Charles lafite - A painting of a man with a beard
Deutsch: Charles Lafite Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Joseph Jelačić von Bužim Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban des Königreichs Kroatien und k. k. Feldzeugmeister. Kommandeur des Matria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1850.
Josef Jellacic Litho 01
Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slavonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Maria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1850
Otto von Gerlach
Otto von Gerlach um 1840
Nicholas Sickles - Public domain portrait painting
Nicholas Sickles, New York Congressman. Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
David Rees - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair
Wikidata has entry David Rees (Q5238958) with data related to this item. English: Released for use on Wikipedia by the National Library of Wales from the John Thomas Collection) For more information see User:Paul Bevan.
George Biddell Airy Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: George Biddell Airy (1801-1892). englischer Astronom. Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, 1858. Nach einer Photographie von Maull & Polyblanc in London.
Joseph Jelačić Litho - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban des Königreich Kroatien und Slawonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister.Lithographie von Franz Empfinger, ca 1850
Ernest Stanislas de Girardin (1801-1874)
Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Berger de xivrey signature
Français : Signature Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait photogrpah of Joseph Lanner Litho 01, composer
Deutsch: Josef Lanner (1801-1843), österreichischer Komponist. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, ca. 1825
Anton Dück Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Anton Edler von Dück (1801-1866), Textilkaufmann, niederösterreichischer Landtagsabgeordneter Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... Mehr
Thierry Hermes France, 19th century
Thierry Hermès (1801-1878), founder of Hermès. He was born in Krefeld, Prussia and moved to Paris at age 13. Español: Thierry Hermès, fundador de la compañía de artículos de lujo Hermès International, S.A..
Bertin, Armand - Public domain portrait engraving
Armand Bertin Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Caricature, Robert Carden 11 December 1880, public domain cartoon imag...
Caricature of Alderman Sir RW Carden Kt MP. Caption read "City justice".
Eugenie Franziska Rosalia Schönborn-Buchheim Litho
Deutsch: Eugenie Franziska Rosalia Schönborn-Buchheim (1801-1880), Gräfin Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hermann Schiff (IZ 48-1867 S 319)
Deutsch: Hermann Schiff, deutscher Schriftsteller im 19. Jh. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Langenschwarz Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Maximilian Leopold Langenschwarz (1802-1852), Dichter, Improvisator, Hydrotherapeut. Lithographie von Franz Eybl, um 1830
Andreas Gredeler Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Dr. Andreas Freiherr von Grredeler (1801-1870), Jurist, Abgeordneter Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, 1848
Oohara Shigetomi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
日本語: 大原重徳の肖像。 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ferdinand Kleinmayr, Slovenia - Public domain portrait engraving
Ferdinand Kleinmayr (1801-1864), Slovene publisher and printer. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ferdinand Mensshengen Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Ferdinand Freiherr von Mensshengen (1801-1885), Geheimrat, 1856-1867 österreichischer Botschafter in Bern.
Georg Adolf Sander 1847 (IZ 02-149)
Deutsch: Georg Adolf Sander, 1844, Abgeordneter des badischen Landtages. Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Franz Reichardt Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Franz Reichardt (1801-1890), Oberst, Kommandant des 3. Gendarmerie-Regiments. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1856
Adolph vR - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Deutsch: Adolph von Randow eigenes Photo aus Familienarchiv Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
William Tanner - Public domain portrait engraving
This is a sketch of William Tanner (1801–1845), politician in colonial Western Australia. It shows Tanner as a child. No photograph is known to exist.
Josef Bartenstein Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Josef Bartenstein (1801-1866) Freiherr von Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Helene von Feuchtersleben Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Halena von Feuchtersleben (1801-1882) Ehefrau von Ernst Freiherrn v. Feuchtersleben. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1853
Wilhelm Hompesch Litho - A drawing of a man in a military uniform
Deutsch: Wilhelm Graf Hompesch zu Bolheim (1800-1861),k. k. Oberst, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1857
Franz Lieder Litho - A black and white photo of a man with a beard
Deutsch: Franz Lieder (1801-1884), Maler , Lithograph. Lithographie von Friedrich Lieder, 1845
Abraham Hayward, Vanity Fair, 1875-11-27
Men of the Day No.117: Caricature of Mr A Hayward QC. Caption reads: "Anecdotes"
B Rabenhorst - A painting of a man in a military uniform
Deutsch: Bernhard von Rabenhorst Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann Anton Joseph Brossok
Deutsch: Johann Anton Joseph Brossok (1801–1876) Stammvater der Linie Neuhof des Geschlechts Brossok.
Edmund Otis Hovey 1801-1877
Edmund Otis Hovey 1801-1877
Josef Puffer Litho - Public domain portrait print
Deutsch: Josef Puffer (1801-1882), Generalmajors Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Theodor Pachmann Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Theodor Pachmann (1801-1881), österreichischer Rechtsgelehrter. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1862
Josef Jellacic Litho 02
Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slavonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Maria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1849
Kuki Takahiro - Public domain portrait photograph
日本語: 九鬼隆都の肖像写真。
Richard Höchsmann Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Richard Höchsmann (1801-1881), Rechtsgelehrter Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1844 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (1801-1847) C
Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (Italian : Achille Carlo Luigi Napoleone Murat), crown prince of Naples hereditary prince of Berg, 2nd prince Murat (21 January 1801 – 15 April 1847) was the eldest son of ... Mehr
Johann Schlöcht Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Johann Schlöcht von Heraltitz (geb. 1801), Landtags- und Reichsratabgeordneter für Böhmen. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1880
Josef Lanner Kriehuber Litho 01 - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Josef Lanner (1801-1843), österreichischer Komponist und Musiker. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, um 1825
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Johann Nestroy, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1839 Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Luís Francisco Estêvão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner, 1.º Conde de M...
Luís Francisco Estêvão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner, 1st Count of Melo (1801-1865)
Karl Georg Lickl Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Carl Georg Lickl (1801-1877),österreichischer Komponist, Musiker, Beamter. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1839
Christian Gilbert Coupienne (1801–1876)
Deutsch: Christian Coupienne Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hermann von Meyer - Public domain portrait engraving
Public domain photograph of portrait print, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Clara Lützow Litho
Deutsch: Clara Lützow genannt Dorgelo (1801-1872) Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Leonilde Raab Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Leonilde von Raab, geb von Timoni (1801-1871), Ejefrau von Anton Ritter von Raab
Berthold Sengschmitt - Public domain portrait print
German: Berthold Sengschmitttitle QS:P1476,de:"Berthold Sengschmitt" label QS:Lde,"Berthold Sengschmitt"
Luís Francisco Estevão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner de Sousa Tavare...
The 1st Count of Melo Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portret van Onno Reint van Andringa de Kempenaer (1801-1868)
Nederlands: Portret van Onno Reint van Andringa de Kempenaer (1801-1868) door Joseph Kayser, gedateerd 1837.
Carl Gotthelf Kind - Public domain portrait engraving
Karl-Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873) Lëtzebuergesch: Karl-Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873). Svenska: Carl Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873). Deutsch: Carl Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873).
Deutsch: Emilie Wilhelmine Caroline Hoguet geborene Vestris (* 16. Februar 1801 in Rheinsberg; † 19. August 1869) war eine deutsche Tänzerin
Lindgren - An old black and white photo of a man
Henrik Gerhard Lindgren (1801-79) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jakob Robert Steiger 1845 (IZ 04-353 ACR)
Deutsch: Jakob Rober Steiger, schweizer Arzt und Politiker, 1845. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fanny Targioni Tozzetti - Public domain portrait engraving
Fanny Targioni Tozzetti (1801-1889), the only real woman represented in the poetry of Giacomo Leopardi. She's also well known with the literary calque of Aspasia, in three poems of Giacomo LeopardiItaliano: F... Mehr
Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps - An old photo of a man sitting in a chair
Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps (1801-1866) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Almirante Pedro Ferreira de Oliveira
Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
George M. Hinkle - A black and white photo of a man in a tuxedo
George M. Hinkle, ein früher Führer der Bewegung der Heiligen des Letzten Tages.
Poulalion, Pierre Paul par Cattelain (La Rue, 1867-09-28)
Français : P.P.P. [Pierre-Paul Poulalion]. Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Josef Tadeas Lumbe von Malonitz
Josef Tadeáš Lumbe (1801–1875) was a Czech agronom. Čeština: Josef Tadeáš Lumbe (1801–1875) byl český profesor přírodních věd
Domokos Perlasca Litho - Public domain scenic engraving
Deutsch: Domokos Perlasca Domokos Perlasca (1801-1846)italienisch-ungarischer Graphiker (Radierer). Lithographie von Faustin Herr, ca.1840
Wilson Abbott - Public domain portrait print
Wilson Ruffin Abbott Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Raschpil, Russian Empire
Rashpil, Grigory Antonovich Русский: Григорий Антонович Рашпиль (1801—1871) — генерал-лейтенант; наказной атаман Черноморского казачьего войска.
Karl Friedrich Knorre - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Portrait of the astronomer Karl Friedrich Knorre (1801–1883). Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marianne Wimpffen 1856 Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Marianne Gräfin Wimpffen, geb. Eskeles (1801-1862), Ehefrau von Franz Wimpffen, Salondame. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1856
Anton von Schwarzel Litho
Deutsch: Anton von Schwarzel (1801-1865), k. k. Feldmarschallleutnant. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1852
Bochdalek - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
en:Vincent Bochdalek Polski: pl:Vincent Bochdalek Deutsch: de:Vincent Alexander Bochdalek Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Albert-lenoir - A bust of a man wearing a suit and tie
Français : Buste d'Albert Lenoir (1801-1891) Public domain photograph - bust sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portret van Anna Adriana Cornelia van Halteren (1801 - 1874)
Nederlands: Portret van Anna Adriana Cornelia van Halteren (1801 - 1874). olie op doek
Полевой Ксенофонт - Public domain portrait engraving
Русский: Ксенофо́нт Алексе́евич Полево́й (1801 — 1867) — русский писатель Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Johann Baptist Weis Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Johann Baptist Weis (1801-1862), Beamter, Publizist unter dem Pseudonym "Jörgel". Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, ca. 1840
Julius-Müller-theol - A black and white drawing of a man in a suit
Julius Müller (1801-1878) deutscher evangelischer Theologe Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Juliusz Małachowski
Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Isidoro Barriga, por Antonio Salas (1824)
Español: Retrato del general Isisdoro Barriga y López de Castro, héroe de la independencia de Venezuela, Colombia y Ecuador. Casado con la viuda de Antonio José de Sucre: Mariana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Z... Mehr
Михайло Францович Рейнеке, Russian Empire
Українська: Михайло Францович Рейнеке - видатний російський вчений-гідрограф. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portret van Cecilia Johanna van Scheltinga (1801 - 1863)
Nederlands: Portret van Cecilia Johanna van Scheltinga (1801 - 1863). oil on canvas 138 x 101 cm
Christine Colloredo-Mannsfeld Litho
Deutsch: Christine Gräfin Colloredo-Mannsfeld, geb. Clam-Gallas (1801-1886), Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1840
John Hill Hewitt1852 - Public domain portrait engraving
John Hill Hewitt Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alexander Catlin Twining
Alexander Catlin Twining (Jul. 5, 1801- Nov. 22, 1884) American scientist A modern history of New Haven and eastern New Haven County by Hill, Everett Gleason, Published 1918, page 283.
Frederick Robe - A black and white photo of a man in a suit
Photograph of Sir Frederick Robe, taken ca. 1890. Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Return Jonathan Meigs (1801-1891)
Lithograph portrait of Return Jonathan Meigs (1801-1891).
Mr E D Day
Mr E D Day late Police Magistrate, Maitland Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Henriette Brevillier Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Henriette Brevillier (1801-1843), geb. Henikstein Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Adolphe Le Cour - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Adolphe Le Cour de Grandmaison Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Koechlin-Dollfus, Jean - A painting of a man in a suit and tie
Français : Koechlin-Dollfus, Jean 1801-1870 Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Frederick Barne Vanity Fair 1882-08-05
Caricature of Frederick Barne. Caption read "the Jockey Club". Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ferdinand von Bretzenheim-Regecz Litho
Deutsch: Ferdinand Fürst von Bretzenheim-Regecz (1801-1855), k. k. Geheimrat, Mitglird drd Pressburger Reichsrats Lithographie von Friedrich Lieder, 1827
Josef Aschbach - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Joseph Aschbach, Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser Русский: Йозеф Ашбах (1801-1882) — немецкий историк и педагог.
Pieter Lansens - Public domain portrait painting
Nederlands: Portret van de Koekelaarse auteur Pieter Lansens, geschilderd in 1848 door Joseph CanneelEnglish: Portrait of the author Pieter Lansens, painted in 1848 by Joseph CanneelFrançais : Portrait de l'... Mehr
Henry Bulwer Vanity Fair 27 August 1870
Caricature of Henry Bulwer (1801-1872). Caption read "A superannuated diplomat".
Josef Jellacic Litho - Public domain portrait engraving
Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slawonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Martia-Theresien- Ordens. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1848, nach Kriehuber.
Die Gartenlaube (1861) b 133
Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Bogumil Goltz.“ English: caption: "Bogumil Goltz."
William Badgley - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair
William Badgley Public domain photograph, male portrait, history of Quebec, politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Amjad Ali Shah - A painting of a man wearing a crown
Amjad Ali Shah (1801-1847)
François Nicolas BAGUET 1801-1867
Français : Monsieur François Niclas Baguet né à Nivelles en 1801 décédé en 1867. professuer à l'Université de Louvain, Membre de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, Pédagogue.
Albert Lenoir (1801-1891)
Français : Portrait d'Albert Lenoir (1801-1891), vers 1875, historien, archéologue, écrivain, voyageur et peintre
Novi Dvori-Jelacic-grb - A picture of a coat of arms on a plate
Hrvatski: Grofovski grb bana Josipa Jelačića iz 1854. (sa Jelačićevim geslom: "Što Bog dade i sreća junačka"
Hugh Henry Rose, Vanity Fair, 1870-08-20
Statesmen No.60: Caricature of Lord Strathnairn. Caption reads: "He was made a Statesman because he was a soldier."