Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Ransom T. and Emma Young letter, 1869-03-21 - - 8e0dcb4a106b199fb26fa...
This letter consists of two sections written by two different people to their relatives. The first is written by Ransom T. Young and concerns his work during the winter, the weather, the price of agricultural g... Mehr
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.