George Paulet (Offizier der Royal Navy)
Lord George Paulet (1803-1879), der dritte Sohn von Charles Paulet, der 13. Marquess von Winchester, wurde am 28. Dezember 1841 Kapitän der Royal Navy. Er setzte Hawaii 1843 für sechs Monate unter militärische ... Mehr
Kroonprins Willem - A man sitting in a chair with a cane
Public domain vintage artistic photograph, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, 2. Baron Bloomfield von Sir Thomas Law...
John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, 2. Baron Bloomfield, von Sir Thomas Lawrence (gestorben 1830). Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Quelle. Diese Bilder wurden von User: Dcoetzee von der Nationa... Mehr
Iwaki Taka'aki - A black and white drawing of a woman sitting on a ben...
日本語: 出羽亀田藩最後の藩主・岩城隆彰の肖像画。
Giulia Molino Colombini, Italy
Giulia Molino Colombini, Italian educator, writer and poet. Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Eduard Wessel - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache
Eduard Wessel (1822–1879), deutscher Philologe Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Louis-Siméon Morin
Louis-Siméon Morin Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Execution of Catherine Webster at Wandsworth Gaol
The Execution of Catherine Webster at Wandsworth Gaol Public domain photograph of a chamber, vaults, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Viollet Le Duc Concert Hall Entretiens
Eugene Viollet-le-Duc, design for a Concert Hall, dated 1864. Expressing Gothic structural principles in stone, brick and cast iron. Published in Entretiens sur l'Architecture
Karl Keissler Litho - A drawing of a man in a suit and tie
Deutsch: Karl Keissler (1808-1879), Generaldirektor der k. k. Kaiserin Elisabeth Westbahn. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser. 1860-
George S. Hillard - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
George S. Hillard, Massachusetts attorney and author Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Toshiyoshi Kawaji. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Kawaji Toshiyoshi 日本語: 川路利良 Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Franz Schneider-Dillenburg Litho
Deutsch: Franz Schneider von Dillenburg (1799-1879), k. k. Feldzeugmeister Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1857
John C Cremony
Cremony, John Carey
Johann Carl Schober Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Johann Carl Schober (1900-1879), eigentlich Schoberlechner, k. k. Hofopernsänger (Bariton)
Louis Joseph Fernier
Français : Louis Joseph Fernier
Lindgren - An old black and white photo of a man
Henrik Gerhard Lindgren (1801-79) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Charles Evans 1802-1879
Philadelphia doctor and Quaker 1802-1879
Darwin Phelps - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Darwin Phelps, US Representative from Pennsylvania Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ferdinand Naegele - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Ferdinand Nägele (1808–1879). Photo ca. 1860/1870 Public domain photograph of parliament, political committee, politicians, government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nathan Evans (Ohio) from findagrave
Nathan Evans, member of the United States House of Representatives. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann Hinrich Gossler III
Johann Heinrich Gossler III (1805–1879), co-owner of Berenberg Bank, consul-general of Hawaii, married Mary Elizabeth Bray (1810–1886), a granddaughter of Samuel Eliot.
Jefferson Hunt - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Foto von Jefferson Hunt, Hauptmann des Mormonenbataillons, Brigadegeneral der kalifornischen Staatsmilizen, kalifornischer Parlamentsabgeordneter und Vertreter der Territorialgesetzgebung von Utah.
Rhoda Richards Smith Young
Foto von Rhoda Richards Smith Young, Ehefrau von Joseph Smith Jr. und Brigham Young.
Christian C Paus2 - Norway. Public domain image
Christian Cornelius Paus (1800-1879), stortingsrepresentant, byfoged, politimester, byskriver og magistrat i Skien
Jessen C.L. Porträt C.P.Hansen@Altfriesisches Haus Keitum20171229
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Franz Josef Wratislaw Litho
Deutsch: Franz Josef Graf Wratislaw (1813-1879), Beamter Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1866
Lichtenberg color triangle Tobias Mayer 1775
Lichtenberg's replication of Tobias Mayer's color triangle
Schiefner-Anton - Black and White Portrait Photograph
Picture of the Baltic-German linguist Franz Anton von Schiefner (1817–1879).
Oohara Shigetomi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 大原重徳の肖像。 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
GF Schoemann - A black and white portrait of a man
Deutsch: Georg Friedrich Schoemann Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alexandre Grigny - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache
Français : Alexandre Grigny Public domain photograph - bust portrait sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann von Burger Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Johann von Burger (1808-1879), österreichischer Beamter. Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, 1843
James King Gibson (Virginia Congressman)
James King Gibson (Virginia Congressman) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
James McKay - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
James McKay (1828-1879), trader, politician, member of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (1877-1878)
Ventavon, Casimir Tournu de
"M. Ventavon, député des Hautes-Alpes, rapporteur de la Commission des lois constitutionnelles. (Phot. Fer.)".
Vinzenz von Schlechta-Wssehrd Litho
Deutsch: Vinzenz Freiherr von Schlechta-Wssehrd (1798-1879), Geheimrat, Feldmarschalleutnant, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1851
D. Manuel da Câmara, 2.º Conde da Taipa (c. 1870)
Manuel Jerónimo da Câmara Coutinho Pereira de Sande, 2nd Count of Taipa (1795-1879)
Edward Strathearn Gordon Vanity Fair 10 October 1874
Caricature of Edward Strathearn Gordon (1814-1879). Caption read "Lord Advocate".
A A Kiter - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Портрет А. А. Китера Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Halvor Schou. A black and white photo of a man in a suit Norway
Halvor Arntzen Schou (1823-1879) norwegian businessman. Norsk bokmål: Halvor Arntzen Schou (født 1823 i Oslo, død 5. februar 1879) var en norsk forretningsmann, som blei en foregangsskikkelse i norsk industri.
Mary Ann Wilson Andrews, c. 1870
Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson Andrews (13 March 1804 – 10 March 1879), wife of Lorrin Andrews, a missionary to Hawaii and judge.
Kawaji Toshiyoshi in uniform. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
Kawaji Toshiyoshi in uniform. Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bela Wenckheim Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Bela Freiherr von Wenckheim (1811-1879), ungarischer Staatsmann. Lithographie von Franz Eybl, 1842
Ferdo Rusan - Public domain portrait print
Ferdo Rusan (1810-1879), croatian composer od popular songs Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Maxwell color Triangle Luckiesh 1921
Maxwell's color triangle as rendered by Luckiesh
Nils Trondsen Thune. Norway
Nils Trondsen Thune (1835–79), farmer and politician from Norway
Sakamoto .Otome. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 坂本龍馬の姉・乙女(おとめ / とめ)の写真
Franz Kropf Litho - A black and white drawing of a man in a suit
Deutsch: Franz Kropf (1826-1879), Zihervirtuose. Titherlehrer der Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1853
Franz Xaver Moth Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Franz Xaver Moth (1802-1879), österreic hischer Mathematiker. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1860
Baldomero Espartero Litho
Deutsch: Baldomero Espartero (1792-1879), spanischer General und Politiker. Lithographie von Gabriel Decker, 1840
Stephen Friel Nuckolls - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Stephen Friel Nuckolls, Congressman from Wyoming Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kitty Keliikuaaina Richardson Napela
Kitty Keliikuaaina Richardson Napela, wife of Jonathan Napela. She contracted leprosy in 1872 and was exiled to Kaulapapa where she and her husband died in 1879.
Grabstein Dietrich BeckerJS
Deutsch: Grabstein Domkapitular Dietrich Becker, Speyer
Andrea Crestadora - Public domain portrait print
Andrea Crestadoro in 1879 - Museum Curator and inventer. Andrea Crestadoro (1808–1879) was Chief Librarian of Manchester Free Library, 1864-1879
Sydney-dickens - Public domain book illustration
Sydney Smith Haldimand DickensFrançais : Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Louise Vallory - Public domain portrait engraving
Louise Vallory (1824 – 1879), French novelist. Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Shylock and Jessica 1876 - Public domain painting
One of the famous paintings of Maurice Gotlieb on the plot of the Venetian merchant.
BASA-1284K-1-506a-Aleksander Krastev (crop)
Български: Снимка на българския композитор и диригент Александър Кръстев (1879-1945). English: Bulgarian conductor and composer Aleksandar Krastev (1879-1945). Հայերեն: Բուլղարացի դիրիժոր և կոմպոզիտոր Ալեքսա... Mehr
Lasteyrie du Saillant, Ferdinand Charles Léon
Ferdinand-Charles-Léon, comte de Lasteyrie du Saillant Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marçal José Ribeiro - O Occidente (15Jul1879)
Marçal José Ribeiro (1793-1879), Portuguese diplomat, in an engraving published in 1879
Karl Anton Eckert - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Karl Anton Eckert, Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1855 Public domain scan of engraving, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann Hermann Smidt - Public domain portrait print
Portrait of Johann Hermann Smidt (1804–1879) from Bremen, Germany, judge and son of mayor Johann Smidt. Deutsch: Porträt von Johann Hermann Smidt (1804–1879) aus Bremen, Richter und Sohn von Bürgermeister Johann Smidt.
Matsujiro Omura. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 大村松二郎(1851-1879) もと山本藤右衛門の子、大村益次郎の養子。海軍少佐。
Marshall B. Champlain (New York Attorney General)
Marshall B. Champlain (New York Attorney General)
Nina-sontag - A black and white drawing of a woman
Deutsch: de:Nina Sontag (* 26. November 1811 in Koblenz; † 22. September 1879 in Kloster St. Marienthal, Oberlausitz) war eine deutsche Opernsängerin (Sopran) und Nonne.
JFKHöhne photo web. South Africa
Portrait of Friedrich Kaufmann Höhne, Government Secretary of the Orange Free State, in office till 1879.
Louise Beck - A black and white photo of a family
Deutsch: Louise Beck im Kreis ihrer Familie (sitzend rechts) Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ludwig von Bodelschwingh - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Ludwig Karl Christoph von Bodelschwingh (6.7.1811-27.10.1879). Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theresia Auersperg Litho
Theresia Gräfin Auersperg, geb. von Scheibler (1814-1879), Ehefrau von Graf Franz Xaver Auersperg. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1843
Louis Vulliemin - Public domain book illustration
Louis Vulliemin Image taken from: Title: "Die Schweiz im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von schweizerischen Schriftstellern unter Leitung von P. Seippel" Author: SEIPPEL, Paul. Shelfmark: "British Libra... Mehr
Carlos María Colina y Rubio, retrato
Español: Mons. Carlos María Colina y Rubio (1813-1879). Obispo de Puebla de 1863 a 1879. Fotografía realizada en 1863 por Campa y Cruces. Ubicada en la Fototeca Naciona. D.R. Instituto Nacional de Antropología... Mehr
Fyodorov Pavel Stepanovich, Russian Empire
Fyodorov Pavel Stepanovich — Russian Playwright Русский: Павел Степанович Фёдоров (1803—1879) — российский драматург, известный автор водевилей эпохи Николая I.
Ansiau-Portrait-1858 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Français : Portrait de Henri Ansiau, homme politique belge (1858). Lithographie d'après une photographie de Brandt et Detrez.
Eduard Fenzl Litho Kaiser
Deutsch: Eduard Fenzl (1808-1879) österreichischer Botaniker,Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1861
Jakob Goldschmidt Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Jakob Enoch Goldschmidt (1815-1879). Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1864
Heinrich Wilhelm Dove Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Heinrich Wilhelm Dove (1803-1879), deutscher Physiker. Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, 1856, nach einer Photographie von Halffter
CAUNTER Richard McDonald 1798-1879
Image from F. Lyde Caunter (1930): Caunter Family History. Solicitors' Law Stationery Society. Facing p. 74.
Carl Giskra Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Karl Giskra (1820-1879), österreichischer Politiker. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1848
José Feliciano de Castilho Barreto e Noronha
José Feliciano de Castilho Barreto e Noronha (1810-1879), Portuguese journalist, writer, and lawyer. Português: José Feliciano de Castilho Barreto e Noronha (1810-1879), jornalista, escritor e advogado português.
Boletín BHL5311594
Boletín / Secretaría de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo, Estación Experimental Agronómica de Cuba.
Luis Mesones - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache
Español: Luis Mesones (1825-?) diplomático y político peruano. Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores en 1867.
Mark W. Delahay - A painting of a man with a long beard
Portrait of Mark W. Delahay, a United States federal judge who resigned a under threat of impeachment, brought about by allegations of alcoholism.
John Arthur Bloomfield Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: John Arthur Bloomfield (1802-1879) englischer Diplomat. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1840
William Morris Hunt sitting - Public domain portrait photograph
Two photographs of Hunt's studio in Boston, taken by the studio of Edwin N. Peabody, based in Salem Mass., 1879. One photograph of Hunt seated holding a palette, taken by J.W. Black & Co., Boston; and Hunt in s... Mehr
Deutsch: Carl Ferdinand Nieper (1812-1879) Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gustav Fromhold von Nolcken (15215178252)
1815-1879, Liivimaa maamarssal - - - 1815-1879, head of the Livonian Knighthood Autor / Author: Fritz Luckhardt, Leopoldstadt Viitekood / Reference code: EAA.1674.3.719.4 Kirje andmebaasis FOTIS / Description i... Mehr
Gabriel Aivazovsky
Gabriel Aivazovsky
Maeda Naonobu - Public domain portrait photograph
日本語: 前田直信の肖像写真。
Nagayama Gaiken. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 永山亥軒小照(文化12年-明治12年)
Sakai Tadakuni - Public domain portrait photograph
日本語: 酒井忠邦の肖像写真。
Wilhelm Well - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Wilhelm WEll (1797-1879) k. k. Leibarzt in Wien Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1844
Pieter Lansens - Public domain portrait painting
Nederlands: Portret van de Koekelaarse auteur Pieter Lansens, geschilderd in 1848 door Joseph CanneelEnglish: Portrait of the author Pieter Lansens, painted in 1848 by Joseph CanneelFrançais : Portrait de l'... Mehr
Josef von Lasser Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Josef Lasser, Freiherr von Zollheim (1815-1879), österreichischer Staatsmann, Minister. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, 1860
Jakob Senn - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Swiss writer Jakob Senn (1824–1979) Deutsch: Der Schweizer Schriftsteller Jakob Senn (1824–1879)
Portrait photogrpah of Anna Rosthorn-Stollwerk Litho, composer
Deutsch: Anna Rosthorn-Stollwerk (1825-1879), österreichische Komponistin. Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, 1851
Caspar josef cosack - Public domain portrait painting
Deutsch: Josef Cosack Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Robert Campbell - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Photograph of Robert Campbell Public domain photograph, 19th century military male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Oktavia Merveldt Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Oktavia Gräfin Merveldt, geb. Czernin (1802-1879). Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1841 nach einem Gemälde von Schrotzberg
Musters, Italy
George Chaworth Musters Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description