Union-disunion-reunion. Three decades of federal legislation. 1855 to 1885. Personal and historical memories of events preceding, during and since the American civil war, involving slavery and (14782674163)
Identifier: uniondisunionreu00coxs (find matches)
Title: Union-disunion-reunion. Three decades of federal legislation. 1855 to 1885. Personal and historical memories of events preceding, during and since the American civil war, involving slavery and secession, emancipation and reconstruction, with sketches of prominent actors during these periods
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Authors: Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889
Subjects: Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)
Publisher: Providence, R. I. : J. A. and R. A. Reid
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant
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Sheldon, gives an explanation of the falling off in the Re-publican vote. It tells of the social ostracism of the few white Republicansin the state; the threat of withdrawing employment from the Republicannegroes; and the operations of the Knights of the White Camellia, anarmed and oath-bound society which embraced nearly all the Democrats inLouisiana, and which General Rousseau, who commanded the department,pronounced too formidable for his command to cope with,- advising the Re-publican leaders, therefore, to abandon the campaign. It tells how Democraticclubs were formed into which colored men were urgently invited to enter,with the promise of receiving protection papers, which would bring pro-tection, lands, security, and peace; and how Democratic barbecues wereheld, at which food and drink were bountifully provided and public questionsdiscussed by men of both colors, and where active young Democrats playedthe part of waiters, serving the colored people in preference to the whites.
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DIPLOMATS ZcSTATESM EN. CORRUPTION IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE. 553 This was, to say the least, a blending of the suaviter in modo with \kv&for-titer in re. It was, according to this report, only when these coercive andseductive methods failed to win over the colored men that the rioting andmurdering began. It is due to Governor Warmoth to say that he attributedhis inability to preserve the peace to the act of Congress which prohibitedthe organization of the militia. But nothing is more probable than that anexercise of the authority which Congress unconstitutionally stripped him ofwould have only aggravated the evil, for his reliance must have been on thecolored men, and to arm that class for the purpose of keeping the whites inorder would have provoked sanguinary conflicts in which the governor andhis sable troops would have been badly worsted. The legislature met at the beginning of the year 1869. Governor War-moths message to it was very conciliatory, expi-essing the hope that the