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1794 fleurons

1,782 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 18
A copy of verses, humbly presented to all my worthy Masters and Mistresses, Of Charing-Cross Ward, in the Parish of St Fleuron T205833-5

A copy of verses, humbly presented to all my worthy Masters and Mistre...

Fleuron from book: A copy of verses, humbly presented to all my worthy Masters and Mistresses, Of Charing-Cross Ward, in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, By Francis Cluley, Beadle and Bellman, for the Y... Mehr

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-4

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-4

Fleuron from book: A synopsis of mineralogy.

An authentic history and description of the castle and priory of Dudley, chiefly compiled from the works of Leland, Erdeswicke, Plott, Grose etc Fleuron T095871-1

An authentic history and description of the castle and priory of Dudle...

Fleuron from book: An authentic history and description of the castle & priory of Dudley, chiefly compiled from the works of Leland, Erdeswicke, Plott, Grose &c. by J. Payton.

An essay on the Nair system of gallantry and inheritance; shewing its superiority over marriage Fleuron T125096-1

An essay on the Nair system of gallantry and inheritance; shewing its ...

Fleuron from book: An essay on the Nair system of gallantry and inheritance; shewing its superiority over marriage, as insuring an indubitable genuinnes ov [sic] birth, ...

List of maps and plates for The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies- in two volumes Fleuron T141269-4

List of maps and plates for The history, civil and commercial, of the ...

Fleuron from book: List of maps and plates for The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies: in two volumes. By Bryan Edwards, Esq. Of the Island of Jamaica; F. R. S. S. A. and... Mehr

Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, - Written by himself Fleuron N021951-1

Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington,...

Fleuron from book: Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, ... Written by himself. In forty-seven letters to a friend. ...

Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory obtained over the French fleet Fleuron T115211-3

Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory...

Fleuron from book: Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory obtained over the French fleet, on Sunday, June 1, 1794, by the British fleet, under the command of Admiral Earl Howe: ... Mehr

A dissertation on ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the catholic church Fleuron N028572-1

A dissertation on ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the catholic church F...

Fleuron from book: A dissertation on ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the catholic church. By the Abbe Barruel, Almoner to her Serene Highness The Princess of Conti.

A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times Fleuron T171567-1

A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times Fleuron T171567-1

Fleuron from book: A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times. Particularly of the present time, the present war, and the prophecy now fulfilling. The year of the world 5913. Book the second. Containing,... Mehr

An history of the principal rivers of Great Britain. - Fleuron T072735-2

An history of the principal rivers of Great Britain. - Fleuron T072735...

Fleuron from book: An history of the principal rivers of Great Britain. ...

Patriot's calendar, for the year 1795, containing the usual English almanack, the French Calendar, - Fleuron T145741-4

Patriot's calendar, for the year 1795, containing the usual English al...

Fleuron from book: Patriot's calendar, for the year 1795, containing the usual English almanack, the French Calendar, ...

The coalition; or, the opera rehears'd Fleuron T059232-2

The coalition; or, the opera rehears'd Fleuron T059232-2

Fleuron from book: The coalition; or, the opera rehears'd. A comedy, in three acts. By the editor of the spiritual Quixote.

The history of Maria Antoinette, late Queen of France Fleuron N017712-2

The history of Maria Antoinette, late Queen of France Fleuron N017712-...

Fleuron from book: The history of Maria Antoinette, late Queen of France. Containing a great variety of curious original anecdotes, ... Also an account of the principal characters, belonging to the court of Lo... Mehr

The seasons by James Thomson Fleuron T017190-1

The seasons by James Thomson Fleuron T017190-1

Fleuron from book: The seasons by James Thomson. To which is prefixed The life of the author, by Patrick Murdoch, D.D. F.R.S. and an Essay on the plan and character of the poem by J. Aikin.

A collection of statutes concerning the incorporation Fleuron T145243-1

A collection of statutes concerning the incorporation Fleuron T145243-...

Fleuron from book: A collection of statutes concerning the incorporation, trade, and commerce of the East India Company, and the government of the British possessions in India, with the statutes of piracy. To ... Mehr

Alter et idem, a new review, No.I. For a summer month in 1794. Fleuron T101916-4

Alter et idem, a new review, No.I. For a summer month in 1794. Fleuron...

Fleuron from book: Alter et idem, a new review, No.I. For a summer month in 1794.

An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art Fleuron T117521-2

An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...

Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... Mehr

Harmonia ruralis; or, an essay towards a natural history of British song birds Fleuron T084359-4

Harmonia ruralis; or, an essay towards a natural history of British so...

Fleuron from book: Harmonia ruralis; or, an essay towards a natural history of British song birds. ... Illustrated with figures the size of life, of the birds, male and female, in their most natural attitudes;... Mehr

Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A Fleuron T110491-1

Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A Fleuron T110491-1

Fleuron from book: Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A. Hamilton. A new translation, with notes and illustrations. Embellished with seventy-six portraits, of the principal characters mentioned in the work.

Sketches and hints on landscape gardening Fleuron T073696-2

Sketches and hints on landscape gardening Fleuron T073696-2

Fleuron from book: Sketches and hints on landscape gardening. Collected from designs and observations now in the possession of the different noblemen and gentlemen, for whose use they were originally made. The... Mehr

Vox stellarum- or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1794. - By Francis Moore, - Fleuron T016934-2

Vox stellarum- or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, ...

Fleuron from book: Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1794. ... By Francis Moore, ...

Young Lubin was a shepherd boy. Fleuron T052883-1

Young Lubin was a shepherd boy. Fleuron T052883-1

Fleuron from book: Young Lubin was a shepherd boy.

A history of three of the judges of King Charles I Fleuron W020469-5

A history of three of the judges of King Charles I Fleuron W020469-5

Fleuron from book: A history of three of the judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell: who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America; and were secreted and con... Mehr

A plan of a course of chemical lectures, by Francis John Hyde Wollaston, M Fleuron T116979-1

A plan of a course of chemical lectures, by Francis John Hyde Wollasto...

Fleuron from book: A plan of a course of chemical lectures, by Francis John Hyde Wollaston, M. A. F. R. S. Jacksonian In The University Of Cambridge.

A pleasant history of the life and death of Will Summers- how he came first to be known at court Fleuron T100107-1

A pleasant history of the life and death of Will Summers- how he came ...

Fleuron from book: A pleasant history of the life and death of Will Summers: how he came first to be known at court, and by what means he got to be King Henry the Eighth's jester; with the Entertainment that h... Mehr

A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices by S. H. Esq. - Fleuron N022062-4

A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and copp...

Fleuron from book: A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices by S. H. Esq. ...

A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseases of the testes Fleuron T099025-5

A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseas...

Fleuron from book: A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseases of the testes. By Benjamin Bell, F. R. S. Member of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Ireland and Edinburgh, and One ... Mehr

General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk Fleuron T040658-1

General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk Fleuron T0406...

Fleuron from book: General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk. With observations on the means of improvement. By Nathaniel Kent, Esq. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture an... Mehr

General view of the agriculture of the county of Warwick, with observations on the means of its improvement Fleuron T040683-2

General view of the agriculture of the county of Warwick, with observa...

Fleuron from book: General view of the agriculture of the county of Warwick, with observations on the means of its improvement. By Mr. John Wedge. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and... Mehr

I'm in haste. A new song. Fleuron T010446-1

I'm in haste. A new song. Fleuron T010446-1

Fleuron from book: I'm in haste. A new song.

Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A Fleuron T110491-4

Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A Fleuron T110491-4

Fleuron from book: Memoirs of Count Grammont, by Count A. Hamilton. A new translation, with notes and illustrations. Embellished with seventy-six portraits, of the principal characters mentioned in the work.

The newtonian system of philosophy Fleuron T134038-5

The newtonian system of philosophy Fleuron T134038-5

Fleuron from book: The newtonian system of philosophy. Adapted to the capacities of young ladies and gentlemen, And familiarized and made entertaining, By Objects with which they are intimately acquainted: bei... Mehr

A tour through the Isle of Man- to which is subjoined A review of the Manks history Fleuron T100101-2

A tour through the Isle of Man- to which is subjoined A review of the ...

Fleuron from book: A tour through the Isle of Man: to which is subjoined A review of the Manks history. By David Robertson, Esq.

An appeal to scripture and reason, for the lawfulness of a Christian's intermedling with politics. Fleuron T140595-1

An appeal to scripture and reason, for the lawfulness of a Christian's...

Fleuron from book: An appeal to scripture and reason, for the lawfulness of a Christian's intermedling with politics.

An english spelling book for the use of schools, in three parts Fleuron T154410-4

An english spelling book for the use of schools, in three parts Fleuro...

Fleuron from book: An english spelling book for the use of schools, in three parts. Part I. Treating of Letters, Syllables, and Monosyllables. Part II. Treating of Dissyllables, and Polysyllables. Part III. Co... Mehr

Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal Fleuron T080832-1

Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal Fleuron T080832-1

Fleuron from book: Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a Display of their Medicinal and Occult Properties, Physically ... Mehr

Mathematical tables- containing common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms Fleuron T053068-2

Mathematical tables- containing common, hyperbolic, and logistic logar...

Fleuron from book: Mathematical tables: containing common, hyperbolic, and logistic logarithms. Also sines, tangents, secants and versed-sines, both Natural and Logarithmic. Together with several other tables ... Mehr

Medical sketches- in two parts. By John Moore, M.D. (Two lines from Horace). Fleuron W031468-5

Medical sketches- in two parts. By John Moore, M.D. (Two lines from Ho...

Fleuron from book: Medical sketches: in two parts. By John Moore, M.D. [Two lines from Horace].

Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings taken on the spot by Mr. Home; with historical descriptions Fleuron T090237-2

Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings ta...

Fleuron from book: Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings taken on the spot by Mr. Home; with historical descriptions.

The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany Fleuron P003085-2

The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany Fleuron P00308...

Fleuron from book: The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany. Consisting of philosophical transactions with a monthly portion of Lavater's Physiognomy, ...

The looking-Glass for the mind; or, intellectual mirror Fleuron T110115-11

The looking-Glass for the mind; or, intellectual mirror Fleuron T11011...

Fleuron from book: The looking-Glass for the mind; or, intellectual mirror. Being an elegant collection of the most delightful little stories, and interesting tales, chiefly translated from that much admired w... Mehr

The order of worship of the Society of the New Church Fleuron T124182-4

The order of worship of the Society of the New Church Fleuron T124182-...

Fleuron from book: The order of worship of the Society of the New Church, (signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation) meeting in Red Cross Street, near Barbican, London. Together with the forms for the ... Mehr

The traveller's pocket-book; or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads, improved and amended, in a method never before attempted Fleuron T134018-2

The traveller's pocket-book; or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads...

Fleuron from book: The traveller's pocket-book; or, Ogilby and Morgan's book of the roads, improved and amended, in a method never before attempted. Containing, I. A new whole sheet map of the roads in England... Mehr

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-2

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-2

Fleuron from book: A synopsis of mineralogy.

An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the Fleuron T078955-5

An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients...

Fleuron from book: An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Go... Mehr

An introduction to spelling and reading- containing lessons for children, historical and practical; adorned with sculptures Fleuron N029040-5

An introduction to spelling and reading- containing lessons for childr...

Fleuron from book: An introduction to spelling and reading: containing lessons for children, historical and practical; adorned with sculptures. Together with the chief rules for spelling, and dividing words in... Mehr

Philosophical, political, and literary travels in Russia, during the years 1788 and 1789 Fleuron T065448-1

Philosophical, political, and literary travels in Russia, during the y...

Fleuron from book: Philosophical, political, and literary travels in Russia, during the years 1788 & 1789. Translated from the French of Chantreau. With a map and other plates. ...

Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings taken on the spot by Mr. Home; with historical descriptions Fleuron T090237-1

Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings ta...

Fleuron from book: Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippoo Sultan; from drawings taken on the spot by Mr. Home; with historical descriptions.

The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war Fleuron T114190-2

The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American w...

Fleuron from book: The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war. By C. Stedman, who served under sir W.Hows, sir H. Clinton and the marquis Cornwallis In two volumes. ...

A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, on the doctrines laid down by him respecting the introduction of foreign troops Fleuron T038426-2

A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, on the doctrines laid d...

Fleuron from book: A letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, on the doctrines laid down by him respecting the introduction of foreign troops.

A sketch, from The landscape, a didactic poem Fleuron N021442-1

A sketch, from The landscape, a didactic poem Fleuron N021442-1

Fleuron from book: A sketch, from The landscape, a didactic poem. Addressed to R. P. Knight Esqr with notes, illustrations, and a postscript.

Drawings faithfully copied from nature at Naples and with permission dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir William Hamilton Fleuron T167512-5

Drawings faithfully copied from nature at Naples and with permission d...

Fleuron from book: Drawings faithfully copied from nature at Naples and with permission dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir William Hamilton. ... By ... Frederick Rehberg. ... Engrav'd by Thomas Piroli.

Indian antiquities- or Fleuron T088023-5

Indian antiquities- or Fleuron T088023-5

Fleuron from book: Indian antiquities: or, dissertations, relative to the ancient geographical divisions, the pure system of primeval theology, the grand code of civil laws, the original form of government, an... Mehr

Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory obtained over the French fleet Fleuron N020518-2

Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory...

Fleuron from book: Official documents and interesting particulars of the glorious victory obtained over the French fleet, on Sunday, June 1, 1794, by the British fleet, under the command of Admiral Earl Howe: ... Mehr

Some account of British subjects who have suffered by the French Revolution. 1794. Fleuron T114519-1

Some account of British subjects who have suffered by the French Revol...

Fleuron from book: Some account of British subjects who have suffered by the French Revolution. 1794.

The history of France, from the most early records, to the death of Louis XVI- The ancient part by William Beckford, Esq Fleuron T112616-2

The history of France, from the most early records, to the death of Lo...

Fleuron from book: The history of France, from the most early records, to the death of Louis XVI: The ancient part by William Beckford, Esq. Author of a Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica. The modern... Mehr

An astronomical diary, or almanack, for the year of Christian aera, 1795; - Calculated for the meridian of Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, lat Fleuron W026730-3

An astronomical diary, or almanack, for the year of Christian aera, 17...

Fleuron from book: An astronomical diary, or almanack, for the year of Christian aera, 1795;... Calculated for the meridian of Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, lat. 43 deg. 5 min. north. But will serve for any of th... Mehr

An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art Fleuron T117521-6

An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and...

Fleuron from book: An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Wate... Mehr

The american geography; or Fleuron T136148-4

The american geography; or Fleuron T136148-4

Fleuron from book: The american geography; or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America: containing astronomical geography; geographical definitions, discovery, and general description O... Mehr

The happiness of a free government Fleuron W020427-4

The happiness of a free government Fleuron W020427-4

Fleuron from book: The happiness of a free government, and the means of preserving it: illustrated in a sermon, delivered in West-Springfield, on July 4th, 1794, in commemoration of American independence! By J... Mehr

The new royal geographical magazine; or Fleuron T119001-11

The new royal geographical magazine; or Fleuron T119001-11

Fleuron from book: The new royal geographical magazine; or, a modern, complete, authentic, and copious system of universal geography : containing a complete, ... history and description of all the several part... Mehr

The token. Fleuron T051441-1

The token. Fleuron T051441-1

Fleuron from book: The token.

Young Lubin was a shepherd boy. Fleuron T052883-2

Young Lubin was a shepherd boy. Fleuron T052883-2

Fleuron from book: Young Lubin was a shepherd boy.

A new, complete, and universal collection of authentic and entertaining voyages and travels to all the various parts of the world Fleuron T067466-2

A new, complete, and universal collection of authentic and entertainin...

Fleuron from book: A new, complete, and universal collection of authentic and entertaining voyages and travels to all the various parts of the world. ... The whole compiled from the original journals ... And n... Mehr

A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices by S. H. Esq. - Fleuron N022062-2

A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and copp...

Fleuron from book: A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices by S. H. Esq. ...

Abstract of the premiums offered by the Society, instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce Fleuron T163506-1

Abstract of the premiums offered by the Society, instituted at London ...

Fleuron from book: Abstract of the premiums offered by the Society, instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce.

American biography- or Fleuron W037186-2

American biography- or Fleuron W037186-2

Fleuron from book: American biography: or, An historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkab... Mehr

Graphic illustrations of Hogarth Fleuron T142251-5

Graphic illustrations of Hogarth Fleuron T142251-5

Fleuron from book: Graphic illustrations of Hogarth, from pictures, drawings, and scarce prints in the possession of Samuel Ireland, author of this work; of a picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant, &c. and... Mehr

Instructions for collecting and preserving various subjects of natural history; as animals, birds, reptiles, shells, corals, plants, etc Fleuron T099570-5

Instructions for collecting and preserving various subjects of natural...

Fleuron from book: Instructions for collecting and preserving various subjects of natural history; as animals, birds, reptiles, shells, corals, plants, &c. Together with A treatise on the management of insects... Mehr

Miscellanies- in prose and verse; written by Thomas Bellamy. In two volumes. - Fleuron T073423-1

Miscellanies- in prose and verse; written by Thomas Bellamy. In two vo...

Fleuron from book: Miscellanies: in prose and verse; written by Thomas Bellamy. In two volumes. ...

The contrivances Fleuron T167009-1

The contrivances Fleuron T167009-1

Fleuron from book: The contrivances. A ballad opera, written by Mr. Henry Carey. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden.

The dance of death; painted by H. Holbein, and engraved by W. Hollar. Fleuron T129255-2

The dance of death; painted by H. Holbein, and engraved by W. Hollar. ...

Fleuron from book: The dance of death; painted by H. Holbein, and engraved by W. Hollar.

The history of England, from the Revolution to the death of George the Second Fleuron T080193-4

The history of England, from the Revolution to the death of George the...

Fleuron from book: The history of England, from the Revolution to the death of George the Second. Designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume's History. In six volumes. By T. Smollett, M.D. ...

The history of the Devil, ancient and modern Fleuron T070355-4

The history of the Devil, ancient and modern Fleuron T070355-4

Fleuron from book: The history of the Devil, ancient and modern. In two parts. Part I. Containing a state of the Devil's circumstances, from his expulsion out of Heaven to the creation; with remarks on the sev... Mehr

The inquisitor; or, Invisible rambler Fleuron W020538-1

The inquisitor; or, Invisible rambler Fleuron W020538-1

Fleuron from book: The inquisitor; or, Invisible rambler. In three volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, author of Victoria. Volume I[-III].

The new instructor clericalis, stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas Fleuron N010168-1

The new instructor clericalis, stating the authority, jurisdiction, an...

Fleuron from book: The new instructor clericalis, stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of Common Pleas. With, Directions for commencing and defending Actions, entering up Judgm... Mehr

The only authentic copy printed in England Fleuron T221821-1

The only authentic copy printed in England Fleuron T221821-1

Fleuron from book: The only authentic copy printed in England. The genuine trial of Marie Antoinette, late Queen of France, containing all the charges brought against her by the Public Accuser, The Private Int... Mehr

Vox stellarum- or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1794. - By Francis Moore, - Fleuron T016934-4

Vox stellarum- or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, ...

Fleuron from book: Vox stellarum: or, a loyal almanack for the year of human redemption, 1794. ... By Francis Moore, ...

A treatise Fleuron T200499-1

A treatise Fleuron T200499-1

Fleuron from book: A treatise, on the mineral waters, of Harrogate, containing the history of these waters, their chemical analysis, medicinal properties, and plain directions for their use. By Thomas Garnett,... Mehr

Les pseaumes de David mis en vers, nouvelle édition, revue and approuvée, où la musique est très-exactement corrigée Fleuron T200443-1

Les pseaumes de David mis en vers, nouvelle édition, revue and approuv...

Fleuron from book: Les pseaumes de David mis en vers, nouvelle édition, revue & approuvée, où la musique est très-exactement corrigée.

Parisian chirurgical journal, by Monsieur Desault, Principal Surgeon to the Hotel Dieu- Translated into English by Robert Gosling, Surgeon, London Fleuron T114550-4

Parisian chirurgical journal, by Monsieur Desault, Principal Surgeon t...

Fleuron from book: Parisian chirurgical journal, by Monsieur Desault, Principal Surgeon to the Hotel Dieu: Translated into English by Robert Gosling, Surgeon, London. In two volumes ...

Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States Fleuron W029007-5

Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United S...

Fleuron from book: Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States, to which are added the United States militia act passed in Congress, May 1792, and the militia act of Massachuset... Mehr

Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly to picturesque beauty) illustrated by the scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire Fleuron T082380-4

Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly...

Fleuron from book: Remarks on forest scenery, and other woodland views, (relative chiefly to picturesque beauty) illustrated by the scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire. In three books. ... Second edition. By Wil... Mehr

Sketches and hints on landscape gardening Fleuron T073696-4

Sketches and hints on landscape gardening Fleuron T073696-4

Fleuron from book: Sketches and hints on landscape gardening. Collected from designs and observations now in the possession of the different noblemen and gentlemen, for whose use they were originally made. The... Mehr

Three essays- on picturesque beauty; on picturesque travel; and on sketching landscape- to which is added a poem, on landscape painting Fleuron T098990-1

Three essays- on picturesque beauty; on picturesque travel; and on ske...

Fleuron from book: Three essays: on picturesque beauty; on picturesque travel; and on sketching landscape: to which is added a poem, on landscape painting. Second edition. By William Gilpin, A. M. Prebendary o... Mehr

Der Schiffbruch. Von William Falconer. Fleuron T077425-6

Der Schiffbruch. Von William Falconer. Fleuron T077425-6

Fleuron from book: The shipwreck. By William Falconer. Public domain photograph of a ship, sailing ship, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-5

A synopsis of mineralogy. Fleuron T101227-5

Fleuron from book: A synopsis of mineralogy.

American biography- or Fleuron W037186-4

American biography- or Fleuron W037186-4

Fleuron from book: American biography: or, An historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkab... Mehr

An introduction to spelling and reading- containing lessons for children, historical and practical; adorned with sculptures Fleuron N029040-4

An introduction to spelling and reading- containing lessons for childr...

Fleuron from book: An introduction to spelling and reading: containing lessons for children, historical and practical; adorned with sculptures. Together with the chief rules for spelling, and dividing words in... Mehr

Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics Fleuron T134284-5

Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy ...

Fleuron from book: Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics. To which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planet... Mehr

Disputatio medica inauguralis, de hysteria; quam, - pro gradu doctoris, - eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus S Fleuron N008102-2

Disputatio medica inauguralis, de hysteria; quam, - pro gradu doctoris...

Fleuron from book: Disputatio medica inauguralis, de hysteria; quam, ... pro gradu doctoris, ... eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus S. Kerr, Jamaicensis, ...

General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick, with observations on the means of its improvement Fleuron T040615-2

General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick, with observa...

Fleuron from book: General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick, with observations on the means of its improvement. By Alexander Lowe drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and ... Mehr

Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, The present Bookseller, Finsbury-Square, London Fleuron T140296-2

Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington,...

Fleuron from book: Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, The present Bookseller, Finsbury-Square, London. Written by himself. In forty-seven letters to a friend. With a Triple ... Mehr

The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany Fleuron P003085-4

The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany Fleuron P00308...

Fleuron from book: The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany. Consisting of philosophical transactions with a monthly portion of Lavater's Physiognomy, ...

Familiar letters on a variety of subjects, addressed to a friend Fleuron T184216-1

Familiar letters on a variety of subjects, addressed to a friend Fleur...

Fleuron from book: Familiar letters on a variety of subjects, addressed to a friend. By the Rev. Edward Barry, M.D. Author of Theological, Philosophical, and Moral Essays, &c. &c.

Instructions for children; or, a token of love for the rising generation. By Rowland Hill, - Fleuron T110773-2

Instructions for children; or, a token of love for the rising generati...

Fleuron from book: Instructions for children; or, a token of love for the rising generation. By Rowland Hill, ...

Marwnad, neu dduwiol goffadwriaeth, am y Parchedig Edmund Jones; gynt gweinidog yr Efengyl yn Ebenezer a Blaeneu Gwent, - Gan Rees Lloyd Fleuron N035042-1

Marwnad, neu dduwiol goffadwriaeth, am y Parchedig Edmund Jones; gynt ...

Fleuron from book: Marwnad, neu dduwiol goffadwriaeth, am y Parchedig Edmund Jones; gynt gweinidog yr Efengyl yn Ebenezer a Blaeneu Gwent, ... Gan Rees Lloyd. ... Ynghyd â phregeth o eiddo y Parch. E. Jones, y... Mehr

Paradise lost- a poem, in twelve books. The author John Milton. Fleuron T133933-1

Paradise lost- a poem, in twelve books. The author John Milton. Fleuro...

Fleuron from book: Paradise lost: a poem, in twelve books. The author John Milton.

Portraits, memoirs, and characters of remarkable persons, from the reign of Edward the Third, to the Revolution Fleuron T139234-1

Portraits, memoirs, and characters of remarkable persons, from the rei...

Fleuron from book: Portraits, memoirs, and characters of remarkable persons, from the reign of Edward the Third, to the Revolution. Collected from the most authentic accounts extant. By James Caulfield. ...

Prophetical extracts Fleuron T198809-1

Prophetical extracts Fleuron T198809-1

Fleuron from book: Prophetical extracts. No. IV. Relative to the revolution in France, and the decline of the Papal power in the world: selected from Fleming, Usher, Jerieu, Goodwin, Gill, Love, Daut, Brown, K... Mehr


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