Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

1801 births

144 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 2
Charles lafite - A painting of a man with a beard

Charles lafite - A painting of a man with a beard

Deutsch: Charles Lafite Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Joseph Jelačić von Bužim Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Joseph Jelačić von Bužim Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban des Königreichs Kroatien und k. k. Feldzeugmeister. Kommandeur des Matria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1850.

Josef Jellacic Litho 01

Josef Jellacic Litho 01

Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slavonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Maria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1850

Otto von Gerlach

Otto von Gerlach

Otto von Gerlach um 1840

Nicholas Sickles - Public domain portrait painting

Nicholas Sickles - Public domain portrait painting

Nicholas Sickles, New York Congressman. Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

David Rees - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

David Rees - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

Wikidata has entry David Rees (Q5238958) with data related to this item. English: Released for use on Wikipedia by the National Library of Wales from the John Thomas Collection) For more information see User:Paul Bevan.

George Biddell Airy Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

George Biddell Airy Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: George Biddell Airy (1801-1892). englischer Astronom. Lithographie von Rudolf Hoffmann, 1858. Nach einer Photographie von Maull & Polyblanc in London.

Joseph Jelačić Litho - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Joseph Jelačić Litho - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban des Königreich Kroatien und Slawonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister.Lithographie von Franz Empfinger, ca 1850

Ernest Stanislas de Girardin (1801-1874)

Ernest Stanislas de Girardin (1801-1874)

Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Berger de xivrey signature

Berger de xivrey signature

Français : Signature Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait photogrpah of Joseph Lanner Litho 01, composer

Portrait photogrpah of Joseph Lanner Litho 01, composer

Deutsch: Josef Lanner (1801-1843), österreichischer Komponist. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, ca. 1825

Anton Dück Litho - Public domain portrait print

Anton Dück Litho - Public domain portrait print

Deutsch: Anton Edler von Dück (1801-1866), Textilkaufmann, niederösterreichischer Landtagsabgeordneter Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... Mehr

Thierry Hermes France, 19th century

Thierry Hermes France, 19th century

Thierry Hermès (1801-1878), founder of Hermès. He was born in Krefeld, Prussia and moved to Paris at age 13. Español: Thierry Hermès, fundador de la compañía de artículos de lujo Hermès International, S.A..

Bertin, Armand - Public domain portrait engraving

Bertin, Armand - Public domain portrait engraving

Armand Bertin Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Caricature, Robert Carden 11 December 1880, public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Robert Carden 11 December 1880, public domain cartoon imag...

Caricature of Alderman Sir RW Carden Kt MP. Caption read "City justice".

Eugenie Franziska Rosalia Schönborn-Buchheim Litho

Eugenie Franziska Rosalia Schönborn-Buchheim Litho

Deutsch: Eugenie Franziska Rosalia Schönborn-Buchheim (1801-1880), Gräfin Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hermann Schiff (IZ 48-1867 S 319)

Hermann Schiff (IZ 48-1867 S 319)

Deutsch: Hermann Schiff, deutscher Schriftsteller im 19. Jh. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Langenschwarz Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Langenschwarz Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Maximilian Leopold Langenschwarz (1802-1852), Dichter, Improvisator, Hydrotherapeut. Lithographie von Franz Eybl, um 1830

Andreas Gredeler Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Andreas Gredeler Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Dr. Andreas Freiherr von Grredeler (1801-1870), Jurist, Abgeordneter Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, 1848

Oohara Shigetomi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Oohara Shigetomi. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

日本語: 大原重徳の肖像。 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ferdinand Kleinmayr, Slovenia - Public domain portrait engraving

Ferdinand Kleinmayr, Slovenia - Public domain portrait engraving

Ferdinand Kleinmayr (1801-1864), Slovene publisher and printer. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ferdinand Mensshengen Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Ferdinand Mensshengen Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Ferdinand Freiherr von Mensshengen (1801-1885), Geheimrat, 1856-1867 österreichischer Botschafter in Bern.

Georg Adolf Sander 1847 (IZ 02-149)

Georg Adolf Sander 1847 (IZ 02-149)

Deutsch: Georg Adolf Sander, 1844, Abgeordneter des badischen Landtages. Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Franz Reichardt Litho - Public domain portrait print

Franz Reichardt Litho - Public domain portrait print

Deutsch: Franz Reichardt (1801-1890), Oberst, Kommandant des 3. Gendarmerie-Regiments. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1856

Adolph vR - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Adolph vR - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Deutsch: Adolph von Randow eigenes Photo aus Familienarchiv Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

William Tanner - Public domain portrait engraving

William Tanner - Public domain portrait engraving

This is a sketch of William Tanner (1801–1845), politician in colonial Western Australia. It shows Tanner as a child. No photograph is known to exist.

Josef Bartenstein Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Josef Bartenstein Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Josef Bartenstein (1801-1866) Freiherr von Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Helene von Feuchtersleben Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Helene von Feuchtersleben Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Halena von Feuchtersleben (1801-1882) Ehefrau von Ernst Freiherrn v. Feuchtersleben. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1853

Wilhelm Hompesch Litho - A drawing of a man in a military uniform

Wilhelm Hompesch Litho - A drawing of a man in a military uniform

Deutsch: Wilhelm Graf Hompesch zu Bolheim (1800-1861),k. k. Oberst, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1857

Franz Lieder Litho - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

Franz Lieder Litho - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

Deutsch: Franz Lieder (1801-1884), Maler , Lithograph. Lithographie von Friedrich Lieder, 1845

Abraham Hayward, Vanity Fair, 1875-11-27

Abraham Hayward, Vanity Fair, 1875-11-27

Men of the Day No.117: Caricature of Mr A Hayward QC. Caption reads: "Anecdotes"

B Rabenhorst - A painting of a man in a military uniform

B Rabenhorst - A painting of a man in a military uniform

Deutsch: Bernhard von Rabenhorst Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Johann Anton Joseph Brossok

Johann Anton Joseph Brossok

Deutsch: Johann Anton Joseph Brossok (1801–1876) Stammvater der Linie Neuhof des Geschlechts Brossok.

Edmund Otis Hovey 1801-1877

Edmund Otis Hovey 1801-1877

Edmund Otis Hovey 1801-1877

Josef Puffer Litho - Public domain portrait print

Josef Puffer Litho - Public domain portrait print

Deutsch: Josef Puffer (1801-1882), Generalmajors Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Theodor Pachmann Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Theodor Pachmann Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Theodor Pachmann (1801-1881), österreichischer Rechtsgelehrter. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1862

Josef Jellacic Litho 02

Josef Jellacic Litho 02

Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slavonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Maria-Theresien-Ordens. Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser, 1849

Kuki Takahiro - Public domain portrait photograph

Kuki Takahiro - Public domain portrait photograph

日本語: 九鬼隆都の肖像写真。

Richard Höchsmann Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Richard Höchsmann Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Richard Höchsmann (1801-1881), Rechtsgelehrter Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1844 Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (1801-1847) C

Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (1801-1847) C

Achille Charles Louis Napoléon Murat (Italian : Achille Carlo Luigi Napoleone Murat), crown prince of Naples hereditary prince of Berg, 2nd prince Murat (21 January 1801 – 15 April 1847) was the eldest son of ... Mehr

Johann Schlöcht Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Johann Schlöcht Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Johann Schlöcht von Heraltitz (geb. 1801), Landtags- und Reichsratabgeordneter für Böhmen. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1880

Josef Lanner Kriehuber Litho 01 - Public domain scenic engraving

Josef Lanner Kriehuber Litho 01 - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Josef Lanner (1801-1843), österreichischer Komponist und Musiker. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, um 1825

Johann Nepomuk Nestroy - Public domain scenic engraving

Johann Nepomuk Nestroy - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Johann Nestroy, Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1839 Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Luís Francisco Estêvão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner, 1.º Conde de Melo - 1863 (Arquivo da Casa de Mateus)

Luís Francisco Estêvão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner, 1.º Conde de M...

Luís Francisco Estêvão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner, 1st Count of Melo (1801-1865)

Karl Georg Lickl Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Karl Georg Lickl Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Carl Georg Lickl (1801-1877),österreichischer Komponist, Musiker, Beamter. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1839

Christian Gilbert Coupienne (1801–1876)

Christian Gilbert Coupienne (1801–1876)

Deutsch: Christian Coupienne Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hermann von Meyer - Public domain portrait engraving

Hermann von Meyer - Public domain portrait engraving

Public domain photograph of portrait print, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clara Lützow Litho

Clara Lützow Litho

Deutsch: Clara Lützow genannt Dorgelo (1801-1872) Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Leonilde Raab Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Leonilde Raab Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Leonilde von Raab, geb von Timoni (1801-1871), Ejefrau von Anton Ritter von Raab

Berthold Sengschmitt - Public domain portrait print

Berthold Sengschmitt - Public domain portrait print

German: Berthold Sengschmitttitle QS:P1476,de:"Berthold Sengschmitt" label QS:Lde,"Berthold Sengschmitt"

Luís Francisco Estevão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner de Sousa Tavares e Moura, 1.º Conde de Melo (Arquivo da Casa de Mateus)

Luís Francisco Estevão Soares de Melo da Silva Breyner de Sousa Tavare...

The 1st Count of Melo Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portret van Onno Reint van Andringa de Kempenaer (1801-1868)

Portret van Onno Reint van Andringa de Kempenaer (1801-1868)

Nederlands: Portret van Onno Reint van Andringa de Kempenaer (1801-1868) door Joseph Kayser, gedateerd 1837.

Carl Gotthelf Kind - Public domain portrait engraving

Carl Gotthelf Kind - Public domain portrait engraving

Karl-Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873) Lëtzebuergesch: Karl-Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873). Svenska: Carl Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873). Deutsch: Carl Gotthelf Kind (1801-1873).



Deutsch: Emilie Wilhelmine Caroline Hoguet geborene Vestris (* 16. Februar 1801 in Rheinsberg; † 19. August 1869) war eine deutsche Tänzerin

Lindgren - An old black and white photo of a man

Lindgren - An old black and white photo of a man

Henrik Gerhard Lindgren (1801-79) Public domain photograph, 19th-century male politician portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jakob Robert Steiger 1845 (IZ 04-353 ACR)

Jakob Robert Steiger 1845 (IZ 04-353 ACR)

Deutsch: Jakob Rober Steiger, schweizer Arzt und Politiker, 1845. Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fanny Targioni Tozzetti - Public domain portrait engraving

Fanny Targioni Tozzetti - Public domain portrait engraving

Fanny Targioni Tozzetti (1801-1889), the only real woman represented in the poetry of Giacomo Leopardi. She's also well known with the literary calque of Aspasia, in three poems of Giacomo LeopardiItaliano: F... Mehr

Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps - An old photo of a man sitting in a chair

Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps - An old photo of a man sitting in a chair

Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps (1801-1866) Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Almirante Pedro Ferreira de Oliveira

Almirante Pedro Ferreira de Oliveira

Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

George M. Hinkle - A black and white photo of a man in a tuxedo

George M. Hinkle - A black and white photo of a man in a tuxedo

George M. Hinkle, ein früher Führer der Bewegung der Heiligen des Letzten Tages.

Poulalion, Pierre Paul par Cattelain (La Rue, 1867-09-28)

Poulalion, Pierre Paul par Cattelain (La Rue, 1867-09-28)

Français : P.P.P. [Pierre-Paul Poulalion]. Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Josef Tadeas Lumbe von Malonitz

Josef Tadeas Lumbe von Malonitz

Josef Tadeáš Lumbe (1801–1875) was a Czech agronom. Čeština: Josef Tadeáš Lumbe (1801–1875) byl český profesor přírodních věd

Domokos Perlasca Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Domokos Perlasca Litho - Public domain scenic engraving

Deutsch: Domokos Perlasca Domokos Perlasca (1801-1846)italienisch-ungarischer Graphiker (Radierer). Lithographie von Faustin Herr, ca.1840

Wilson Abbott - Public domain portrait print

Wilson Abbott - Public domain portrait print

Wilson Ruffin Abbott Public domain photograph, male portrait, Quebec politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Raschpil, Russian Empire

Raschpil, Russian Empire

Rashpil, Grigory Antonovich Русский: Григорий Антонович Рашпиль (1801—1871) — генерал-лейтенант; наказной атаман Черноморского казачьего войска.

Karl Friedrich Knorre - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Karl Friedrich Knorre - A black and white photo of a man in uniform

Portrait of the astronomer Karl Friedrich Knorre (1801–1883). Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Marianne Wimpffen 1856 Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Marianne Wimpffen 1856 Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Marianne Gräfin Wimpffen, geb. Eskeles (1801-1862), Ehefrau von Franz Wimpffen, Salondame. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1856

Anton von Schwarzel Litho

Anton von Schwarzel Litho

Deutsch: Anton von Schwarzel (1801-1865), k. k. Feldmarschallleutnant. Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1852

Bochdalek - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Bochdalek - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

en:Vincent Bochdalek Polski: pl:Vincent Bochdalek Deutsch: de:Vincent Alexander Bochdalek Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Albert-lenoir - A bust of a man wearing a suit and tie

Albert-lenoir - A bust of a man wearing a suit and tie

Français : Buste d'Albert Lenoir (1801-1891) Public domain photograph - bust sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portret van Anna Adriana Cornelia van Halteren (1801 - 1874)

Portret van Anna Adriana Cornelia van Halteren (1801 - 1874)

Nederlands: Portret van Anna Adriana Cornelia van Halteren (1801 - 1874). olie op doek

Полевой Ксенофонт - Public domain portrait engraving

Полевой Ксенофонт - Public domain portrait engraving

Русский: Ксенофо́нт Алексе́евич Полево́й (1801 — 1867) — русский писатель Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Johann Baptist Weis Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Johann Baptist Weis Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Johann Baptist Weis (1801-1862), Beamter, Publizist unter dem Pseudonym "Jörgel". Lithographie von August Prinzhofer, ca. 1840

Julius-Müller-theol - A black and white drawing of a man in a suit

Julius-Müller-theol - A black and white drawing of a man in a suit

Julius Müller (1801-1878) deutscher evangelischer Theologe Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Juliusz Małachowski

Juliusz Małachowski

Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Isidoro Barriga, por Antonio Salas (1824)

Isidoro Barriga, por Antonio Salas (1824)

Español: Retrato del general Isisdoro Barriga y López de Castro, héroe de la independencia de Venezuela, Colombia y Ecuador. Casado con la viuda de Antonio José de Sucre: Mariana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Z... Mehr

Михайло Францович Рейнеке, Russian Empire

Михайло Францович Рейнеке, Russian Empire

Українська: Михайло Францович Рейнеке - видатний російський вчений-гідрограф. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portret van Cecilia Johanna van Scheltinga (1801 - 1863)

Portret van Cecilia Johanna van Scheltinga (1801 - 1863)

Nederlands: Portret van Cecilia Johanna van Scheltinga (1801 - 1863). oil on canvas 138 x 101 cm

Christine Colloredo-Mannsfeld Litho

Christine Colloredo-Mannsfeld Litho

Deutsch: Christine Gräfin Colloredo-Mannsfeld, geb. Clam-Gallas (1801-1886), Lithographie von Josef Kriehuber, 1840

John Hill Hewitt1852 - Public domain portrait engraving

John Hill Hewitt1852 - Public domain portrait engraving

John Hill Hewitt Public domain photograph, male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexander Catlin Twining

Alexander Catlin Twining

Alexander Catlin Twining (Jul. 5, 1801- Nov. 22, 1884) American scientist A modern history of New Haven and eastern New Haven County by Hill, Everett Gleason, Published 1918, page 283.

Frederick Robe - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Frederick Robe - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Photograph of Sir Frederick Robe, taken ca. 1890. Public domain photograph, military male portrait, officer, general, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Return Jonathan Meigs (1801-1891)

Return Jonathan Meigs (1801-1891)

Lithograph portrait of Return Jonathan Meigs (1801-1891).

Mr E D Day

Mr E D Day

Mr E D Day late Police Magistrate, Maitland Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Henriette Brevillier Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Henriette Brevillier Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Henriette Brevillier (1801-1843), geb. Henikstein Public domain photograph, 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Adolphe Le Cour - Public domain portrait drawing

Adolphe Le Cour - Public domain portrait drawing

Français : Adolphe Le Cour de Grandmaison Public domain photograph, 19th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Koechlin-Dollfus, Jean - A painting of a man in a suit and tie

Koechlin-Dollfus, Jean - A painting of a man in a suit and tie

Français : Koechlin-Dollfus, Jean 1801-1870 Public domain photograph, 19th century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Frederick Barne Vanity Fair 1882-08-05

Frederick Barne Vanity Fair 1882-08-05

Caricature of Frederick Barne. Caption read "the Jockey Club". Public domain scan - Vanity Fair illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ferdinand von Bretzenheim-Regecz Litho

Ferdinand von Bretzenheim-Regecz Litho

Deutsch: Ferdinand Fürst von Bretzenheim-Regecz (1801-1855), k. k. Geheimrat, Mitglird drd Pressburger Reichsrats Lithographie von Friedrich Lieder, 1827

Josef Aschbach - Public domain portrait engraving

Josef Aschbach - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Joseph Aschbach, Lithographie von Eduard Kaiser Русский: Йозеф Ашбах (1801-1882) — немецкий историк и педагог.

Pieter Lansens - Public domain portrait painting

Pieter Lansens - Public domain portrait painting

Nederlands: Portret van de Koekelaarse auteur Pieter Lansens, geschilderd in 1848 door Joseph CanneelEnglish: Portrait of the author Pieter Lansens, painted in 1848 by Joseph CanneelFrançais : Portrait de l'... Mehr

Henry Bulwer Vanity Fair 27 August 1870

Henry Bulwer Vanity Fair 27 August 1870

Caricature of Henry Bulwer (1801-1872). Caption read "A superannuated diplomat".

Josef Jellacic Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Josef Jellacic Litho - Public domain portrait engraving

Deutsch: Joseph Jelačić von Bužim (1801-1859), Ban von Kroatien und Slawonien, k. k. Feldzeugmeister, Kommandeur des Martia-Theresien- Ordens. Lithographie von Adolf Dauthage, ca. 1848, nach Kriehuber.

Die Gartenlaube (1861) b 133

Die Gartenlaube (1861) b 133

Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Bogumil Goltz.“ English: caption: "Bogumil Goltz."

William Badgley - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

William Badgley - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

William Badgley Public domain photograph, male portrait, history of Quebec, politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Amjad Ali Shah - A painting of a man wearing a crown
François Nicolas BAGUET 1801-1867

François Nicolas BAGUET 1801-1867

Français : Monsieur François Niclas Baguet né à Nivelles en 1801 décédé en 1867. professuer à l'Université de Louvain, Membre de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, Pédagogue.

Albert Lenoir (1801-1891)

Albert Lenoir (1801-1891)

Français : Portrait d'Albert Lenoir (1801-1891), vers 1875, historien, archéologue, écrivain, voyageur et peintre

Novi Dvori-Jelacic-grb - A picture of a coat of arms on a plate

Novi Dvori-Jelacic-grb - A picture of a coat of arms on a plate

Hrvatski: Grofovski grb bana Josipa Jelačića iz 1854. (sa Jelačićevim geslom: "Što Bog dade i sreća junačka"

Hugh Henry Rose, Vanity Fair, 1870-08-20

Hugh Henry Rose, Vanity Fair, 1870-08-20

Statesmen No.60: Caricature of Lord Strathnairn. Caption reads: "He was made a Statesman because he was a soldier."


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