SYMONDEN (1896) Im Schlüssel des Blauen (15815410962)
Dateiname: ILS-1638374Binder Etikett: 821.8 SYM 1896Titel: In the key of blueDate issued: 1896Genre: Book coversNotes: (Author) John Addington SymondsCollection: Victorian Publishers 'BookbindingsLocation: Nati... Mehr
COUTTS-NEVILL(1896) Cover page - Public domain book illustration
Public domain scan of the book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Biblioteca Gallega Galicia en el último tercio del siglo XV por el lic...
Biblioteca Gallega Galicia en el último tercio del siglo XV por el licenciado Antonio López Ferreiro 2 ed 1896
Scan of public domain book cover, The Heart of Princess Osra by Anthony Hope, published by Frederick Stokes, 1896. Scanned by en:User:PKM from user's collection, 2 June 2007.
Symbolic Logic Carroll
Cover of Symbolic Logic by en:Lewis Carroll, showing the diagrams he uses to solve logical problems
GROSS1896 DieRosenauerBurg
Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Painters and their works- a dictionary of great artists who are not no...
Identifier: painterstheirwor03jame (find matches) Title: Painters and their works: a dictionary of great artists who are not now alive, giving their names, lives, and the prices paid for their works at auctio... Mehr
GILBERT (1896) Parliament House, Dublin
Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
BARANYA multja es jelenje - Public domain book illustration
Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Im Lande des Mahdi - A picture of a picture of a boat in the water
Deutsch: Karl May Im Lande des Mahdi
Allers Hochz Italien außen
Cover of book "Hochzeitsreise nach Italien" Deutsch: Buchdecke des Buchs "Hochzeitsreise nach Italien"
The American fancier's poultry book (1896) (18092715756)
Title: The American fancier's poultry book Identifier: americanfanciers00howa (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Howard, George Ellsworth. (from old catalog) Subjects: Poultry Publisher: Johnstown, N.... Mehr
G.B. Lewis Co. (3092749451)
683 Subject (TGM): Beehives; Factories; Lumberyards; Warehouses; Bee culture; Honey; Honeycombs; Shipping; Keywords: Shipping Cases
Binding by Zaehnsdorf, 1896 during World War I
Rotbraunes Ziegenleder mit verzierten goldgeprägten Rahmen auf den oberen und unteren Einbänden. Rüstungsgerät von Alexander H. Turnbull in der Mitte. Die Buchbinderei Zaehnsdorf wurde 1842 in London von Joseph... Mehr
Satan und Ischariot - A painting of a man riding a horse in the woods
Deutsch: Karl May Satan und Isharioth
ELLIOT (1896) Atlantis, eine geographische, historische und ethnologis...
Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
PIKE (1896) Durch den subarktischen Wald
Public domain photograph of a book page with illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
BULL(1896) COVER - Public domain book illustration
Public domain scan of the book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bova Ukraine 1896 - A black and white drawing of a man on a horse
Cover of a Ukrainian-language edition of Bova Korolevich (Russian romance of chivalry) in Kiev.
GRAVIER(1896) La Cartographie de Madagascar
Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
My Father as I Recall Him Cover
Mamie Dickens' book cover of My Father As I Recall Him
Salmond(1896) Diary. South Africa
Public domain photograph of a book page with illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Klášter Bl. Anežky Přemyslovny a obnova jeho - Cover page
Čeština: Titulní strana knihy Klášter Bl. Anežky Přemyslovny a obnova jeho.
Mark Twain-The American Claimant-1896-Logo on Cover
Logo on cover of 1896 edition of The American Claimant by Mark Twain. Book was printed by Harper & Brothers publishers (New York and London) in 1899.
S.C.Cumberland, What I think of South Africa
Public domain photograph of book cover featuring a portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1896 Brigitta Hochfelden, Marie Niedner, Das Buch der Wäsche, Verlag d...
Deutsch: Vielfarb-Prägedruck des Buchdeckels (Vorderdeckel) des 1896 erstmals von Brigitta Hochfelden unter Mitarbeit von Marie Niedner zusammengestellten Werks „Das Buch der Wäsche Ein Leitfaden zur zeit- un... Mehr
Panorama von Berlin für die Gewerbe-Ausstellung 1896, published by Sit...
Front cover of the illustrated book Panorama von Berlin für die Gewerbe-Ausstellung 1896 (Panorama of Berlin for the Trade Exhibition 1896). Deutsch: Vorderdeckel des Bildbands Panorama von Berlin für die Gew... Mehr
MICHIE(1896) History of Logie-Coldstone and Braes of Cromar
Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vikramarka Maharaja Caritramu 1896 book cover (page 8 crop)
Telugu Collection for the British Library, London. Digitized by the SVK Library, India Subjects:
Estudio Biográfico-Político del Excmo. Sr. Don José Elduayen Marqués d...
Estudio Biográfico-Político del Excmo. Sr. Don José Elduayen Marqués del Pazo de la Merced
Обкладинка РБС, Том 1 1896
Українська: Обкладинка 1-го тому "Російського біографічного словника", 1896 року виданняEnglish: Cover 1st as "Russian Biographical Dictionary", 1896 edition
1896, Si yo fuera rico, Luis Mariano de Larra, Pascó
Español: Portada de Si yo fuera rico. Public domain photograph of art nouveau artwork, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
BESANT(1896) The charm (15628668287)
Dateiname: ILS-1690596Binder Etikett: G 822.8 BES 1896Titel: The charmDate issued: 1896Genre: Book coversNotes: (Author) Walter BesantCollection: Victorian Publishers 'BookbindingsLocation: National Library NZ ... Mehr
Goettinger musen-almanach fuer 1898
Deutsch: Göttinger Musen-Almanach für 1896. Herausgegeben von Göttinger Studenten, erschienen in Dieterich's Verlagsbuchhandlung, Göttingen 1896.
Šimáček Na záletech 1896
Cover of book Na záletech (1896), written by Czech poet Matěj Anastasia Šimáček (1860–1913) Čeština: Obálka sbírky Na záletech (1896) básníka Matěje Anastasii Šimáčka (1860–1913)
Pé das Burgas por Francisco A. de Nóvoa. La Coruña. Andrés Martínez ed...
Pé das Burgas. La Coruña. Biblioteca Gallega
Poems Third Series - Cover
Poems Third Series - Cover
Göttingen 1896
Deutsch: Göttinger Musen-Alamanach 1896 - (Einband) English: 1896 Göttingen Students' Poetic Calendar (Title cover)
STECK(1896) St.Valentin, der Wanderbischof
Public domain scan of the book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hristo-Makedonski-Zapiski, title page
Български: Титулна страница на "Записки" на Христо Македонски.
Country of the Pointed Firs cover 1896
Photograph of the cover of The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett. Published in 1896 by Houghton, Mifflin and Company. Image via UC Berkeley Library, accessed June 19, 2015.