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Vivien and Merlin MET DP158291 - Victorian era public domain image


Vivien and Merlin MET DP158291 - Victorian era public domain image



Photograph; Photographs

Julia Margaret Cameron (11 June 1815 – 26 January 1879) began her photography career later in life, at the age of 48, and is known for her portraits of prominent figures of the time. Cameron's photographs have a soft-focus and romantic style, and she often used unconventional poses and compositions. She was also one of the first photographers to use close-up compositions and to photograph women as serious subjects. Cameron was a member of the Pre-Raphaelite circle of artists and intellectuals and was influenced by the work of the Italian Renaissance.

The gift of the camera came to her in December 1863, at a moment when her husband was away, her sons were at boarding school, and her daughter had married and moved away. “From the first moment I handled my lens with a tender ardour... it has become to me as a living thing, with voice and memory and creative vigour.” wrote Cameron - forty-eight, a mother of six, deeply religious, well-read, eccentric friend of many of Victorian England’s greatest minds. “I began with no knowledge of the art... I did not know where to place my dark box, how to focus my sitter, and my first picture I effaced to my consternation by rubbing my hand over the filmy side of the glass.” Cameron had no interest in establishing a commercial studio. Instead, she enlisted friends, family, and servants, costuming them. Within eighteen months she had sold eighty prints to the Victoria and Albert Museum, established a studio in two of its rooms, and made arrangements with the West End printseller to publish and sell her photographs. In a dozen years of work, effectively ended by the Camerons’ departure for Ceylon's family plantations in 1875, she produced about 900 mesmerizing works, that remain among the most highly admired of Victorian photographs.

She was born in Calcutta, and after establishing herself among the Anglo-Indian upper-class, she moved to London where she made connections with the cultural elite. She then formed her own literary salon in the seaside village of Freshwater, Isle of Wight. Cameron took up photography at the age of 48, after her daughter gave her a camera as a present. She quickly produced a large body of portraits, and created allegorical images inspired by tableaux vivants, theatre, 15th-century Italian painters, and contemporary artists. She gathered much of her work in albums, including The Norman Album. She took around 900 photographs over a 12-year period. Cameron's work was contentious in her own time. Critics derided her softly focused and unrefined images, and considered her illustrative photographs amateurish. However, her portraits of artists and scientists such as Henry Taylor, Charles Darwin, and Sir John Herschel have been consistently praised. Her images have been described as "extraordinarily powerful" and "wholly original", and she has been credited with producing the first close-ups in the medium.


AI Findings

Vivien and Merlin Met

Illustration depicting Vivien and Merlin meeting, likely based on Arthurian legends.



1850 - 1890


Metropolitan Museum of Art


public domain

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