Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

17th century manuscripts

79 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Запись о рождении Петра I в разрядной книге для стольника Собакина 1672 год

Запись о рождении Петра I в разрядной книге для стольника Собакина 167...

Русский: Запись о рождении Петра I в разрядной книге для стольника Собакина 1672 год

Alonso de Contreras Derrotero Universal 1

Alonso de Contreras Derrotero Universal 1

Español: Primera página del Derrotero Universal... del capitán español Alonso de Contreras (siglo XVII)

James I, Autograph letter, 1616

James I, Autograph letter, 1616

An autograph letter of King James I of England to Sir George More. Washington (D.C.), Folger Shakespeare Library, MS. L. b. 654. Deutsch: Ein eigenhändiger Brief König Jakobs I. von England an Sir George More... Mehr

Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655 - Archivio Accademia delle Scienze Torino, Millon 48 13 128

Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655 - Archivio Accademia delle Sc...

Italiano: Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655

Сказка Михаила Стадухина - Public domain dedication image

Сказка Михаила Стадухина - Public domain dedication image

Русский: Фрагмент листа "Сказки служилого человека Михаила Стадухина о морском пути от устья реки Лены до реки Колымы и соседних с Колымой рек, о живущих там народах и их обычаях, о добыче моржовой кости на мо... Mehr

Sam Mirza Safavi (1517-1566 or 1576); Tuhfat-i Sami, Safavid Iran, dated March-April 1614, signed Nizam al-Din 'Ali Ibn Muhammad Qahramani Hamadani

Sam Mirza Safavi (1517-1566 or 1576); Tuhfat-i Sami, Safavid Iran, dat...

Sam Mirza Safavi (1517-1566 or 1576): Tuhfat-i Sami, Safavid Iran, dated safar 1023 H/March-April 1614, signed Nizam al-Din 'Ali Ibn Muhammad Qahramani Hamadani

Procès criminels - BNF, Département des Manuscrits, Cinq cents de Colbert 224

Procès criminels - BNF, Département des Manuscrits, Cinq cents de Colb...

Français : Actes des procès criminels de l'ordre du Temple, de Gilles de Rais et de Louis de Luxembourg, connétable de Saint-Pol. Copie manuscrite, XVIIe siècle, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, départ... Mehr

Leonora Christina French manuscript

Leonora Christina French manuscript

First page of the manuscript of the autobiography in French of Leonora Christina.

Manuscript of the Tarikh-e Abbasi by Jalal al-Din Yazdi, dated 14 November 1643

Manuscript of the Tarikh-e Abbasi by Jalal al-Din Yazdi, dated 14 Nove...

Manuscript of Jalal al-Din Yazdi's Tarikh-e Abbasi, dated 14 November 1643 تأريخ عبّاسى Other Titles: Taʼrīkh-i ʻAbbāsī Shelfmark: Bodleian Library MS. Elliott 367 Holding Institution: Bodleian Libraries, Univ... Mehr

Mandelsloh Sophia Hedwig - Public domain dedication image

Mandelsloh Sophia Hedwig - Public domain dedication image

Coat of arms and autograph of Sophie Hedwig of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1561–1631) in the Album amicorum of David von Mandelsloh 1605

Dvoeznamennik 17c GIM

Dvoeznamennik 17c GIM

Русский: Двоезнаменник. Вторая половина 17 в. Бумага, чернила. Музыка записана двумя видами нотации: старой знаменной и новой нотолинейной. English: Musical book, second half of 17 c. Znamenny and modern notation.

Razriadnaja kniga GIM

Razriadnaja kniga GIM

Русский: Разрядная книга XVII века.

Emperor Ferdinand II, charter - Public domain dedication image

Emperor Ferdinand II, charter - Public domain dedication image

Charter of Emperor Ferdinand II enfeoffing Elector-Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria with the electorship of the Electoral Palatinate. München, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Kurbayern Urk. 22118. Deutsch: Urkunde... Mehr

Канонник середины 1640-х годов - Public domain dedication image

Канонник середины 1640-х годов - Public domain dedication image

Русский: Канонник середины 1640-х гг. РГБ, Основное собрание Троице-Сергиевой лавры (ОР. Ф. 304.I), № 284, лист 6. Сверху вниз: завещательная запись почерком, который А. Авдеев обозначил как «в стиле граффити»... Mehr

Sermon on Law and Grace GIM

Sermon on Law and Grace GIM

Русский: Митрополит Иларион. Слово о законе и благодати. Середина 11 в. Список в составе сборника 40-х годов 17 в. Бумага, чернила, киноварь; почерк - полуустав, ваглавие - вязью; переплёт 19 в. - дерево, кожа, медь.

Handwritten list of Anglican bishops of England (17th century)

Handwritten list of Anglican bishops of England (17th century)

A handwritten list of Anglican bishops of England around 1669. The writer appears to have copied out information from one of the three parts of the following work, all of which were issued in 1669: Edward Cha... Mehr

The simurgh arrives to assist with the birth of Rustam

The simurgh arrives to assist with the birth of Rustam

folio from an illustrated manuscript of the Shahnama Public domain photograph of 17th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Household anthology of the Ordubadi family, authored by Mohammad Mo'in Ordubadi in 1697 (Tehran University MS 2591 folios 3 verso and 4 recto)

Household anthology of the Ordubadi family, authored by Mohammad Mo'in...

Tehran University MS 2591 anthology. The 1697 preface introduces Muhammad Muʿin Urdubadi as patron and author of the anthology who together with his anonymous scribe drew from documents, letters, poems, and es... Mehr

Sir Thomas More Hand D

Sir Thomas More Hand D

Facsimile of a page of writing by "Hand D" from the Elizabethan play Sir Thomas More, believed by some scholars to be William Shakespeare's handwriting. Français : Fac-similé de la pièce Sir Thomas More, cons... Mehr

Italian letter from Leibniz - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Italian letter from Leibniz - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Manuscript letter from Leibniz to Alessandro Melani, in italian, Hannover, 21st june 1692.

Frontenac nommant Le Moyne de Maricourt - 2

Frontenac nommant Le Moyne de Maricourt - 2

Manuscript, Commission by Louis de Buade, comte de Frontenac, naming Le Moyne de Maricourt as a replacement of Le Moyne d'Iberville, May 15, 1690, On paper, 28.9 x 20.9 cm Français : Manuscrit, Commission de Lo... Mehr

Arese, Bartolomeo – Memorabilia decisionum Senatus Mediolani Arese presidente et regente conte Bartolomeo, 17th-century – BEIC 10290801

Arese, Bartolomeo – Memorabilia decisionum Senatus Mediolani Arese pre...

manuscript in latin. Osnago, Archivio della famiglia Arese, Archivio, Casella XCI Cartella B.IV.13. - secolo 17. : cartaceo

Celebi 1

Celebi 1

Deutsch: Textseite aus dem handschriftlichem Tagebuch des Evliya Celebi, Band VII

Ewich Codex Berolinensis fol 76

Ewich Codex Berolinensis fol 76

Deutsch: Blatt 76 aus dem Codex Berolinensis des Hermann Ewich mit dem Weihestein des T. Quartinius Saturnalis. CIL XIII 8625: I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) Iunoni Regin(a)e / Minervae T(itus) Quartini/us Saturnali... Mehr

Map of Famagusta, Sebastian Münster, 1578

Map of Famagusta, Sebastian Münster, 1578

The town of Famagusta (woodcut) in the „Cosmography“ of Sebastian Münster, printed at Basel in 1578 and again in 1628. Deutsch: Die Stadt Famagusta auf einem Holzschnitt in Münsters „Cosmographia“, Ausgaben B... Mehr

Averani, Giuseppe - Historia Pandectarum Pisanarum, 17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 11691959

Averani, Giuseppe - Historia Pandectarum Pisanarum, 17. Jahrhundert - ...

manuscript in latin. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Fondo Ashburnham, Ashb. 1332 (antea 1257). - secolo 18. - ff. 83 : cartaceo

Gilbert de Choiseul eveque de Comminges à Simon Arnauld de Pomponne

Gilbert de Choiseul eveque de Comminges à Simon Arnauld de Pomponne

Français : Lettre de Gilbert de Choiseul eveque de Comminges à Simon Arnauld de Pomponne, 30 novembre 1659, 5 p. et quart, coll. particulière. Une édition en est donnée dans Rémi Mathis, « Politique, jansénism... Mehr

Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen (1)

Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen (1)

Deutsch: „Das «Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen». Das schmale, hohe, in Pergament gebundene Buch verzeichnet auf 194 Seiten die Waisengelder der Jahre 1679 bis 1719 und ist eine wicht... Mehr

Mémoire sur les travaux de Versailles, par Jean Baptiste Colbert 1 - Archives Nationales - AE-II-857

Mémoire sur les travaux de Versailles, par Jean Baptiste Colbert 1 - A...

Français : Mémoire sur les travaux de Versailles, adressé à Louis XIV en 1665 par Jean Baptiste Colbert, contrôleur général, où celui-ci exprime son hostilité à tout projet de quelque ampleur, première page.

Acte de concession d une terre a Jean Mee dit du Meslier par Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve

Acte de concession d une terre a Jean Mee dit du Meslier par Paul de C...

Français : Acte de concession d'une terre à Jean Mée dit du Meslier par Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve

Kosmografy Merkator 17GIM

Kosmografy Merkator 17GIM

Русский: Перевод труда фламандского картографа Герарда Меркатора "Космография". Россия, XVII век.

Karamannâme birinci sayfa

Karamannâme birinci sayfa

Türkçe: Şikârî'nin Karamannâme eserinin 1614'te yazılan Konya nüshası.

Matrologue de la charité de Sainte-Croix Bernay2

Matrologue de la charité de Sainte-Croix Bernay2

A page of the register of the "Brotherhood of charity" of the church Sainte-Croix in Bernay (Haute-Normandie, France). Deutsch: Eine Seite aus dem Mitgliederverzeichnis der "Bruderschaft der Barmherzigkeit" d... Mehr

Secretary hand bond 1623

Secretary hand bond 1623

Manuscript page written in secretary hand, using Latin and English

The Whores' Petition (1668)

The Whores' Petition (1668)

Satirical petition ostensibly written by Elizabeth Cresswell, Damaris Page and other brothel keeps to Lady Castlemaine, the lover of Charles II. March 1668. Text: The Poor-Whores Petition to the most Splendi... Mehr

Чин венчания на царство Алексея Михайловича, 1645 г

Чин венчания на царство Алексея Михайловича, 1645 г

Русский: Чин венчания на царство Алексея Михайловича, 1645 год

Waqf manuscript from the Great Mosque of Erzurum

Waqf manuscript from the Great Mosque of Erzurum

Arabic manuscript on polished paper. Arzu'r-Rum (Erzurum), [1650 CE] = first days of Muharram 1060 H. Tall 4to (183 x 305 mm). 61 unnumbered ff. Complete Arabic manuscript with two intercalated sections (ff. 18... Mehr

Muhammad Mu'min bin Muhammad Zaman Husaini Tunakabuni Daylami, Tuhfat al-Mu'minin, a comprehensive pharmacopoeia of simple and compound medicines, dedicated to the Safavid Shah Sulayman (1666-1694), Persia, dated 1669

Muhammad Mu'min bin Muhammad Zaman Husaini Tunakabuni Daylami, Tuhfat ...

Muhammad Mu'min bin Muhammad Zaman Husaini Tunakabuni Daylami, Tuhfat al-Mu'minin, a comprehensive pharmacopoeia of simple and compound medicines, dedicated to the Safavid Shah Sulayman (1666-1694) Persia, dat... Mehr

Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655 - Archivio Accademia delle Scienze Torino, Millon 48 13 127

Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655 - Archivio Accademia delle Sc...

Italiano: Progetto di copertura del Pantheon, 1655

Carta de Beatriz da Serra ao Conde de Gondomar, 1603, 2

Carta de Beatriz da Serra ao Conde de Gondomar, 1603, 2

Carta de Beatriz da Serra ao Conde de Gondomar

Manuscrito de El mágico prodigioso (2v)

Manuscrito de El mágico prodigioso (2v)

El_mágico_prodigioso_(manuscrito autógrafo, 2 v.º)

Баркулабаўскі летапіс, старонка рукапісу

Баркулабаўскі летапіс, старонка рукапісу

Беларуская (тарашкевіца): Баркулабаўскі летапіс, старонка рукапісуРусский: Лист Баркулабовской летописи

De Croyî Ki c' est grand poenne-mw

De Croyî Ki c' est grand poenne-mw

Walon : mwaisse copeye del "tchanson Dicroyî", li pus vî tecse kinoxhou e walon.

Euchologion 17 C Samokov Mitropoly

Euchologion 17 C Samokov Mitropoly

Euchologion from 17 Century, Samokov Metropoly

Panciroli, Guido - De auctoritate veterum instrumentorum et actorum, 17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 14833933

Panciroli, Guido - De auctoritate veterum instrumentorum et actorum, 1...

manuscript in lat. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Fondo manoscritti, ms. S 95 sup. - secolo 17. - ff. 441 : cartaceo

Autógrafo de El Héroe (Baltasar Gracián)

Autógrafo de El Héroe (Baltasar Gracián)

Español: Manuscrito autógrafo de El Héroe de Baltasar Gracián. Corresponde al primor 5, (es decir, capítulo 5), «Gusto relevante». El texto correspondiente en su edición impresa, dice: «[...] hijos de la cap... Mehr

An older man clasps the hand of a departing adolescent boy, based on a ghazal from the Kullīyāt of Saʿdī, dated 1624 (BL IO Islamic 843, f. 322r)

An older man clasps the hand of a departing adolescent boy, based on a...

An older man clasps the hand of a departing adolescent boy, based on a ghazal from the Kullīyāt of Saʿdī فارسی: برگی از غزلیات سعدی

Chwała tobie, Gospodynie (pierwodruk)

Chwała tobie, Gospodynie (pierwodruk)

A page of Chwała tobie, Gospodynie from 17th century.

Найдавніший документ про Безлюдівку. 1681 рік
Acte de concession d une terre a Jean Mee dit du Meslier par Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve - verso

Acte de concession d une terre a Jean Mee dit du Meslier par Paul de C...

Français : Acte de concession d'une terre à Jean Mée dit du Meslier par Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve Verso

Kazan chronicler

Kazan chronicler

Kazan chronicler

Sarpi, Paolo - Beratung - Bd. III, S. 17, 17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 10202588

Sarpi, Paolo - Beratung - Bd. III, S. 17, 17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 10202...

manuscript in lat. Milano, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Fondo manoscritti, AG.X.3/11parte 1. - secolo 17. : cartaceo

Hungarian-Benedictus Borso-1613

Hungarian-Benedictus Borso-1613

Magyar: Magyar lovas vitéz 1613-ból. (Cserneki Borsó Benedek képe.) Egykoru albumból származó vizfestmény. Ernst Lajos gyűjteményében. English: Hungarian valiant rider, 1613. (Picture of Benedictus Borso of C... Mehr

Décimas ao Apóstolo Santiago (S)

Décimas ao Apóstolo Santiago (S)

"Décimas ao Apóstolo Santiago" (S)

Al-Kindi – Cambridge, Trinity College Library, Medieval manuscripts, MS R.15.17 (937), secolo XVII – BEIC 11521297
Peace of Westphalia, Treaty of Osnabrück

Peace of Westphalia, Treaty of Osnabrück

The Peace of Westphalia. Treaty of Osnabrück. Copy of 1649 for Elector-Duke Maximilian of Bavaria. Seals of the imperial and Swedish envoys and of the envoy of Mainz. München, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Ku... Mehr

Three lines from the play, "Sir Thomas More"

Three lines from the play, "Sir Thomas More"

Facsimile of three lines of writing by "Hand D" from the Elizabethan play Sir Thomas More, generally believed by many scholars to be William Shakespeare's handwriting. “but chartered unto them, what would you ... Mehr

Estinnes 1687

Estinnes 1687

Français : Croquis à la main levée confectionné au sujet d'une affaire contentieuse entre M. d'Orville et l'abbaye de Bonne-Espérance. Carte figurative du territoire situé entre Binche, les Estinnes, Peissant,... Mehr

Comienzo de El mágico prodigioso (manuscrito autógrafo)

Comienzo de El mágico prodigioso (manuscrito autógrafo)

Comienzo_de_El_mágico_prodigioso_(manuscrito autógrafo)

Fenne 001

Fenne 001

Plattdüütsch: De eerste Siet ut Tönnies Fonne sien Russ’sch-Book.

Llibre de Privilegis de Palafrugell 01

Llibre de Privilegis de Palafrugell 01

Català: Llibre de Privilegis de Palafrugell

A concertina manuscript, various animal pictures (6124501285)

A concertina manuscript, various animal pictures (6124501285)

Creation Date: 17th century Display Dimensions: 2 19/32 in. x 6 11/32 in. (6.6 cm x 16.1 cm) Credit Line: Edwin Binney 3rd Collection Accession Number: 1990.160 Collection: The San Diego Museum of Art

Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen (2)

Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen (2)

Deutsch: „Das «Weyslein Buech der Gemeindt Grenchen herrschaft am Läberen». Das schmale, hohe, in Pergament gebundene Buch verzeichnet auf 194 Seiten die Waisengelder der Jahre 1679 bis 1719 und ist eine wicht... Mehr

Letter of Alexis of Russia - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Letter of Alexis of Russia - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Русский: Письмо царя Алексея Михайловича своему двоюродному брату стольнику Афанасию Ивановичу Матюшкину, писанное тайнописью (тарабарщиной)

Neumark gedicht - Public domain document scan of drawing

Neumark gedicht - Public domain document scan of drawing

Public domain scan of 17th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Adorno, Francesco - De disciplina ecclesiastica. Tertia pars in qua agitur de auctoritate decistularum, 16.-17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 14855488

Adorno, Francesco - De disciplina ecclesiastica. Tertia pars in qua ag...

manuscript in lat. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Fondo manoscritti, ms. H 153 inf. - secoli 16.-17. - ff. 98 : cartaceo ; 280x200 mm. ((Manus Online data il codice "1596-1630"

Acta Fundacion de Santo Tomas, 1611

Acta Fundacion de Santo Tomas, 1611

The foundation act that established the present Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines, the oldest existing university in Asia.

Iuramentum-sclavonicum - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Iuramentum-sclavonicum - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Slovenščina: Dokument Iuramentum sclavonicum iz 17. stoletja.

Sharaknots, Illuminated medieval manuscript

Sharaknots, Illuminated medieval manuscript

Hymnal. Manuscript on parchment, 399 leaves. Crimea, Kafay. -- Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Armenian MS 1

White piscataway

White piscataway

manuscript prayers written between 1634 and 1640 in English, Latin, and Piscataway in the hand of Andrew White SJ, the first Catholic missionary to the Maryland colony. In the blank Pages of an Edition of Manua... Mehr

Фрагмент Баркулабаўскага летапісу

Фрагмент Баркулабаўскага летапісу

Беларуская: Фрагмент Баркулабаўскага летапісуРусский: Баркулабовская летописьУкраїнська: Баркулабівський літописPolski: Latopis barkułabowski

A.D.U. Difuntos HORNA

A.D.U. Difuntos HORNA

Español: Primera página del primer Libro de Difuntos de Horna (Sigüenza, Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha, España)



Magyar: A Kuun-kódexben található 11. számú ének iniciáléja. A D betűben egy kardra tűzött fejet tart egy kéz, amely nagyon hasonlít a Csáky család címerére.

Frontenac nommant Le Moyne de Maricourt - 1

Frontenac nommant Le Moyne de Maricourt - 1

Manuscript, Commission by Louis de Buade, comte de Frontenac, naming Le Moyne de Maricourt as a replacement of Le Moyne d'Iberville, May 15, 1690, On paper, 28.9 x 20.9 cm Français : Manuscrit, Commission de Lo... Mehr

Ms.4 744 b Paus - håndskrift fra 1653 i Nasjonalbibliotekets håndskriftsamling, minnedikt på latin forfattet av sogneprest Povel Pedersson Paus til minne om faren Peder Povelsson Paus, prost i Øvre Telemark

Ms.4 744 b Paus - håndskrift fra 1653 i Nasjonalbibliotekets håndskrif...

Norsk bokmål: Håndskrift fra 1653 i Nasjonalbibliotekets håndskriftsamling (signatur: Ms.4 744 b Paus), minnedikt på latin forfattet av sogneprest i Hjartdal Povel Pedersson Paus (1625–1682) i 1653 til minne om... Mehr

Pilgrimage of Daniel of Kiev GIM

Pilgrimage of Daniel of Kiev GIM

Русский: Хождение игумена Даниила. Начало 12 в. Список в сборнике первой половины 17 в. Миниатюра - храм Гроба Господня и "столп Давидов" в Иерусалиме. Бумага, чернила, киноварь, темпера, почерк - полуустав; ... Mehr

Menochio, Giacomo - De necessitate eiusque privilegiis, 17. Jahrhundert - BEIC 10590726

Menochio, Giacomo - De necessitate eiusque privilegiis, 17. Jahrhunder...

manuscript in lat. Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Fondo manoscritti, Triv. 1630. - secolo 17. - ff. 95 : cartaceo

Acte juridique datant de 1688 signe par le roi Louis XIV

Acte juridique datant de 1688 signe par le roi Louis XIV

Français : Acte juridique datant de 1688 signé par le roi Louis XIV, Archives de la Ville de Québec, fonds de la famille Amyot. Le plus vieux document des archives de la Ville de Québec Il s'agit d'un brevet d... Mehr

Richard Dering Cantica Sacra 1662 - public domain music score

Richard Dering Cantica Sacra 1662 - public domain music score

Cantica Sacra. ad duas & tres voces composita, cum basso continuo ad organum. authore Ricardo Deringo Front cover of Cantica Sacra I by Richard Dering (c. 1580–1630), published in London by John Playford in 1662.

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