаил Андреевич, Russian Empire
Русский: М.А. Загуляев (1834 - 1900) - русский писатель и публицист Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jesse Jackson Millsaps - Arkansas Legislature 1885
Jesse Jackson Millsaps (March 26, 1827 - January 9, 1900) - Arkansas House of Representatives representing Van Buren County, Arkansas in 1885
Zurich, (UAZ) AB.1.0572 Kym 01
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Benjamin virasoro, Argentinian politician
Português: Benjamín Virasoro, governador de Corrientes Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Benjamin wilson oval from diaglott
Photo appears to date from circa 1865, year of first publication of the Emphatic Diaglott, but not to have been first published until 1900 in an obituary in the year of Wilson's death the magazine of Wilson's ... Mehr
Franz-von-Zychlinski - An old picture of a man in uniform
Deutsch: Franz Friedrich Szeliga von Zychlinski (* 27. März 1816 in Allenburg; † 17. März 1900 in Berlin) war ein preußischer General der Infanterie
Charles Oppenheimer
Charles Oppenheimer
Soto Grimshaw - Public domain portrait photograph
Photo of Argentine naturalist Soto Grimshaw (1833-1900) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arthur Rupert Dickey - A black and white photo of a man in a suit and ...
Ehrensache Arthur Rupert Dickey, M.P. (Cumberland, N.S.) (Minister für Miliz und Verteidigung) geb.: 18. August 1854 - gest.: 3. Juli 1900
Marc-Aurèle Plamondon
Marc-Aurèle Plamondon Public domain photograph, Quebec politician, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jesus Gil Abreu - Public domain portrait print
Photographic portrait of Jesus Gil Abreu, leading citizen of New Mexico in 19th century
Carlo Rafaele Ottolini - Public domain portrait painting
Ugo Galvagni.(Firenze, 1867 - Alessandria d’Egitto, 1942)..Carlo Ottolini.Olio su tela, cm. 82 x 58..Carlo Rafaele Ottolini nacque a Busto Arsizio nel 1836 da Angelo, che aveva avviato “con scarsi mezzi la prep... Mehr
Русский: Бродовский, Юзеф (1828-1900). На поле битвы