Letter from Konstantinos Gerasimou to Robevs, 29 September 1869 - 2
Български: Писмо на от Константинос Герасиму до синовете на А. Робев за откриване на българско начално училище с 80 деца и финансови трудности, с които се сблъскват, 29 септември 1869 г. English: Letter from ... Mehr
Ransom T. and Emma Young letter, 1869-03-21 - - 8e0dcb4a106b199fb26fa...
This letter consists of two sections written by two different people to their relatives. The first is written by Ransom T. Young and concerns his work during the winter, the weather, the price of agricultural g... Mehr
Letter from Friedrich Wöhler to James Curtis Booth, March 18, 1869 - ...
Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1882) was the mentor of James Curtis Booth (1810-1888). Booth studied with Wöhler for two years in his private laboratory in the German state of Hesse-Kassel.
Letter from William M. Meredith to James Curtis Booth, October 26, 186...
William M. Meredith (1799-1873) an American lawyer and politician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who served as the United States Secretary of the Treasury during President Zachary Taylor's Administration, writ... Mehr
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Letter from Konstantinos Gerasimou to Robevs, 29 September 1869
Български: Писмо на от Константинос Герасиму до синовете на А. Робев за откриване на българско начално училище с 80 деца и финансови трудности, с които се сблъскват, 29 септември 1869 г. English: Letter from ... Mehr
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.
Letter from Friedrich Wöhler to James Curtis Booth, March 18, 1869 - ...
Friedrich Wöhler (1800-1882) was the mentor of James Curtis Booth (1810-1888). Booth studied with Wöhler for two years in his private laboratory in the German state of Hesse-Kassel.
Letter from William M. Meredith to James Curtis Booth, October 27, 186...
William M. Meredith (1799-1873) an American lawyer and politician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who served as the United States Secretary of the Treasury in President Zachary Taylor's (1784-1850) administrati... Mehr
Francis Briggs letter to Matt Briggs, 1869-04-03 - - 0287d7f591f82673...
This letter was written by Francis Briggs to his brother and sister while he was stationed in Graysville Georgia with the United States army. He discusses his thoughts on reenlistment and marriage.